noun as in book repository
Strong matches
Weak matches
book collection, book room, information center, media center, reference center
Example Sentences
They strolled past the ruins of the public library and ended less than a half-mile away at a town shopping center described as the heart of the community.
This book tour was different for a lot of reasons, but primarily because instead of signing books at libraries or bookstores, I held events in women-, queer- and POC-owned mechanic shops across the United States.
"If we have to, we can maybe put some people in the kitchen or the library," he says.
The photo was taken in the autumn in the library of the Royal Family's Scottish holiday home in Aberdeenshire.
The library, the grocery store, the coffee shop where I’ll always remember parking on the couch with my best friend discussing “1984” for hours — all gone.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.