Mercer University
International & Global Studies
This study examined the stability of the Medical Outcomes Study-Short Form (SF-36) in healthy populations. The researchers conducted a structured review of longitudinal studies that reported the use of SF-36 among people in their active... more
What does it mean for engineers to engage in global problem solving? What forms of knowledge or sets of capabilities characterize the effective global problem solver? What sorts of learning experiences are involved in gaining such... more
This document will continue to evolve as the IR expands. Additional guidelines will be drafted, as needed, over the coming months.
This paper offers and tests an approach to conceptualizing the global competency of engineers. It begins by showing that the often-stated goal of working effectively with different cultures is fundamentally about learning to work... more
Why don’t microfinance clients use programs the way development planners and funders expect? Why do clients change how microfinance projects function in unanticipated ways? Previous scholarship on microfinance has overlooked the relevance... more
Why do people continue to participate in development projects in spite of the vast literature cataloguing development’s flaws? At Pahari Sansthan, the NGO in Uttarakhand, India where I conducted eighteen months of ethnographic research... more
In a Toronto auditorium, MBA students erupted into applause as the leader of a business incubator declared that, with the right confidence and drive, anyone could start a business. In the meeting room of an Indian NGO, a manager spoke... more
Bringing more women into the formal workforce is an important component of corporate strategies, development efforts, and the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, these policies often do not consider the household work that... more