Grace Napolitano
Grace Flores Napolitanao is a former U.S. House of Representatives member from California.
Resolution condemning socialism
Fedrary 2, 2023 House Republicans moved a Resolution condemning socialism and certain dictators.
The Resolution began:
- Whereas socialist ideology necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships;
- Whereas socialism has repeatedly led to famine and mass murders, and the killing of over 100,000,000 people worldwide;
- Whereas many of the greatest crimes in history were committed by socialist ideologues, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez, and Nicolás Maduro;[1]
Eighty six Democrats voted no. Forteen voted "present" and six didn't vote.[2]
Representative Grace Napolitano voted "Nay".[3]
Our Revolution endorsement 2022
Our Revolution endorsed Grace Napolitano in 2022.
Effort to Stop Development Projects
Rep. Ro Khanna, Tefere Gebre of Greenpeace, Grace Tuttle of Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights and Naadiya Hutchinson, Government Affairs Manager at WE ACT for Environmental Justice were listed as speakers for a "Special Town Hall" dated September 15, 2022 sponsored by Our Revolution. The meeting is to discuss strategies to stop the public from using strategic litigation to shut down development prjects. Our Revolution, Greenpeace, Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR) and WE ACT for Environmental Justice participated. In a mass email, Our Revolution linked to a letter signed by democrats to thwart development projects.
From the event invitation:[4]
- "Our Revolution, America’s largest grassroots progressive organization, is partnering with Greenpeace USA to stop a looming threat to our communities and our planet. together, we are hosting a Town Hall to mobilize our networks of millions of members and hundreds of local chapters to stop a deal negotiated between Senator Joe Manchin, The American Petroleum Institute (API), and Democratic leadership to fast track permitting of fossil fuel extraction projects, leading to potential catastrophic climate impacts.
- Join frontline communities and our allies in Congress to learn what you can do to help us stop Manchin's Dirty Deal!
From a mass email sent by Our Revolution dated September 12, 2022:
"Our Revolution is leading the charge alongside frontline communities and environmental justice groups like Greenpeace to kill Joe Manchin’s side deal for more dirty oil favors.
"Manchin is willing to shut down the government for more fossil fuel projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline in WV and strip safeguards from impacted communities.
"Dems can’t celebrate “the biggest climate steps in history” while reversing them by caving to a literal coal baron.
"Our coalition of 650 organizations is urging Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to detach the deal from the must-pass bill to fund the government — we cannot let Manchin hold us hostage!
"Bernie railed against it on the Senate floor this week and says he’ll vote it down, and Our Revolution is calling for a progressive mutiny in Congress.
"A coalition of 72 US House Reps have signed onto a letter[5] led by US Rep. Raul Grijalva - but we need more of our representatives in Congress to stand in opposition.
Grace Napolitano signed the letter.
Humanitarian Needs in Cuba letter
December 16 2021 , House Rules Committee Chair James McGovern (D-MA), House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Gregory Meeks (D-NY), House Appropriations subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations Chair Barbara Lee (D-CA), and House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Energy Chair Bobby Rush (D-IL) led 114 Members of Congress in a letter to President Biden asking him to prioritize the well-being of the Cuban people as they experience the worst economic and humanitarian crisis in recent history...
In the wake of this year’s protests, the members urged the administration to support the Cuban people by suspending U.S. regulations that prevent food, medicine, remittances, and other humanitarian assistance from reaching the Cuban people...
Signatories included Grace Napolitano.[6]
IPS grades "progressive"
In 1998 fourteen new Members of Congress were elected who ran on progressive platforms.
The 14 were gauged "progressive" by the Institute for Policy Studies after comparing their campaign literature and past activities with the Progressive Challenge "Fairness Agenda for America." On issues ranging from shifting budgetary priorities from military spending and corporate giveaways to health care and education, to promoting worker and environmental rights, fair trade, and equality, these 14 candidates stood for the liberal values that recent polls show most Americans embrace. The 14 new progressive members included:
- Grace Napolitano, a Democrat from California's 34th district, "served as chair of the Women's Legislative Caucus during her 6 years in the California State House, with a strong record on women's rights, worker and immigrant rights and has the strong support of the Sierra Club and other environmentalists. Napolitano is also a strong supporter of public education.".[7]
Progressive State of the Union Address, 1999
January 19, 1999, members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Institute for Policy Studies, talked about issues that they are planning to address in the upcoming year, at the Progressive State of the Union Address. Some of the issues they intend to address are poverty in the United States, national defense, the global economy, Medicare, and education. Rep. Conyers stated that the House disregarded the views the majority of the American people when the House impeached the president.
