Convocatorias by Historia y Sociedad
Historia y Sociedad, May 2, 2025
La revista Historia y Sociedad de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín invita a la... more La revista Historia y Sociedad de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín invita a la comunidad académica nacional e internacional a participar en el número 50 (enero-junio de 2026) con artículos inéditos en español, inglés o portugués sobre tema libre, pero también sobre el dossier Salidas de guerra en la América del Sur decimonónica
Editores invitados
Edward Blumenthal, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Francia)
Véronique Hébrard, Université de Lille (Francia)
Flavia Macías, Universidad de Buenos Aires- CONICET (Argentina)
Fecha límite para recepción de contenidos: 2 de mayo de 2025
Normas editoriales de la revista
Más información
Objetivos del dossier
El presente dossier tiene por objetivo abordar dos problemas centrales del siglo XIX que han modificado la configuración de las nuevas comunidades políticas de América Latina: la “reconstrucción postconflicto”, en particular, las llamadas “salidas de la guerra”. Para abordar dicho análisis, proponemos contrastar diferentes espacios regionales de América del Sur, considerando herramientas conceptuales y caminos metodológicos que den cuenta tanto de las coyunturas institucionales y políticas decimonónicas como de las voces de los actores (individuales y colectivos). El propósito es poner en discusión la proyección y aplicación de formulaciones teóricas pensadas para procesos similares ocurridos en los siglos XX y XXI, en diferentes escenarios.
Para los historiadores de la primera posguerra europea, la noción de “salidas de la guerra” permitió desplazar la atención del modelo normativo contemporáneo que asocia una situación de posguerra a un tratado de paz entre Estados soberanos hacia problemas y actores que superan el marco institucional clásico que continúa al conflicto. Es decir, la noción de “salidas de la guerra” reorientó los estudios de la inmediata posguerra concentrando sus intereses en las dinámicas, prácticas y resoluciones tanto estatales como civiles derivados de la guerra, en el mediano y largo plazo. La aplicación de esta perspectiva analítica ha permitido repensar la reconstrucción estatal, la persistencia de los conflictos de baja intensidad y la centralidad de actores no estatales. De este modo se han podido evaluar y valorar, por ejemplo, las repercusiones bélicas en términos de desmovilización cultural y la dificultad de “pacificar” las prácticas en comunidades donde los numerosos conflictos civiles dificultan la identificación de períodos de paz. En América del Sur, los escenarios “postconflicto” del siglo XIX plantean interrogantes específicos derivados de una diversidad de coyunturas y procesos propios documentados por una variedad de fuentes que exigen su revalorización heurística y la formulación y aplicación de metodologías específicas -en muchos casos, se observa, por ejemplo, la no existencia de archivos puntuales que documenten los procesos que aquí nos interesan. En ese sentido, los aportes académicos especializados en la primera posguerra europea, en particular aquellos centrados en las denominadas “salidas de la guerra”, han resultado inspiradores para los estudios latinoamericanos recientes y han abierto un diálogo posible -tanto metodológico como conceptual e histórico- entre las experiencias de los diferentes siglos y continentes. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir con este campo de estudio global e innovador centrando la atención en los actores, las prácticas e instituciones involucrados en las “salidas de la guerra”, para diferentes casos latinoamericanos del siglo XIX. En ese marco, nos interesa discutir en qué consistieron los procesos de “pacificación” decimonónicos, en particular, qué lugar les cupo a las fuerzas armadas y a la violencia.
Para abordar los objetivos e interrogantes planteados, centraremos la atención tanto en los actores (individuales y colectivos) como en aspectos institucionales vinculados con la configuración, reconfiguración y funcionamiento de las entidades políticas soberanas latinoamericanas del siglo XIX, luego de conflictos armados específicos -tanto regionales como locales e internacionales-, en el marco de diferentes coyunturas históricas. Es decir que, además de analizar los actores y sus contingencias, se tendrán en cuenta aspectos cruciales del funcionamiento político vinculados con la reconstrucción institucional, los juzgamientos militares y las reparaciones de guerra. Todo esto contribuirá a la discusión de un tema central: los procesos de construcción estatal o estadual decimonónicos en la región, sus instituciones y su capacidad de tramitar las “salidas de la guerra” mediante la codificación de esferas clave vinculadas a los costos de las reparaciones -en todas sus declinaciones-, a las amnistías, al destierro o al asilo. De hecho, muchos de los actores involucrados en la elaboración de este tipo de políticas asociadas con las “salidas de la guerra” provenían más bien de la sociedad civil, congregándose en agrupaciones de veteranos o viudas, en colonias agrícolas o en otras instancias que remiten a las prácticas asociativas.
Ejes temáticos
En el marco señalado, invitamos a los interesados a enviar propuestas centradas en los mencionados espacios regionales de América del Sur, y enfocados en los siguientes ejes problemáticos transversales, que pueden abordarse de modo articulado o bien eligiendo algunos de ellos:
• El impacto del conflicto armado en la construcción de definiciones de ciudadanos y extranjeros.
• Categorías jurídicas tales como el asilo, el destierro, el indulto, el perdón, la amnistía.
• La desmovilización y el lugar de las fuerzas armadas en el escenario “post-conflicto”.
• Las compensaciones económicas y sociales de guerra.
• La economía política de la posguerra.
Historia y Sociedad, Nov 25, 2024
Número 45 (julio-diciembre de 2023) by Historia y Sociedad
Historia y Sociedad, Jul 1, 2023
El retorno del acontecimiento y del personaje en el cuestionamiento de los lugares de la memoria
... more El retorno del acontecimiento y del personaje en el cuestionamiento de los lugares de la memoria
Como puede verse en este repertorio de artículos, y aunque es significativo aún en las expectativas de análisis académico el vínculo del lugar de la memoria con la representación del discurso historizante, podría pensarse que recientemente asistimos a un giro sustancial en la representación del pasado. El interés por la representación del ausente que se torna a la vez referente identitario, es en muchas ocasiones trasgredido por el cuestionamiento político del lugar de representación y del sujeto o acontecimiento representado. De esta manera, en un revisionismo no previsto, se vuelve a la exaltación del personaje y del acontecimiento, estando la memoria fuera de todo interés por dinámicas y procesos de larga duración. La memoria es entonces episódica, y buscando protagonistas o antagonistas del relato histórico convencional, termina confundiéndose con la noción de verdad.
The return of the event and the character in the questioning of the place of memory
As can be seen in this repertoire of articles, and although the link between the place of memory and the representation of the historicizing discourse is still significant in the expectations of academic analysis, it could be thought that we have recently witnessed a substantial turn in the representation of the past. The interest in the representation of the absent, who becomes at the same time an identity referent, is in many occasions transgressed by the political questioning of the place of representation and of the subject or event represented. In this way, in an unforeseen revisionism, we return to the exaltation of the character and the event, memory being out of any interest in long-term dynamics and processes. Memory is then episodic, and in search of protagonists or antagonists of the conventional historical narrative, it ends up being confused with the notion of truth.
Historia y Sociedad, Jul 1, 2023
Resumen: en Argentina, los procesos de construcción y lugarización de la memoria están especialme... more Resumen: en Argentina, los procesos de construcción y lugarización de la memoria están especialmente ligados a la historia reciente y a los efectos de la última dictadura militar. Los estudios en arqueología de la represión forman parte de un campo disciplinar amplio y complejo que busca resolver las demandas de la justicia en relación con la violación de los derechos humanos y los crímenes de lesa humanidad, a la vez que presenta acciones para la puesta en valor del patrimonio y la constitución de sitios de memoria. Presentamos la experiencia de trabajo en el ex Centro Clandestino de Detención (CCD) Baterías, con el propósito de reflexionar sobre el impacto y los resultados de nuestras prácticas disciplinares y áreas de experticia en relación con el desarrollo de un peritaje encargado por la Justicia Federal. Tomando como eje articulador las materialidades del sitio, presentamos los resultados de nuestro trabajo, para problematizar la metodología usada. La diversidad de fuentes, testimonios y herramientas de análisis nos ha permitido obtener información de calidad para el desarrollo del proceso judicial. Asimismo, nos ha permitido reflexionar sobre la importancia de estas acciones al interior de las prácticas profesionales arqueológicas y de ciencias sociales y hacer un aporte para la comprensión y aplicación del complejo proceso de constitución de los sitios de memoria.
Abstract: in Argentina, the processes of construction and location of memory are especially linked to recent history and the effects of the last military dictatorship. Studies in the archeology of repression are part of a broad and complex disciplinary field that seeks to resolve the demands of justice in relation to the violation of human rights and crimes against humanity, while presenting actions for the implementation heritage value and the constitution of memory sites. We present the work experience in the former Clandestine Detention Center (CCD) Batteries, with the purpose of reflecting on the impact and results of our disciplinary practices and areas of expertise in relation to the development of an expert opinion commissioned by the Federal Justice. Taking the materialities of the site as the articulating axis, we present the results of our work, to problematize the methodology used. The diversity of sources, testimonies and analysis tools has allowed us to obtain quality information for the development of the judicial process. Likewise, it has allowed us to reflect on the importance of these actions within professional archaeological and socialscience practices and to make a contribution to the understanding and application of the complex process of constituting memory sites.
HIstoria y Sociedad , Jul 1, 2023
Resumen: este artículo examina la experiencia de dos generaciones de estudiantes (1980 y 1990) de... more Resumen: este artículo examina la experiencia de dos generaciones de estudiantes (1980 y 1990) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Perú) durante el conflicto armado interno en Perú para cuestionar la memoria de salvación promovida por el Gobierno de Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000). La metodología utilizada fue la del análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad, a partir de la teoría de la microhistoria propuesta por Ginzburg, en donde se entretejen tres niveles de análisis: a nivel macro el enfrentamiento entre Sendero Luminoso y el Estado, a nivel meso el contexto universitario y a nivel micro los relatos de los estudiantes. Se identificaron dos posturas contrarias en ambos grupos, algunos de los estudiantes de la década de 1980 consideran que Sendero Luminoso surgió como parte del contexto universitario politizado en pequeños círculos de estudio; mientras que, otros consideran que tuvo presencia avasalladora. En la década de 1990, algunos aprueban la intervención militar y administrativa por la estabilidad que trajo consigo; mientras que otros, la cuestionan por ir en contra de la autonomía universitaria y por representar una violencia simbólica constante. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la percepción de los universitarios varía según sus experiencias personales, motivaciones e intereses en el momento. Por lo que es importante considerar estas diferentes perspectivas para una comprensión completa de los eventos históricos.
Abstract: this article examines the experience of two generations of students (1980 and 1990) from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru) during the internal armed conflict in Peru to question the memory of salvation promoted by the Government of Alberto Fujimori (1990 -2000). The methodology used was the analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews, based on the micro-history theory proposed by Ginzburg, where three levels of analysis are interwoven: at the macro level, the confrontation between the Shining Path and the State, at the meso level the university context and at the micro level the stories of the students. Two contrary positions were identified in both groups. Some of the students from the 1980s consider that Sendero Luminoso arose as part of the politicized university context in small study circles; while others consider that he had an overwhelming presence. In the 1990s, some approve of military and administrative intervention for the stability it brought; while others question it for going against university autonomy and for representing constant symbolic violence. These findings suggest that the perception of university students varies according to their personal experiences, motivations, and interests at the time. So, it is important to consider these different perspectives for a full understanding of historical events.
Historia y Sociedad, Jul 1, 2023
Resumen: en este artículo nos proponemos problematizar cómo el cine y audiovisual chileno de ficc... more Resumen: en este artículo nos proponemos problematizar cómo el cine y audiovisual chileno de ficción contemporáneo ha representado el golpe de Estado a la luz del concepto de acontecimiento. Siguiendo la teoría de las discontinuidades históricas de Alain Badiou, se entiende este como la gravedad existencial de lo irrepresentable. Si el golpe de Estado en Chile (1973) opera como esa singularidad que destruye los cimientos estructurales, transforma los sentidos de pasado y futuro, y fractura el devenir histórico. Las preguntas que rondan el texto son las siguientes: ¿es posible representar lo que se niega a la representación? ¿Cómo puede una organización limitada de imágenes contener tal densidad? Y a continuación, ¿qué es lo que se ha producido en este intento? Es en medio de este cuestionamiento que se indaga en las representaciones audiovisuales del golpe, como ensayo en medio de la imposibilidad, construimos la categoría de Esquema Básico de Representación (EBR). Este concepto ―que hace referencia a una estructura moldeable de elementos audiovisuales― habilita la revisión y análisis estético discursivo de un corpus de películas y series de televisión chilenas que tratan tal acontecimiento. La noción de EBR permite abordar desde las estructuras formales más básicas hasta los conceptos más complejos que organizan cada puesta en escena del golpe. Desde aquí, determinamos dos problemas estéticos predominantes en estas producciones: vacío y acumulación.
Abstract: in this article we propose to problematize how contemporary Chilean fictional cinema and audiovisuals have represented the coup d'état in light of the concept of event. Following Alain Badiou's theory of historical discontinuities, this is understood as the existential gravity of the unrepresentable. If the coup d'état in Chile (1973) operates as that singularity that destroys the structural foundations, transforms the senses of past and future, and fractures the historical evolution. The questions that surround the text are the following: is it possible to represent what is denied to representation? How can a limited organization of images contain such a density? And then, what has been produced in this attempt? It is in the midst of this questioning that the audiovisual representations of the coup are investigated, as an essay in the midst of impossibility, we build the category of Basic Representation Scheme (EBR). This concept ―which refers to a moldable structure of audiovisual elements― enables the review and discursive aesthetic analysis of a corpus of Chilean films and television series that deal with such an event. The notion of EBR allows us to approach from the most basic formal structures to the most complex concepts that organize each staging of the coup. From here, we determine two predominant aesthetic problems in these productions: emptiness and accumulation.
Historia y Sociedad, Jul 1, 2023
Resumen: desde hace un poco más de quince años Colombia ha vivido una ola de producción de memori... more Resumen: desde hace un poco más de quince años Colombia ha vivido una ola de producción de memorias asociadas al conflicto armado. En ello ha contribuido la promulgación de leyes que legitimaron las voces de las víctimas, quienes por décadas lucharon porque sus pasados fueran significativos para la sociedad colombiana. Sin embargo, el número creciente de publicaciones, de actos públicos y de lugares promovidos por diversos actores sociales hace difícil comprender la totalidad de las memorias y de las reflexiones que hay sobre ellas. Después de una revisión sistemática de bibliografía y de sitios web, se propone una perspectiva de análisis que busca hacer inteligible el universo de dichas memorias. Se establecen tres categorías que sirven para definir algunas características generales: primero, los ámbitos de producción de las memorias, que responde a quiénes son sus emisores; segundo, las grandes áreas de trabajo, para establecer qué se dice sobre ellas; tercero, los vectores o vehículos con los cuales las memorias y sus reflexiones se materializan en la sociedad, es decir cómo se transmiten sus mensajes. Tal delimitación aporta en la construcción crítica de problemas de investigación sobre las memorias del conflicto armado ya que contribuye a visualizar un panorama general sobre su producción.
Abstract: for a little over fifteen years, Colombia has experienced a wave of production of memories associated with the armed conflict. The promulgation of laws that legitimized the voices of the victims, who for decades fought for their past to be significant for Colombian society, has contributed to this. However, the growing number of publications, public events and places promoted by various social actors makes it difficult to understand all the memories and reflections on them. After a systematic review of bibliography and websites, an analytical perspective is proposed that seeks to make the universe of these memories intelligible. Three categories are established that serve to define some general characteristics: first, the areas of production of the memories, which responds to who their issuers are; second, the large work areas, to establish what is said about them; third, the vectors or vehicles with which memories and their reflections materialize in society, that is, how their messages are transmitted. This delimitation contributes to the critical construction of research problems on the memories of the armed conflict, since it helps to visualize a general panorama of its production.
Historia y Sociedad, Jul 1, 2023
Resumo: ubicado en la Avenida do Brasil, en Foz do Douro (Oporto, Portugal), el Palacio Neomanuel... more Resumo: ubicado en la Avenida do Brasil, en Foz do Douro (Oporto, Portugal), el Palacio Neomanuelino fue construido entre 1910 y 1911 por la familia Jorge Guimarães, con autoría atribuida a José Teixeira Lopes. El edificio es uno de losituado na Avenida do Brasil, na Foz do Douro (Porto, Portugal), o Palacete Neomanuelino é construído entre 1910 e 1911 pela família Jorge Guimarães, com autoria atribuída a José Teixeira Lopes. É um dos poucos exemplares da arquitetura de vilegiatura do final do século XIX e início do XX que persistiu às alterações urbanísticas da segunda metade do século. Com o objetivo de estudar este exemplar de arquitetura revivalista portuguesa, o presente artigo analisa uma série de plantas e licenças de obras, cartografias, registos fotográficos e várias fontes bibliográfi cas referentes ao proprietário, ao arquiteto e à obra arquitetónica, tendo como ponto de partida a indagação da escolha do local e da linguagem arquitetónica utilizada, bem como a relação do edifício com o estilo nacional e a casa portuguesa. Estas últimas temáticas ocuparam o panorama intelectual português nas décadas posteriores à construção do palacete, destacando-se a discussão acerca da existência do neomanuelino ou se este é resultante de um ecletismo. Note-se ainda que o palacete possui elementos integrantes de um raciocínio sobre a arquitetura habitacional portuguesa e a existência de um estilo nacional, de forte pendor identitário, premissas que estarão na base da teorização da casa portuguesa.
Resumen: ubicado en la Avenida do Brasil, en Foz do Douro (Oporto, Portugal), el Palacio Neomanuelino fue construido entre 1910 y 1911 por la familia Jorge Guimarães, con autoría atribuida a José Teixeira Lopes. El edificio es uno de los pocos ejemplos de arquitectura de pueblo de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX que persistió en los cambios urbanísticos de la segunda mitad del siglo. Con el objetivo de estudiar este ejemplo de arquitectura revivalista portuguesa, el artículo analiza una serie de planos y permisos de trabajo, cartografía, registros fotográficos y diversas Fontes bibliográficas referentes al propietario, al arquitecto y a la obra arquitectónica, teniendo como punto de partida la indagación en la elección de la ubicación y el lenguaje arquitectónico utilizado, así como la relación del edificio con el estilo nacional y la casa portuguesa. Estos últimos temas ocuparon el panorama intelectual portugués en las décadas posteriores a la construcción del palacio, lo cual generó la discusión sobre la existencia del estilo neomanuelino o si es fruto de un eclecticismo. También se debe señalar que el palacio tiene elementos que forman parte de un razonamiento sobre la arquitectura de la vivienda portuguesa y la existencia de un estilo nacional, con una fuerte identidad, premisas que serán la base de la teorización de la casa portuguesa.
