
Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson
Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson is professor at the University of Iceland. His books in English are Indigenous Screen Cultures in Canada (2010) published by University of Manitoba Press, Unmasking Deep Democracy published by Intervention Press (2013) and Phallological Museum (2014) published by LIT Verlag. His most recent books in Icelandic are edited volumes on The History of Cultural History Museums in Iceland (2015) and The History of Art Museums in Iceland (2019).
Hafsteinsson´s fields of research have included indigenous media and democracy, visual culture and identities, death, representation, subjectivities, ethics and power, museums, cultural politics and architecture.
Hafsteinsson has been director of three museums; Reykjavik Museum of Photography, the National Film Archive, and the District Culture Center in Husavik. He has also worked at museums that include the University of Iceland Art Museum, the National Museum of Iceland and the Reykjavik Museum.
Hafsteinsson was co-ordinator of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Media Anthropology Network (2008-2010).
Phone: 354 525 5496
Address: Department of Folkloristics/Ethnology and Museum Studies
School of Social Sciences
University of Iceland
Saemundargata 2
101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Hafsteinsson´s fields of research have included indigenous media and democracy, visual culture and identities, death, representation, subjectivities, ethics and power, museums, cultural politics and architecture.
Hafsteinsson has been director of three museums; Reykjavik Museum of Photography, the National Film Archive, and the District Culture Center in Husavik. He has also worked at museums that include the University of Iceland Art Museum, the National Museum of Iceland and the Reykjavik Museum.
Hafsteinsson was co-ordinator of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Media Anthropology Network (2008-2010).
Phone: 354 525 5496
Address: Department of Folkloristics/Ethnology and Museum Studies
School of Social Sciences
University of Iceland
Saemundargata 2
101 Reykjavik, Iceland
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Books by Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson
time loophole to summon the past and future to aid in facing the
Anthropocene. We journeyed into a space where the inside is outside,
the underground is above ground, and intelligence is exhaled into the
air. In these waves of time, we encountered living walls and holes,
moving minerals, invisible sheep, carbon slowly being absorbed, decomposing bodies, transmitted hormones, opening and closing stomata, and winged giants both dead and alive. Washed up by life-supporting cycles, the atmosphere, soil, and water-touched skins, signals were received in dreams.
This edited volume brings together researchers focusing on Icelandic society from the per- spective of mobility and transnational connections. The chapters are based on inter- disciplinary research bringing in different ways highlighting the complex implications of mobilities and transnationalism for the Icelandic state, institutions, society and culture..
Co-edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir and Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson
Published by University of Iceland Press.
The book is in Open Access at: https://opinvisindi.is/handle/20.500.11815/1553
"I found Death and Governmentality to be compelling from beginning to end. Well-written, clearly argued, and historically situated, the book takes on the subject of grief and death in the context of recent socio-economic shifts in Iceland. The book is a wonderful achievement, taking on a subject that is at once timely and important, and giving it a treatment that is theoretically and ethnographically sound."
Anne Allison, Professor at Duke University.
/ 2015. S.B. Hafsteinsson, editor. Articles about 14 community museums in Iceland.
"Packed with fascinating insights into Icelandic culture and museums written by a true insider in a strongly humorous tone, there is much to enjoy in this book for both the academic reader and those wishing for a more lighthearted read." Dorian Robert Heaton Knight, Nordisk Museologi, 2/2014.
"The Phallological Museum offers a compelling analysis of the multiple intersections of the Icelandic neoliberal state and the country’s “cultural industries” during a time of dramatic
economic and government changes." John Bodinger de Uriarte. Museum Anthropology Review, 9/2 2014
Victoria Sweet. Polar Record, FirstView Articles, 1-2 (2013).
Philipp Budka. Social Anthropology, 23(2). (2015).
Papers by Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson
Árið 2023 voru 50 ár liðin frá Eldfellsgosinu 1973 á Heimaey. Eldgosið hófst óvænt klukkan 01.50 þann 23. janúar 1973 og þurfti að flytja 5.300 íbúana til Íslands með fiskiskipaflota. Eldgosið er samheiti við baráttu eyjarskeggja við að bjarga bænum sínum með því að úða köldum sjó á hraunið. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa beinst að eðlisfræðilegri eldfjallafræði og bergfræði gossins og víðara eldfjallakerfi Vestmannaeyja, hins vegar hafa mjög litlar rannsóknir beinst að félagslegum áhrifum gossins. Vettvangsvinna leiddi í ljós hvernig eldgosið 1973 er minnst og minnst af íbúum Heimaeyjar bæði í opinberu umhverfi og einkaumhverfi. Fjallað er um yfir 50 minnisvarða, þar á meðal listaverk, skúlptúra, safnsýningar, persónulega viðburði og stafrænar geymslur á netinu sem draga fram tengingar við eldgosið sjálft og lífið fyrir gos. Í viðtölum og könnunum við nærsamfélagið er vakin athygli á viðvarandi áhrifum eldgossins, til dæmis áfallaviðbrögðum við hættulegum atburðum nútímans eins og Eyjafjallajökulsgosinu 2010. Aðallega jákvæð samfélagsfrásögn af atburðinum hefur verið viðvarandi í nokkra áratugi. Frásögnin byggist á þeirri trú að engin dauðsföll hafi orðið af völdum eldgossins, árangursríkri endurreisn og endurheimt bæjarins og seiglu íbúanna. Síðustu tíu ár hafa hins vegar orðið róttækar breytingar á því hvernig samfélagið fjallar um upplifun sína af eldgosinu, með nýrri áherslu á einmanaleika, einelti, einangrun, hættu og áföll sem urðu fyrir atburðinum.
