FHL is known worldwide for research in marine-related sciences, conducted by visiting as well as resident scientists throughout the year. Over a hundred Researchers visit FHL each year to conduct a vast array of Research Projects, resulting in many Publications yearly.

If you are interested in doing research as FHL, please first look over our Research Procedures, including those regarding lab safety, field collecting & sites, and animal care.  If you plan to do field work, also review our information on marine research sites in San Juan Islands. Note that FHL endorses San Juan County’s Marine Stewardship Areas, and visitors are asked to assist in protecting fish and invertebrates through rigorous efforts to minimize harvest.

Anyone wishing to participate in research at FHL must submit an Application.

Of special interest for undergraduate students is the opportunity to conduct research with a researcher mentor through Summer Research Internships. Full funding is available for qualified and selected candidates. Applications are due in early Spring of each year.


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