Although in recent years the prehistoric metallurgy of southwestern Iberian Peninsula has become ... more Although in recent years the prehistoric metallurgy of southwestern Iberian Peninsula has become increasingly well understood, the southernmost region still requires additional research. This work presents the technological study of artefacts from burial contexts located in this area, namely the necropolises of Anta do Malhão and Soalheironas (Algarve region). Typologies of metalwork and pottery ascribe the single inhumation at Anta do Malhão to a late phase of the "Ferradeira Horizon" (last quarter of the 3rd millennium BC), while assigning the necropolis of cists at Soalheironas to an earlier phase of the Middle Bronze Age (1st half of the 2nd millennium BC). The elemental and microstructural composition of artefacts was established by micro-energy dispersive Xray fluorescence spectrometry, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. Results show artefacts made of arsenical copper alloys (2.01-3.40% As) with very low iron content (< 0.05% Fe). The microstructures display deformed equiaxed grains with annealing twins and slip bands, evidencing cycles of hammering and annealing, followed by a finishing hammering operation. The integration of results in the prehistoric metallurgy of southwestern Iberian Peninsula suggests a shared technological tradition, while a more comprehensive discussion discloses important developments involving the increased production of strainhardened tools and weapons, together with a rising substitution of the copper metal by arsenical copper alloys from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BC.
Ophiussa. Revista do Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa
A metallic artefact recorded in a LBA/EIA context in Northern Portugal, which can be one of the f... more A metallic artefact recorded in a LBA/EIA context in Northern Portugal, which can be one of the first known material representations of the so-called Southwestern Bronze Age “anchoriform” or “anchor idol”, is presented. The artefact comes from an intrusive LBA/EIA context into a MBA level at the hilltop settlement of Fraga dos Corvos (Macedo de Cavaleiros, Bragança, Northern Portugal). It is made of a ternary bronze alloy (Cu-Sn-Pb), consequently integrating the impressive Fraga dos Corvos collection of bronze artefacts currently known, whose affiliation, whether typological or in terms of chemical composition, should be mostly sought in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula. The significance of the presence of such artefact in this archaeological site is discussed, taking into account that it is chronologically and geographically far away from its cultural source.
La excavación de la necrópolis prehistórica de Galeria da Cisterna (1988-1989) recuperó los resto... more La excavación de la necrópolis prehistórica de Galeria da Cisterna (1988-1989) recuperó los restos de varios individuos. La datación de cuatro de ellos demuestra que la cavidad fue usada con fines funerarios en época campaniforme. No se ha encontrado ningún fragmento de la característica cerámica del periodo, pero un pequeño fragmento de espiral en oro y un conjunto de botones con perforación en V justifican la asignación cultural del contexto. Su asociación con los restos humanos fechados puede considerarse segura. La observación macroscópica de los botones concluyó que la materia prima usada había sido el marfil de cachalote, lo que confirmó el análisis de densidad. Este indicador se eligió debido a que el análisis es no destructivo y discrimina bien los diferentes tipos de marfil conocidos en el Calcolítico de la península ibérica. La densidad media obtenida para los 13 botones de Galeria da Cisterna es de 2,32 ± 0,12, claramente por encima del rango de variación de los marfiles ...
The Chalcolithic time is a period widely debated in Southwestern Iberia Late Prehistory. During t... more The Chalcolithic time is a period widely debated in Southwestern Iberia Late Prehistory. During the last few decades, the number of contexts known has grown, especially with the discovery and publication of several ditched enclosures from Southern Portugal. To contribute to ongoing discussions, three Chalcolithic pits –13, 16, 54– from the Complex of ditched enclosures of Monte das Monte das Cabeceiras 2, in Beja, were analysed from a zooarchaeological and taphonomical perspective. The results are combined with information from the material culture, human remains and stratigraphy in order to discuss infilling sequences. Hypothesis on the possible meaning of social practices related to the management of animals are addressed. Bovine, caprine, swine, cervids, leporids and canids were identified with different abundances. A possible feasting or offerings of bovine –including auroch– and to a lesser extent red deer, wild boar and domestic species is suggested for pit 13, where a burial ...
