The Office of Research assists University of Montana faculty, staff and graduate students in their research and creative endeavors by providing the following services:
Research & Sponsored Programs (OSP)
Proposal Development, Project Coordination, and Submission
- Provides a wide variety of information regarding funding sources, procedures and guidelines, budget concerns, and recent UM awards;
- Reviews and disseminates information, often electronically, from the Federal Register and other publications;
- Facilitates the customization of searches for grant opportunities
- Coordinates and consults in the design of institution-wide, multi-disciplinary, and inter-unit projects;
- Facilitates on- and intra-campus collaboration;
- Assists with the interpretation of sponsor guidelines and regulations;
- Assists with budget preparation prior to proposal submission and has final review and signatory responsibility.
Award Negotiation
- Performs pre- and post-award budget negotiations with agency technical and fiscal officers;
- Provides the institutional approval and signature for all applications for external funding;
- Negotiates terms of grants and contracts with sponsors;
- Signs award documents for the University;
- Negotiates subcontracts with collaborating institutions.
Grant Administration
- Establishes grant accounts and monitors expenditures against them to ensure compliance with University, state, federal and sponsor regulations;
- Advises project directors concerning University and sponsor policies;
- Prepares sponsor-required financial reports and invoices;
- Processes all grant-related cash transactions;
- Facilitates requests for budget revisions and time extensions;
- Processes grant-related cost transfers and budget modifications.
Federal Relations
Liaison to the Federal Congressional Delegation
- Coordinates all University-related communication with the federal delegation;
- Communicates the University’s research agenda and serves as the Washington advocate.
Animal Research (Contact: Linda Hicks)
- Provides oversight for all animal care & use activity at the University.
Campus Clearances and Compliance Review (Contact: Zach Scott)
- Assists in submitting proposals for compliance review and other institutional approvals.
Financial Conflict of Interest (Contact: Jason Sloat)
- Evaluates potential financial conflicts of interest & assists in developing conflict management plans.
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC, Contact: Linda Hicks)
- Reviews, approves and maintains a record of all research and teaching activities that involve hazardous biological agents, toxins, human cell lines, and recombinant or synthetic DNA molecules.
Use of Human Subjects (Contact: Michaela Shifley)
- Oversees & Monitors studies involving human subjects.
Use of Radioactive or Hazardous Materials (Contact: Ben Mason)
- Oversees & handles use of radioactive/hazardous materials, generating hazardous wase, infectious agents or biohazardous materials.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Technology Transfer (Contact: Zach Scott)
- Assists in filing patent disclosures and processing material transfer and licensing agreements.
Research and Development
Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences (Contact: Nicole Thompson)
- Coordinates and sponsors special workshops that feature federal, state, and industry program officers and/or past successful applicants;
- Offers seminars on sources of funding, project design, proposal preparation, and award management.