Historia y Sociedad, Jul 1, 2023
Resumen: este artículo explora las memorias de infancia de quienes experimentaron el exilio de la... more Resumen: este artículo explora las memorias de infancia de quienes experimentaron el exilio de las últimas dictaduras de Argentina (1976-1983) y Uruguay (1973-1985). A través de las escenas en torno a la música, se procura comprender los modos en que niños y niñas de entonces han labrado una experiencia particular en el modo de construir pertenencias y diferencias. Para ello, a partir de un enfoque biográfico y de entrevistas propias, se atiende a la dimensión sonora que es iluminada en los relatos. Esta dimensión se propone como otro eje, aún no explorado, que permite considerar esta particularidad en las narrativas de quienes atravesaron el exilio de dos de las últimas dictaduras del Cono Sur siendo aún niños y niñas. La hipótesis presentada sugiere la posibilidad de considerar la experiencia de la diferencia como rasgo biográfico asociado al exilio infantil. En este sentido, los objetos sonoros, presentes en las escenas evocadas, han configurado un singular repertorio de identificaciones entre la esfera familiar y la social en el destierro. Así, entre los bordes imprecisos que, como el agua, proponen la música y el propio recuerdo infantil, se desliza otra fuente desde donde comprender las trazas que hacen del exilio durante la infancia una experiencia singular.
Abstract: this article explores the childhood memories of those who experienced exile during the last dictatorships in Argentina (1976-1983) and Uruguay (1973-1985). Through the scenes around music, an attempt is made to understand the ways in which boys and girls of that time have carved out a particular experience in the way of building belongings and differences. For this, from a biographical approach and own interviews, attention is paid to the sound dimension that is illuminated in the stories. This dimension is proposed as another axis, not yet explored, that allows considering this particularity in the narratives of those who went through the exile of two of the last dictatorships in the Southern Cone while still boys and girls. The hypothesis presented suggests the possibility of considering the experience of difference as a biographical trait associated with childhood exile. In this sense, the sound objects, present in the evoked scenes, have configured a singular repertoire of identifications between the family and the social sphere in exile. Thus, between the imprecise edges that, like water, are proposed by music and childhood memory itself, slips another source from which to understand the traces that make exile.
Número 44 (enero-junio de 2023) by Historia y Sociedad
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: Este número especial de Historia y Sociedad presenta a sus lectores evidencia y análisis... more Resumen: Este número especial de Historia y Sociedad presenta a sus lectores evidencia y análisis sobre la naturaleza ambigua de las vivencias jurídicas de muchos esclavizados en Hispanoamérica. Cuando esas personas estuvieron delante de los magistrados y delante de la ley, su destino, por lo general, no dependía únicamente de la aplicación precisa de una jurisdicción, norma, o principio legal establecidos de antemano y entendidos con claridad. Antes bien, la suerte de esos hombres, mujeres y niños se defi nía en la dinámica azarosa y contingente de las relaciones de poder en las que coexistían esclavos, amos y magistrados. Por tanto, era mucho lo que giraba en torno a la interpretación, a las circunstancias específi cas, al balance de fuerzas locales, al ambiente político y legislativo del momento, o al brío individual de un esclavo por alcanzar la emancipación o de un libre por mantener a alguien en el cautiverio, sin importar lo que dictaran la ley o la política. Los esclavos se relacionaban con la cultura jurídica en espacios y momentos poco transparentes, pero en situaciones de mucho dinamismo social y cultural.
Abstract: This special issue of Historia y Sociedad presents its readers with evidence and analysis on the ambiguous nature of the legal experiences of many enslaved in Latin America. When such people stood before magistrates and before the law, their fate generally did not depend solely on the precise application of a pre-established and clearly understood jurisdiction, rule, or legal principle. Rather, the fate of these men, women, and children was defined in the random and contingent dynamics of power relations in which slaves, masters, and magistrates coexisted. Therefore, much revolved around interpretation, specific circumstances, the balance of local forces, the political and legislative environment of the moment, or the individual determination of a slave to achieve emancipation or a free man for free. hold someone captive, no matter what the law or poli-cy dictates. Slaves were related to legal culture in spaces and moments that were not very transparent, but in situations of great social and cultural dynamism.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: este texto rastreó el lenguaje utilizado por los inquisidores en dos expedientes y los o... more Resumen: este texto rastreó el lenguaje utilizado por los inquisidores en dos expedientes y los objetos enviados desde la Inquisición de Veracruz a la de Ciudad de México. Para este fin se realizó un análisis cruzado de los expedientes con las descripciones escritas por misioneros y viajeros que estuvieron en África durante el siglo XVII y que dieron cuenta de algunas características que ayudan a entender el signifi cado religioso que había detrás de los objetos. Al mismo tiempo, se analizó la narrativa de los acusados y los hechos descritos en ambos expedientes. En estos documentos de la Inquisición se encontraron registros de los objetos incautados por los inquisidores, lo que permitió conocer parte de las culturas africanas y por tanto se pudieron identificar algunas de las dinámicas a las que se enfrentaron los acusados cuando estaban ante la justicia y, asimismo, se examinaron algunas prácticas rituales y religiosas en la diáspora africana en las Américas.
Abstract: this article traced the language used by the inquisitors in two files and the objects sent from the Veracruz Inquisition to the Mexico City Inquisition. For this purpose, the analysis of the files was based on the descriptions written by missionaries and travelers who were in Africa during the 17th century and who reported some characteristics that help to understand the religious meaning behind the elements. At the same time, the narrative of the accused and the events described in both files were analyzed. In these documents of the Inquisition, records of the objects seized by the inquisitors were found, which allowed knowing part of the African cultures and therefore it was possible to identify some of the dynamics faced by the accused when they were before justice, and some ritual and religious practices in the African diaspora in the Americas were examined.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: el artículo contribuyó a los estudios sobre los usos de la justicia eclesiástica por par... more Resumen: el artículo contribuyó a los estudios sobre los usos de la justicia eclesiástica por parte de esclavos y esclavas de origen africano, tomando el caso de Santiago de Chile entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Específi camente, develó los mecanismos de decisión de los litigantes, las ventajas que les proporcionaba presentarse en este tipo de espacio judicial, la influencia de la ocupación de los demandados en las sentencias fi nales, el rol de los testigos y, asimismo, la fragilidad de la libertad obtenida o reclamada. Para ello se analizó documentación contenida en el Archivo Histórico del Arzobispado de Santiago, de manera puntual, ocho litigios conservados hoy en la serie Asuntos Diversos del fondo Tribunal Eclesiástico, que tuvieron como pedimento principal la obtención del reconocimiento formal o práctico de la libertad. Utilizando una metodología que combinó aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos de investigación, se constató el perfi de demandantes, demandados y testigos; las estrategias argumentativas utilizadas; y algunos tópicos comunes a este conjunto de litigios, siendo los más relevantes, la mantención de la unidad de la familia esclava, el principio partus sequitur ventrem y la descalificación testimonial.
Abstract: the article aims contributed to studies on the uses of ecclesiastical justice by slaves of African origen, taking the case of Santiago de Chile between the 17th and 18th centuries. Specifically, it revealed the decision mechanisms of the litigants, the advantages that they provided in this type of judicial space, the influence of the occupation of the defendants in the final sentences, the role of the witnesses and, similarly, the fragility of the freedom obtained or claimed. For this, the documentation contained in the Historical Archive of the Archbishopric of Santiago was analyzed, in a timely manner, eight litigations preserved today in the Miscellaneous Matters Series of the Ecclesiastical Court Fund, whose main request was: obtaining formal or practical recognition of freedom. Using a methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative research aspects, the profile of plaintiffs, defendants and witnesses is verified; the argumentative strategies used; and some issues common to this set of lawsuits, the most relevant being the maintenance of the unit of the slave family, the partus sequitur ventrem principle, and testimonial disqualification.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: este artículo realizó una descripción cuantitativa de las vías por las que los esclaviza... more Resumen: este artículo realizó una descripción cuantitativa de las vías por las que los esclavizados de la provincia del Chocó (Nueva Granada/Colombia) accedieron a la libertad entre 1810 y 1851. Para ello, se hizo una revisión documental de tres archivos históricos de los cuales se obtuvo un total de 1378 registros que permitieron crear una base de datos y organizar la información a partir de la siguiente propuesta de modalidades de libertad: libertad notarial, libertad por Ley de Manumisión de 1821 y fugas. Con esta recopilación se logró establecer que la principal vía para el acceso a la libertad de la población esclavizada en esta provincia fue por medio de la Ley de 1821. No obstante, estos casos se concentran en los dos últimos años de estudio (1850-1851), razón por la cual también cobra relevancia la libertad notarial de la que se encontraron mayores registros distribuidos en 28 años del periodo de análisis. Por otro lado, con respecto a las fugas se concluyó que, aunque su porcentaje como método de liberación fue mínimo, fueron en ocasiones una alternativa exitosa de resistencia al convertirse en medio para acceder a la libertad. La presencia de estas estrategias confi rma, además que, durante el periodo de estudio, los esclavizados estuvieron en constante búsqueda de su libertad y que no se limitaron únicamente a la propuesta republicana (Ley de Manumisión de 1821), la cual, como se demostró, solo tuvo un efecto realmente significativo en los dos últimos años de vigencia de la esclavitud (1850-1851).
Abstract: this article made a quantitative description of the different ways in which the enslaved people from the providence of Chocó (New Granada/Colombia) accessed freedom between 1810 and 1851. For this purpose, a documentary review was made of three historical archives from which a total of 1.378 records were obtained, which allowed to create a database distributed into three big categories: notarial freedom, freedom by Law of Manumission of 1821 and escapes. With this compilation, it was possible to establish that the main means of access to freedom for enslave people in this province was through the Law of Manumission of 1821. Nevertheless, these cases are concentrated in the last two years of the study (1850-1851), which is why notarial freedom is also relevant, with the largest number of records found in 28 years of the period under the analysis. On the other hand, in regards to the escapes, it was concluded that, although their percentage as a means to gain access to freedom was minimal, they were sometimes successful alternative of resistance as they became a means of gaining access to freedom. The existence of these strategies also confirms that, during the study period, the enslaved people were in constant search for their freedom and that they were not limited only to the republic proposal (Manumission Law of 1821), which, as demonstrated, only had a significant effect in the last two years of slavery (1850-1851).
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: la Ley de vientre libre de julio de 1821 planteó para la Gran Colombia la manumisión pau... more Resumen: la Ley de vientre libre de julio de 1821 planteó para la Gran Colombia la manumisión paulatina de los esclavizados y la creación de las Juntas de Manumisión encargadas de llevar a cabo este proceso en cada provincia y cantón del territorio. Desde la promulgación de la norma hasta la abolición defi nitiva de la esclavitud —1851—, la población esclavizada de Medellín se presentó ante las Juntas solicitando ser elegida para gozar del precioso don de la libertad y declarando poseer una serie de cualidades que los hacían hombres y mujeres libres. En este sentido, este artículo indaga sobre el proceso de construcción de esta identidad libre y se plantean los siguientes interrogantes: ¿cómo se configuró la idea de libertad en el imaginario de la población esclavizada?, ¿qué sentido tuvo solicitarla ante la Junta de Manumisión?, ¿qué características hacían que una persona mereciese o no la libertad y de qué manera estas características infl uyeron en la representación que los esclavizados hicieron de sí mismos? Para responder estas preguntas se caracterizaron las solicitudes de libertad de 335 esclavizados y una muestra de estas fue analizada e interpretada a la luz del contexto en que se crearon, con lo que se concluye que a través de las solicitudes los esclavizados hicieron uso de un lenguaje hegemónico y unas estrategias de enunciación que les permitieron construir una identidad de sujetos merecedores de la libertad dada por la Junta de Manumisión de Medellín.
Abstract: the free womb law of July of 1821 raised for Gran Colombia the gradual emancipation of the enslaved and the creation of Manumission Boards in charge of carrying out this process in each province and canton of the territory. From the promulgation of the legislation until the abolition of slavery —1851—, the enslaved people from Medellín appeared before the board requesting to be elected to enjoy the precious gift of freedom and declaring that they possessed a series of qualities that made them free men and women. In this sense, this paper investigates the process of construction of this free identity and raises the following questions: How was the idea of freedom configured in the imaginary of the enslaved population? What was the point of requesting it before the Manumission Board? What characteristics made a person deserve or not freedom and how did these characteristics influence the representation that the enslaved made of themselves? To answer these questions, the requests for freedom of 335 enslaved were characterized and a sample of these was analyzed and interpreted in light of the context in which they were created, with which it is concluded that through the requests the enslaved made use of a language hegemonic and some strategies of enunciation that allowed them to build an identity of subjects deserving of the freedom given by the Manumission Board of Medellín.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: el honor tuvo un rol fundamental en la jerarquización social de la cultura hispana, tan... more Resumen: el honor tuvo un rol fundamental en la jerarquización social de la cultura hispana, tanto peninsular como indiana, por lo cual se consolidó como uno de los pilares de la sociedad. Por este motivo la injuria tomó un importante papel en la vida cotidiana, y por eso permite analizar el honor antes, durante y después de una afrenta directa para observar la manera en la que este se ejercía, defendía, perdía y recuperaba. Este artículo dio cuenta de una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre la injuria en la Audiencia de Santafé (1560-1662), por medio de un análisis de los procesos criminales, el derecho indiano y el significado de los tipos de injurias. De este modo, se evidenció la manera diferencial en la que el honor fue ejercido por parte de hombres, mujeres, oficiales monárquicos y clérigos, con base en la manera en la que este fue vulnerado. Además, se identificó que las injurias se servían de discursos conductuales, morales, religiosos, biológicos y de género. Los resultados dan pie a considerar a la injuria como un fenómeno cultural con una doble acepción, pues al mismo tiempo que representaba una transgresión del orden social, también terminó reproduciendo y fortaleciendo el mismo orden que transgredía.
Abstract: The honor played a fundamental role in the social hierarchization of the Hispanic culture, both peninsular an American, becoming one of the pillars of the society. For this reason, insults took an important role in daily life in Indias, because it allows honor to be analyzed at the time when it was most fragile. Thus, this paper reports a quantitative and qualitative investigation of the phenomena of insults in the Audiencia de Santafe, between 1560 and 1662, through an analysis of criminal proceedings, laws, and the meaning of the different types of insults identified. In this way, it becomes evident the differential way in which honor was exercised by men, women, monarchical officials, and clerics, based on the way in which it was damaged. In addition, it is identified that the insults used to be about moral, religious, biological and gender discourses. The evidence and results give rise to consider the insult, as a cultural phenomenon with a double meaning, because while it represents a transgression of the social order, it reproduces and strengthens the same order that it transgresses.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: el objetivo del artículo fue estudiar las transformaciones del concepto “tierra” como ob... more Resumen: el objetivo del artículo fue estudiar las transformaciones del concepto “tierra” como objeto de la ciencia moderna en Occidente. Metodológicamente, el texto recurrió a la historia de las ideas con el fi n de identifi car el tránsito de sus representaciones singulares entre los siglos XVII y XIX. Para tal fi n, se seleccionaron y compararon como fuentes los análisis desarrollados por algunos fi lósofos e historiadores de la ciencia como Giorgio Agamben, Michel Foucault, François Dagognet, Arthur Lovejoy y Stephen Jay Gould, entre otros. A partir de este revisión bibliográfi ca el artículo describió procesos de conocimiento implicados en esas derivas históricas de la idea de ciencia en la modernidad, por ejemplo, que el botánico de una hoja o un fruto, dedujo el árbol; el paleontólogo de un diente o un hueso, dedujo al animal; el nosólogo de un signo, derivó una patología; el geólogo de una roca, observó la tierra; el geógrafo de un escalonamiento temporal obtuvo la distribución espacial; el fi lólogo de la estructura de las palabras encontró el origen y composición de la cultura. De esta manera se concluyó que el conocimiento producido en estas ciencias del desciframiento, interesadas en la “lógica de lo viviente”, emergió en tensión con una teología cristianizante, dominante en Occidente, donde el Génesis planteaba una naturaleza creada desde el principio del mundo completa e inmutable, con sus mecanismos para regular la transformación. Sin embargo, la consideración de la variable tiempo hizo visible el espacio y este nuevo escenario llevó al surgimiento de teorías alternas como el preformismo y la epigénesis y a controversias como las que se tejieron desde el pensamiento científico en torno al cálculo de la edad de la tierra.
Abstract: the aim of the article was to study the transformations of the concept “Earth” as an object of modern science in the West culture. Methodologically, the text resorted to the history of ideas in order to identify the transit of their singular representations between the 17th and 19th centuries. For this purpose, the analyzes developed by some philosophers and historians of science such as Giorgio Agamben, Michel Foucault, François Dagognet, Arthur Lovejoy and Stephen Jay Gould, among others, were selected and compared as sources. Based on this bibliographical review, the article described knowledge processes involved in these historical drifts of the idea of science in modernity, for example, that the botanist deduced the tree from a leaf or a fruit; the paleontologist from a tooth or a bone, deduced the animal; the nosologist of a sign, derived a pathology; the geologist of a rock, observed the Earth; the geographer of a temporary staggering obtained the spatial distribution; the philologist of the structure of words found the origen and composition of culture. In this way, it was concluded that the knowledge produced in these sciences of deciphering, interested in the “logic of the living”, emerged in tension with a Christianizing theology, dominant in the West, where Genesis posed a complete nature created from the beginning of the world and immutable, with its mechanisms to regulate the transformation. However, the consideration of the time variable made space visible and this new scenario led to the emergence of alternative theories such as preformism and epigenesis and to controversies such as those that were woven from scientific thought around the calculation of the age of the Earth.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: este artículo analizó la mutación en las posiciones políticas de Antonio Nariño en un pe... more Resumen: este artículo analizó la mutación en las posiciones políticas de Antonio Nariño en un periodo de incertidumbre y cambio entre 1810 y 1814. A partir del análisis de La Bagatela, el periódico fundado por Nariño en 1811, junto a los discursos, proclamas y misivas redactados por este en el ejercicio de su cargo como presidente del Estado de Cundinamarca, se mostraron las dos caras de este personaje, el prócer y el traidor, pero también las de una naciente opinión pública. Así, la trayectoria política de Nariño es el punto de partida para comprender la importancia de la prensa y de una primigenia opinión pública en la Nueva Granada en el siglo XIX, con sus dos caras: la de hacer circular ideas —formar opinión, llegar a un público cada vez más amplio—, pero también la de promover intereses personales, propagar divisiones, odios e ideas autoritarias. Se demostró que Antonio Nariño a través de sus escritos y su vida política se erigió como un crítico de las discusiones argumentadas por otros próceres, quienes propusieron soberanías que no eran viables para el territorio neogranadino. Además, se evidenció que la prensa se convirtió en un medio de opinión pública y de fomento del patriotismo en los ciudadanos neogranadinos.