O chumbo dos sistemas hidráulicos romanos no Ocidente Peninsular: proveniência e processos metalú... more O chumbo dos sistemas hidráulicos romanos no Ocidente Peninsular: proveniência e processos metalúrgicos
Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 - Estado da Questão - Textos, 2020
This paper presents the first results of the archaeological work carried out in the Chalcolithic ... more This paper presents the first results of the archaeological work carried out in the Chalcolithic ditched enclosure of Folha do Ouro 1 (Serpa, Beja). The site was identified in an aerial image and integrated in the research developed by NIA-Era Arqueologia regarding this type of contexts and submitted to geophysics and surface prospection with collection of archaeological materials. Here, we address the assemblage of archaeological materials, the chronological scope of the site, its topographical location and architectonic characteristics observed in the magnetogram. The site is integrated in the regional context, comparing with the known characteristics of the Alentejo’s ditched enclosures
Resumo. Um levantamento exaustivo das datas de radiocarbono já publicadas para os contextos arque... more Resumo. Um levantamento exaustivo das datas de radiocarbono já publicadas para os contextos arqueológicos da Idade do Ferro orientalizante do território actualmente português permitiu a criação de uma sólida base de dados, que pode ser analisada também em função desses mesmos contextos e da própria constituição das amostras. O conjunto de datas selecionadas, justamente as que, juntamente com os respectivos contextos, têm uma fiabilidade aceitável, foi objecto de um tratamento estatístico bayesiano, de modo a determinar as fronteiras temporais do Período Cultural em causa. Foi possível concluir que a presença frequente de artefactos e, assim, de populações com origem no Mediterrâneo é uma realidade a partir do séc. IX a.C., acompanhando, muito provavelmente, as primeiras instalações fenícias no território actualmente português. Se compararmos os dados agora apresentados com os dados arqueológicos e outros de cronologia absoluta que têm sido obtidos para o sul e este peninsular, é possível admitir que o litoral atlântico português e alguns territórios do interior alentejano tenham iniciado o processo de orientalização numa fase antiga, mas ainda assim várias décadas mais tarde do que em Huelva e em La Rebanadilla (Málaga), e no actual território tunisino (Útica). Palavras-chave: Idade do Ferro Orientalizante; Datas de Radiocarbono; Contextos Arqueológicos; Estatística Bayesiana; Cronologia Tradicional Radiocarbon chronology of Orientalysing Iron Age in Portugal. A critical view on radiometric archaeological data Abstract. An exhaustive survey of radiocarbon dates that have been published for the Orientalizing Iron Age archaeological contexts from the Portuguese territory allowed to build up a solid database, which can be analyzed not only in terms of these same contexts, but also in how the dated samples were made up. The set of selected dates namely those which, together with the respective contexts, have an acceptable reliability, has been the subject of a Bayesian statistical analysis in order to determine the temporal boundaries of the cultural period under consideration. It was concluded that the frequent presence of artifacts and consequently of populations with their origen in the Mediterranean are a reality from the IX century BC, most likely following the first Phoenician settlements or colonies in today's Portuguese territory. If we compare the data now presented with archaeological data and other absolute chronology that have been obtained to the southern and eastern Iberian Peninsula, it is possible to admit that the Portuguese Atlantic coast and some areas inland, in Alentejo, have started the process of orientalization in an old stage, but nevertheless several decades later than in Huelva and La Rebanadilla (Malaga) and in current Tunisian territory (Utica).
espanolEl estuario de la Ribera Bensafrim, situado al oeste de Algarve, fue uno de los sistemas f... more espanolEl estuario de la Ribera Bensafrim, situado al oeste de Algarve, fue uno de los sistemas fluviales y marinos utilizado para evaluar la evolucion de ambientes costeros en los ultimos 5000 anos. A traves del metodo de radiocarbono, se dato la materia organica sedimentaria presente en los nucleos verticales recogidos en este estuario. Considerando el registro estratigrafico asociado con los datos cronologicos obtenidos, se utilizo un enfoque estadistico bayesiano, utilizando el software de calibracion OxCal, para obtener un marco geocronologico robusto para la secuencia sedimentaria. El analisis, basado en la construc cion de un modelo de deposicion para la secuencia sedimentaria, permitio identificar la presencia de valores atipicos (outliers), asi como establecer un marco geocronologico para los ultimos 5000 anos en el Barlavento algarvio. Mas alla de este marco, se verifica que el modelo geocronologico idealizado, asociado con la caracterizacion sedimentologica de uno de los ...
