noun as in place where light industrial or manual work is done
noun as in discussion group
Weak match
noun as in place for work
Strongest matches
factory, laboratory, mill, plant, studio
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The Coalition for Economic Survival, a tenants rights organization, is also holding Saturday workshops to inform people of their rights.
Ross is Guitar Shack's frontman, but Tom works behind the scenes repairing instruments in his workshop.
The tenant advocacy group Coalition for Economic Survival is also holding Saturday workshops for existing renters and those now in need of a rental to learn more about their rights.
"They asked us what we wanted, and we said money's one thing, but it would be better if he would come down and do a workshop, and he took that on board," Mr Ivins said.
The script was donated to Theatre Shed, an inclusive theatre company which provides workshops to help people of all ages and backgrounds get into acting and develop their talents.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.