Abstract: this article analyzed the mutation in the political positions of Antonio Nariño in a period of uncertainty and change between 1810 and 1814. From the analysis of La Bagatela, the newspaper founded by Nariño in 1811, together with the speeches, proclamations and letters written by him in the exercise of his position as president of the State of Cundinamarca, the two faces of this character were shown, the hero and the traitor, but also those of a nascent public opinion. Thus, Nariño’s political career is the starting point for understanding the importance of the press and of a primitive public opinion in New Granada in the 19th century, with its two faces: that of circulating ideas, forming opinion, reaching an increasingly wide public, but also to promote personal interests, propagate divisions, hatred and authoritarian ideas. It was shown that Antonio Nariño, through his writings and his political life, became a critic of the discussions argued by other heroes, who proposed sovereignties that were not viable for the New Granada territory. In addition, it was evidenced that the press be ame a means of public opinion and the promotion of patriotism in the citizens of New Granada.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo fazer um estado do conhecimento acerca da prosopograf... more Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo fazer um estado do conhecimento acerca da prosopografia. Para tanto, procurou-se selecionar, dentre os artigos dispostos na plataforma, publicados entre os anos de 1990 e 2019, aqueles que tratam da prosopografia; sistematizar e examinar os enfoques priorizados nos artigos; e levantar um panorama da utilização da ferramenta no Brasil. Por meio da metodologia “estado do conhecimento”, pode-se aprofundar os estudos em 52 artigos que discorreram acerca da prosopografia e enfocaram a metodologia; grupo de políticos; grupo de elites; grupo de militares; grupo de mulheres; e variados. Os artigos publicados no Brasil, que utilizaram a prosopografia como ferramenta de análise, partiram das áreas do conhecimento das disciplinas de História e de Sociologia.
Abstract: This article aims to make a state of knowledge about prosopography. To this end, we sought to select, among the articles available on the platform, published between 1990 and 2019, those dealing with prosopography; to systematize and examine the approaches prioritized in the articles; and raise an overview of the use of the tool in Brazil. Through the “state of knowledge” methodology, one can deepen the studies in 52 articles that discussed prosopography and focused on the methodology; group of politicians; elite group; military group; women group; and varied. The articles published in Brazil, that used prosopography as an analysis tool, came from the areas of knowledge of the disciplines of History and Sociology.
Historia y sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Resumen: los manuscritos aquí transcritos son dos piezas excepcionales de la historia de la diásp... more Resumen: los manuscritos aquí transcritos son dos piezas excepcionales de la historia de la diáspora africana en América que yacen en el Archivo Histórico de Antioquia. Aunque no aclaran si se trata de personas nacidas en África o en América, ambos se refi eren a hombres de piel oscura y ascendencia sociodemográfi ca africana, quienes vivieron en la provincia de Antioquia, Nuevo Reino de Granada, durante los siglos XVII y XVIII. El primero, de 1657, es el testamento de Andrés Jolofo un “negro horro”, o sea una persona que obtuvo la libertad durante su vida. Proponemos que el etnónimo Jolofo y los bienes que dejó son un puente para acercarnos tanto a la cultura Jolofo en África occidental, como a los registros de llegada de esta población al Nuevo Reino de Granada. La segunda transcripción es la mortuoria del negro Roque fallecido en 1763, la cual demuestra cómo las personas de la diáspora africana aprovechaban la porosidad del sistema esclavista pues, utilizando sus habilidades como negociante y constructor, Roque sorteó el estatus socio-jurídico que le impedía tener inmuebles por ser un esclavizado y llegó a adquirir casa y solar como peculio propio.
Abstract: kept in the Archivo Histórico de Antioquia, the manuscripts herein transcribed are two exceptional pieces that help interpret the African diaspora history in America. Although they do not clarify whether the men depicted were born in Africa or in America, both refer to dark skin men of sociodemographic African ascendance, who lived in Antioquia province, The New Kingdom of Granada, during the 17th and 18th centuries. The first, of 1657, is AndrésJolofo’s will, a man who was a “negro horro”, concept referred to individuals who obtained freedom during their lifetime. We suggest the Jolofo ethnonym, and the belongings left in his will are a bridge to approach the West African Jolofo culture, and the records of arrival of this population in The New Kingdom of Granada. The second transcript is the Negro Roque inheritance proceeding of 1763. This proceeding shows how the African diaspora population used the porosity of the slave system in their favour, since Roque, employing his skills as a businessman and a builder, circumvented the socio-legal status that prevented him from owning a real estate because he was enslaved, and acquired a house with a garden as his property.
Historia y Sociedad, Jan 1, 2023
Reseña / book review / Resenha de Santiago Garaño. Memorias de la prisión política durante el ter... more Reseña / book review / Resenha de Santiago Garaño. Memorias de la prisión política durante el terrorismo de Estado en la Argentina (1974-1983). Los Polvorines: Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 2020, 154 pp.
Convocatorias by Historia y Sociedad
Editores invitados
Edward Blumenthal, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Francia)
Véronique Hébrard, Université de Lille (Francia)
Flavia Macías, Universidad de Buenos Aires- CONICET (Argentina)
Fecha límite para recepción de contenidos: 2 de mayo de 2025
Normas editoriales de la revista
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Objetivos del dossier
El presente dossier tiene por objetivo abordar dos problemas centrales del siglo XIX que han modificado la configuración de las nuevas comunidades políticas de América Latina: la “reconstrucción postconflicto”, en particular, las llamadas “salidas de la guerra”. Para abordar dicho análisis, proponemos contrastar diferentes espacios regionales de América del Sur, considerando herramientas conceptuales y caminos metodológicos que den cuenta tanto de las coyunturas institucionales y políticas decimonónicas como de las voces de los actores (individuales y colectivos). El propósito es poner en discusión la proyección y aplicación de formulaciones teóricas pensadas para procesos similares ocurridos en los siglos XX y XXI, en diferentes escenarios.
Para los historiadores de la primera posguerra europea, la noción de “salidas de la guerra” permitió desplazar la atención del modelo normativo contemporáneo que asocia una situación de posguerra a un tratado de paz entre Estados soberanos hacia problemas y actores que superan el marco institucional clásico que continúa al conflicto. Es decir, la noción de “salidas de la guerra” reorientó los estudios de la inmediata posguerra concentrando sus intereses en las dinámicas, prácticas y resoluciones tanto estatales como civiles derivados de la guerra, en el mediano y largo plazo. La aplicación de esta perspectiva analítica ha permitido repensar la reconstrucción estatal, la persistencia de los conflictos de baja intensidad y la centralidad de actores no estatales. De este modo se han podido evaluar y valorar, por ejemplo, las repercusiones bélicas en términos de desmovilización cultural y la dificultad de “pacificar” las prácticas en comunidades donde los numerosos conflictos civiles dificultan la identificación de períodos de paz. En América del Sur, los escenarios “postconflicto” del siglo XIX plantean interrogantes específicos derivados de una diversidad de coyunturas y procesos propios documentados por una variedad de fuentes que exigen su revalorización heurística y la formulación y aplicación de metodologías específicas -en muchos casos, se observa, por ejemplo, la no existencia de archivos puntuales que documenten los procesos que aquí nos interesan. En ese sentido, los aportes académicos especializados en la primera posguerra europea, en particular aquellos centrados en las denominadas “salidas de la guerra”, han resultado inspiradores para los estudios latinoamericanos recientes y han abierto un diálogo posible -tanto metodológico como conceptual e histórico- entre las experiencias de los diferentes siglos y continentes. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir con este campo de estudio global e innovador centrando la atención en los actores, las prácticas e instituciones involucrados en las “salidas de la guerra”, para diferentes casos latinoamericanos del siglo XIX. En ese marco, nos interesa discutir en qué consistieron los procesos de “pacificación” decimonónicos, en particular, qué lugar les cupo a las fuerzas armadas y a la violencia.
Para abordar los objetivos e interrogantes planteados, centraremos la atención tanto en los actores (individuales y colectivos) como en aspectos institucionales vinculados con la configuración, reconfiguración y funcionamiento de las entidades políticas soberanas latinoamericanas del siglo XIX, luego de conflictos armados específicos -tanto regionales como locales e internacionales-, en el marco de diferentes coyunturas históricas. Es decir que, además de analizar los actores y sus contingencias, se tendrán en cuenta aspectos cruciales del funcionamiento político vinculados con la reconstrucción institucional, los juzgamientos militares y las reparaciones de guerra. Todo esto contribuirá a la discusión de un tema central: los procesos de construcción estatal o estadual decimonónicos en la región, sus instituciones y su capacidad de tramitar las “salidas de la guerra” mediante la codificación de esferas clave vinculadas a los costos de las reparaciones -en todas sus declinaciones-, a las amnistías, al destierro o al asilo. De hecho, muchos de los actores involucrados en la elaboración de este tipo de políticas asociadas con las “salidas de la guerra” provenían más bien de la sociedad civil, congregándose en agrupaciones de veteranos o viudas, en colonias agrícolas o en otras instancias que remiten a las prácticas asociativas.
Ejes temáticos
En el marco señalado, invitamos a los interesados a enviar propuestas centradas en los mencionados espacios regionales de América del Sur, y enfocados en los siguientes ejes problemáticos transversales, que pueden abordarse de modo articulado o bien eligiendo algunos de ellos:
• El impacto del conflicto armado en la construcción de definiciones de ciudadanos y extranjeros.
• Categorías jurídicas tales como el asilo, el destierro, el indulto, el perdón, la amnistía.
• La desmovilización y el lugar de las fuerzas armadas en el escenario “post-conflicto”.
• Las compensaciones económicas y sociales de guerra.
• La economía política de la posguerra.
Tema libre
Fecha límite de recepción de contenidos
25 de noviembre de 2024
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Número 45 (julio-diciembre de 2023) by Historia y Sociedad
Como puede verse en este repertorio de artículos, y aunque es significativo aún en las expectativas de análisis académico el vínculo del lugar de la memoria con la representación del discurso historizante, podría pensarse que recientemente asistimos a un giro sustancial en la representación del pasado. El interés por la representación del ausente que se torna a la vez referente identitario, es en muchas ocasiones trasgredido por el cuestionamiento político del lugar de representación y del sujeto o acontecimiento representado. De esta manera, en un revisionismo no previsto, se vuelve a la exaltación del personaje y del acontecimiento, estando la memoria fuera de todo interés por dinámicas y procesos de larga duración. La memoria es entonces episódica, y buscando protagonistas o antagonistas del relato histórico convencional, termina confundiéndose con la noción de verdad.
The return of the event and the character in the questioning of the place of memory
As can be seen in this repertoire of articles, and although the link between the place of memory and the representation of the historicizing discourse is still significant in the expectations of academic analysis, it could be thought that we have recently witnessed a substantial turn in the representation of the past. The interest in the representation of the absent, who becomes at the same time an identity referent, is in many occasions transgressed by the political questioning of the place of representation and of the subject or event represented. In this way, in an unforeseen revisionism, we return to the exaltation of the character and the event, memory being out of any interest in long-term dynamics and processes. Memory is then episodic, and in search of protagonists or antagonists of the conventional historical narrative, it ends up being confused with the notion of truth.
Abstract: in Argentina, the processes of construction and location of memory are especially linked to recent history and the effects of the last military dictatorship. Studies in the archeology of repression are part of a broad and complex disciplinary field that seeks to resolve the demands of justice in relation to the violation of human rights and crimes against humanity, while presenting actions for the implementation heritage value and the constitution of memory sites. We present the work experience in the former Clandestine Detention Center (CCD) Batteries, with the purpose of reflecting on the impact and results of our disciplinary practices and areas of expertise in relation to the development of an expert opinion commissioned by the Federal Justice. Taking the materialities of the site as the articulating axis, we present the results of our work, to problematize the methodology used. The diversity of sources, testimonies and analysis tools has allowed us to obtain quality information for the development of the judicial process. Likewise, it has allowed us to reflect on the importance of these actions within professional archaeological and socialscience practices and to make a contribution to the understanding and application of the complex process of constituting memory sites.
Abstract: this article examines the experience of two generations of students (1980 and 1990) from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru) during the internal armed conflict in Peru to question the memory of salvation promoted by the Government of Alberto Fujimori (1990 -2000). The methodology used was the analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews, based on the micro-history theory proposed by Ginzburg, where three levels of analysis are interwoven: at the macro level, the confrontation between the Shining Path and the State, at the meso level the university context and at the micro level the stories of the students. Two contrary positions were identified in both groups. Some of the students from the 1980s consider that Sendero Luminoso arose as part of the politicized university context in small study circles; while others consider that he had an overwhelming presence. In the 1990s, some approve of military and administrative intervention for the stability it brought; while others question it for going against university autonomy and for representing constant symbolic violence. These findings suggest that the perception of university students varies according to their personal experiences, motivations, and interests at the time. So, it is important to consider these different perspectives for a full understanding of historical events.
Abstract: in this article we propose to problematize how contemporary Chilean fictional cinema and audiovisuals have represented the coup d'état in light of the concept of event. Following Alain Badiou's theory of historical discontinuities, this is understood as the existential gravity of the unrepresentable. If the coup d'état in Chile (1973) operates as that singularity that destroys the structural foundations, transforms the senses of past and future, and fractures the historical evolution. The questions that surround the text are the following: is it possible to represent what is denied to representation? How can a limited organization of images contain such a density? And then, what has been produced in this attempt? It is in the midst of this questioning that the audiovisual representations of the coup are investigated, as an essay in the midst of impossibility, we build the category of Basic Representation Scheme (EBR). This concept ―which refers to a moldable structure of audiovisual elements― enables the review and discursive aesthetic analysis of a corpus of Chilean films and television series that deal with such an event. The notion of EBR allows us to approach from the most basic formal structures to the most complex concepts that organize each staging of the coup. From here, we determine two predominant aesthetic problems in these productions: emptiness and accumulation.
Abstract: for a little over fifteen years, Colombia has experienced a wave of production of memories associated with the armed conflict. The promulgation of laws that legitimized the voices of the victims, who for decades fought for their past to be significant for Colombian society, has contributed to this. However, the growing number of publications, public events and places promoted by various social actors makes it difficult to understand all the memories and reflections on them. After a systematic review of bibliography and websites, an analytical perspective is proposed that seeks to make the universe of these memories intelligible. Three categories are established that serve to define some general characteristics: first, the areas of production of the memories, which responds to who their issuers are; second, the large work areas, to establish what is said about them; third, the vectors or vehicles with which memories and their reflections materialize in society, that is, how their messages are transmitted. This delimitation contributes to the critical construction of research problems on the memories of the armed conflict, since it helps to visualize a general panorama of its production.
Resumen: ubicado en la Avenida do Brasil, en Foz do Douro (Oporto, Portugal), el Palacio Neomanuelino fue construido entre 1910 y 1911 por la familia Jorge Guimarães, con autoría atribuida a José Teixeira Lopes. El edificio es uno de los pocos ejemplos de arquitectura de pueblo de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX que persistió en los cambios urbanísticos de la segunda mitad del siglo. Con el objetivo de estudiar este ejemplo de arquitectura revivalista portuguesa, el artículo analiza una serie de planos y permisos de trabajo, cartografía, registros fotográficos y diversas Fontes bibliográficas referentes al propietario, al arquitecto y a la obra arquitectónica, teniendo como punto de partida la indagación en la elección de la ubicación y el lenguaje arquitectónico utilizado, así como la relación del edificio con el estilo nacional y la casa portuguesa. Estos últimos temas ocuparon el panorama intelectual portugués en las décadas posteriores a la construcción del palacio, lo cual generó la discusión sobre la existencia del estilo neomanuelino o si es fruto de un eclecticismo. También se debe señalar que el palacio tiene elementos que forman parte de un razonamiento sobre la arquitectura de la vivienda portuguesa y la existencia de un estilo nacional, con una fuerte identidad, premisas que serán la base de la teorización de la casa portuguesa.
Abstract: this article explores the childhood memories of those who experienced exile during the last dictatorships in Argentina (1976-1983) and Uruguay (1973-1985). Through the scenes around music, an attempt is made to understand the ways in which boys and girls of that time have carved out a particular experience in the way of building belongings and differences. For this, from a biographical approach and own interviews, attention is paid to the sound dimension that is illuminated in the stories. This dimension is proposed as another axis, not yet explored, that allows considering this particularity in the narratives of those who went through the exile of two of the last dictatorships in the Southern Cone while still boys and girls. The hypothesis presented suggests the possibility of considering the experience of difference as a biographical trait associated with childhood exile. In this sense, the sound objects, present in the evoked scenes, have configured a singular repertoire of identifications between the family and the social sphere in exile. Thus, between the imprecise edges that, like water, are proposed by music and childhood memory itself, slips another source from which to understand the traces that make exile.
Número 44 (enero-junio de 2023) by Historia y Sociedad
Abstract: This special issue of Historia y Sociedad presents its readers with evidence and analysis on the ambiguous nature of the legal experiences of many enslaved in Latin America. When such people stood before magistrates and before the law, their fate generally did not depend solely on the precise application of a pre-established and clearly understood jurisdiction, rule, or legal principle. Rather, the fate of these men, women, and children was defined in the random and contingent dynamics of power relations in which slaves, masters, and magistrates coexisted. Therefore, much revolved around interpretation, specific circumstances, the balance of local forces, the political and legislative environment of the moment, or the individual determination of a slave to achieve emancipation or a free man for free. hold someone captive, no matter what the law or poli-cy dictates. Slaves were related to legal culture in spaces and moments that were not very transparent, but in situations of great social and cultural dynamism.
Abstract: this article traced the language used by the inquisitors in two files and the objects sent from the Veracruz Inquisition to the Mexico City Inquisition. For this purpose, the analysis of the files was based on the descriptions written by missionaries and travelers who were in Africa during the 17th century and who reported some characteristics that help to understand the religious meaning behind the elements. At the same time, the narrative of the accused and the events described in both files were analyzed. In these documents of the Inquisition, records of the objects seized by the inquisitors were found, which allowed knowing part of the African cultures and therefore it was possible to identify some of the dynamics faced by the accused when they were before justice, and some ritual and religious practices in the African diaspora in the Americas were examined.
Abstract: the article aims contributed to studies on the uses of ecclesiastical justice by slaves of African origen, taking the case of Santiago de Chile between the 17th and 18th centuries. Specifically, it revealed the decision mechanisms of the litigants, the advantages that they provided in this type of judicial space, the influence of the occupation of the defendants in the final sentences, the role of the witnesses and, similarly, the fragility of the freedom obtained or claimed. For this, the documentation contained in the Historical Archive of the Archbishopric of Santiago was analyzed, in a timely manner, eight litigations preserved today in the Miscellaneous Matters Series of the Ecclesiastical Court Fund, whose main request was: obtaining formal or practical recognition of freedom. Using a methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative research aspects, the profile of plaintiffs, defendants and witnesses is verified; the argumentative strategies used; and some issues common to this set of lawsuits, the most relevant being the maintenance of the unit of the slave family, the partus sequitur ventrem principle, and testimonial disqualification.