El reciente descubrimiento y excavación arqueológica de dos estructuras funerarias ubicadas en Ho... more El reciente descubrimiento y excavación arqueológica de dos estructuras funerarias ubicadas en Horta do Pinheiro 5 (sur de Portugal) arrojan una nueva luz sobre los primeros momentos del Bronce Medio del suroeste. Estas estructuras, una fosa y un hipogeo, ambas asociadas con otra fosa, han permitido profundizar en el conocimiento de los rituales funerarios practicados en esa época. Las ofrendas funerarias recogidas en ambas estructuras destacan por su carácter opulento y lujoso. Los análisis arqueométricos también han contribuido a identificar las materias primas con las que se fabricaron los ajuares. Dos pulseras, una en cada estructura, son de marfil, una de elefante asiático y la otra de elefante africano, mientras que la daga recuperada en el hipogeo es de cobre y arsénico con remaches de plata, mango recubierto de plata y pomo recubierto de plata y oro. Las manchas rojizas identificadas en la cámara del hipogeo, adheridas tanto al ajuar funerario como a los huesos son de cinabr...
The work presents the elemental characterisation of copper‐based personal belongings recovered in... more The work presents the elemental characterisation of copper‐based personal belongings recovered in the ne‐ cropolis of Monte do Bolor 1‐2 (Beja). The copper‐based collection was associated with typical Early Iron Age materials, including luxury and/or exotic specimens such as necklace beads made of gold, silver, glass or car‐ nelian, silver earrings and bracelets and faience scarabs. The micro‐energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence anal‐ yses have identified copper, arsenical copper, bronze and leaded bronze artefacts. The diversification of alloys in the southern Portuguese territory during the Early Iron Age is discussed, along with the relation between the composition, functionality, physical features (fusibility and colour) and possible origen (local versus exog‐ enous) of the metallic goods from this necropolis.
Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras é uma revista de periodicidade anual, publicada em continuidade d... more Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras é uma revista de periodicidade anual, publicada em continuidade desde 1991, que privilegia, exceptuando números temáticos de abrangência nacional e internacional, a publicação de estudos de arqueologia da Estremadura em geral e do concelho de Oeiras em particular. Possui um Conselho Assessor do Editor Científico, assim constituído:
O hipOgeu 36 da quinta dO castelO 5 (salvada, beja) Ou uma revisãO da partiçãO pOr schubart dO br... more O hipOgeu 36 da quinta dO castelO 5 (salvada, beja) Ou uma revisãO da partiçãO pOr schubart dO brOnze dO sudOeste The Hypogeum 36 of Quinta do Castelo 5 (Salvada, Beja) or a review of the partition of the Southwestern Bronze Age by Schubart antóniO m. mOnge sOares, pedrO valériO
Hemos empleado fluorescencia de rayos X por energía dispersiva (EDXRF), emisión de rayos X induci... more Hemos empleado fluorescencia de rayos X por energía dispersiva (EDXRF), emisión de rayos X inducida por partículas (Micro-PIXE) y microscopía (análisis metalográfico), complementada con microscopia electrónica de barrido y espectroscopia de rayos X en energía dispersiva (SEM-EDS), primero para determinar el contenido elemental y segundo para identificar el proceso empleado para unir los componentes (disco, anillo periférico y presilla) de varios de los discos de oro de la Edad del Hierro. Su tipología es muy similar y fueron encontrados en tres yacimientos arqueológicos de la zona suroccidental de la Península Ibérica. Una serie de 35 discos del Castro dos Ratinhos (7), Outeiro da Cabeça (23) y Fortios (5) fueron analizados y sus resultados publicados en Trabajos de Prehistoria (Soares et al. 2010). Recientemente Perea et al. (2016) han publicado análisis de otros 4 discos de oro de Fortios con el mismo propósito pero usando solo SEM-EDS. Al haber analizado solo la capa superficial ...
Radiocarbon dating of closely associated marine mollusk shells and terrestrial material (mammal b... more Radiocarbon dating of closely associated marine mollusk shells and terrestrial material (mammal bones or charred wood) collected from archaeological contexts in northern Atlantic Iberian coastal areas is used to quantify the marine 14C reservoir effect (ΔR) for the coastal waters off the Cantabrian coast of northern Iberia. For the first time, ΔR values were reliably determined for these coastal waters and, also for the first time, a ΔR was calculated for the Late Pleistocene in Atlantic Iberia. Pairs of coeval samples of different carbon reservoirs selected from Upper Paleolithic (Late Pleistocene) and Mesolithic (Early Holocene) contexts yielded ΔR weighted mean values of –117±70 14C yr and –105±21 14C yr, respectively. These values show oceanographic conditions characterized by a reduced offset between atmospheric and surface water 14C contents, suggesting a nonexistent or very weak upwelling and some stratification of the water column. Similar oceanographic conditions have been ...
