on the edge of
adjective as in bordering
adverb as in almost
Example Sentences
The woman was reportedly forced into a 4x4 vehicle by unidentified individuals in Fada district, Agadez, on the edge of the Sahara Desert, reported Reuters news agency.
The pair have moved into new premises on a cobbled street on the edge of the city centre and have rented several rooms to try and create a space for musicians to buy guitars, have lessons, rehearse, record and even perform live.
We live on the edge of the Eaton fire zone, and it’s been terrifying.
She struggled to find words to describe the tragedy, and the irony, of friends losing everything to fire on the edge of the world’s largest water source.
It is a landscape of hills, commercial forestry and native woodland on the edge of some of the highest mountains in the Cairngorms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.