adjective as in mistaken
Strongest matches
- confounded
- confused
- deceived
- deluded
- duped
- fooled
- misguided
- misinformed
- misinterpreting
- misjudging
- misled
- tricked
Strong matches
adjective as in off-course
Example Sentences
The Met Office predicts the increase in CO2 concentration in 2025 will be less extreme than 2024, but still significantly off-track to meet the 1.5C target.
Regulated betting can include both digital betting that occurs on an app or website or in-person betting that occurs at a casino or through off-track betting.
But as Verstappen put it himself in a BBC Sport interview in Las Vegas: "How I am on the track is not necessarily how I am off-track. I know on track, if you want to win, if you want to be a champion, you do need to be on the limit."
The off-track situation at Red Bull had the potential to be more damaging, as Verstappen found himself in the middle of a dispute between his father Jos and Horner.
Although title battles tend to introduce tension in the relationship between the drivers in question, their off-track relationship remains good.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.