Middle Bronze Age was a transition period in Iberia, characterised by the emergence of bronzes af... more Middle Bronze Age was a transition period in Iberia, characterised by the emergence of bronzes after more than a millennium of a conservative metallurgy of copper with arsenic. Despite its importance there are no relevant studies on MBA metallurgy in Southwestern Iberia due to the absence, until recently, of known settlements and the scarcity of metals. However, recent archaeological excavations have brought to light important finds dated to the SW Iberian Bronze Age such as new burial monuments and open settlements. About 50 artefacts from hypogea, cists and domestic contexts (pits) from Torre Velha 3 (Serpa) and Monte da Cabida 3 (Évora) were analysed by micro-EDXRF, reflected light microscopy, SEMeEDS and Vickers microhardness testing. Radiocarbon dating of their archaeological contexts established a chronology of w1900e1300 cal BC. Despite presenting different burial practices both sites share the almost exclusive use of arsenical coppers (4.1 AE 1.0 and 4.2 AE 1.5 wt.% As, respectively). However, few awls and a dagger from Torre Velha 3 are among the earliest evidence of bronze in SW Iberia, being dated to the second quarter of the 2nd Millennium BC. These bronzes are similar (9.6 AE 1.2 wt.% Sn) to LBA alloys suggesting trade with a region with a developed bronze metallurgy. The emergence of bronze in SW Iberia during the first half of the 2nd Millennium BC points to an earlier introduction or a more rapid expansion than initially assumed. Nevertheless, these arsenical coppers and bronzes display a similar manufacture involving hammering and annealing cycles. A final hammering increased the hardness, which could be higher for bronzes. Arsenical coppers display variable operational conditions often with poorer thermomechanical work as expected from a prehistoric technology. A bronze dagger with silver rivets evidences the prestige value of early bronzes to MBA communities. Similarly, an arsenical copper dagger with silver coloured rivets shows the ability of MBA metallurgists to replicate prestige objects with indigenous knowledge.
The age of cooling of a vitrified wall at the Late Bronze/Second Iron Age settlement of Misericor... more The age of cooling of a vitrified wall at the Late Bronze/Second Iron Age settlement of Misericordia (Serpa, Portugal) has been determined using archaeomagnetic dating. Vitrification occurred in the Late Bronze Age (842e652 BC), in agreement with archaeological constraints based on the style of the potteries recovered at the site. This demonstrates the suitability of vitrified structures for archaeomagnetic dating and the potential for developing absolute chronologies for similar structures in Iberia and across Europe as a whole. Magnetite, low Ti-content titanomagnetite and, to a lesser extent, metallic Fe carry the archaeomagnetic signal, thus representing phases formed during the heating event. Native Fe was preserved due to it being isolated within the glassy matrix. The vitrified structure underwent at least one strong heating event which led to partial melting of the rocks used in its construction. Both microprobe and archaeomagnetic data support a single heating event, although multiple heating to temperatures >600e800 C cannot be excluded on archaeomagnetic grounds.
Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 - Estado da Questão - Textos, 2020
In this paper, we present a detailed examination of a sword dating from the Southwestern Middle B... more In this paper, we present a detailed examination of a sword dating from the Southwestern Middle Bronze Age, which was found several years ago during farming activities near the town of Serpa, Portugal. The sword was apparently found out of an archaeological context. The finder of the sword, who kindly allowed us to study it, cleaned the artefact of its corrosion and kept it in good conditions. The sword is about 50 cm long and its handle show two rivets (another one is missing) which are kept housed in notches. The rivets’ heads are spherical caps covered with a golden leaf. The use of a p-EDXRF equipment allowed us to determine and quantify the elemental composition of the blade, as well as of the golden leaf covering the rivet heads. It was thus possible to establish that the blade was manufactured with arsenical copper, while the composition of the golden leaf refers to a natural alloy. Finally, the Monte das Oliveiras sword is compared with several other coeval examples of South...