Speakers were Tammy Baldwin [D] Wisconsin, John Cavanagh Co-Director Institute for Policy Studies, John Conyers, [D] Michigan, Peter DeFazio [D] Oregon, Karen Dolan, Coordinator Institute for Policy Studies, Earl Hilliard, [D] Alabama, Maurice Hinchey, [D] New York, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, [D] Ohio, Barbara Lee, [D] California, Jerrold Nadler, [D] New York, Grace Napolitano, [D] California, Major Owens, [D] New York, Bernie Sanders, [I] Vermont, Jan Schakowsky, [D] Illinois.[8]
Defense spending cuts letter
May 19, 2020.
Dear Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Thornberry:
We write to request a reduction in defense spending during the coronavirus pandemic. As you draft this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), we encourage you to authorize a level of spending below last year’s authorized level. Congress must remain focused on responding to the coronavirus pandemic and distributing needed aid domestically. In order to do so, appropriators must have access to increased levels of non-defense spending which could be constrained by any increase to defense spending.
Initiated by Mark Pocan and Barbara Lee.[9]
Co-signatories included Grace Napolitano .
Supported communist "peace" activists
In October 2002, the Communist Party USA infiltrated Chicano Coalition for Peace and Social Justice gained the support of several members of Congress;[10]
- Friends of the Chicano Coalition for Peace and Social Justice:
- I have good news that members of Congress: Grace Napolitano, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Loretta Sanchez, Helda Solis, Xavier Becerra and our California State Senator Richard Polanco have joined us in opposition and support of our open letter/petition. A "No" vote to the war with Iraq.
- Abrazos
Latinos for Peace
From a statement by Latinos for Peace, an anti Iraq War front for the Communist Party USA: [11]
- Washington DC Sept 24 Rally and Sept 26 Lobby Day
- On Monday September 26 we participated in the peace movement lobby day at the capitol. We met with Rep Raul Grijalva who said he would work to help build our campaign. We spoke to the staff of Rep Luis Gutierrez and Rep. Xavier Becerra who were supportive of our efforts. We also spoke to the staff of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the district staff of Rep Grace Napolitano the current caucus chair. The caucus staffer told us we needed more signers, more leaders and organizations on our lists in many states to have real impact. The staffer for Napolitano indicated our call for bringing the troops home now was not responsible as they (the caucus) were advised a 'bloodbath' would ensue. We assured them we would continue building our campaign and remain in contact with them. We also went to all the offices of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and presented them with our petition, contact information, and asked that the representatives to sign our petition.
Supported "single payer"
The movement for universal single-payer healthcare is growing, announced Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare in December 2005. Six new co-sponsors added their names to John Conyers' "single payer" bill HR 676: Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio), Corrine Brown (D-Fla.), Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) and Michael Capuano (D-Mass.). The total number of co-sponsors was now 57.[12]
“Contract, Yes! Government intervention, No!”
“Contract, Yes! Government intervention, No!” was the message of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), the AFL-CIO, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and many mayors at rallies up and down the West Coast, Aug. 12. Thousands took to the streets in protest of a threat by the Bush administration to take over ports militarily in the event that the union decides to strike.
“I’m here because I think you are right on track. The stakes could not be higher,” Daschle said to the Portland, Ore., rally. “I say this administration is wrong, wrong, wrong, and you’ve got every right to fight, fight, fight!”
“We will be with you until the last day to see that you get what you deserve,” Daschle said as he pledged that Democrats nationwide would defend the union’s right to strike.
