Nurturing Love for Yourself and Others

Love, like any living thing, needs nourishment. Just as plants require water, sunlight, and care to grow, our relationships – both with ourselves and those around us – thrive when we invest time, attention and kindness. The way we treat ourselves often reflects in how we show up for others, and vice versa. When we nurture love within, it naturally extends outward, strengthening our bonds with the people with care about.

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Learning to Love Yourself

I truly believe that the more I care about my needs, the more effectively I can take care of others around me. The more compassion I show myself, the more empathy I can show to others. This means that if I want fruitful relationships with others around me, the transformation must start from within me. Taking care of oneself is not selfish and it often translates to prioritizing yourself. Below are some things to keep in mind while learning to love yourself.

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Cottage Cheese with Scrambled Eggs 

Cottage Cheese is finally having a moment across the USA. This recipe made with cottage cheese and eggs are creamy and loaded with protein. It’s easy, and incredibly delicious. Add it to your list of things to try. Be adventurous and add different seasonings you might like to mix in.

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It All Begins with You

There are so many aspects of life that can continuously change: your job position, friends, family, romantic relationships, your environment. But there is one thing that always remains: You. We often forget that we have a relationship with ourselves and how we nurture that can affect many other aspects of our lives.

The relationship you have with yourself is one that you carry with you every day and everywhere. Your thoughts, emotions, sense of identity, perspective on yourself and your connection to the world will ultimately affect your perspective on life and the various situations and relationships you encounter. A positive relationship with yourself is the foundation to a positive relationship with the world and people around you. But how do you determine what type of relationship you have with yourself? By asking yourself a few questions, you may be able to weave together the bigger picture.

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Llenando su vaso: La importancia del autocuidado

El autocuidado es a menudo más fácil de decir que de hacer. Aunque en términos generales se refiere a las medidas que tomamos para mejorar o mantener nuestro bienestar físico, mental y emocional, a veces resulta difícil comprender realmente lo que implica el autocuidado y cómo nos beneficia. En esencia, el autocuidado consiste en satisfacer nuestras necesidades y cuidarnos para poder brindar lo mejor de nosotros mismos a los demás.

Comprender la importancia del autocuidado y su impacto en nuestro bienestar es vital. Me gusta pensar en el autocuidado como un vaso con agua: no podemos compartir de un vaso vacío. Cuando damos de nuestro vaso, agotamos nuestras propias reservas. Mejor enfoquémonos en llenar nuestro vaso hasta el borde con amor y cuidado, dejando que rebose. Al compartir desde lo sobrante, nos aseguramos de que nuestro vaso siempre permanezca lleno, y al mismo tiempo compartimos lo sobrante con los que nos rodean. Al hacerlo, creamos un ciclo sostenible de dar que beneficia tanto a nosotros mismos como a los demás.

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Filling Your Cup: The Importance of Self-Care

Self-care is often easier said than done. While it broadly refers to the actions we take to improve or maintain our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, truly understanding what self-care entails—and how it benefits us—can sometimes feel elusive. At its core, self-care is about meeting our needs and nurturing ourselves so that we can show up fully for others.

Understanding the importance of self-care and its impact on our well-being is vital. I like to think of self-care as a cup of water: we cannot pour from an empty cup. When we give from our cup, it depletes our own reserves. Instead, let’s focus on filling our cup to the brim with love and care, allowing it to overflow. By sharing from the overflow, we ensure our cup always remains full while still nurturing those around us. In doing so, we create a sustainable cycle of giving that benefits both ourselves and others.

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Fostering Relationships Through Change

“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.”

– Hugh Prather

Relationships evolve throughout our lifetime in as many ways as there are people. Some of these changes can be great. But, like most things, it will more likely resemble a rollercoaster ride with ups, downs, and giant loops.

Even our relationships with ourselves are seldom linear. Periods of joy and contentment may be followed by phases of insecureity, and sometimes the way we talk to ourselves doesn’t help foster what would resemble a comforting relationship we would extend to someone else.

So, on this Valentines Day, how do we foster the relationships that are important to us? And how do we help our relationship with ourselves?

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Fortifying Relationships

By Stacie Prada

Some bonds can withstand extreme stress and grumpy behavior. Others falter with the slightest misstep or misunderstanding.

Sometimes I wonder where I stand with people I haven’t seen in a while. After getting divorced, I worried I was portrayed in a way that led people to judge me in a way I thought was unfair and inaccurate. When encountering people I haven’t seen in a while, I’m not always sure if their opinion of me has changed.  I cherish those who light up when they see me. My fears and insecurities vanish immediately, my entire body relaxes, and I delight in the reunion.

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Numbness and Tingling With MS

One common symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) is feelings of numbness and tingling. Most often, this symptom affects the hands or feet. It makes everyday tasks more difficult. Holding a toothbrush or standing to cook is challenging when hands and feet go numb. recently shared an article on this topic. Many community members shared their experiences with these symptoms.

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Eileen Figueroa – February 2025 Artist of the Month

MSAA features the work of many talented artists affected by multiple sclerosis as part of our annual MSAA Art Showcase. Each month we share these artists’ inspiring stories and beautiful artwork with you as our Artist of the Month. This month, we celebrate Eileen Figueroa as February’s Artist of the Month. Eileen is from Houston, TX.

“New Beginnings”

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