Although in recent years the prehistoric metallurgy of southwestern Iberian Peninsula has become ... more Although in recent years the prehistoric metallurgy of southwestern Iberian Peninsula has become increasingly well understood, the southernmost region still requires additional research. This work presents the technological study of artefacts from burial contexts located in this area, namely the necropolises of Anta do Malhão and Soalheironas (Algarve region). Typologies of metalwork and pottery ascribe the single inhumation at Anta do Malhão to a late phase of the "Ferradeira Horizon" (last quarter of the 3rd millennium BC), while assigning the necropolis of cists at Soalheironas to an earlier phase of the Middle Bronze Age (1st half of the 2nd millennium BC). The elemental and microstructural composition of artefacts was established by micro-energy dispersive Xray fluorescence spectrometry, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. Results show artefacts made of arsenical copper alloys (2.01-3.40% As) with very low iron content (< 0.05% Fe). The microstructures display deformed equiaxed grains with annealing twins and slip bands, evidencing cycles of hammering and annealing, followed by a finishing hammering operation. The integration of results in the prehistoric metallurgy of southwestern Iberian Peninsula suggests a shared technological tradition, while a more comprehensive discussion discloses important developments involving the increased production of strainhardened tools and weapons, together with a rising substitution of the copper metal by arsenical copper alloys from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BC.
Ophiussa. Revista do Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa
A metallic artefact recorded in a LBA/EIA context in Northern Portugal, which can be one of the f... more A metallic artefact recorded in a LBA/EIA context in Northern Portugal, which can be one of the first known material representations of the so-called Southwestern Bronze Age “anchoriform” or “anchor idol”, is presented. The artefact comes from an intrusive LBA/EIA context into a MBA level at the hilltop settlement of Fraga dos Corvos (Macedo de Cavaleiros, Bragança, Northern Portugal). It is made of a ternary bronze alloy (Cu-Sn-Pb), consequently integrating the impressive Fraga dos Corvos collection of bronze artefacts currently known, whose affiliation, whether typological or in terms of chemical composition, should be mostly sought in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula. The significance of the presence of such artefact in this archaeological site is discussed, taking into account that it is chronologically and geographically far away from its cultural source.
La excavación de la necrópolis prehistórica de Galeria da Cisterna (1988-1989) recuperó los resto... more La excavación de la necrópolis prehistórica de Galeria da Cisterna (1988-1989) recuperó los restos de varios individuos. La datación de cuatro de ellos demuestra que la cavidad fue usada con fines funerarios en época campaniforme. No se ha encontrado ningún fragmento de la característica cerámica del periodo, pero un pequeño fragmento de espiral en oro y un conjunto de botones con perforación en V justifican la asignación cultural del contexto. Su asociación con los restos humanos fechados puede considerarse segura. La observación macroscópica de los botones concluyó que la materia prima usada había sido el marfil de cachalote, lo que confirmó el análisis de densidad. Este indicador se eligió debido a que el análisis es no destructivo y discrimina bien los diferentes tipos de marfil conocidos en el Calcolítico de la península ibérica. La densidad media obtenida para los 13 botones de Galeria da Cisterna es de 2,32 ± 0,12, claramente por encima del rango de variación de los marfiles ...
The Chalcolithic time is a period widely debated in Southwestern Iberia Late Prehistory. During t... more The Chalcolithic time is a period widely debated in Southwestern Iberia Late Prehistory. During the last few decades, the number of contexts known has grown, especially with the discovery and publication of several ditched enclosures from Southern Portugal. To contribute to ongoing discussions, three Chalcolithic pits –13, 16, 54– from the Complex of ditched enclosures of Monte das Monte das Cabeceiras 2, in Beja, were analysed from a zooarchaeological and taphonomical perspective. The results are combined with information from the material culture, human remains and stratigraphy in order to discuss infilling sequences. Hypothesis on the possible meaning of social practices related to the management of animals are addressed. Bovine, caprine, swine, cervids, leporids and canids were identified with different abundances. A possible feasting or offerings of bovine –including auroch– and to a lesser extent red deer, wild boar and domestic species is suggested for pit 13, where a burial ...