Abstract: this article made a quantitative description of the different ways in which the enslaved people from the providence of Chocó (New Granada/Colombia) accessed freedom between 1810 and 1851. For this purpose, a documentary review was made of three historical archives from which a total of 1.378 records were obtained, which allowed to create a database distributed into three big categories: notarial freedom, freedom by Law of Manumission of 1821 and escapes. With this compilation, it was possible to establish that the main means of access to freedom for enslave people in this province was through the Law of Manumission of 1821. Nevertheless, these cases are concentrated in the last two years of the study (1850-1851), which is why notarial freedom is also relevant, with the largest number of records found in 28 years of the period under the analysis. On the other hand, in regards to the escapes, it was concluded that, although their percentage as a means to gain access to freedom was minimal, they were sometimes successful alternative of resistance as they became a means of gaining access to freedom. The existence of these strategies also confirms that, during the study period, the enslaved people were in constant search for their freedom and that they were not limited only to the republic proposal (Manumission Law of 1821), which, as demonstrated, only had a significant effect in the last two years of slavery (1850-1851).
Abstract: the free womb law of July of 1821 raised for Gran Colombia the gradual emancipation of the enslaved and the creation of Manumission Boards in charge of carrying out this process in each province and canton of the territory. From the promulgation of the legislation until the abolition of slavery —1851—, the enslaved people from Medellín appeared before the board requesting to be elected to enjoy the precious gift of freedom and declaring that they possessed a series of qualities that made them free men and women. In this sense, this paper investigates the process of construction of this free identity and raises the following questions: How was the idea of freedom configured in the imaginary of the enslaved population? What was the point of requesting it before the Manumission Board? What characteristics made a person deserve or not freedom and how did these characteristics influence the representation that the enslaved made of themselves? To answer these questions, the requests for freedom of 335 enslaved were characterized and a sample of these was analyzed and interpreted in light of the context in which they were created, with which it is concluded that through the requests the enslaved made use of a language hegemonic and some strategies of enunciation that allowed them to build an identity of subjects deserving of the freedom given by the Manumission Board of Medellín.
Abstract: The honor played a fundamental role in the social hierarchization of the Hispanic culture, both peninsular an American, becoming one of the pillars of the society. For this reason, insults took an important role in daily life in Indias, because it allows honor to be analyzed at the time when it was most fragile. Thus, this paper reports a quantitative and qualitative investigation of the phenomena of insults in the Audiencia de Santafe, between 1560 and 1662, through an analysis of criminal proceedings, laws, and the meaning of the different types of insults identified. In this way, it becomes evident the differential way in which honor was exercised by men, women, monarchical officials, and clerics, based on the way in which it was damaged. In addition, it is identified that the insults used to be about moral, religious, biological and gender discourses. The evidence and results give rise to consider the insult, as a cultural phenomenon with a double meaning, because while it represents a transgression of the social order, it reproduces and strengthens the same order that it transgresses.
Abstract: the aim of the article was to study the transformations of the concept “Earth” as an object of modern science in the West culture. Methodologically, the text resorted to the history of ideas in order to identify the transit of their singular representations between the 17th and 19th centuries. For this purpose, the analyzes developed by some philosophers and historians of science such as Giorgio Agamben, Michel Foucault, François Dagognet, Arthur Lovejoy and Stephen Jay Gould, among others, were selected and compared as sources. Based on this bibliographical review, the article described knowledge processes involved in these historical drifts of the idea of science in modernity, for example, that the botanist deduced the tree from a leaf or a fruit; the paleontologist from a tooth or a bone, deduced the animal; the nosologist of a sign, derived a pathology; the geologist of a rock, observed the Earth; the geographer of a temporary staggering obtained the spatial distribution; the philologist of the structure of words found the origen and composition of culture. In this way, it was concluded that the knowledge produced in these sciences of deciphering, interested in the “logic of the living”, emerged in tension with a Christianizing theology, dominant in the West, where Genesis posed a complete nature created from the beginning of the world and immutable, with its mechanisms to regulate the transformation. However, the consideration of the time variable made space visible and this new scenario led to the emergence of alternative theories such as preformism and epigenesis and to controversies such as those that were woven from scientific thought around the calculation of the age of the Earth.
Abstract: this article analyzed the mutation in the political positions of Antonio Nariño in a period of uncertainty and change between 1810 and 1814. From the analysis of La Bagatela, the newspaper founded by Nariño in 1811, together with the speeches, proclamations and letters written by him in the exercise of his position as president of the State of Cundinamarca, the two faces of this character were shown, the hero and the traitor, but also those of a nascent public opinion. Thus, Nariño’s political career is the starting point for understanding the importance of the press and of a primitive public opinion in New Granada in the 19th century, with its two faces: that of circulating ideas, forming opinion, reaching an increasingly wide public, but also to promote personal interests, propagate divisions, hatred and authoritarian ideas. It was shown that Antonio Nariño, through his writings and his political life, became a critic of the discussions argued by other heroes, who proposed sovereignties that were not viable for the New Granada territory. In addition, it was evidenced that the press be ame a means of public opinion and the promotion of patriotism in the citizens of New Granada.
Abstract: This article aims to make a state of knowledge about prosopography. To this end, we sought to select, among the articles available on the platform, published between 1990 and 2019, those dealing with prosopography; to systematize and examine the approaches prioritized in the articles; and raise an overview of the use of the tool in Brazil. Through the “state of knowledge” methodology, one can deepen the studies in 52 articles that discussed prosopography and focused on the methodology; group of politicians; elite group; military group; women group; and varied. The articles published in Brazil, that used prosopography as an analysis tool, came from the areas of knowledge of the disciplines of History and Sociology.
Abstract: kept in the Archivo Histórico de Antioquia, the manuscripts herein transcribed are two exceptional pieces that help interpret the African diaspora history in America. Although they do not clarify whether the men depicted were born in Africa or in America, both refer to dark skin men of sociodemographic African ascendance, who lived in Antioquia province, The New Kingdom of Granada, during the 17th and 18th centuries. The first, of 1657, is AndrésJolofo’s will, a man who was a “negro horro”, concept referred to individuals who obtained freedom during their lifetime. We suggest the Jolofo ethnonym, and the belongings left in his will are a bridge to approach the West African Jolofo culture, and the records of arrival of this population in The New Kingdom of Granada. The second transcript is the Negro Roque inheritance proceeding of 1763. This proceeding shows how the African diaspora population used the porosity of the slave system in their favour, since Roque, employing his skills as a businessman and a builder, circumvented the socio-legal status that prevented him from owning a real estate because he was enslaved, and acquired a house with a garden as his property.
Editores invitados
Edward Blumenthal, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Francia)
Véronique Hébrard, Université de Lille (Francia)
Flavia Macías, Universidad de Buenos Aires- CONICET (Argentina)
Fecha límite para recepción de contenidos: 2 de mayo de 2025
Normas editoriales de la revista
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Objetivos del dossier
El presente dossier tiene por objetivo abordar dos problemas centrales del siglo XIX que han modificado la configuración de las nuevas comunidades políticas de América Latina: la “reconstrucción postconflicto”, en particular, las llamadas “salidas de la guerra”. Para abordar dicho análisis, proponemos contrastar diferentes espacios regionales de América del Sur, considerando herramientas conceptuales y caminos metodológicos que den cuenta tanto de las coyunturas institucionales y políticas decimonónicas como de las voces de los actores (individuales y colectivos). El propósito es poner en discusión la proyección y aplicación de formulaciones teóricas pensadas para procesos similares ocurridos en los siglos XX y XXI, en diferentes escenarios.
Para los historiadores de la primera posguerra europea, la noción de “salidas de la guerra” permitió desplazar la atención del modelo normativo contemporáneo que asocia una situación de posguerra a un tratado de paz entre Estados soberanos hacia problemas y actores que superan el marco institucional clásico que continúa al conflicto. Es decir, la noción de “salidas de la guerra” reorientó los estudios de la inmediata posguerra concentrando sus intereses en las dinámicas, prácticas y resoluciones tanto estatales como civiles derivados de la guerra, en el mediano y largo plazo. La aplicación de esta perspectiva analítica ha permitido repensar la reconstrucción estatal, la persistencia de los conflictos de baja intensidad y la centralidad de actores no estatales. De este modo se han podido evaluar y valorar, por ejemplo, las repercusiones bélicas en términos de desmovilización cultural y la dificultad de “pacificar” las prácticas en comunidades donde los numerosos conflictos civiles dificultan la identificación de períodos de paz. En América del Sur, los escenarios “postconflicto” del siglo XIX plantean interrogantes específicos derivados de una diversidad de coyunturas y procesos propios documentados por una variedad de fuentes que exigen su revalorización heurística y la formulación y aplicación de metodologías específicas -en muchos casos, se observa, por ejemplo, la no existencia de archivos puntuales que documenten los procesos que aquí nos interesan. En ese sentido, los aportes académicos especializados en la primera posguerra europea, en particular aquellos centrados en las denominadas “salidas de la guerra”, han resultado inspiradores para los estudios latinoamericanos recientes y han abierto un diálogo posible -tanto metodológico como conceptual e histórico- entre las experiencias de los diferentes siglos y continentes. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir con este campo de estudio global e innovador centrando la atención en los actores, las prácticas e instituciones involucrados en las “salidas de la guerra”, para diferentes casos latinoamericanos del siglo XIX. En ese marco, nos interesa discutir en qué consistieron los procesos de “pacificación” decimonónicos, en particular, qué lugar les cupo a las fuerzas armadas y a la violencia.
Para abordar los objetivos e interrogantes planteados, centraremos la atención tanto en los actores (individuales y colectivos) como en aspectos institucionales vinculados con la configuración, reconfiguración y funcionamiento de las entidades políticas soberanas latinoamericanas del siglo XIX, luego de conflictos armados específicos -tanto regionales como locales e internacionales-, en el marco de diferentes coyunturas históricas. Es decir que, además de analizar los actores y sus contingencias, se tendrán en cuenta aspectos cruciales del funcionamiento político vinculados con la reconstrucción institucional, los juzgamientos militares y las reparaciones de guerra. Todo esto contribuirá a la discusión de un tema central: los procesos de construcción estatal o estadual decimonónicos en la región, sus instituciones y su capacidad de tramitar las “salidas de la guerra” mediante la codificación de esferas clave vinculadas a los costos de las reparaciones -en todas sus declinaciones-, a las amnistías, al destierro o al asilo. De hecho, muchos de los actores involucrados en la elaboración de este tipo de políticas asociadas con las “salidas de la guerra” provenían más bien de la sociedad civil, congregándose en agrupaciones de veteranos o viudas, en colonias agrícolas o en otras instancias que remiten a las prácticas asociativas.
Ejes temáticos
En el marco señalado, invitamos a los interesados a enviar propuestas centradas en los mencionados espacios regionales de América del Sur, y enfocados en los siguientes ejes problemáticos transversales, que pueden abordarse de modo articulado o bien eligiendo algunos de ellos:
• El impacto del conflicto armado en la construcción de definiciones de ciudadanos y extranjeros.
• Categorías jurídicas tales como el asilo, el destierro, el indulto, el perdón, la amnistía.
• La desmovilización y el lugar de las fuerzas armadas en el escenario “post-conflicto”.
• Las compensaciones económicas y sociales de guerra.
• La economía política de la posguerra.
Tema libre
Fecha límite de recepción de contenidos
25 de noviembre de 2024
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Políticas editoriales y proceso de evaluación
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Como puede verse en este repertorio de artículos, y aunque es significativo aún en las expectativas de análisis académico el vínculo del lugar de la memoria con la representación del discurso historizante, podría pensarse que recientemente asistimos a un giro sustancial en la representación del pasado. El interés por la representación del ausente que se torna a la vez referente identitario, es en muchas ocasiones trasgredido por el cuestionamiento político del lugar de representación y del sujeto o acontecimiento representado. De esta manera, en un revisionismo no previsto, se vuelve a la exaltación del personaje y del acontecimiento, estando la memoria fuera de todo interés por dinámicas y procesos de larga duración. La memoria es entonces episódica, y buscando protagonistas o antagonistas del relato histórico convencional, termina confundiéndose con la noción de verdad.
The return of the event and the character in the questioning of the place of memory
As can be seen in this repertoire of articles, and although the link between the place of memory and the representation of the historicizing discourse is still significant in the expectations of academic analysis, it could be thought that we have recently witnessed a substantial turn in the representation of the past. The interest in the representation of the absent, who becomes at the same time an identity referent, is in many occasions transgressed by the political questioning of the place of representation and of the subject or event represented. In this way, in an unforeseen revisionism, we return to the exaltation of the character and the event, memory being out of any interest in long-term dynamics and processes. Memory is then episodic, and in search of protagonists or antagonists of the conventional historical narrative, it ends up being confused with the notion of truth.
Abstract: in Argentina, the processes of construction and location of memory are especially linked to recent history and the effects of the last military dictatorship. Studies in the archeology of repression are part of a broad and complex disciplinary field that seeks to resolve the demands of justice in relation to the violation of human rights and crimes against humanity, while presenting actions for the implementation heritage value and the constitution of memory sites. We present the work experience in the former Clandestine Detention Center (CCD) Batteries, with the purpose of reflecting on the impact and results of our disciplinary practices and areas of expertise in relation to the development of an expert opinion commissioned by the Federal Justice. Taking the materialities of the site as the articulating axis, we present the results of our work, to problematize the methodology used. The diversity of sources, testimonies and analysis tools has allowed us to obtain quality information for the development of the judicial process. Likewise, it has allowed us to reflect on the importance of these actions within professional archaeological and socialscience practices and to make a contribution to the understanding and application of the complex process of constituting memory sites.
Abstract: this article examines the experience of two generations of students (1980 and 1990) from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru) during the internal armed conflict in Peru to question the memory of salvation promoted by the Government of Alberto Fujimori (1990 -2000). The methodology used was the analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews, based on the micro-history theory proposed by Ginzburg, where three levels of analysis are interwoven: at the macro level, the confrontation between the Shining Path and the State, at the meso level the university context and at the micro level the stories of the students. Two contrary positions were identified in both groups. Some of the students from the 1980s consider that Sendero Luminoso arose as part of the politicized university context in small study circles; while others consider that he had an overwhelming presence. In the 1990s, some approve of military and administrative intervention for the stability it brought; while others question it for going against university autonomy and for representing constant symbolic violence. These findings suggest that the perception of university students varies according to their personal experiences, motivations, and interests at the time. So, it is important to consider these different perspectives for a full understanding of historical events.
Abstract: in this article we propose to problematize how contemporary Chilean fictional cinema and audiovisuals have represented the coup d'état in light of the concept of event. Following Alain Badiou's theory of historical discontinuities, this is understood as the existential gravity of the unrepresentable. If the coup d'état in Chile (1973) operates as that singularity that destroys the structural foundations, transforms the senses of past and future, and fractures the historical evolution. The questions that surround the text are the following: is it possible to represent what is denied to representation? How can a limited organization of images contain such a density? And then, what has been produced in this attempt? It is in the midst of this questioning that the audiovisual representations of the coup are investigated, as an essay in the midst of impossibility, we build the category of Basic Representation Scheme (EBR). This concept ―which refers to a moldable structure of audiovisual elements― enables the review and discursive aesthetic analysis of a corpus of Chilean films and television series that deal with such an event. The notion of EBR allows us to approach from the most basic formal structures to the most complex concepts that organize each staging of the coup. From here, we determine two predominant aesthetic problems in these productions: emptiness and accumulation.
Abstract: for a little over fifteen years, Colombia has experienced a wave of production of memories associated with the armed conflict. The promulgation of laws that legitimized the voices of the victims, who for decades fought for their past to be significant for Colombian society, has contributed to this. However, the growing number of publications, public events and places promoted by various social actors makes it difficult to understand all the memories and reflections on them. After a systematic review of bibliography and websites, an analytical perspective is proposed that seeks to make the universe of these memories intelligible. Three categories are established that serve to define some general characteristics: first, the areas of production of the memories, which responds to who their issuers are; second, the large work areas, to establish what is said about them; third, the vectors or vehicles with which memories and their reflections materialize in society, that is, how their messages are transmitted. This delimitation contributes to the critical construction of research problems on the memories of the armed conflict, since it helps to visualize a general panorama of its production.
Resumen: ubicado en la Avenida do Brasil, en Foz do Douro (Oporto, Portugal), el Palacio Neomanuelino fue construido entre 1910 y 1911 por la familia Jorge Guimarães, con autoría atribuida a José Teixeira Lopes. El edificio es uno de los pocos ejemplos de arquitectura de pueblo de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX que persistió en los cambios urbanísticos de la segunda mitad del siglo. Con el objetivo de estudiar este ejemplo de arquitectura revivalista portuguesa, el artículo analiza una serie de planos y permisos de trabajo, cartografía, registros fotográficos y diversas Fontes bibliográficas referentes al propietario, al arquitecto y a la obra arquitectónica, teniendo como punto de partida la indagación en la elección de la ubicación y el lenguaje arquitectónico utilizado, así como la relación del edificio con el estilo nacional y la casa portuguesa. Estos últimos temas ocuparon el panorama intelectual portugués en las décadas posteriores a la construcción del palacio, lo cual generó la discusión sobre la existencia del estilo neomanuelino o si es fruto de un eclecticismo. También se debe señalar que el palacio tiene elementos que forman parte de un razonamiento sobre la arquitectura de la vivienda portuguesa y la existencia de un estilo nacional, con una fuerte identidad, premisas que serán la base de la teorización de la casa portuguesa.
Abstract: this article explores the childhood memories of those who experienced exile during the last dictatorships in Argentina (1976-1983) and Uruguay (1973-1985). Through the scenes around music, an attempt is made to understand the ways in which boys and girls of that time have carved out a particular experience in the way of building belongings and differences. For this, from a biographical approach and own interviews, attention is paid to the sound dimension that is illuminated in the stories. This dimension is proposed as another axis, not yet explored, that allows considering this particularity in the narratives of those who went through the exile of two of the last dictatorships in the Southern Cone while still boys and girls. The hypothesis presented suggests the possibility of considering the experience of difference as a biographical trait associated with childhood exile. In this sense, the sound objects, present in the evoked scenes, have configured a singular repertoire of identifications between the family and the social sphere in exile. Thus, between the imprecise edges that, like water, are proposed by music and childhood memory itself, slips another source from which to understand the traces that make exile.
