Articles by Jorge Negreiros
Current Psychology, 2023
Addiction behaviours, whether referring to psychoactive substances or others of a behavioural dep... more Addiction behaviours, whether referring to psychoactive substances or others of a behavioural dependencies, constitute a public health problem to be addressed. This cross-sectional and comparative exploratory study aims to identify the psychosocial profile of college students in terms of chemical and behavioural addictions. This convenience sample consisted of 260 adult college students (32 male), aged between 18 and 51 years old. Life Events Checklist 5 (LEC-5), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5 (PCL-5), Childhood History Questionnaire, Experiences in Close Relationships-Relationship Structures Scale (ECR-RS), Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRPS), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) and Internet Addiction Test (IAT), were used. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, significant differences were found between the low-level alcohol consumers group and moderate to high-level consumers group in aggressiveness, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and insecure attachment. Regarding Internet addiction, the results reveal differences in terms of aggressiveness, insecure attachment, and secondary psychopathy between subjects with normative use and subjects addicted to the Internet. When compared to subjects without addictions, subjects with addiction behaviours experience more adverse childhood experiences (ACE), more PTSD symptoms, higher levels of aggressiveness, greater avoidance and anxiety in affective relationships, and more predisposition to manifest deviant psychopathy behaviours. This study contributes to identifying different psychosocial profiles of college students concerning chemical and behavioural addictions and highlights the impact of those profiles on aggressiveness, PTSD, and insecure attachment, essential for the design of more effective prevention and intervention programs with these specific groups.
Revista Portuguesa de Alcoologia, 2021
No presente artigo pretendeu-se encontrar e explorar relações entre psicopatia, alexitimia e sint... more No presente artigo pretendeu-se encontrar e explorar relações entre psicopatia, alexitimia e sintomatologia psicopatológica na amostra em estudo (estudantes universitários) e a adição química (álcool). Pretendue-se também compreender se a psicopatia, alexitimia e sintomatologia psicopatologica constituem fatores preditores e/ou mediadores da adição ao álcool. A amostra em estudo é constituída por 260 participantes (estudantes universitários). A idade média é de 20.54, ou seja, 21 anos e, varia entre os 18 e os 51 anos. Relativamente ao sexo, 32 (12.5%) são do sexo masculino e 224(87.5%) do sexo feminino (N=258). A psicopatia avaliada através da LSRPS, alexitimia através da TAS-20, e a sintomatologia psicopatológica pelo BSI. A adição ao álcool pelo AUDIT. Os resultados mostraram evidência empírica sobre a relação entre a psicopatia, alexitimia e sintomatologia psicopatológica com a adição ao álcool. Alexitimia e psicopatia não medeiam a relação entre sintomatologia psicopatológica e adição álcool. Além disso, a psicopatia não medeia a relação entre alexitimia e a adição ao álcool.
Papers by Jorge Negreiros
Psicologia, saúde & doenças, Sep 1, 2015
Working with drug addicts we frequently face patients complains on sexual sphere .Literature does... more Working with drug addicts we frequently face patients complains on sexual sphere .Literature doesn't elucidate about the impact of cognitive factors. Aiming to enable a better understanding of the relation between psychoactive substance use and sexuality we proposed to adapt and validate the Substance Use and Sexual Behavior Survey (SUSBS) questionnaire. We studied 488 drug addict subjects, outpatients of the public drug addiction Portuguese centers. Exploratory factor analysis indicated a fourcomponent structure we termed: Inhibitor impact of substance of abuse in sexuality, Indissociability of sexuality and substance use, Enhancer impact of substance in sexuality, Substance use favoring risky sexual behaviors, explained approximately 65% of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis exhibited overall fits. The results suggested that the Portuguese version of the SUSBS has adequate psychometric properties. We present a discussion in terms of the questionnaire utility, recommend its use for clinical and research purposes.
The European health psychologist, Dec 31, 2015
Background: Hazardous alcohol consumption is often common among university students in European c... more Background: Hazardous alcohol consumption is often common among university students in European countries. However, there is a lack of cross-national comparison studies, so it is important to explore the patterns of alcohol use among university students. Method: The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was used in a sample of 2446 (Female=1712;Male=728) university students from seven European countries recruited via an online survey. Results: 62.3% of students obtained a score of alcohol consumption indicating sensible consumption, 30.1% hazardous consumption, 4.6% harmful consumption and 3.1% possible dependence. Moreover, results show that country of study predicts patterns of alcohol consumption F(6,2440)=49.135,p≤.0001. Higher level of alcohol consumption were found in the UK (M=9.84; SD=6.1), the Netherlands (M=9.35;SD=5.68), and Denmark (M=7.86;SD=4.86). In turn, Portugals have the lowest level of alcohol consumption among the university students (M=5.09;SD=4.67). Overall, post hoc tests indicated that university students in the Netherlands and UK significantly differed from all other countries.’ Discussion: Results suggest that university students’ alcohol consumption is culturally determined. There is a need to further explorethe cultural factors on alcohol use among university students in different countries.