O chumbo dos sistemas hidráulicos romanos no Ocidente Peninsular: proveniência e processos metalú... more O chumbo dos sistemas hidráulicos romanos no Ocidente Peninsular: proveniência e processos metalúrgicos
Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 - Estado da Questão - Textos, 2020
This paper presents the first results of the archaeological work carried out in the Chalcolithic ... more This paper presents the first results of the archaeological work carried out in the Chalcolithic ditched enclosure of Folha do Ouro 1 (Serpa, Beja). The site was identified in an aerial image and integrated in the research developed by NIA-Era Arqueologia regarding this type of contexts and submitted to geophysics and surface prospection with collection of archaeological materials. Here, we address the assemblage of archaeological materials, the chronological scope of the site, its topographical location and architectonic characteristics observed in the magnetogram. The site is integrated in the regional context, comparing with the known characteristics of the Alentejo’s ditched enclosures
Resumo. Um levantamento exaustivo das datas de radiocarbono já publicadas para os contextos arque... more Resumo. Um levantamento exaustivo das datas de radiocarbono já publicadas para os contextos arqueológicos da Idade do Ferro orientalizante do território actualmente português permitiu a criação de uma sólida base de dados, que pode ser analisada também em função desses mesmos contextos e da própria constituição das amostras. O conjunto de datas selecionadas, justamente as que, juntamente com os respectivos contextos, têm uma fiabilidade aceitável, foi objecto de um tratamento estatístico bayesiano, de modo a determinar as fronteiras temporais do Período Cultural em causa. Foi possível concluir que a presença frequente de artefactos e, assim, de populações com origem no Mediterrâneo é uma realidade a partir do séc. IX a.C., acompanhando, muito provavelmente, as primeiras instalações fenícias no território actualmente português. Se compararmos os dados agora apresentados com os dados arqueológicos e outros de cronologia absoluta que têm sido obtidos para o sul e este peninsular, é possível admitir que o litoral atlântico português e alguns territórios do interior alentejano tenham iniciado o processo de orientalização numa fase antiga, mas ainda assim várias décadas mais tarde do que em Huelva e em La Rebanadilla (Málaga), e no actual território tunisino (Útica). Palavras-chave: Idade do Ferro Orientalizante; Datas de Radiocarbono; Contextos Arqueológicos; Estatística Bayesiana; Cronologia Tradicional Radiocarbon chronology of Orientalysing Iron Age in Portugal. A critical view on radiometric archaeological data Abstract. An exhaustive survey of radiocarbon dates that have been published for the Orientalizing Iron Age archaeological contexts from the Portuguese territory allowed to build up a solid database, which can be analyzed not only in terms of these same contexts, but also in how the dated samples were made up. The set of selected dates namely those which, together with the respective contexts, have an acceptable reliability, has been the subject of a Bayesian statistical analysis in order to determine the temporal boundaries of the cultural period under consideration. It was concluded that the frequent presence of artifacts and consequently of populations with their origen in the Mediterranean are a reality from the IX century BC, most likely following the first Phoenician settlements or colonies in today's Portuguese territory. If we compare the data now presented with archaeological data and other absolute chronology that have been obtained to the southern and eastern Iberian Peninsula, it is possible to admit that the Portuguese Atlantic coast and some areas inland, in Alentejo, have started the process of orientalization in an old stage, but nevertheless several decades later than in Huelva and La Rebanadilla (Malaga) and in current Tunisian territory (Utica).
espanolEl estuario de la Ribera Bensafrim, situado al oeste de Algarve, fue uno de los sistemas f... more espanolEl estuario de la Ribera Bensafrim, situado al oeste de Algarve, fue uno de los sistemas fluviales y marinos utilizado para evaluar la evolucion de ambientes costeros en los ultimos 5000 anos. A traves del metodo de radiocarbono, se dato la materia organica sedimentaria presente en los nucleos verticales recogidos en este estuario. Considerando el registro estratigrafico asociado con los datos cronologicos obtenidos, se utilizo un enfoque estadistico bayesiano, utilizando el software de calibracion OxCal, para obtener un marco geocronologico robusto para la secuencia sedimentaria. El analisis, basado en la construc cion de un modelo de deposicion para la secuencia sedimentaria, permitio identificar la presencia de valores atipicos (outliers), asi como establecer un marco geocronologico para los ultimos 5000 anos en el Barlavento algarvio. Mas alla de este marco, se verifica que el modelo geocronologico idealizado, asociado con la caracterizacion sedimentologica de uno de los ...