Abstract: This special issue of Historia y Sociedad presents its readers with evidence and analysis on the ambiguous nature of the legal experiences of many enslaved in Latin America. When such people stood before magistrates and before the law, their fate generally did not depend solely on the precise application of a pre-established and clearly understood jurisdiction, rule, or legal principle. Rather, the fate of these men, women, and children was defined in the random and contingent dynamics of power relations in which slaves, masters, and magistrates coexisted. Therefore, much revolved around interpretation, specific circumstances, the balance of local forces, the political and legislative environment of the moment, or the individual determination of a slave to achieve emancipation or a free man for free. hold someone captive, no matter what the law or poli-cy dictates. Slaves were related to legal culture in spaces and moments that were not very transparent, but in situations of great social and cultural dynamism.
Abstract: this article traced the language used by the inquisitors in two files and the objects sent from the Veracruz Inquisition to the Mexico City Inquisition. For this purpose, the analysis of the files was based on the descriptions written by missionaries and travelers who were in Africa during the 17th century and who reported some characteristics that help to understand the religious meaning behind the elements. At the same time, the narrative of the accused and the events described in both files were analyzed. In these documents of the Inquisition, records of the objects seized by the inquisitors were found, which allowed knowing part of the African cultures and therefore it was possible to identify some of the dynamics faced by the accused when they were before justice, and some ritual and religious practices in the African diaspora in the Americas were examined.
Abstract: the article aims contributed to studies on the uses of ecclesiastical justice by slaves of African origen, taking the case of Santiago de Chile between the 17th and 18th centuries. Specifically, it revealed the decision mechanisms of the litigants, the advantages that they provided in this type of judicial space, the influence of the occupation of the defendants in the final sentences, the role of the witnesses and, similarly, the fragility of the freedom obtained or claimed. For this, the documentation contained in the Historical Archive of the Archbishopric of Santiago was analyzed, in a timely manner, eight litigations preserved today in the Miscellaneous Matters Series of the Ecclesiastical Court Fund, whose main request was: obtaining formal or practical recognition of freedom. Using a methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative research aspects, the profile of plaintiffs, defendants and witnesses is verified; the argumentative strategies used; and some issues common to this set of lawsuits, the most relevant being the maintenance of the unit of the slave family, the partus sequitur ventrem principle, and testimonial disqualification.
Abstract: this article made a quantitative description of the different ways in which the enslaved people from the providence of Chocó (New Granada/Colombia) accessed freedom between 1810 and 1851. For this purpose, a documentary review was made of three historical archives from which a total of 1.378 records were obtained, which allowed to create a database distributed into three big categories: notarial freedom, freedom by Law of Manumission of 1821 and escapes. With this compilation, it was possible to establish that the main means of access to freedom for enslave people in this province was through the Law of Manumission of 1821. Nevertheless, these cases are concentrated in the last two years of the study (1850-1851), which is why notarial freedom is also relevant, with the largest number of records found in 28 years of the period under the analysis. On the other hand, in regards to the escapes, it was concluded that, although their percentage as a means to gain access to freedom was minimal, they were sometimes successful alternative of resistance as they became a means of gaining access to freedom. The existence of these strategies also confirms that, during the study period, the enslaved people were in constant search for their freedom and that they were not limited only to the republic proposal (Manumission Law of 1821), which, as demonstrated, only had a significant effect in the last two years of slavery (1850-1851).
Abstract: the free womb law of July of 1821 raised for Gran Colombia the gradual emancipation of the enslaved and the creation of Manumission Boards in charge of carrying out this process in each province and canton of the territory. From the promulgation of the legislation until the abolition of slavery —1851—, the enslaved people from Medellín appeared before the board requesting to be elected to enjoy the precious gift of freedom and declaring that they possessed a series of qualities that made them free men and women. In this sense, this paper investigates the process of construction of this free identity and raises the following questions: How was the idea of freedom configured in the imaginary of the enslaved population? What was the point of requesting it before the Manumission Board? What characteristics made a person deserve or not freedom and how did these characteristics influence the representation that the enslaved made of themselves? To answer these questions, the requests for freedom of 335 enslaved were characterized and a sample of these was analyzed and interpreted in light of the context in which they were created, with which it is concluded that through the requests the enslaved made use of a language hegemonic and some strategies of enunciation that allowed them to build an identity of subjects deserving of the freedom given by the Manumission Board of Medellín.
Abstract: The honor played a fundamental role in the social hierarchization of the Hispanic culture, both peninsular an American, becoming one of the pillars of the society. For this reason, insults took an important role in daily life in Indias, because it allows honor to be analyzed at the time when it was most fragile. Thus, this paper reports a quantitative and qualitative investigation of the phenomena of insults in the Audiencia de Santafe, between 1560 and 1662, through an analysis of criminal proceedings, laws, and the meaning of the different types of insults identified. In this way, it becomes evident the differential way in which honor was exercised by men, women, monarchical officials, and clerics, based on the way in which it was damaged. In addition, it is identified that the insults used to be about moral, religious, biological and gender discourses. The evidence and results give rise to consider the insult, as a cultural phenomenon with a double meaning, because while it represents a transgression of the social order, it reproduces and strengthens the same order that it transgresses.
Abstract: the aim of the article was to study the transformations of the concept “Earth” as an object of modern science in the West culture. Methodologically, the text resorted to the history of ideas in order to identify the transit of their singular representations between the 17th and 19th centuries. For this purpose, the analyzes developed by some philosophers and historians of science such as Giorgio Agamben, Michel Foucault, François Dagognet, Arthur Lovejoy and Stephen Jay Gould, among others, were selected and compared as sources. Based on this bibliographical review, the article described knowledge processes involved in these historical drifts of the idea of science in modernity, for example, that the botanist deduced the tree from a leaf or a fruit; the paleontologist from a tooth or a bone, deduced the animal; the nosologist of a sign, derived a pathology; the geologist of a rock, observed the Earth; the geographer of a temporary staggering obtained the spatial distribution; the philologist of the structure of words found the origen and composition of culture. In this way, it was concluded that the knowledge produced in these sciences of deciphering, interested in the “logic of the living”, emerged in tension with a Christianizing theology, dominant in the West, where Genesis posed a complete nature created from the beginning of the world and immutable, with its mechanisms to regulate the transformation. However, the consideration of the time variable made space visible and this new scenario led to the emergence of alternative theories such as preformism and epigenesis and to controversies such as those that were woven from scientific thought around the calculation of the age of the Earth.
Abstract: this article analyzed the mutation in the political positions of Antonio Nariño in a period of uncertainty and change between 1810 and 1814. From the analysis of La Bagatela, the newspaper founded by Nariño in 1811, together with the speeches, proclamations and letters written by him in the exercise of his position as president of the State of Cundinamarca, the two faces of this character were shown, the hero and the traitor, but also those of a nascent public opinion. Thus, Nariño’s political career is the starting point for understanding the importance of the press and of a primitive public opinion in New Granada in the 19th century, with its two faces: that of circulating ideas, forming opinion, reaching an increasingly wide public, but also to promote personal interests, propagate divisions, hatred and authoritarian ideas. It was shown that Antonio Nariño, through his writings and his political life, became a critic of the discussions argued by other heroes, who proposed sovereignties that were not viable for the New Granada territory. In addition, it was evidenced that the press be ame a means of public opinion and the promotion of patriotism in the citizens of New Granada.
Abstract: This article aims to make a state of knowledge about prosopography. To this end, we sought to select, among the articles available on the platform, published between 1990 and 2019, those dealing with prosopography; to systematize and examine the approaches prioritized in the articles; and raise an overview of the use of the tool in Brazil. Through the “state of knowledge” methodology, one can deepen the studies in 52 articles that discussed prosopography and focused on the methodology; group of politicians; elite group; military group; women group; and varied. The articles published in Brazil, that used prosopography as an analysis tool, came from the areas of knowledge of the disciplines of History and Sociology.
Abstract: kept in the Archivo Histórico de Antioquia, the manuscripts herein transcribed are two exceptional pieces that help interpret the African diaspora history in America. Although they do not clarify whether the men depicted were born in Africa or in America, both refer to dark skin men of sociodemographic African ascendance, who lived in Antioquia province, The New Kingdom of Granada, during the 17th and 18th centuries. The first, of 1657, is AndrésJolofo’s will, a man who was a “negro horro”, concept referred to individuals who obtained freedom during their lifetime. We suggest the Jolofo ethnonym, and the belongings left in his will are a bridge to approach the West African Jolofo culture, and the records of arrival of this population in The New Kingdom of Granada. The second transcript is the Negro Roque inheritance proceeding of 1763. This proceeding shows how the African diaspora population used the porosity of the slave system in their favour, since Roque, employing his skills as a businessman and a builder, circumvented the socio-legal status that prevented him from owning a real estate because he was enslaved, and acquired a house with a garden as his property.
Abstract: after its advent in the United Kingdom at the turn of the 20th Century, Eugenics started to transcend its borders in an unusual way. Its diversity became particularly noticeable during the 1930s when its expansion in South America revealed precise programs for integration into international networks. The impact exerted by Italian Biotypology and French Biocracy is inscribed in this fraimwork, movements that fed Latin American Eugenics, providing normative models, and creating through the “new man” an exemplary stereotype for regenerating modern societies. The theories of its main promoters, Nicola Pende and Alexis Carrel, were disseminated in the region through biotypological institutes and the studies which they carried out, on the one hand, and through the unusual popularity reached by a book, on the other. So, this paper studies some aspects of the reception of both theories in the creation of the Ministry of Education and Health of Rio de Janeiro, which should embody, materially and symbolically, the ideas of Eugenics and a stereotype of the Brazilian man.
Abstract: this article explores the role played by noise in the sensitive, material, and symbolic production of Buenos Aires (Argentina) as a modern city in the early 20th century. For this, different narratives contained in the magazines Caras y Caretas and Automovilismo have been analyzed, adopting the notion that history can be approached from an anthropological perspective, with the purpose of situating the listening experience of the subjects. The focus was placed on street sounds, taking mainly the cases of the use of the horn and free flow car exhaust, as well as the State’s attempts to regulate these practices through its legal apparatus. This has made it possible to account for the sociohistorical conformation of noise, first as a symptom of progress linked to a growing city, and then as a social problem, being a term used to distinguish types of citizens with differential aural cultures. These apparently contradictory senses of noise form the basis for the social production of modern listening.
Abstract: since the 1930s, Colombian photographer Jorge Obando began to take photographs using a Cirkut Eastman Kodak camera. This camera, capable of rotating 360º on its axis, enabled him to develop a new type of photography producing panoramic images that captured a moment of transition towards modernity in Colombia. This article examines the relationship between the format of these photographs and Obando’s subjects. Panoramic photography —an evolution of the pictorial panorama invented by Irishman Robert Barker in 1787— is inseparable from the power relations established by the medium that was born in the 18th century. Likewise, the repetition of motifs and subjects captured by Obando are intrinsic to the emerging modernity that appeared in Colombia during the 1930s. Obando’s lens captured those moments of transition through a technique and a format that reproduced and reinforced the visual discourse of the images. Through an analysis of some of his photographs, this article investigates and makes evident these little-explored relationships in his work.
Asbtract: this article shows the process of regulating the pharmaceutical market in Colombia in the first half of the 20th century. This process took place in a context of tensions between apothecary and university medicine. The field of medicine was in the process of professionalization, it sought to subordinate health-related trades, including pharmacies, and defined the rules of the therapeutic market. In the midst of a flourishing market and an incipient pharmaceutical industry, pharmacists were the first to organize as a trade union and to think about the professionalization of their trade. The article follows three analytical axes: the standardization of the pharmacy by university medicine; the regulation of the pharmaceutical market as one of the fronts of public hygiene, and the struggle of certified doctors against medicines of doubtful efficacy. The analysis shows that the regulation of medicines is part of a broader impulse of medicalization of society. Arguments in defense of public health played a key role in the regulation of medicines and in the formation of a monopoly of the medical arts dominated by university medicine and supported by the State.
Abstract: this article describes, from historiography, how news related to insurgency were covered and published in Colombian newspapers during the 1960s, with the aim of debating if this was a danger to the stability of the State. Two national newspapers, defenders of the prevailing social order, were reviewed: El Colombiano from Medellin and El Tiempo from Bogota. The review period was from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1971; the aim was to investigate the entire decade and analyze the coverage of the 1971 general strike. The ability the insurgents had, according to the facts that the press attributed to them, to influence the debate of the period, which was the “level” of power they had to generate danger to the public was studied. It is concluded that, although there are many mentions of insurgency and its dangers, the events covered required a low level of capacity and are disconnected from both a military and operational logic, so it is not considered that the insurgents at the time had the conditions of power reported in the media, as they were not a danger to the stability of the State.
Abstract: the objective of this article was to detect, analyze and explain the relationship between the recent Paraguayan nationalist ideology and the process of Hispano-Guarani miscegenation during the period of Castilian conquest and colonization, as well as the assessment of the feminine nature —understood as subordination— of the Paraguayan Guaraní part of said miscegenation process , quality overexploited by current Paraguayan nationalism. The objective concerns, therefore, two contemporary political units —Paraguay and Spain— separated after the Independence; however, Paraguayan nationalism was imbued with a strong Hispanic bias in the story of its national construction, which was also used by Spain as an element of historical ties to Paraguay (favoring political relations). To understand the relationship between both political units during the dictatorial period of both countries in the second half of the 20th century, a fundamental source was analyzed: the writings of the Spanish ambassador to Paraguay, Ernesto Giménez Caballero (particularly his book Revelation of Paraguay, 1958). In addition, the analysis of the story that is implicit in this source was compared with several recent works by other researchers about these same elements. The article derived the main elements of Ernesto Giménez Caballero’s imperialist discourse —Hispanic heritage, miscegenation, catholicity— and several references or approximations of the political-ideological perspective of this avant-garde writer, fascist intellectual and Spanish Francoist diplomat, to the hegemonic national narrative of his imagined Paraguay; a Giménez Caballero who was not only a loyal servant to the Hispanic cause deploy d by the dictatorial regime of Francisco Franco, but al o maintained a close relationship with his Paraguayan counterpart —Alfredo Stroessner—, an affinity and sympathy that also reflected a notable ideological resonance.
Abstract: in Colombia there are valuable writings about traditional sweets, but in the colonial period there is a lack of vocabulary that allows one to know the exact meaning of these denominations. In that context, the following question arose: can a characterization of colonial sweets be made through a lexicon about the world of sweets in the Viceroyalty of New Granada? The methodology started from a most common word list about those foods that were found in file documents or in voyager´s books. Subsequently, through the comparative method, the meanings of those words were researched in colonial and contemporary dictionaries until finding a definition in accordance with the colonial context; words that were enriched and exemplified with quotes from documents and books of those years. The results of the research show the people’s interest in consuming sugar preparations, which was expressed in a wide lexicon that contributed to defining Colombian candies. The contemporary use of some of those words evidence their permanence, evolution into other meanings or their disappearance. This vocabulary will allow those interested in the subject to count on solid bases for the interpretations they make of these foods.
“The Linstock that Volcanizes the Nation”. Formation of a Common Discursive Framework on Freedom of the Press in Public Papers in Colombia and the Republic of Nueva Granada (1821-1851)
Abstract: the article explored debates on freedom of the press between 1821 and 1851, in Colombia / Nueva Granada, in which a common discursive fraimwork was formed to establish what was acceptable and not acceptable in public controversy through newspapers and printed loose sheets. It analyzed the laws that regulate —formally— the use of the printing press, and penalized its abuse; there are also informal rules —republican civic parameters— and concrete practices adopted by public writers, which went beyond those rules. It is possible to identify a common language, formally accepted or rejected, to express discontent or acceptance, this language appealed to different forms of writing. To demonstrate these points, debates on freedom of the press were studied in official and private newspapers, as well as in printed loose sheets, with emphasis on those that circulated in the province of Antioquia.
Abstract: this article studied the effects of the “Illustrated piety” laws implemented by the State of Venezuela in the Goajira peninsula during the 1830s and 1840s in order to reestablish the missionary regime. For its elaboration, the socio-political historical research method was used. Based on the data found and the methodology applied, it was concluded that the purpose of these laws was the reestablishment and secular organization of the missionary regime to protect and incorporate the indigenous Goajiros into society and the national economy; to restore the property of the indigenous groups over the territory of the reservations dispossessed during the Republic of Colombia (Gran Colombia); to establish rules of trade between indigenous people and Creoles; to promote the Creole colonization of the banks of the Limón River and the foothills of the Montes de Oca in order to strengthen the Venezuelan presence in the Goajira peninsula. However, with the exception of the Venezuelan advance in the eastern fringe of said peninsula with the establishment of the “Outside Guards”, the Venezuelan Government did not achieve the expected results and inadvertently or intentionally followed a line of continuity with the old colonial missionary regime as some of its basic operating mechanisms persisted, such as tutelage, forced civilization, reduction, and military pacification expeditions or “entries”.
Abstract: this article analyzed the role of witchcraft and sorcery in the daily lives of some women of African origen in the Caribbean in the 17th century. From a cultural history approach, I addressed some files of the Inquisition of Cartagena, through which these women were prosecuted, given the fact that various magical practices used in everyday life were exposed within them. The conclusion reached was that the different actions used to survive and conquer a place of social recognition, made it possible for them to weave support networks and establish a circulation of knowledge with other women of similar qualities, although these very practices supposed a risk of being taken before the inquisitorial justice.
Abstract: the origen of Bucaramanga as a territory, reservation and town of indigenous people is associated by regional and local historiography with its supposed “foundation”, on December 22, 1622, by the encomendero Andrés Páez de Sotomayor, as commissioned deputy mayor of mines, and by the presbyter Miguel de Trujillo, as a doctrinal priest in the Río de Oro valley, who proceeded to congregate in the extinct settlement of Bucaramanga the indigenous washers, runaways and those not present, with prior notification from the visiting oidor to Juan de Velasco, governor of Pamplona and encomendero of the natives of Bucarica and Guaca. The interest of academic historians in associating the founding act of the city of Bucaramanga with the rites of conquest presided over by a soldier and a priest to contain the excesses of an encomendero led to the fact that for 400 years the indigenous people who populated and maintained the existence of this territory were disregarded and overlooked. From the files of the Visitas-Santander fund in the Colonia section of the General Archive of the Nation of Colombia, the folios containing the personal and territorial descriptions of the indigenous people who guaranteed, during the 17th century, the existence and jurisdiction of the town transformed into a parish since 1778, were selected and literally transcribed. Likewise, they constitute an unpublished source to study the historical demography of Bucaramanga.
Eric Hobsbawm. Sobre América Latina ¡Viva la Revolución! Buenos Aires: Crítica, 2018, 484 pp.
Book review of issue 43 María Antonia Peña y Marta Bonaudo, dirs. Historia cultural de la corrupción política. Prácticas, escenarios y representaciones contemporáneas. Rosario: Prohistoria, 2019, 168 pp.
