not quite
adverb as in almost
adverb as in approximately
adverb as in hardly
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
- almost inconceivably
- almost not
- by a hair
- by no means
- detectably
- faintly
- gradually
- imperceptibly
- infrequently
- little
- no more than
- no way
- not a bit
- not at all
- not by much
- not likely
- not markedly
- not measurably
- not much
- not notably
- not noticeably
- not often
- once in a blue moon
- only
- only just
- perceptibly
- pretty near
- scantly
- slightly
- sparsely
- sporadically
- with trouble
adverb as in just about
adverb as in little
adverb as in more or less
adverb as in nearly
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
We were not quite as bad as Southampton this season, but we were not far off it.
"I've been dreaming of a number one in the download chart, and now I've got one. Maybe not quite the way I was expecting. I was manifesting it clearly, but I just didn't realise it would be in the Robbie Williams biopic."
That’s probably how some of it turned up again in Southern California, not quite 20 years after Francisco Lopez’s “onion strike.”
Not quite six years ago, wildfire expert Jack Cohen, who lives in Missoula, Mont., visited Pacific Palisades to instruct firefighters and property owners on how to protect homes against wildfires.
Aiding this descent is Lennert Hillege’s cinematography, coolly observant of confining darkness and stultifying daylight, not quite naturalism and not quite noir.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.