Access Thanatos: https://thanatos-journal.com/2020/12/31/thanatos-vol-9-2-2020-connective-histories-of-death/
Korean translation: 인류학과 화 : 재현에서 두려운 개입으로
time loophole to summon the past and future to aid in facing the
Anthropocene. We journeyed into a space where the inside is outside,
the underground is above ground, and intelligence is exhaled into the
air. In these waves of time, we encountered living walls and holes,
moving minerals, invisible sheep, carbon slowly being absorbed, decomposing bodies, transmitted hormones, opening and closing stomata, and winged giants both dead and alive. Washed up by life-supporting cycles, the atmosphere, soil, and water-touched skins, signals were received in dreams.
This edited volume brings together researchers focusing on Icelandic society from the per- spective of mobility and transnational connections. The chapters are based on inter- disciplinary research bringing in different ways highlighting the complex implications of mobilities and transnationalism for the Icelandic state, institutions, society and culture..
Co-edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir and Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson
Published by University of Iceland Press.
The book is in Open Access at: https://opinvisindi.is/handle/20.500.11815/1553
"I found Death and Governmentality to be compelling from beginning to end. Well-written, clearly argued, and historically situated, the book takes on the subject of grief and death in the context of recent socio-economic shifts in Iceland. The book is a wonderful achievement, taking on a subject that is at once timely and important, and giving it a treatment that is theoretically and ethnographically sound."
Anne Allison, Professor at Duke University.
/ 2015. S.B. Hafsteinsson, editor. Articles about 14 community museums in Iceland.
"Packed with fascinating insights into Icelandic culture and museums written by a true insider in a strongly humorous tone, there is much to enjoy in this book for both the academic reader and those wishing for a more lighthearted read." Dorian Robert Heaton Knight, Nordisk Museologi, 2/2014.
"The Phallological Museum offers a compelling analysis of the multiple intersections of the Icelandic neoliberal state and the country’s “cultural industries” during a time of dramatic
economic and government changes." John Bodinger de Uriarte. Museum Anthropology Review, 9/2 2014
Victoria Sweet. Polar Record, FirstView Articles, 1-2 (2013).
Philipp Budka. Social Anthropology, 23(2). (2015).
Árið 2023 voru 50 ár liðin frá Eldfellsgosinu 1973 á Heimaey. Eldgosið hófst óvænt klukkan 01.50 þann 23. janúar 1973 og þurfti að flytja 5.300 íbúana til Íslands með fiskiskipaflota. Eldgosið er samheiti við baráttu eyjarskeggja við að bjarga bænum sínum með því að úða köldum sjó á hraunið. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa beinst að eðlisfræðilegri eldfjallafræði og bergfræði gossins og víðara eldfjallakerfi Vestmannaeyja, hins vegar hafa mjög litlar rannsóknir beinst að félagslegum áhrifum gossins. Vettvangsvinna leiddi í ljós hvernig eldgosið 1973 er minnst og minnst af íbúum Heimaeyjar bæði í opinberu umhverfi og einkaumhverfi. Fjallað er um yfir 50 minnisvarða, þar á meðal listaverk, skúlptúra, safnsýningar, persónulega viðburði og stafrænar geymslur á netinu sem draga fram tengingar við eldgosið sjálft og lífið fyrir gos. Í viðtölum og könnunum við nærsamfélagið er vakin athygli á viðvarandi áhrifum eldgossins, til dæmis áfallaviðbrögðum við hættulegum atburðum nútímans eins og Eyjafjallajökulsgosinu 2010. Aðallega jákvæð samfélagsfrásögn af atburðinum hefur verið viðvarandi í nokkra áratugi. Frásögnin byggist á þeirri trú að engin dauðsföll hafi orðið af völdum eldgossins, árangursríkri endurreisn og endurheimt bæjarins og seiglu íbúanna. Síðustu tíu ár hafa hins vegar orðið róttækar breytingar á því hvernig samfélagið fjallar um upplifun sína af eldgosinu, með nýrri áherslu á einmanaleika, einelti, einangrun, hættu og áföll sem urðu fyrir atburðinum.
Access Thanatos: https://thanatos-journal.com/2020/12/31/thanatos-vol-9-2-2020-connective-histories-of-death/
Korean translation: 인류학과 화 : 재현에서 두려운 개입으로
Sjá: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal.
2017 IFLA International News Media Conference
´Collecting, Preserving, and Transforming the News – for Research and the Public´
Reykjavík, Iceland, 27-28 April 2017
Innlegg í pallborði. 10. apríl 2014. Háskóli Íslands.
8. desember 2023, Þjóðminjasafni Íslands.
Skipuleggjendur: Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar, Félag íslenskra safna og safnafólks og námsbraut í safnafræði við Háskóla Íslands.