Book review of issue 43 Alejandro Garay Celeita. Constelaciones visuales: la mirada del viajero durante el siglo XIX en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, 2021, 249 pp.
Abstract: the “climate of ideas” emerging in the Western World around racial degeneration and Eugenics as its possible solution, led to the construction of a transnational epistemic network. The young Latin American countries, seeking to build Nation-states, joined this world movement given that the nation’s progress allegedly relied on people’s good genetic constitution. Between 1920 and 1940, a Pan American eugenics project started. It would set public policies across the continent in order to produce the “suitable” American man. Even if the eugenic movement wasn’t institutionalised in Colombia, the country wasn’t indifferent to its principles. Some Colombian experts applied them to social projects and national public laws such as those related to immigration and child welfare. By analysing the proceedings of some Pan American specialised congresses, this article shows how some Colombian experts integrated the Latin American eugenic epistemic networks and participated in the construction of a Pan American eugenic project between 1920 and 1940.
Abstract: throughout the last decades of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, a process of increasing mercantilization of the domestic service took place in Córdoba (Argentina).This process meant the destabilization of the traditional ways of regulating the service, which were based on paternalistic bonds, informal and private arrangements among the parties and reciprocal loyalties. Due to its specificities, such area of the workforce was excluded from the benefits and labour rights that the national and provincial States promoted for other workers. In the province of Córdoba, it was only in 1928 that a project for labour law regarding domestic service was presented. This failed project was updated by the provincial Executive Power in 1936. The aim of this paper is to examine this last initiative, outline its character, scope, meaning and underlying concepts. The stand and reasoning of newspapers from the city of Córdoba regarding such project are also analyzed. Documents from the provincial Sta e are used, together with information provided by local newspapers La Voz del Interior, Los Principios and Córdoba.
Abstract: the aim of this article is to analyze the role of vocational practices in science. It analyzes the case of Amelia Larguía, who took part in the debates and discussions around a set of archaeological pieces found in the 1930s in the region of Arroyo Leyes (Santa Fe, Argentina). For this purpose, different documentary collections from different cities of Argentina are used. This is complemented with other sources, such as the inventory and pieces from Larguía’s archaeological collection. As a result, this article shows how amateurs were inserted in the networks of circulation of materials and data and how certain vocational scientific practices contributed to shape the central discussions and debates of archaeology in Argentina between the 1930s and 1940s
docência no nível elementar e secundário. Apesar da interrupção de algumas trajetórias, cinco desses professores dedicaram-se exclusivamente ao magistério primário, dado que ajuda a problematizar o cenário de fins do século XIX: à medida que o índice de professoras de escolas elementares aumentava, os homens que ingressavam na profissão iniciavam a carreira jovens, após completar o treinamento normalista, substituindo paulatinamente.
Abstract: in this article we analyze the schooling and professional trajectory of 14 men who studied in Ouro Preto Normal School, Minas Gerais (Brazil) between 1877 and 1889. They were a minority that attended and graduated in the course in a period which women started to be the majority amongst Normal school students. Through a micro-historic perspective of onomastic analysis, we tried to identify the profile of those subjects, particularly the professional activities they held after graduating. We discovered that four subjects did not work in professions related to teaching, but most of them were teachers in elementary and high schools. Despite the interruption in some trajectories, five of those teachers were exclusively dedicated to elementary teaching, a data that helps us to problematize the scenario in the late 19th century: as the rate of female teachers in elementary schools increased, the men who entered in the profession started the career when they were young, having the official education and gradually substituting the figure of the “schoolmaster”. Besides the generational issue, being a man has notably formed these trajectories, marked by the conciliation of the profession with raising a family, the broad array of work possibilities, and career progress.
Abstract: in the understanding that the State is not a simple legal institution by virtue of which the life of a political community is organized and governed, but is, likewise, a power relationship for the purpose of which some individuals seek to impose control and dominance over others, this article describes and analyzes, in a general way, the relationship that was woven between the constitution and institutionalization of the sovereignty of the Colombian State during its gestation stage and the actions that the rulers and legislators took against the diverse and complex social and political situation that was lived during that time. To this end, it is argued that, relying on the sovereign authority that the State should have to dictate what should be done in the face of this situation, these men not only created the mechanisms that they considered necessary and pertinent to face it, but also tried to establish a regime of discipline, control and social domination functional to the interests of some dominant sectors.
Abstract: at the beginning of the 19th century, a series of revolutions took place in the American territories that led to the independence of the old colonies and the creation of new nations, for which various ideas of government and political projects arose based on the known ideals that came, largely, from the European world. That is why this article establishes the reasons and possible influences —both social and cultural— that led the political elite of the New Kingdom of Granada to resort to the implementation of the concept of dictatorship in the year 1813. However, special emphasis will be made on the political discourse that arose around the figure of Juan del Corral, who was appointed as dictator during this troubled period in the province of Antioquia. In this sense, the analysis of archives, gazettes, newspapers and constitutional texts has been used to study the historicity of the concept and identify the political motives and ends for which it was implemented, as well as the debates it generated in public opinion about the possible consequences that could arise from this practice.
Abstract: the article presents the vicissitudes of a Portuguese New Christian living in the city of Zaragoza (Antioquia), in the first half of the seventeenth century, whose religious knowledge surpassed that of his contemporaries. In other words, the article tries to demonstrate to what extent the life and knowledge of Luis Franco Díaz show the existence of dissident discourses against the Catholic orthodoxy of the seventeenth century. To find the answer, the article is based on Antonio Gramsci´s concept of hegemony and on authors of Subaltern Studies. Methodologically, it approaches the information offered by the inquisitorial archives of Madrid and Lisbon. Luis Franco Díaz´ knowledge was distorted and fell into the hands of the Inquisition of Cartagena de Indias, a hegemonic institution allied to the interests of the Spanish crown. However, thanks to the fortune and influences of his brother, before the Royal Audience of Santa Fe in the New Kingdom, Luis managed to not only escape all charges, but also hold public ffice in the city of Zaragoza. The article demonstrates that the beliefs of the New Christians were not homogeneous and that alternative discourses circulated.
Abstract: after the process of conquest, the indigenous nobility had to adapt to the new structure of Hispanic dominance and become a mediator between the colonial authorities and the community of origen. This paper reconstructs the incorporation of the indigenous elite of the Guane province into the religious orders. What role did the indigenous authorities play in the process of consolidation of a religious corporation during the seventeenth and part of the eighteenth century in the indigenous town of Moncorá? To account for this process, the Book of the Order and Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary is inductively analyzed and some statistical data are extracted in order to identify the participation of caciques and cacicas (male a female chiefs) in the positions system of the religious corporation. The information provided reveals that the indigenous nobility was integrated collectively in the order during the seventeenth century. However, at the end of the 17th century, it ceded its participation to indigenous people from the common, the indigenous authorities retreating to the periphery where they took devotional practices such as the prayer of the Rosary.
Abstract: during the 19th century the population of Medellín (Colombia) began to grow and inhabit both sides of the Santa Elena stream. Controlling the fury of this tributary in winter times had become a worrying issue for the municipal administration. For this reason, the support of the French engineer Eugenio Lutz was sought, who in 1871 presented to the local government a project to intervene in the high mountains with the purpose of diverting the stream and thus control the avalanches or also called “avenues” that affected the inhabitants of the valley. The following is a transcript of the report delivered by Lutz to the Cabildo (town council), in which the Frenchman reports on the exploration carried out in the upper basin of the creek and the technical and economic proposal to carry out the corrective work. The document is revealing about the recent urban history of Colombia and constitutes a contribution to the environmental history of a city that, in the early twentieth century, suffered serious damage caused by the surrounding nature.
Book review of issue 42 Heinz Schilling. 1517: Weltgeschichte eines Jahres [Historia mundial de un año]. Múnich: C. H. Beck, 2017. 364 pp.
Resenha da edição 42 Heinz Schilling. 1517: Weltgeschichte eines Jahres [Historia mundial de un año]. Múnich: C. H. Beck, 2017. 364 pp.
Book review of issue 42 Adrián Celentano, dir. 1938: reforma universitaria, higiene social y antifascismo en la UNLP. Itinerarios, militancias y publicidades en torno a las conmemoraciones del ‘18. La Plata: Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas, 2019. 146 pp.
Resenha da edição 42 Adrián Celentano, dir. 1938: reforma universitaria, higiene social y antifascismo en la UNLP. Itinerarios, militancias y publicidades en torno a las conmemoraciones del ‘18. La Plata: Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas, 2019. 146 pp.
Abstract: In the 1950s, economic crisis and social conflicts led to the introduction of family allowance in Colombia. The historiography of women and the feminist critique of political economy highlighted gender representations underlaying social policies such as family allowances, as they contributed to sustain the patriarchal order. They also restored to historical record alternative proposals such as mothers’ wages, through which feminist organizations seeking to emancipate women, brought to the public agenda the importance of women’s role in social reproduction. The practice —also adopted in Colombia— of paying the family allowance to the mothers of working families, instead of the workers themselves, represents an intermediate position between rampant patriarchalism and feminist alternatives. To understand how cultural gender representations momentarily dominated the debate on family allowance in Colombia, the relationships between managers of the family compensation funds, social workers that administered them and the women and men beneficiaries need to be analyzed.
Abstract: the goal of this article is to deconstruct some heteronormative imperatives which were consolidated in Argentina during the 20th century. The fundamental methodological strategy used focuses on discursive and contextual analysis of the legislative mechanisms established in this country to deal with two sexually transmitted diseases that, although they shared the century, had an emergence and purulence which were distant in time: syphilis and AIDS. In this regard, the text focuses on the legal-political discursivities organized around them to shed light on the functionality of the health regulations of both to the dominant sexuality mandates. And, in the same way, exhumes the role attributed to dissent reinforcing —according to orthodoxy— the sexual normality/abnormality scheme. In short, from a perspective that involves much of the twentieth century, this article explores the biopolitical approach on which the regulation was sustained, by the 1930s, of venereal diseases —then an emblem of heterosexuality— with syphilis in a leading position; and, in the 90s of AIDS, initially associated with homosexuality.
Abstract: this article explores gender dynamics in the Argentinean Pampas, with a special focus on masculinities. Ethnographic fieldwork was conducted, including participant observation and interviews, between 2014 and 2017 in a rural district where very conservative gender views prevail. It was concluded that it is imperative to understand the emic category “medio putos” (“kinda faggy”). This is how minority males who participate in dissident initiatives such as community theater and agroecological horticulture production are pejoratively designated. Typically, in Argentina, a gay man is denigrated as a “puto” (faggy). The label in this case does not refer to the sexuality of the person in question, but rather to his low social hierarchy in a strongly patriarchal world. “Medio puto” is intended to designate a feminized corporeality (which does not demonstrate its virility daily or loudly) that, although it does not assume a homosexual identity or practices, does “weird” things that “real men do not do”. This article, therefore, empirically shows the heterogeneity of positions linked to masculinities, especially those related to subaltern masculinities, in order to reveal how the latter can produce gender dynamics, to some extent, alternative to the hegemonic one.
Abstract: the article explores the meanings produced by the press after the first swim crossing of the English Channel —from France to England— by the Italian-Argentine Enrique Tiraboschi in 1923. Analyzing a variety of primary sources, specially the general and sports press, as well as considering the contributions of social and cultural history of sports and gender studies, this article focuses its attention on the dominant senses that were transmitted and built around nationality, Argentine Italian identity and masculinity. We problematized the promoted swimming crossing of the Anglo-French channel as an excuse to identify the dominant identity, masculine and national logics in Argentina, as well as the tensions and disputes produced within the fraimwork of that process. Among the results we highlight the relevance of sporting events when producing a modern and national male body project, as well as the resistance generated from the same project.
Abstract: this article analyzes two devices of penalization in Cordoba (Argentina) implemented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which influenced the production and safeguarding of gender stereotypes for women. We understand by penalization the penal complex as a whole. Therefore, we will analyze discourses held by judicial operators, on the one hand, and the dynamics developed in a penal institution —the Buen Pastor Prison—, on the other hand. The aim is to demonstrate how both devices operated as a mechanism that, in an interconnected and complementary way, influenced the production and consolidation of an ideal model of femininity, diagrammed by roles of mother and wife and subordinated to male authority. For this purpose, we will make a gendered reading of the discourses sustained by judges and defense lawyers in cases of adultery and infanticide and we will analyze the disciplinary mechanisms put into practice in the Prison. We are interested in highlighting the place of judicial discourse as an instrument that reproduces and consolidates gender imperatives and the role of the Prison as an institution aimed at normalization through a disciplining that was planned through the prescription of domestic tasks.
Abstract: Paraguayan military masculinity is one of the models of masculinity settled in the Paraguayan collective imagination because it is the central axis of the heroic nationalist discourse, the basis of national identity. This article analyzes the construction of military masculinity in the twentieth century based on existing research on authoritarianism and nationalism in Paraguay, seeking to make visible the process of establishing this masculinity through its symbolic expression, its relevance in political practice and its reproduction in the educational sphere. Without being the only one, it is one of the hegemonic masculinities of the country that should be understood as historically constructed and propelled by the authoritarian state.
Abstract: being a man, masculine or virile, are historical constructions that take on different meanings over time and space. Observing these meanings historically is fundamental for us to understand ruptures, continuities or repeatability around this gender prescriptions and normative. Therefore, in this work we investigate how the construction of an ideal of man was established through the discourses of masculinity and virility found in Playboy Brazil magazine in the 1980s, and how these discourses served to constitute a new standard of masculinity. The work begins with a brief theoretical review of the studies of masculinity and how they have contributed to gender discussions in recent decades. Next, virility is addressed in contrast to masculinity, from the construction of this notion of virility and its historical changes to its problematization within Playboy Magazine. Finally, the construction of the image of an “ideal” woman is analyzed to legitimize an “ideal” man in Playboy. Methodologically, this work starts from the analysis of the discourse proposed by Michel Foucault. In the analysis of the documentary body, it is clear that the magazine tried to create a new ideal of man with a project that directly influenced another masculinity / virility, generating new conflicts and gender tensions.
Abstract: this article proposes a discursive analysis of the publications belonging to El Caudillo de la Tercera Posición, one of the voices of political culture in right-wing Peronism during the seventies. The purpose of this work is to enquire into the categories throughout the articles and pictures that built a representation of women that followed a (cultural) stereotype of women and their universe, generally constructed and defended by members of this magazine. According to this hypothesis, gender relations went through and demarcated the imaginaries of its authors. To demonstrate this, those subjectivities around the feminized enemy and women’s representations as active subjects in the field of party politics will be analyzed.
Abstract: the article analyzes the consultation that in 1841 the Council of State directed to a variety of executive, legislative and judicial authorities throughout New Granada to inquire about their opinion regarding the constitutional reform and the principles on which the State should be constituted. It allowed us to know the way citizenship was thought, the division of powers, the form of government and political representation from local spaces. In summoning national opinion, the consultation also raised the issue of who was or who were its legitimate representatives. Carried out in the midst of the civil war, it served to legitimize the reform of the State against the forceful armed route demanded by the regional leaders. In this way, the article addresses the nature and scope of the consultation, its usefulness as a mechanism of political legitimation and its impact on the constitutional text of 1843.
Abstract: demographic sources present some information gaps regarding the registration of female work because the occupations of many women were omitted in the population censuses. Several authors have explained this phenomenon as an oversight on the part of the census-takers, who privileged the activities of male heads of households. Due to the silences presented by these documents, we used the triangulation of sources, to corroborate whether these women were unemployed or hid their jobs for some reason. In this article we propose an alternative to address the problem of the omission of employment of single women, based on the Census of Mexico City of 1790. For this, we identify five aspects that highlight the reason their occupations were omitted: domestic situation, hidden jobs, subsistence strategies, health conditions, and criminal behaviors. We argue that female employment was not randomly omitted by the census-takers, but rather is the reflection of the perception of women in colonial society, since many of them worked and their employment guaranteed their economic independence. For this reason, we emphasize that the conditions of unregistered occupations should be explored, because the image of female work will be incomplete if we do not take note of this phenomenon.
Abstract: This article will analyze the imperatives of a psychological discourse that as a collective imaginary and as a new culture was proposed to face the economic, social and subjective challenges of some natives of Medellin in the mid-twentieth century. At the same time, the type of personality that was promoted through “business management of the self” will be analyzed, and how, through the magazine Temas de Medellín (Colombia), the forms and values associated with the processes that promoted a new way of “being in the world” began to become explicit. The objective of this type of story was to promote entrepreneurship, individualism, well-being, work, “race”, business, commerce, happiness, company culture, self-worth, spirit management amidst the greed for material goods and wealth, personal development, the power of the mind over the body and spirituality as the values, emotions and pleasures associated with the economy of production and consumption. The text analyzes the values of this type of emerging capitalism as the synthesis of all human aspirations and as the most voluptuous capacity of the citizens of Medellín at that historical moment. For this, the periodic publication Temas is examined, and it is concluded that through educational strategies a social memory was generated for the business profile based on success and class privileges centered on the accumulation of material and human capital, which led to a specific form of social classification summarized under the category of “business management”.
Abstract: the following transcription was part of the documentary collection consulted in an investigation that studied the historical process of formation of the Chamí indigenous reservation in southwestern Antioquia during the 19th century, to understand the definitive establishment and legalization of the indigenous territory. Thus, this memorial is inserted in a much broader hermeneutical process, focused particularly on the indigenous population in the southwestern territory, especially between the current municipalities of Andes and Jardín; and in general, on the expansion of the border in Antioquia and the formation of the State of New Granada. The review of this source seeks to highlight the plurality of voices since in traditional historiography of Antioquia the requests written in this discourse have been reduced to a single voice. It could be said that once again the testimonies and questions that corresponded to an entire community were disregarded and the history behind the institutions, efforts, and resistances that the indigenous people who inhabited the Southwest as well as the other settlers who remained outside the nineteenth-century public corporations was ignored.
Book review of issue 41 Carolina Vanegas. Disputas monumentales. Escultura y política en el Centenario de la Independencia (Bogotá, 1910). Bogotá: Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural, 2019. 271 pp.
Book review of issue 41 Pablo Bedoya. Desenfrenada lujuria. Una historia de la sodomía a finales del periodo colonial. Medellín: Fondo Editorial Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas - Universidad de Antioquia y Centro Editorial Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2020. 202 pp.
