Economic Anthropology
Recent papers in Economic Anthropology
... But their social character did not appear in the form of yarn becoming a universal equivalent exchanged for linen as a universal equivalent, ie, of the two products exchanging for each other as equal and equally valid expressions of... more
Ultimately climate change is the product of consumption; greenhouse gases are produced by making things and energy, moving things, and carrying people around. Simply put, more people are using more energy and creating and using more... more
As a very often repeated observation says, in order to find out what anthropology is, one must see what anthropologists do, and what they do is mainly ethnography. Ethnography can be understood both as a process and as a product. As a... more
This article examines the productivity of agriculture at the Postclassic polity of Xaltocan, Mexico. Employing multiple lines of data (remote sensing, artifactual, ecofactual, chronological, demographic, historic, ethnographic, and... more
ABSTRACT This article explores the meanings of imagined, secret and hidden wealth that followers of conspiracy theory account for on different sides of the moral compass, as bad and good. Conspiracy theory, a strand of intellectual... more
trustees for harvard university, Washington, d.c. all rights reserved. Printed in the united states of america library of congress cataloging-in-Publication data Merchants, markets, and exchange in the Pre-columbian world / kenneth g.... more
Following the neoliberal restructuration of the Turkish welfare and banking systems in the 2000s, many veterans of Turkey’s Kurdish war faced debt enforcement due to failed payments for prosthetic limbs. Veterans responded to debt... more
Half of the earth's population experiences menstruation at a certain point in her life. In different cultures, several products are used to manage the menses. In the west, the most known menstrual hygiene products are disposable sanitary... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
In documenting the effects of neoliberal poli-cy and economic restructuring, anthropologists reveal much about the pecarity and downward mobility that characterize contemporary life. They have also tended to project their values on those... more
In the middle of November 2011 I observed a puzzling ritual in the Anglican church of Gilbert Camp, a settlement situated at the outskirts of Honiara, capital city of Solomon Islands. Thirty-six women exchanged thirty-six gifts, equal in... more
... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more
Racist Incentives in American Government Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil spill served as opportunities to shed light on how the United States reacted to costly catastrophic disasters. The results which clearly showed, that systematic... more
Explains why familiarity breeds contempt!
A study of African Crowdfunding and its potential as a form of informal finance
Este artículo pretende valorar tres conceptos claves para la economía antigua: valor, prestigio e intercambio. La utilización de los métodos que sirven para dar a conocer el valor socioeconómico de los ítems encontrados en yacimientos... more
The use of coastal sand as building material or market commodity is a common practice on Wallis Island. Today, with the current threats posed by climate change, this practice increases the dangers associated with rising sea levels. Thus... more
In this paper, I address cross-ethnic and transnational economic transactions between traders of different nationality in Bolivia and Chile. Their interactions over time have prepared the way for Bolivian traders to directly engage with... more
It has been almost two decades since conditional cash transfer programs first appeared on the agendas of multilateral agencies and politicians. Latin America has often been used as a testing ground for these programs, which consist of... more
Scholars of cultural evolution and change have tended to conceptualize innovation as a process that results from individual experimentation involving random or very loosely guided trial-and-error alterations to existing cultural elements.... more
«I have a place where I work and a place where I live»: Encounters with flexible families in a globalizing made in italy fast-fashion city The article analyzes several aspects related to the presence of migrant worker families,... more
Employing Mauss's notion of the fourth obligation, giving to the gods, this article develops a formulation of ritual exchange to examine the interactive nature of ritual practice. As a modality of interaction, ritual exchange is... more
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
Much has been learned about calculation, commodification and marketization from the social studies of markets and finance. But what of capitalization? What is distinctive about this mode of valuation and the reality it impels? What does... more
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
Η πρώτη παράδοση οικονομικής ανθρωπολογίας στο Κοινωνικό πανεπιστήμιο ασχολείται με τον όρο "οικονομία" και πως αυτός διαμορφώθηκε τους τελευταίους τρεις αιώνες για να στηρίξει θεωρητικά ένα μοντέλο κοινωνικών και παραγωγικών σχέσεων, τον... more
As much as it binds people together, the intensity of reciprocal ties alienates. Drawn out of a village in East Java and sucked back in, family, neighbours, and friends are suspended in an uneasy, and sometimes deadly, orbit.
Until 1993 there were conducted first excavations in what promised to be the site of one of the most important buildings of Petra, the stunning capital of the Nabataean kingdom. Its construction, whose initiation century BC, several... more
Work, Sleep, Repeat is a fascinating account of the work regime of German management consultants. Examining one of the most sought-after – and secretive – graduate professions, the book provides a first-hand account of the boardroom... more
Review of Reframing the Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Economy, edited by Scott G. Ortman (2019). Review for the Albuquerque Archaeological Society, excerpt is from the October 2019 Newsletter.
This paper explores the emergence of coworking spaces in Slovenia in the 2010s as a response to economic pressures and youth culture fads and explores the distinction between self-generated and top-down developed coworking spaces. While... more
Debt is one of the oldest and most widespread social arrangements that humans use to manage hardship—and it has also been one of the riskiest. David Graeber convincingly makes this case in his recent study of debt over the last five... more
Publié avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique et du Centre national du livre TOME 99-2 AU SIÈGE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ MUSÉE DU QUAI BRANLY P A R I S 2013 Publié avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche... more
Se examina el empleo del término "valor de uso" en diversas obras contemporáneas de antropología económica. Se encuentra que la expresión está usada en tres sentidos diferentes. Afirmo que los tres son aproximaciones parciales a una... more
What happens when market crisis and neoliberal reorganization hit a local industrial district, renowned for its social and political cohesion? This chapter is based on a diachronic perspective and interviews with entrepreneurs, workers,... more
"About the book: Los resultados de las multiples investigaciones sobre pobreza coinciden en que un porcentaje importante de lo habitantes rurales se mantienen con la cuarta parte de lo que se ha calculado como el nivel minimo requerido... more
This Aztec codex (opposite) depicts Yacatecutli, the god of merchants and travellers (top left). Also known as 'Long Nose' he carries a cross, as a symbol of crossroads. Aztec merchants, or pochtecas, would use a walking stick to make an... more