adjective as in jazzed-up
Example Sentences
A previous chamber opera, “The Refusal of Time,” seen at UCLA’s Royce Hall seven years ago, was a supercharged planetary exploration of 19th century South African colonialism.
Since then, the politics of state supreme court elections have been “supercharged” as fights around abortion shifted to states’ top courts, according to Douglas Keith, a senior counsel at the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice.
She will also be responsible for a mammoth environmental cleanup effort and the challenge of housing thousands of newly homeless Angelenos in an already supercharged housing market.
Issues involving children are especially supercharged because kids are obviously vulnerable to harm, pushing our harm-focused moral minds to maximum outrage.
That was when the company shifted its core strategy from being a so-so provider of business software to a supercharged financial engine powered by debt, stock sales and Bitcoin.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.