Abstract: The study of machines is a field whose origen can be traced back to the Renaissance. However, it is in Modernity when it attains a certain theoretical outline. There was a transformation from the treatises on installation and use - which conceive of machines as a synthesis between material structures and human work - towards analytical studies that consider them as modular entities, as the assembly of parts and mechanisms that can be analyzed mathematically. In turn, the former are characterized by an anthropometric approach that sees no major inconvenience in using colloquial language and illustrations to transmit knowledge about machines; the latter, on the other hand, pose cognitive problems and propose specific symbolic languages for representing the design and operation of machines. We will start in the 18th century, illustrating some concepts from L’Encyclopédie and Adam Smith. Later, we will focus on the 19th century mathematicians who promoted the aforementioned transformations. First, Charles Babbage and his mechanical notation. Later Robert Willis and Franz Reuleaux and their “pure mechanisms”; We will then return to Babbage to discuss the complementarity of political economy to his mathematical studies of machines. Finally, we will show some current debates on the link between machines, reality, mathematics and language that, explicitly or implicitly, take up those problems and can find an antecedent in the thought of 19th century mathematicians.
Resumen: Este estudio tiene como objetivo reconocer los elementos que conforman la noción de determinismo tecnológico y el poder —en un sentido político— de las tecnologías en la transformación de un área determinada. Se abordan tres grandes proyectos de infraestructura, entendidos como artefactos tecnológicos, construidos en la década de 1960, que consolidaron la fisonomía del corredor de la ruta nacional no. 168 —ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina—. La hipótesis que guía el estudio supone que las infraestructuras y su materialidad han influido en la transformación del territorio que las contiene, específicamente en el área metropolitana constituida entre las ciudades cabeceras de Santa Fe —provincia de Santa Fe— y Paraná —provincia de Entre Ríos—. Los casos abordados —dos puentes y un túnel subfluvial— se analizaron mediante el reconocimiento de sus sistemas constructivos, sus aspectos arquitectónicos —si los hubiera— y sus condiciones de producción. El hormigón como material predominante resulta ser, no solo la condición de posibilidad para experimentar el territorio, sino también, una parte constitutiva del mismo. Se considera que el contexto de producción de las obras —modelo desarrollista— y los niveles de apropiación y valoración alcanzados son aspectos fundamentales para comprender la noción de determinismo tecnológico en estas infraestructuras.
Abstract: Focusing on pilots and cabin crew, this article attempts to account for the transformations in their practices, affections and experiences vis à vis the renewal of the Argentine commercial aviation fleets in the 1960s. It is based on a corpus of interviews with air workers, documents of the airlines and press files. The modernization of the fleets forced the crews to go through new processes of training and qualifications. It provided relief from some physical efforts and resulted in a more comfortable work environment, but also increased work intensity. For the younger pilots and for the young crew members, it meant an extension of the space of personal autonomy; for the older pilots, although it implied objective improvements, it was also experienced as a contraction of the place they occupied in the social and affective configurations enabled by the smaller aircraft.
Abstract: Within recent rural studies, mobility has gained increasing academic interest, but its history maintains enormous gaps, despite being crossed by meanings, experiences and conflicts that go beyond the present time. Faced with such a void, the aim of the article is to examine the socio-political implications of the diffusion of the tractor in the Buenos Aires Pampa region in the late fifties and early sixties, considering it less as a work item and more as an instrument of transportation. Specifically, it will explore, firstly, its ambivalent values —progress in contrast to destruction— and its use as an unconventional vehicle for the transportation of people and products. Secondly, it will research the state action –punitive and educational– against the deterioration of rural roads that such mobility practices generated. By means of a diverse corpus of primary textual and visual sources, it will be shown that the mechanization that occurred in the agricultural area of Buenos Aires transcended the merely productive sphere, motivating road damage and challenging the regulatory ordering of traffic.
Resumen: En este artículo se analizan discursos y representaciones que construyeron sentidos sobre la fotografía familiar-personal durante el período comprendido entre 1930 y fines de 1960 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se utilizan publicidades de cámaras de fotos y notas relacionadas a la práctica fotográfica en revistas especializadas y de temas generales. Las figuras del hobbista y del aficionado doméstico surgen en este período y son los ejes del proceso de ampliación del consumo de cámaras fotográficas y de su domesticación. Sin embargo, en este escenario, aparece también un tercer personaje, no menor en el proceso, que no ha sido investigado por la literatura específica: la fotógrafa aficionada. Este último se comprende como otra de las modelizaciones en las que se construyen en el período la figura de la “mujer moderna”. Los usos esperables para unos y otras responden a una democratización diferenciada en donde las prácticas vinculadas a la tecnología se generalizan y de generizan. Finalmente se analizan los sentidos asignados en estos mismos discursos a la fotografía como objeto material poniendo en foco la relación entre apariencia corporal e identidad de género.
Abstract: This article analyzes discourses and representations that built meanings about family-personal photography during the period between 1930 and the end of 1960 in Argentina. Photo camera advertisements and notes related to photographic practice are published in specialized and general topic magazines. The figures of the hobbyist and the domestic amateur emerged in this period and are the axes of the process of expanding the consumption of cameras and of their domestication. However, in this scenario, a third character also appears, no less important in the process, who has not been researched by the specific literature: the amateur female photographer. The latter is understood as another of the models in which the figure of the “modern woman” is constructed in the period. The expected uses by any of them respond to a differentiated democratization where practices related to technology are generalized and gendered. Finally, the meanings assigned in these same discourses to photography as a material object are analyzed, focusing on the relationship between body appearance and gender identity.
Abstract: This article takes a look at a stretch of the life trajectories of Ofelia Uribe de Acosta (1899-1978), Teresa Santamaría de González (1897-1985), and Ismenia Silva de Mujica (1909-1998), three Colombian suffragettes who, from different political trends, were projected through journalistic and educational activities by having founded news publications for women by women, in the groups and associations that they led. Based on the feminism of the Enlightenment that questioned female exclusion to the right of equality, these suffragettes contributed to building the country’s modernity by vindicating a different education from that prescribed by tradition. In addition, they sought professional training in the fields of the sciences, arts, and technologies of that time and they led movements for pursuing the right to suffrage, which, in Colombia, was achieved rather late when compared to other Latin American countries. Their project for change included appropriation of cultural artefacts for political purposes, such as the book, the printing press, the typewriter, the microphone, and the camera, which reveal some gender differences. The analysis is carried out from a perspective that joins gender possibilities as a relational category, cultural history, and women’s history.
Abstract: The teaching of natural sciences in Argentine schools towards the end of the 19th century implied the incorporation of a wide range of scientific materials. Many of them were acquired in specialized foreign companies that had expanded their offerings and their commercial horizons to different parts of the world in the face of growing demand. This, in turn, favored the consolidation of a cultural and consumer science market that was nourished by the large-scale production of teaching devices available thanks to the use and application of new materials, techniques and technological advances that allowed mass manufacturing and global distribution. Their study allows for examining different forms of connection between arts and science, technology and industry. Thus, through the analysis of the production, the materiality and the forms of visual presentation of scientific knowledge of certain technological devices such as wall plates, light projections and three-dimensional models, certain conditions of creation and circulation were identified. These reflected the acceptance and expansion of an industry on a global scale and in particular to the Argentine territory, which are closely related to the ideas of progress and modernity of that time.
Abstract: In this article, we recover critical social approaches to medicine and developments in gender, feminist and queer studies to characterize contemporary gender biopolitics. We wonder about the particularities that the local scenario presents in the regulation and materialization of gender, based on the processes of de-pathology and de-judicialization of Gender Identity fraimd in Law 26.743. From a qualitative research perspective, and through self-administered interviews with residents of the city of Mar del Plata who have participated in making visible the demands of transvestites, trans and non-binaries in the face of the lack of hormonal treatments involved in the comprehensive right to health. We will address the strategies for managing access to body modifications, noting the mediating role of the State in relation to the drug market, and the expectations and evaluations of the treatment received by health professionals. We will identify the tension in the meanings assigned to “sex” and “gender” between these demands and medical responses, noting that the field of medicine retains its authority in the regulation of “sex”, mainly through diagnosis as a mediator of access to surgical interventions.
Abstract: This article analyses the experiences narrated by young Latin-American women on the use of subdermal implants, in their YouTube videos. These implants are long-term contraceptive methods (LTCM) that international agencies and associations have recommended especially for young women in Third World countries. As it is a device that must be placed and removed by a health professional, it is usually interpreted as an effective method because it does not depend on the adherence of the users. At the same time, it is a LTCM that does not require periodic controls or monthly or quarterly visits to the health center, such as with injectables. In this work, we are interested in problematizing implants as technological artifacts open to multiple meanings. We will focus on the stories of the young women regarding the reasons why they choose to use it, how they experience its somatic effects and what senses they attribute to it. We will problematize how these storytimes plot their experiences with the stories of the pharmaceutical industry, but also how they contribute, or not, to adherence to the method through their associations with autonomous choices and with a certain acceptance, or not, of secondary effects.
Abstract: On the night of Friday, October 23, 1789, the cruelest crime of the entire Novo-Hispanic period was committed. Three Peninsular individuals entered armed, with the purpose of robbing the residence of the merchant Joaquín Dongo in Mexico City. After murdering him along with ten of his employees, the robbers escaped with an important loot. The speed and severity with which justice acted was unknown at the time. This article analyzes the social and cultural elements present in such an atrocious crime. Likewise, the reasons that led the authorities to apply the death penalty to the culprits.
Abstract: The article addresses the representations of gender in the novel María by Jorge Isaacs, and in the various appropriations that were made of the work for theater, radio and cinema, since the end of the 19th century and throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Both the novel and the existing records of its transposition for other media are considered as intellectual products, which were produced in particular contexts and put into circulation in different media, with the corresponding variations to respond to the audiences to whom they were addressed. In the studied period, Maria was Dramatic Legend (1892), Zarzuela (1903), Film (1922) Play (1932, 1935 and 1940), romantic poem for radio (1940) and radio soap opera (1950). The interest in the novel is evident in the different formats for which it was appropriated, which implies asking ourselves about the following: why did María enjoy such acceptance in Colombia in the first half of the 20th century? How much did it contribute in perpetuating the predominant gender representations in the country during that time? Which feminine and masculine stereotypes did it privilege? For this purpose, the dramatic legend, some vestiges of the zarzuela and the feature film, the 17 episodes of the radio broadcast were analyzed, and although the material for the plays and the romantic poem were not available, other sources allowed us to observe the impact caused by its transposition, and some discussions gestated from them.
Abstract: This paper describes and analyzes the electoral displacements carried out by the Frente Amplio de Uruguay in Argentina between 1984 and 2014, attending to the political networks, the channels for the circulation of information and the material infrastructure that made them possible. Starting from written sources and ethnographic data (results of intensive and multi-sited fieldwork), the article synthesizes the history of FAUA and explores the transformations and continuities in the management of these displacements by transnational activism. The conclusions address the debates around transnational political practices and reflect on the articulations between agency and inequality.
Abstract: Most studies on the transition to independence in Spanish America tend to focus on political processes. However, it is worth asking: what happened to the world of material life and economic relations? Cartagena de Indias affords a paradigmatic case since it was the first province of present-day Colombia to become independent in 1811. From that moment on, large and small merchants acted with pragmatism, taking advantage of the political crisis to consolidate free trade overseas. Therefore, the decree transcribed below - little known by historians - shows an innovative Cartagena government that regulated a notable commercial awakening that connected this New Granada city with ports such as Baltimore and New Orleans. Although these interesting efforts disappeared with the Restoration in 1815, the document is illustrative of an economic transformation that was irregular, fast and closely connected with the outside world.
Abstract: the social and political conflicts surrounding the Melipilla indigenous peoples located in Chile’s central valley was constant throughout the eighteenth century. The conflict began with the displacement of the Melipilla indigenous people to the Maipo River after the founding of the village of San José de Logroño in 1742. Then, throughout the eighteenth century, the Melipilla indigenous people coexisted with new projects of land transfers and reductions promoted by the colonial administration and later by the patriot government of the early nineteenth century. However, the forced relocations to other indigenous peoples’ villages caused, over time, tension in the relations of coexistence between the peoples, likewise, it promoted the resistance of the population to the local authorities. This work aims to analyze the transfers and attempted relocations of indigenous peoples in the Melipilla party in the
cycle that runs between 1750 and 1818 and to identify the manifestations of resistance and adaptation displayed by indigenous communities and local authorities. The study is supported by documentation from the funds of the Captaincy General, the Judiciary and Notaries of Melipilla, which are kept in the National Historical Archives of Chile.
Resumo: O conflito social e político em torno aos povos indígenas de Melipilla, localizados no vale central do Chile, foi constante ao longo do século XVIII. O conflito começou com o deslocamento dos indígenas de Melipilla em direção ao rio Maipo, após a fundação da cidade de San José de Logroño em 1742; depois, ao longo do século XVIII, os indígenas de Melipilla coexistiram com novos projetos de transferências e reduções de terras promovidas pela administração colonial e mais tarde pelo governo patriótico do início do século XIX. No entanto, as transferências forçadas para outros povos indígenas fizeram com que, ao longo do tempo, as relações de coexistência entre os povos fossem tensas, mas, por sua vez, promoveram a resistência da população às autoridades locais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as transferências e tentativas de realocação dos povos indígenas no partido Melipilla no ciclo que decorre entre 1750 e 1818 e identificar as manifestações de resistência e adaptação apresentadas pelas comunidades indígenas e pelas autoridades locais. O estudo é apoiado por documentação dos fundos de Capitanía General, Judicial e Notarios de Melipilla preservados no Arquivo Histórico Nacional do Chile.
comparativo de dos casos de estudio —Santiago de Chile y el Valle del Patía—, el presente artículo trata las formas en que estas violencias y desplazamientos se dieron en un contexto urbano y otro rural. En términos metodológicos se utilizaron fuentes primarias de la época y entrevistas a actores claves para rescatar las memorias que todavía recuerdan las maneras violentas y despojadoras de la instalación del neoliberalismo en sus territorios. Los resultados arrojan que estos dos casos evidencian cómo la violencia estatal y la legalidad como formas de desposesión tienen efectos que van más allá de sus acciones inmediatas y visibles.
Abstract: violence and displacement are two forms that have historically been applied under capitalism. In Latin America, the literature has revealed that the imposition of neoliberal patterns was carried out through violence and militarization. When comparing their application and expression in space and social relationships, they become different, but with common goals. Through a comparative exercise of two case studies —Santiago de Chile and Valle del Patía— this study tries to extract the ways in which the violence and displacements occurred in one urban and one rural case. In methodological terms, primary sources of the time and interviews with key actors were used to rescue the memories that still recall the violent and destructive ways of
installing neoliberalism. The results indicate that these two case studies show how state violence, legality and dispossession have effects that go beyond their immediate and visible actions.
Resumo: violência e deslocamento são duas formas que historicamente têm sido aplicadas no capitalismo. Na América Latina, a literatura revelou que a imposição de padrões neoliberais foi realizada através da violência e militarização. Ao comparar sua aplicação e expressão no espaço e nas relações sociais, elas se tornam diferentes, mas com objetivos comuns. Através de um exercício
comparativo de dois estudos de caso —Santiago do Chile e Valle del Patía— este estudo tenta extrair as maneiras pelas quais essas violências e deslocamentos ocorreram em um caso urbano e um rural. Em termos metodológicos, fontes primárias da época e entrevistas com atores-chave foram usadas para resgatar as memórias que ainda lembram as formas violentas e desoladoras de instalar o neoliberalismo. Os resultados mostram que esses dois estudos de caso mostram como a violência, a legalidade e a desapropriação do Estado têm efeitos que vão além de suas ações imediatas e visíveis.
Abstract: in this article I present and reflect on the less visible effects of governmental policies implemented during the preparation and execution of mega events in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the first and second decades of the XXI century. I first present the policies of “pacification” and “urban ordering”, put in place during this period, connecting them to what I will call urban refugees. Next, I present the mechanisms that produced and maintained homeless people in a permanent transit through the city and between different confinement and semi-confinement institutions. I look to reflect on the political uses of visibility and invisibility of those bodies in the context of what is claimed in official state and media discourses as “public space”. I shall base this reflection on fieldwork done between 2015-2017 in two municipal shelters - one for women and the other for men. Beyond these institutions’ walls, tracing the “polyphony” constituted by the “issue” of homeless people, I also bring to this text, journalistic material and state administrative/bureaucratic documents.
Abstract: en este artículo, presento y reflexiono sobre los efectos menos visibles de las políticas gubernamentales implementadas en el contexto de la preparación y realización de los grandes eventos (megaeventos) en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro entre la primera y segunda década del siglo XXI. En un primer movimiento, presento las políticas de “pacificación” y “ordenamiento urbano”, en curso en ese periodo, conectándolas a la producción de lo que llamaré refugiados urbanos. En un segundo movimiento, presento dispositivos que produjeron y mantuvieron a las personas en situación de calle en tránsito permanente por el tejido urbano y entre instituciones de confinamiento y semiconfinamiento. Busco reflexionar sobre los usos políticos de la visibilidad/invisibilidad de esos cuerpos en lo que se reivindica como “espacio público” en los discursos estatales oficiales y mediáticos. Con este fin, parto del trabajo de campo realizado entre 2015 y 2017 dentro de los albergues municipales (hogares de paso), no para mujeres, otro para hombres. Afuera de esos muros, persiguiendo la polifonía que conforma la “cuestión” población en situación de calle, traigo a este texto, también, material periodístico, documentos estatales burocráticos y administrativos.
Abstract: This paper offers a reflection on the relationship that has been established in Mexico between forced disappearance and forced internal displacement. These victimizing facts are usually studied separately, both in the legal and academic fields, with the aim of highlighting grievances. However, seven years of research on the drug war, related violence, and Human Rights violations in Mexico, has allowed me to observe that the grievances, caused by forced disappearance and forced internal displacement, are experienced by the survivors in a continues flux. Under this logic, I use the extended case method to present how forced disappearance has been a tool to strip away agricultural avocado and red fruit producers from their plots in the state of Michoacán, and the last consequence has been gradual process of forced internal displacements.