El reciente descubrimiento y excavación arqueológica de dos estructuras funerarias ubicadas en Ho... more El reciente descubrimiento y excavación arqueológica de dos estructuras funerarias ubicadas en Horta do Pinheiro 5 (sur de Portugal) arrojan una nueva luz sobre los primeros momentos del Bronce Medio del suroeste. Estas estructuras, una fosa y un hipogeo, ambas asociadas con otra fosa, han permitido profundizar en el conocimiento de los rituales funerarios practicados en esa época. Las ofrendas funerarias recogidas en ambas estructuras destacan por su carácter opulento y lujoso. Los análisis arqueométricos también han contribuido a identificar las materias primas con las que se fabricaron los ajuares. Dos pulseras, una en cada estructura, son de marfil, una de elefante asiático y la otra de elefante africano, mientras que la daga recuperada en el hipogeo es de cobre y arsénico con remaches de plata, mango recubierto de plata y pomo recubierto de plata y oro. Las manchas rojizas identificadas en la cámara del hipogeo, adheridas tanto al ajuar funerario como a los huesos son de cinabr...
The work presents the elemental characterisation of copper‐based personal belongings recovered in... more The work presents the elemental characterisation of copper‐based personal belongings recovered in the ne‐ cropolis of Monte do Bolor 1‐2 (Beja). The copper‐based collection was associated with typical Early Iron Age materials, including luxury and/or exotic specimens such as necklace beads made of gold, silver, glass or car‐ nelian, silver earrings and bracelets and faience scarabs. The micro‐energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence anal‐ yses have identified copper, arsenical copper, bronze and leaded bronze artefacts. The diversification of alloys in the southern Portuguese territory during the Early Iron Age is discussed, along with the relation between the composition, functionality, physical features (fusibility and colour) and possible origen (local versus exog‐ enous) of the metallic goods from this necropolis.
Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras é uma revista de periodicidade anual, publicada em continuidade d... more Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras é uma revista de periodicidade anual, publicada em continuidade desde 1991, que privilegia, exceptuando números temáticos de abrangência nacional e internacional, a publicação de estudos de arqueologia da Estremadura em geral e do concelho de Oeiras em particular. Possui um Conselho Assessor do Editor Científico, assim constituído:
O hipOgeu 36 da quinta dO castelO 5 (salvada, beja) Ou uma revisãO da partiçãO pOr schubart dO br... more O hipOgeu 36 da quinta dO castelO 5 (salvada, beja) Ou uma revisãO da partiçãO pOr schubart dO brOnze dO sudOeste The Hypogeum 36 of Quinta do Castelo 5 (Salvada, Beja) or a review of the partition of the Southwestern Bronze Age by Schubart antóniO m. mOnge sOares, pedrO valériO
Hemos empleado fluorescencia de rayos X por energía dispersiva (EDXRF), emisión de rayos X induci... more Hemos empleado fluorescencia de rayos X por energía dispersiva (EDXRF), emisión de rayos X inducida por partículas (Micro-PIXE) y microscopía (análisis metalográfico), complementada con microscopia electrónica de barrido y espectroscopia de rayos X en energía dispersiva (SEM-EDS), primero para determinar el contenido elemental y segundo para identificar el proceso empleado para unir los componentes (disco, anillo periférico y presilla) de varios de los discos de oro de la Edad del Hierro. Su tipología es muy similar y fueron encontrados en tres yacimientos arqueológicos de la zona suroccidental de la Península Ibérica. Una serie de 35 discos del Castro dos Ratinhos (7), Outeiro da Cabeça (23) y Fortios (5) fueron analizados y sus resultados publicados en Trabajos de Prehistoria (Soares et al. 2010). Recientemente Perea et al. (2016) han publicado análisis de otros 4 discos de oro de Fortios con el mismo propósito pero usando solo SEM-EDS. Al haber analizado solo la capa superficial ...
Radiocarbon dating of closely associated marine mollusk shells and terrestrial material (mammal b... more Radiocarbon dating of closely associated marine mollusk shells and terrestrial material (mammal bones or charred wood) collected from archaeological contexts in northern Atlantic Iberian coastal areas is used to quantify the marine 14C reservoir effect (ΔR) for the coastal waters off the Cantabrian coast of northern Iberia. For the first time, ΔR values were reliably determined for these coastal waters and, also for the first time, a ΔR was calculated for the Late Pleistocene in Atlantic Iberia. Pairs of coeval samples of different carbon reservoirs selected from Upper Paleolithic (Late Pleistocene) and Mesolithic (Early Holocene) contexts yielded ΔR weighted mean values of –117±70 14C yr and –105±21 14C yr, respectively. These values show oceanographic conditions characterized by a reduced offset between atmospheric and surface water 14C contents, suggesting a nonexistent or very weak upwelling and some stratification of the water column. Similar oceanographic conditions have been ...