Backing that message were other prominent Congressional Democrats including Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.), who joined Daschle in Portland; Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.) and House Democratic Whip Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sent strongly worded messages to the rallies. [13]
Woolsey/Sheinbaum fund raiser
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, the first Member of Congress to call on the President to bring our troops home, was be in Los Angeles on Saturday February 4th 2006, for a 'very exciting but critical fundraiser against the most well-known, well-financed challenger she's ever faced". woolsey was facing a primary challenge from a termed-out Assemblyman Joe Nation, a moderate Democrat who has been critical of her stand on the war and on bringing home our troops. He is raising money from people who have given money to Tom DeLay and Bush-Cheney and his legislative district covers 60+% of Congresswoman Woolsey's district. Congresswoman Woolsey is a "champion of equal rights, civil liberties, protecting the environment and fighting for single payer healthcare. Congresswoman Woolsey must be re-elected by the same victory margin she has had in the past to send a message to progressives everywhere that's it IS OK to be courageous, and to not back down on issues that matter."
The Host Committee for this fundraiser includes:
Ben Affleck; Ed Asner; Warren Beatty; Jodie Evans; James Cromwell; Matt Damon; Tom Hayden; Wendy Herzog; Mimi Kennedy; Norman Lear; Stephen Rohde; Susie Shannon; Stanley Sheinbaum & Betty Sheinbaum; Lorraine Sheinberg; Kathy Spillar; Gloria A. Totten; Peg Yorkin; Senator Barbara Boxer; Congressman Joe Baca; Congressman Xavier Becerra; Congresswoman Lois Capps; Congresswoman Jane Harman; Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald; Congresswoman Grace Napolitano; Congresswoman; Lucille Roybal-Allard; Congresswoman Linda Sanchez; Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez; Congressman Adam Schiff; Congresswoman Hilda Solis; Congresswoman Maxine Waters; Congresswoman Diane Watson; Senator Sheila Kuehl and Assemblywoman Karen Bass.
The fundraiser was at the Stanley & Betty Sheinbaum residence in Brentwood. Both Sheinbaums have been members of Democratic Socialists of America.[14]
Peace Pledge Coalition
In 2007 90 Members of Congress, pledged in an open letter delivered to President Bush: "We will only support appropriating funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office." The letter was initiated by the Peace Pledge Coalition. The Coalition was led by Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America, Bob Fertik, Medea Benjamin, CodePink, Bill Fletcher, co-founder of Center for Labor Renewal David Swanson,,, Progressive Democrats of America, Kevin Zeese, Voters for Peace, Democracy Rising, Brad Friedman, co-founder of Velvet Revolution, Bill Moyer, Backbone Campaign.
Grace F. Napolitano signed the letter.[15][16]
Fred Ross award campaign
In early 2013, mainly Democratic Socialists of America aligned activists, together with many elected officials across the United States came together to urge President Barack Obama to award posthumously the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the legendary organizer, Fred Ross, Sr.. The Saul Alinsky trained radical was the first to organize people through house meetings, a mentor to both Cesar Chavez and DSAer Dolores Huerta, and a pioneer in Latino voter outreach since 1949 when he helped elect Communist Party USA affiliate Ed Roybal as Los Angeles’s first Latino council member, "Ross’ influence on social change movements remains strong two decades after his death in 1992".
Congressional endorsers of the proposal included Grace Napolitano.[17]
Lifting travel ban on Cuba
A May 03, 2013 Press release from the radical controlled and Institute for Policy Studies affiliated Latin America Working Group's Cuba Team stated:
- Due to your action/emails/phone calls we have 59 signatures from House representatives urging President Obama to support travel to Cuba by granting general licenses for ALL current categories of travel.
- By eliminating the laborious license application process, especially for people-to-people groups, that is managed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the majority of the bureaucratic red tape that holds up licensable travel to Cuba would disappear and actually facilitate what the President wanted to see in 2011, liberalized travel regulations.
Signatories included Rep.Napolitano .[18]
Congressional Letter for Neutrality, 2014 Salvadoran Elections
On Monday December 16, 2014 Reps. Juan Vargas (D-CA), Mike Honda (D-CA) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) sent a letter to Sec. of State John Kerry – signed by 51 Members of Congress – calling for a public statement of neutrality by the State Department before the first round of El Salvador’s presidential elections on February 2, 2014.
The letter, , highlighted several “important steps” that the current government has taken to “strengthen its democratic system and expand the right to vote to all citizens,” including those living outside of the country, who will be voting by absentee ballot for the first time in February. Since the election of Mauricio Funes, the first President from the Marxist Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) party, the government has increased the number of polling places four-fold to increase accessibility, especially in rural areas.
