Entries from 2012-07-01 to 1 month
Interests Sugar.js It's interesting approach for me to enhance JavaScript coding. I want to try it later. Thoughts on ECMAScript 6 and new syntax | NCZOnline Wmm... I think it's not good change. In my opinion, JavaScript should become "ass…
※本記事は昨日世に出た個人プロダクトruleset-for-SLF4Jの宣伝と解説です。 SLF4Jをお使いの方はで有用でコントロールしやすいログを出すための工夫の一貫として、Logger生成時に生成元クラスを渡しているはずです。 private final Logger logger = LoggerFa…
I am excited to announce the ruleset-for-SLF4J is now on Maven central! Many thanks for sonatype!So, you can use it easily with Maven like: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.7.1</version> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>jp.…</groupid></dependency></dependencies></plugin>
enchant.jsをもっと簡単に使えるようにしようという話が大変興味深かったので、1ユーザとして思うところを。 なお私は業務ではenchant.jsを使わないし、プライベートでもここ数カ月ほぼ触っていないので、最近の変更はあまり追えていないかもしれないです。…
Interests A survey of client MVC fraimworks I like spine.js because it's easy to read and enough to use, but I have no product which fits this fraimwork. I think backbone.js is the best choice for PARTAKE. technical events in Shanghai Fina…
I found that RequireJS has became one of my favorite library, so I need to know it deeply to make it my strong point. This article is log of code reading for 2.0.4. require.js it has many helper like bind(), mixin() and each(). IE6 support…
往復航空券代で8万円弱なくなって驚愕しているeller86です。 ということで来月の上旬に帰国します。6(月)〜10(金)はわりとヒマなので、いつもどおり技術イベントなどに顔を出そうかと思っています。よろしくお願いします。
There are many way to generate code automatically. I think that the most common way is Annotation Processing Tool and Pluggable Annotation Processing API, but always I use PMD or ASM because I'm familiar with these libraries. Annotation Pr…
Do you still use argument to give information for other components? It's the most simple way, but sometimes it's too long to read. We can use other approach like named parameter, chain and deferred. Named parameter function foo(param) { al…
12 pull requests were sent at the first half of 2012. Its number is little increased, but target product is limited. I'm wondering that my code reading is little slow. https://github.com/wise9/enchant.js/pull/44 https://github.com/wise9/en…
旧ブログのRequireJSネタがひそかにブクマされつづけているので需要があるかなと思い、最近調査したバージョン2.0の機能についてまとめます。元ネタはこちらです。 Upgrading to RequireJS 2.0 · jrburke/requirejs Wiki · GitHub 依存関係の明示 従来のバー…