The aim of the present study was to examine the representations about drugs held by 2-4 grade pri... more The aim of the present study was to examine the representations about drugs held by 2-4 grade primary school students. Representations were elicited from 188 children aged between 7 and 13 years, drawn from seven schools located in Matosinhos, by asking them to draw and write their responses to questions relating to a story about losing and finding a bag of drugs. Drug users are described as individuals in deep physical and psychological degradation. Anyway, the phenomenon of drug use and abuse is not portrayed as a unitary and homogeneous one.
Pedagogía Social: Revista Interuniversitaria, 2013
cepciones de los padres sobre los problemas conductuales de los hijos; (3) variables psicológicas... more cepciones de los padres sobre los problemas conductuales de los hijos; (3) variables psicológicas de los hijos; y (4) percepciones de los padres sobre la intervención preventiva. PALABRAS CLAVE: Prevención de consumo de drogodependencias, intervención familiar, factores de pronóstico, participación parental.
has highlighted the point that alcohol and drug related expectancies have direct effects on drug ... more has highlighted the point that alcohol and drug related expectancies have direct effects on drug use with expectancy constructs showing an even stronger predictive value than most personality variables. 3.
The alcohol use disorders identification test: Guidelines for use in primary care (2 nd edition).
Articles by Jorge Negreiros
Papers by Jorge Negreiros
En el primero se analiza el uso de la Entrevista Motivacional en contextos socioeducativos y concretamente en programas socioeducativos familiares destinados a niños, niñas, adolescentes y sus familias.
El siguiente bloque está dirigido a conocer la Entrevista Motivacional, cómo se aplica, cómo evaluarla y el análisis de la importancia de la formación para el uso de esta estrategia.
Por último, el tercer bloque presenta dos casos de su aplicación en el ámbito socioeducativo. A modo de cierre se presenta el protocolo completo de implementación de la Entrevista Motivacional en el Programa de Competencias Familiar, del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES), de la UIB, programa que se viene desarrollando e implementando en diversas comunidades autónomas del estado español.
Los diversos capítulos del libro han sido desarrollados por un equipo interdisciplinar con formación y experiencia compartida en programas socioeducativos. Este libro se dirige tanto a estudiantes de Educación Social, Trabajo Social y Pedagogía como a profesionales del ámbito socioeducativo que deseen conocer la estrategia de la entrevista motivacional, saber cómo se aplica y qué posibilidades tiene en su ámbito. Además, también resultará útil para desarrollar un conocimiento sobre las consideraciones previas a considerar antes de aplicar la entrevista motivacional y cómo implementarla a través de sus estrategias.
En el primero se analiza el uso de la Entrevista Motivacional en contextos socioeducativos y concretamente en programas socioeducativos familiares destinados a niños, niñas, adolescentes y sus familias.
El siguiente bloque está dirigido a conocer la Entrevista Motivacional, cómo se aplica, cómo evaluarla y el análisis de la importancia de la formación para el uso de esta estrategia.
Por último, el tercer bloque presenta dos casos de su aplicación en el ámbito socioeducativo. A modo de cierre se presenta el protocolo completo de implementación de la Entrevista Motivacional en el Programa de Competencias Familiar, del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES), de la UIB, programa que se viene desarrollando e implementando en diversas comunidades autónomas del estado español.
Los diversos capítulos del libro han sido desarrollados por un equipo interdisciplinar con formación y experiencia compartida en programas socioeducativos. Este libro se dirige tanto a estudiantes de Educación Social, Trabajo Social y Pedagogía como a profesionales del ámbito socioeducativo que deseen conocer la estrategia de la entrevista motivacional, saber cómo se aplica y qué posibilidades tiene en su ámbito. Además, también resultará útil para desarrollar un conocimiento sobre las consideraciones previas a considerar antes de aplicar la entrevista motivacional y cómo implementarla a través de sus estrategias.