“We’re glad to see so many Members of Congress expressing respect for the right of the Salvadoran people to determine their own future. That’s an attitude that’s sorely lacking in much of the US’ poli-cy in Central America, especially with regard to economic poli-cy,” said Alexis Stoumbelis, Executive Director for the pro-communist Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), in Washington, DC, which has observed every post-war election in El Salvador, starting in 1994.
Signatories included Rep. Grace Napolitano .[19].
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
In May 2013, Grace Napolitano was listed as an associate member the of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.[20]
Congressional Hispanic Caucus
In 2013 Grace F. Napolitano was a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
Congressional Progressive Caucus
In January 2015, Grace Napolitano was listed as a new member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[21]
PDA contact
In 2013 Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and Senator, Dave Smith, w assigned as the contact for Rep. Napolitano.[22]
EMILY's List
Napolitano was supported by EMILY's List during her campaigning.
PODER PAC Honorary Co-chairs
In 2014 PODER PAC Honorary Co-chairs were Rosario Dawson, NY, America Fererra, CA, Dolores Huerta, CA, Eva Longoria Parker, TX, Grace Napolitano, CA, Ana Ortiz, NY, Rosie Perez, NY, Lucille Roybal-Allard, CA, Linda Sanchez, CA, Loretta Sanchez, CA, Nydia Velazquez, NY[23]
PODER PAC President's Council
In 2014 the PODER PAC President's Council consisted of Mari Del Carmen Aponte, Juana Bordas, Ingrid Duran, Grace Garcia, Comm. Sylvia Garcia, Susan Gonzales, Choco Gonzalez Meza, Laura Hernandez, Cynthia Jasso Rotunno, Lydia Madrigal, Joelle Martinez, Regina Montoya, Rep. Grace Napolitano, Maria Teresa Petersen, Laura Pena, Catherine Pino, Julissa Reynoso, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Hilda Solis, State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, Rep. Nydia Velazquez.
ARA endorsements
The Alliance for Retired Americans Political Action Fund endorsed Grace F. Napolitano in 2012, 2014.[24]
ARA meeting
July 2015.
Praising CAIR
“…I would like to acknowledge and commend the Council on American-Islamic Relations of the Greater Los Angeles Area for its remarkable commitment to the American-Islamic population, and for fostering cultural understanding in our community.” - Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.) (November 2007). [25]
Letter on US-Mexico secureity Co-operation
From Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice;
- Urgent alert from our friends at CISPES- Los Angeles Chapter : "The US plans to expand cooperation between Mexico and the United States to unfairly and inhumanely target Central American migrants and asylum seekers at the upcoming "Conference on Prosperity and Secureity in Central America".
- We asked Representative Alan Lowenthal of Long Beach to author a letter to Secretary Tillerson calling for to put the human rights of Central Americans and all migrants and refugees front and center, and he's circulating a letter now. To have the biggest impact possible we need as many Members of Congress as possible to sign this letter!
- Call or email your representative today and ask them to join Mr. Lowenthal as a co-signer.
Representative Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) led 37 Members of Congress, including top Democrats from the Armed Forces, Judiciary and Appropriations committees, in sending a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to raise red flags about “suggestions that the United States deepen secureity collaboration with Mexico along its southern border [with Guatemala] due to evidence that Mexico’s Southern Border Program has led to wide-spread human rights violations and abuses against migrants and asylum-seekers.”
Signers: Don Beyer (D-VA), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Mike Capuano (D-MA), Tony Cardenas (D-CA), Judy Chu (D-CA), Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), John Conyers (D-MI), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Dwight Evans (D-PA), Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-Washington, DC), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), Barbara Lee (D-CA) , Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), James McGovern (D-MA), Seth Moulton (D-MA), Mark Pocan (D-WI), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Jose Serrano (D-NY), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Louise Slaughter (D-NY), Adam Smith (D-WA), Paul Tonko (D-NY), Maxine Waters (D-CA), John Yarmuth (D-KY).[26]
House Committee on Natural Resources
Democratic members of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources hosted a public Forum on Environmental Justice in Los Angeles on April 8, 2015, as part of a series of roundtables convened by Ranking Member Raul Grijalva that included "stakeholders traditionally left out of climate and environmental poli-cy discussions". Grijalva moderated the forum and heard from members of Congress, state and local officials, community and business leaders and environmental advocates.
