high performance
adjective as in jazzed-up
Example Sentences
Conservative paymaster general John Glen said high performance in Whitehall was not "recognised, rewarded or incentivised properly", and suggested linking civil service pay to performance.
That talent, on full display in videos that show them both performing with a strength and maturity beyond their ages, was why they were invited to the High Performance Camp that followed the US National Figure Skating Championships in Wichita, Kansas, this week.
In an interview with the High Performance Podcast, external in November last year, he said the "conditions were challenging" as the new owners made extensive changes.
F1 drivers are on another level when it comes to high performance.
Plugrà European Style Butter uses only the highest quality ingredients and is formulated for high performance, precision baking to achieve consistent results with any recipe.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.