Middle Bronze Age was a transition period in Iberia, characterised by the emergence of bronzes af... more Middle Bronze Age was a transition period in Iberia, characterised by the emergence of bronzes after more than a millennium of a conservative metallurgy of copper with arsenic. Despite its importance there are no relevant studies on MBA metallurgy in Southwestern Iberia due to the absence, until recently, of known settlements and the scarcity of metals. However, recent archaeological excavations have brought to light important finds dated to the SW Iberian Bronze Age such as new burial monuments and open settlements. About 50 artefacts from hypogea, cists and domestic contexts (pits) from Torre Velha 3 (Serpa) and Monte da Cabida 3 (Évora) were analysed by micro-EDXRF, reflected light microscopy, SEMeEDS and Vickers microhardness testing. Radiocarbon dating of their archaeological contexts established a chronology of w1900e1300 cal BC. Despite presenting different burial practices both sites share the almost exclusive use of arsenical coppers (4.1 AE 1.0 and 4.2 AE 1.5 wt.% As, respectively). However, few awls and a dagger from Torre Velha 3 are among the earliest evidence of bronze in SW Iberia, being dated to the second quarter of the 2nd Millennium BC. These bronzes are similar (9.6 AE 1.2 wt.% Sn) to LBA alloys suggesting trade with a region with a developed bronze metallurgy. The emergence of bronze in SW Iberia during the first half of the 2nd Millennium BC points to an earlier introduction or a more rapid expansion than initially assumed. Nevertheless, these arsenical coppers and bronzes display a similar manufacture involving hammering and annealing cycles. A final hammering increased the hardness, which could be higher for bronzes. Arsenical coppers display variable operational conditions often with poorer thermomechanical work as expected from a prehistoric technology. A bronze dagger with silver rivets evidences the prestige value of early bronzes to MBA communities. Similarly, an arsenical copper dagger with silver coloured rivets shows the ability of MBA metallurgists to replicate prestige objects with indigenous knowledge.
The age of cooling of a vitrified wall at the Late Bronze/Second Iron Age settlement of Misericor... more The age of cooling of a vitrified wall at the Late Bronze/Second Iron Age settlement of Misericordia (Serpa, Portugal) has been determined using archaeomagnetic dating. Vitrification occurred in the Late Bronze Age (842e652 BC), in agreement with archaeological constraints based on the style of the potteries recovered at the site. This demonstrates the suitability of vitrified structures for archaeomagnetic dating and the potential for developing absolute chronologies for similar structures in Iberia and across Europe as a whole. Magnetite, low Ti-content titanomagnetite and, to a lesser extent, metallic Fe carry the archaeomagnetic signal, thus representing phases formed during the heating event. Native Fe was preserved due to it being isolated within the glassy matrix. The vitrified structure underwent at least one strong heating event which led to partial melting of the rocks used in its construction. Both microprobe and archaeomagnetic data support a single heating event, although multiple heating to temperatures >600e800 C cannot be excluded on archaeomagnetic grounds.
Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 - Estado da Questão - Textos, 2020
In this paper, we present a detailed examination of a sword dating from the Southwestern Middle B... more In this paper, we present a detailed examination of a sword dating from the Southwestern Middle Bronze Age, which was found several years ago during farming activities near the town of Serpa, Portugal. The sword was apparently found out of an archaeological context. The finder of the sword, who kindly allowed us to study it, cleaned the artefact of its corrosion and kept it in good conditions. The sword is about 50 cm long and its handle show two rivets (another one is missing) which are kept housed in notches. The rivets’ heads are spherical caps covered with a golden leaf. The use of a p-EDXRF equipment allowed us to determine and quantify the elemental composition of the blade, as well as of the golden leaf covering the rivet heads. It was thus possible to establish that the blade was manufactured with arsenical copper, while the composition of the golden leaf refers to a natural alloy. Finally, the Monte das Oliveiras sword is compared with several other coeval examples of South...
Papers by António Soares