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The World’s Internet Frontpage Lemmy.World is a general-purpose Lemmy instance of various topics, for the entire world to use. Be polite and follow the rules ⚖ Get started See the Getting Started Guide Donations 💗 If you would like to make a donation to support the cost of running this platform, please do so at the following donation URLs. If you can, please use / sw
ユーザーと “なかま” になれるコミュニティタッチツール「commmune」を提供している Dayone株式会社の高田優哉です。 日本ではあまり例が多くないコミュニティタッチですが、アメリカを始めとする海外では既存顧客エンゲージメントを高める目的でひろく行われています。 これまでもGoogleやSpotify、Airbnbのコミュニティについて深掘りした記事を書いてきましたが、今回はそもそもどんだけ多くのSaaS企業がコミュニティタッチをしているんだっけ?というのを調べてみました! 調べ方アメリカだけでも相当な数のSaaS企業があります。全部調べるのは難しいな...と思ったので、今回はSaaS時価総額ランキングを参考にさせていただき🙇🏻♂️、上位から30社について調べさせていただきました。 コミュニティには多様な目的があり、"当該サービスについてのYahoo!知恵袋"的なものもあれば
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Bot DetectionOur website utilizes a bot and crawler detection system to ensure the best experience for our human visitors. Unfortunately, it appears that you've been flagged as a bot or crawler. If you are indeed a human user trying to access our website, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please double-check your browser settings and ensure that any VPN or proxy is disabled. If you believe this
Open letter of support for community members targeted by Jon Pretty We, the undersigned, have become aware that, for some time, Jon Pretty has abused his position of privilege and stature within the Scala community to sexually harass and victimize women. He has used the community’s conferences to target women who are new to the Scala community, offering mentorship, access, and other forms of suppo
I stand with Yifan I believe Yifan’s story, because it’s consistent with my experience of Jon Pretty as a manipulative, abusive, and dishonest person. I stand by her decision to come forward, and I want to share my account of his interactions with me to corroborate her story and establish that this is a pattern of harmful behavior on his part. Similar to Yifan’s experience, Jon Pretty and I met at
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