January Chill
January average temperatures were colder than normal region-wide.
2015 kicked off with below-normal temperatures in the Northeast. Most areas were 2 to 6 degrees F colder than normal in January. The region is set to see more below normal temperatures over the next two weeks, according to the Climate Prediction Center.
Some areas, such as coastal New England, were quite snowy, while other areas,
such as parts of central New York and southern West Virginia, were lacking snow.
Precipitation and snowfall were a little less uniform. Just over half of the 35 Northeast airport climate sites saw above-normal precipitation in January, with the wettest areas generally along the Mid-Atlantic coast. As for snowfall, 21 sites were snowier than normal, with 16 of those sites ranking the month among their top 20 snowiest. Long Island and coastal New England were particularly snowy.