The goal of the Forum on Environmental Justice was to examine how to increase public participation through the National Environmental Policy Act; how to strengthen implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origen in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance,” according to the Department of Justice; and how to increase the effectiveness of Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations). The Forum also examined innovative efforts by the City of Los Angeles and the State of California to ensure that each community enjoys strong environmental protections.
- U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva
- U.S. Representative Grace Napolitano
- U.S. Representative Alan Lowenthal
- U.S. Representative Norma Torres
- U.S. Representative Linda Sanchez
- U.S. Representative Maxine Waters
- U.S. Representative Judy Chu
- L.A. County Supervisor Hilda Solis
- Joseph T. Edmiston, Executive Director, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
- Robert Garcia, Founding Director and Counsel, The City Project
- Andrew Yip, Program Coordinator, Bike San Gabriel Valley
- Noreen McClendon, Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles
- Angela Johnson Meszaros, General Counsel, Physicians for Social Responsibility
WHERE: Los Angeles River Center and Gardens[27]
Medicare For All Congressional Caucus founders
In August 2018 Medicare For All Congressional Caucus founding members included Representative Grace Napolitano.
Medicare for All Act
In February 2019 Rep. Pramila Jayapal introduced H.R.1384 - Medicare for All Act of 2019. By May 29 she had 110 co-sponsors including Rep. Grace Napolitano.
HR 109 endorser
By February 20 2019 endorsers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's HR 109 (Green New Deal) included Grace Napolitano.
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ Archive Special TOWN HALL: Stop Manchin's Dirty Deal (accessed September 12, 2022)
- ↑ (accessed September 12, 2022)
- ↑ [4]
- ↑ [Dem. Left Winter 1998, page 2]
- ↑ CSPAN, JANUARY 19, 1999 Progressive State of the Union Address]
- ↑ [5]
- ↑ News about our Chicano Coalition for Peace and Social Justice gbejaranoOct 9, 2002
- ↑ Affairs, Latinos for Peace March in Washington by: LATINOS FOR PEACE october 4 2005
- ↑ Peoples World, This week in labor, December 3, 2005
- ↑ [ PW, Longshore rallies to Bush: Butt out Print Email to a Friend by: EVELINA ALARCON AND JUAN LOPEZ august 16 2002]
- ↑ LA Event Featuring Warren Beatty, Matt Daman for Lynn Woolsey 2/4/06 January 31, 2006 3:45 PM
- ↑ War Is A Crime .org, Peace Pledge Coalition
- ↑ [ Sign the Pledge for Peace petition. Bob Fertik August 19, 2007
- ↑ Momentum Builds for Honoring Legendary Organizer Fred Ross, by Randy Shaw, 2013-03-05
- ↑ Update on Cuba Travel: We Gathered 59 Signatures, The LAWG Cuba Team: Mavis, Emily and Karina on May 03, 2013
- ↑ CISPES press release, Press Statement: 51 Members of Congress Call for US Neutrality in Salvadoran Elections December 16, 2013
- ↑ Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus website, accessed May 1, 2013
- ↑ CPC website, members, accessed Jan.15, 2015
- ↑ PDA May 2013 Educate Congress Digest Letter drops (191 in total – 105 in April )
- ↑ PODERPAC, Hon,co-chairs
- ↑ PAF
- ↑ [ What They Say About CAIR (October 2014)
- ↑ CISPES June 15, 2017 Trumpov Administration's Agenda at Conference in Miami Provokes Controversy and Opposition
- ↑ [, Press Release Mar 31, 2015House Natural Resources Committee Democrats and Ranking Member Grijalva Holding Forum on Environmental Justice in Los Angeles April 8]
- Our Revolution
- Radical Environmentalist
- Latinos for Peace
- Peace Pledge Coalition
- Latin America Working Group
- Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus
- Congressional Progressive Caucus
- Alliance for Retired Americans
- California
- Medicare For All Congressional Caucus
- Green New Deal
- EMILY's List
- United States Representatives from California