UM Announces Fall 2022 Graduates

December 16, 2022
Female students smile and wave at graduation.
UM will hold Fall Commencement on Saturday, Dec. 17.

MISSOULA – The University of Montana has nearly 800 students who are degree candidates for fall semester 2022.

The students listed in the links below are UM degree candidates or have been awarded their degrees.

Students with “cum laude” after their name indicate a GPA of 3.40 to 3.69. “Magna laude” indicates a 3.70 to 3.89 GPA, and “summa laude” is 3.90 and above.

Official awarding of a degree and any official designation of graduation with honors or graduation with high honors is not made until students have completed their final term of enrollment and have met all requirements.


Contact: UM Registrar’s Office,