The Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana is a 3-year family medicine program sponsored by The University of Montana and affiliated with the University of Washington Family Medicine Residency Network.
We exist to provide superior, comprehensive education in Family Medicine. We are committed to developing family physicians who are compassionate, clinically competent, and motivated to serve patients and communities in the rural and underserved areas of Montana.
Welcome to Western Montana. Welcome to the Last Best Place.
Our Values
We treat each other like family, fostering a culture of unity, support, and common purpose.
We hold ourselves accountable to do the right things for the right reasons, acting honestly and with respect.
We strive for continual learning and improvement, seeking to nurture the potential of each patient, resident, staff, faculty member and our residency as a whole.
We believe that being creative, adaptable and open to change, especially in how we respond to challenging situations, is essential for our individual and collective success.
We approach our journey open to discovery, embracing the full scope of family medicine and the opportunities that abound in the settings where we work, live and play.
We share a common passion, drive and grit. We care deeply for each other and our patients. We intentionally practice kindness and gratitude.
With guidance and education from the Séliš-Ql̓ispé Cultural Committee and Indigenous UM faculty and staff, the Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana stands in affirmation of the following:
The Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana and our partnering sites reside on the traditional lands of many Indigenous peoples across the state of Montana, including the Selis (Salish), Ksanka (Kootenai), and Qlispe (Kalispel), Amskapi Pikuni (Blackfeet), Annishinabe (Chippewa), Ne-i-yah-wahk (Cree), A’aninin, Nakoda, Dakota, Apsaalooke (Crow), Tsististas (Northern Cheyenne), and Little Shell Chippewa. Many other Indigenous peoples including the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce), Shoshone, Bannock, and Schitsu’umsh (Coeur D’Alene) also relied upon their traditional knowledge and relationships with this land and this space for survival in the past and today.
We acknowledge that education, health, and legal systems have led to the direct removal, oppression, and marginalization of Indigenous people throughout Montana and the nation. The Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana strives to be a community ally by educating faculty and residents how to provide culturally-safe services, improve access to care, and enhance equity for Indigenous peoples. We respect tribal sovereignty and Indigenous health systems, and we recognize the need for increased awareness and education among healthcare professionals. FMRWM is dedicated to addressing ongoing health disparities experienced by Indigenous peoples and building collaborative and safe learning environments while supporting Indigenous values and teachings.
Board Pass Rate
of graduates practice in Montana
of graduates practice in Rural/Underserved Locations
Accreditation and Partners
The Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana is a 3-year Family Medicine program accredited by the ACGME. We are sponsored by the University of Montana and a consortium of 5 major clinical training sites: Community Medical Center, Providence St. Patrick Hospital and Partnership Health Center in Missoula, and Logan Health Medical Center and Greater Valley Health Center in Kalispell.
The residency is housed within UM’s College of Health. Our connection with the college providess us the opportunity to work with UM's other health professions programs including: Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Public Health, Psychology, Social Work, Nursing, and the Institute of Health and Humanities.
The Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana is also part of the University of Washington's Family Medicine Residency Network. The network consists of 31 family medicine residency programs in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. Connection to the UW Family Medicine Residency Network provides several benefits to our program:
- Access to University of Washington and the Family Medicine Residency Network program resources, including online library access
- Professional development for faculty and program staff
- Leadership development for chief residents
- Access to a broad, diverse peer group of programs
- Support for developing new areas of curriculum