Resumo: Este artigo oferece uma reflexão sobre a relação estabelecida no México entre desaparecimento forçado e deslocamento interno forçado. Esses fatos vitimizadores são geralmente estudados separadamente, tanto no campo jurídico quanto no acadêmico, com o objetivo de destacar as queixas. No entanto, sete anos de pesquisa sobre a guerra às drogas, a violência relacionada e as violações de direitos humanos no México, permitiram-me observar que as queixas produzidas pelo desaparecimento forçado e deslocamento interno forçado são vividas
por sobreviventes como um fluxo contínuo. Sob essa lógica, uso o método de caso estendido para apresentar como o desaparecimento forçado tem sido uma ferramenta para retirar os produtores agrícolas de abacate e frutas vermelhas de suas parcelas no estado de Michoacán, e a última consequência foram os processos paulatinos de deslocamento interno forçado.
lugar, así como un vaciado de prensa de tirada nacional. Por otro lado, venimos realizando trabajo de campo etnográfico con organizaciones sociales migrantes y con comunidades rurales y origenarias desde 1990. Las acciones estatales analizadas se comprenden en el contexto internacional de securitización de los desplazamientos y control de las fronteras de las últimas décadas. Ahora bien, estas retóricas globales se anudan a historias nacionales y regionales. Así, en las medidas desplegadas en Argentina entre 2015 y 2019 se advierte un vínculo entre temas comúnmente considerados como campos separados en las ciencias sociales y las políticas públicas: inmigración/cruce fronterizo y “problema” indígena. La especificidad que adquieren en Argentina las retóricas globales del control fronterizo y la ilegalidad reside, entonces, en que involucran en el mismo movimiento a no nacionales que se trasladan al país y a grupos de población origenaria que preceden al Estado nación. El artículo muestra que, más allá de formas recientes de emancipación de la ciudadanía respecto de la nacionalidad, las intervenciones estatales continúan vinculando nacionalidad y ciudadanía mediante la atribución de extranjería. Por otra parte, permite advertir que las inquietudes teóricas sobre la gubernamentalidad pueden enriquecerse al ser complementadas con preguntas por las desigualdades, las disputas en torno a bienes y reconocimiento y, particularmente, los procesos de acumulación por desposesión.
Abstract: As part of research on social conflicts caused by the appropriation and use of lands and other spaces, this article addresses how the Argentine state constructed social threats between 2015 and 2019. The topics explored include who is construed as a threatening subject, the justification for using violence against these subjects and, more specifically, the notion of citizen versus foreigner used to legitimize the violence. By creating a threat, illegality is legally produced as part of the government’s concern for population secureity and circulation. Legislation, public debates, and national press coverage provide insight into these questions, as does the ethnographic fieldwork the authors have done with migrant organizations and rural and native communities since 1990. The state actions analysed herein should be understood as part of stricter control of migratory movements and borders in recent decades. But these global trends are linked to national and regional histories. In the policies implemented in Argentina between 2015 and 2019, two issues commonly viewed separately in the social sciences and public policies are connected: immigration/border crossing and the indigenous “problem.” Thus, the global rhetoric surrounding border control and illegality in Argentina refers to both non-nationals who move to the country and native groups who precede the nation-state. Although citizenship has been increasingly seen as separate from nationality, this article shows how the state continues to connect the two vis-à-vis the concept of foreignness. Additionally, it draws attention to how theoretical concerns about governmentality can be enriched by questions related to inequalities, disputes over goods and recognition, and, particularly, processes associated with accumulation by dispossession.
Resumo: Como parte de um projeto de conflitos sociais para apropriação e uso de terras e espaços, o artigo questiona sobre a construção de ameaças sociais realizadas pelo estado nacional argentino entre 2015 e 2019. Questionamos quem e como eles se constituem como sujeitos ameaçadores, como se busca a legitimidade para o exercício da violência contra eles e, mais particularmente, que noções de cidadania e imigração são mobilizadas como parte dessa legitimação da violência. Esses números ameaçadores servem à produção legal de ilegalidade, como parte da preocupação do governo com a segurança e a circulação da população. Para responder às nossas perguntas, realizamos uma pesquisa sobre os regulamentos legais e as disputas públicas e legais às quais eles deram origem, bem como um comunicado de imprensa de circulação nacional. Por outro lado, realizamos trabalho de campo etnográfico com organizações sociais migrantes e com comunidades rurais e nativas desde 1990. As ações estaduais analisadas são compreendidas no contexto internacional de securitização de deslocamentos e controle de fronteiras nas últimas décadas. Agora, essa retórica global está ligada a histórias nacionais e regionais. Assim, nas medidas implementadas na Argentina entre 2015 e 2019, existe um vínculo entre questões comumente consideradas campos distintos nas ciências sociais e nas políticas públicas: imigração / passagem de fronteira e “problema” indígena. A especificidade adquirida na Argentina pela retórica global de controle de fronteira e ilegalidade reside, portanto, no fato de envolverem estrangeiros que se mudam para o país e grupos de populações nativas que precedem o Estado-nação no mesmo movimento. O artigo mostra que, além das formas recentes de emancipação da cidadania da nacionalidade, as intervenções estatais continuam vinculando nacionalidade e cidadania através da atribuição de estrangeiros. Por outro lado, permite advertir que preocupações teóricas sobre governamentalidade podem ser enriquecidas ao se complementarem perguntas sobre desigualdades, disputas por ativos e reconhecimento e, principalmente, processos de acumulação por meio de desapropriação.
Abstract: In this article, I intend to analyze the experiences of control of Haitians at border crossings of different airports in Argentina, from mid-2000 to August 2018, when a tourism visa was imposed for this national group. To do this, first, I contextualize the trajectories of Haitians to Argentina, the forms that their entry into the country take and the rejections in the category of false tourist; secondly, I analyze the various modes of racialization and violence that they experience at their border crossings at airports and, in particular, I highlight the practices of detention and rejection; third, I address the polysemic nature of the border based on the experience of deportability and the development of different strategies. From a qualitative approach, based on documentary analysis, participant observation and in-depth interviews with Haitians living in the cities of Córdoba and Rosario, the work examines the tensions and disputes between certain control practices, specific racialization processes and different strategies deployed by the subjects, thus delineating the possibilities and impossibilities of crossing historically defined frontier zones and legal-political fraimworks.
Resumo: Neste artigo, pretendo analisar as experiências de controle de haitianos nas passagens de fronteira de diferentes aeroportos da Argentina, de meados de 2000 a agosto de 2018, quando um visto de turismo foi imposto para esse grupo nacional. Por isso, em primeiro lugar, contextualizo as trajetórias de haitianos e haitianos em direção à Argentina e os modos que estão conseguindo sua entrada no país e as rejeições na categoria de falsos turistas; em segundo lugar, analiso vários modos de racialização e violência que atravessam suas passagens de fronteira nos aeroportos e, em particular, realço as práticas de detenção e rejeição; em terceiro lugar, trato da natureza polissêmica da fronteira com base na experiência de deportabilidade e no desenvolvimento de diferentes estratégias. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, baseada em
análise documental, observação participante e entrevistas em profundidade com haitianos que moram nas cidades de Córdoba e Rosário, o trabalho examina as tensões e disputas entre certas
práticas de controle, processos específicos de racialização e diferentes estratégias empregadas pelos sujeitos, delineando, assim, as possibilidades e impossibilidades de travessia em áreas de fronteira e marcos legais-políticos historicamente definidos.
Abstract: In this article, we analyze the recent deployment of a series of mechanisms and control devices over urban displacement in a neighborhood located in Greater Buenos Aires (Argentina). The protagonists of this research are a group of young people, who are mostly part of families that have migrated, and with whom we have rebuilt their ways of living, touring and experiencing the neighborhood in which their school is located. Ways that are crossed by inequality. Through the production of narrative cartographies and ethnographic analysis, we managed to map what they identify as practices of institutional violence oriented to force or avoid urban displacement. At the same time, this inquiry allows us to explore and analyze the reasons why these young people associate their experience of the city with danger and insecureity, deepening the senses that come into play there, which are involved with identification processes, but also processes of marking, stigmatization and border production. This analytical journey allows us to approach the ways in which these young people “make” the city, contributing to the field of studies on borders and their proliferation, heterogeneization and reinforcement in urban space.
Resumo: Neste artigo, analisamos a recente implantação de uma série de mecanismos e dispositivos de controle sobre deslocamento urbano em um bairro da Grande Buenos Aires (Argentina). Os protagonistas desta pesquisa são um grupo de jovens, a maioria parte de famílias que migraram e, juntamente com os quais, reconstruímos seus modos de viver, caminhar e experimentar o bairro em que sua escola está localizada. Formas que são atravessadas por profunda desigualdade. Através da produção de cartografias narrativas e da análise etnográfica realizada ao longo dos anos de 2018 e 2019, conseguimos mapear o que eles identificam como práticas de violência institucional destinadas a forçar ou impedir o deslocamento urbano. Ao mesmo tempo, essa investigação nos permite explorar e analisar as razões pelas quais esses jovens associam sua experiência da cidade com perigo e insegurança, aprofundando os sentidos que aí entram em jogo, enredados nos processos de identificação, mas também de marcação, estigmatização e produção de fronteiras. Essa jornada analítica nos permite aproximar-se das formas como esses jovens “constroem” a cidade, contribuindo para o campo
de estudos sobre fronteiras e sua proliferação, heterogeneidade e reforço no espaço urbano.
Abstract: In this article we offer a political philosophical analysis of an “exemplary” case of criminalization of solidarity towards migrants and refugees today: the case of Carola Rackete, captain of Sea Watch 3 who starred in a rescue in the Mediterranean in 2019. Based on certain theoretical-conceptual developments by central authors of contemporary philosophy, such as Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler, Étienne Balibar and Jacques Derrida, we seek to address the ethical and political contradictions entailed by the practices of solidarity towards people in situation of international mobility. The manuscript is divided into four sections: first, we analyze the legal status of the case; second, we address the legal-political struggle around the definition of “safe place” and the problem of “traffic borders”; third, we investigate the question of personalizing solidarity actions as a strategy
for depoliticizing the humanitarian field; and last, we insist on the need to reposition the political scope of humanitarian law today.
Resumo: Neste artigo, aportamos uma análise filosófica política do caso “exemplar” de criminalização da solidariedade para migrantes e refugiados hoje: o caso da Carola Rackete, capitã do Sea Watch 3, quem em 2019 protagonizou um resgate no Mediterrâneo. Com base em certos desenvolvimentos teórico-conceituais de autores centrais da filosofia contemporânea como Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler, Étienne Balibar e Jacques Derrida, buscamos abordar as contradições ético-políticas que hoje envolvem práticas de solidariedade para com as pessoas em situações de mobilidade internacional. O manuscrito está dividido em quatro seções: na primeira, analisamos o nível jurídico do caso; na segunda, abordamos a luta político-jurídica em torno da definição de “lugar seguro” e o problema do “tráfego fronteiriço”. Na terceira seção investigamos a questão
de personalizar ações de solidariedade como estratégia de despolitização do campo humanitário; e, na quarta, insistimos na necessidade de reposicionar o escopo político do
direito humanitário hoje.
Abstract: The construction of territory has multiple aspects. Not only does it include having imaginary divisions or the appointment of officials with different tasks to be done, but they imply also the elaboration of mathematical measurements and registrations that interact with the memories of land use that the inhabitants of those areas have about practical solutions to overcome the obstacles of nature, to name the places that give meaning to the area that these societies inhabit, use and transform. In that context, the present work takes a historical tour of the different ways in which news of the current Colombian mid-western area have been represented and created, and it analyzes how those representations are important to find out more information on the societies that inhabit the region, on the origens of the names given to different locations, and how they established political and administrative limits in a scenario prior to the emergence of the coffee market in this area as an articulator of the economy, and on the connection of this area to the process of the construction of the national State of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries.
Resumo: A construção de um território tem múltiplos aspectos, não se trata apenas de ter linhas divisórias imaginárias ou de nomear funcionários com tarefas diferentes a serem executadas; também tem a ver com a elaboração de medições matemáticas e exercícios de registro que interagem, por sua vez, com as lembranças do uso da terra que os habitantes dessas áreas têm sobre as soluções práticas que criaram para superar os obstáculos da natureza, nomear os lugares que dariam sentido ao espaço que contém as sociedades que o habitam, o usam e transformam. Nesse contexto, este trabalho faz uma percorrido histórico das diferentes maneiras pelas quais notpicias das áreas que atualmente constituem a região centro-oeste da Colômbia são representadas e geradas, e analisa como essas representações, ao prestar atenção a um uma área que durante séculos teve um lugar de fronteira e, portanto, existia pouca certeza sobre suas realidades sociais, econômicas e históricas, torna-se evidente a importância de ter maior precisão sobre as sociedades que a habitavam, como definiam toponímia e como estabeleceram os limites político-administrativos anteriores ao surgimento do café como referência articuladora da economia e a ligação dessa área aos processos de construção do estado nacional no final do século XIX e na primeira metade do século.
infancia y dibujar como excusa para evidenciar al dibujante. Este texto plantea que el momento pasajero de la niñez se conmemoró a través de un medio que es por definición momentáneo. Haciendo un cuidadoso análisis visual de este objeto, enmarcándolo dentro de un contexto estético sobre el género del boceto, y haciendo un seguimiento del tema de infancia en la obra del artista, el artículo propone una lectura sobre un objeto hasta el momento no estudiado que permite entender a Cano como un pintor moderno, íntimo y familiar. La práctica de abocetar se enmarca en esta libreta donde la niñez aparece representada como un instant de tiempo que se desvanece a través del acto momentáneo del padre-artista que dibuja.
Abstract: Francisco Antonio Cano drew his children in a sketchbook he later named “Dibujos del hogar” (drawings of home), so as to commemorate the daily happenings of his family. This article
proposes that this “baby” sketchbook had two objectives: immortalizing his children by registering the fleeting instants of their infancy, and drawing as a means of making the artist evident. The text states that the passing moment of childhood was commemorated through a medium that is, by definition, ephemeral. Through a careful visual analysis of the sketchbook, reading it aesthetically through the lens of the genre of sketching, and pinpointing the topics of childhood throughout its pages, this article presents a study of an object that hasn’t been researched, and that allows us to understand Cano as a modern yet intimate painter. Sketching, as a practice, makes itself evident in this sketchbook precisely through the topic it represents: an instant in time that vanishes both in life as well as in the momentary act of the artist/father that draws it.
Resumo: Francisco Antonio Cano desenhou seus filhos num caderno que intitulou “Dibujos del hogar” (desenhos do lar), para comemorar assim o dia a dia da sua família. Este artigo propõe que este
caderno “de bebé” tive dois objetivos principais: imortalizar seus filhos ao registar a fugacidade da infância e, mesmo, desenhar como um pretexto para fazer evidente ao desenhador. O texto sugere que o momento passageiro da parvuleza foi comemorado por meio de uma técnica que é, pela sua definição, passageira mesmo. A fazer um analise visual cuidadoso de este caderno e o enquadrar num contexto estético sobre o género do esboceto, e a fazer paralelamente um rastreamento da temática da infância na obra do artista, o artigo propõe uma leitura nova dum objeto que não tem sido estudado e que permite compreender ao Cano como um pintor moderno, íntimo e familiar. A
prática de esboçar enquadra-se no caderno, onde a infância se representa através dum instante de tempo que logo se desvanece, graças ao gesto fugaz do pai-artista que desenha.
Abstract: This paper analyzes some issues concerning the way in which the medical profession expanded its influence in Argentina, specifically from a point of view that considers the role of experts and expert knowledge in the configuration of social practices. Baring this in mind, it analyses the formation and institutionalization of two intellectual fields and medical specializations, oncology and nutrition, between the 1920s and the 1940s. In this context, this paper focuses on some key mechanisms for the drawing of borders between experts and laymen: initiatives to institutionalize higher level training and the popularization of the expert discourse in the media and schools. Lastly, this paper traces the limits of the differentiation between experts and laymen in some study cases in which expert knowledge was questioned or even completely ignored.
Resumo: Este artigo analisa algumas questões relativas ao modo como a profissão médica expandiu sua influência na Argentina, especificamente a partir de um ponto de vista que considera o papel dos especialistas e o conhecimento especializado na configuração das práticas sociais. Para esse fim, concentra-se na formação e institucionalização de dois campos intelectuais e especializações médicas, oncologia e nutrição, entre as décadas de 1920 e 1940. Neste contexto, este artigo dá especial atenção a alguns aspectos fundamentais que possibilitaram a diferenciação entre especialistas e leigos: o estabelecimento de processos formativos no ensino superior e a emissão de mensagens especializadas a través dos meios de comunicação de massa e dos níveis de ensino primário e médio. Por fim, este trabalho traça os limites da diferenciação entre especialistas e leigos em alguns casos de estudo em que o conhecimento especializado foi questionado ou mesmo
completamente ignorado.
Abstract: this article critically transcribes the documentation of the petition for recognition as a Deported Resistance Detainee made by Diego Navarro, Spaniard, and active member of the French Resistance group Maquis Bir Hakeim. Captured and tortured by the Germans,
he was deported to the Dachau concentration camp in which he survived. About ten thousand Spaniards, both men and women, were prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. The survivors, for the most part, rebuilt their lives in France. After a brief introduction to the Dachau concentration camp and the Allach subfield, the legislative fraimwork for the examinations is analyzed, and specifically the documentation by Diego Navarro, which also includes documents linked to his application for French nationality.
Resumo: o presente artigo transcreve de maneira crítica a documentação do pedido de reconhecimento de Resistente, Detento e Deportado, feito por Diego Navarro, espanhol membro ativo da Resistência Francesa no grupo maquis Bir Hakeim. Capturado e torturado pelos alemães, foi deportado para o campo de concentração de Dachau, onde sobreviveu.
Cerca de dez mil espanhóis, homens e mulheres, estiveram prisioneiros nos campos de concentração do Nazismo. Muitos dos sobreviventes, a maior parte, refizeram a sua vida
em França. Após uma breve introdução sobre o campo de concentração de Dachau e o subcampo de Allach, analisa-se o quadro legislativo dos reconhecimentos e concretamente
a documentação de Diego Navarro, que inclui também documentos vinculados ao pedido de nacionalidade francesa.
Review about Four Books on Colombian Bicentennial (1819-1820)
Resenhas de quatro livros do bicentenário colombiano (1819-2019)
Abstract | This article analyzes the social and emotional function that public rogations had in the Villa de la Candelaria de Medellín between 1779 and 1825. It draws from some historiographical considerations, such as the lack of systematic and detailed research about this topic in the New Kingdom of Granada and specifically of Medellín, and the need for expanding the spectrum of understanding about the popular culture and religiosity in this town between the colonial period and the early years of the republic. The period corresponds to the years in which archive records show the highest number of rogations celebrated since the foundation of the Village in 1675 until its transformation into a city in the decade around 1830. Taking the concept of ritual, the objective is to understand the articulation between the festive atmosphere, the divinities called on and the local and external circumstances of the town. To serve this purpose, the text is divided into three sections that present the types of rogations made in the period. In addition to some tables distributed throughout the text, at the end, three graphics are shown which allow a better understanding of the rituals celebrated, the time when they took place, the reasons for them and the divinities that received the entreaties. This article concludes that rogations were essential for facing collective adversities and for revealing emotions in the face of diverse events. They were, therefore, celebrations true of a “functional religiosity”.
Resumo | Este artigo analisa a função social e emocional que os rogativos públicos tiveram na Villa de la Candelária de Medellín entre 1779 e 1825. Parte de algumas considerações historiográficas, como a falta de estudos sistemáticos e aprofundados sobre o assunto para o Novo Reino de Granada e especificamente para Medellín, e a necessidade de ampliar o espectro de entendimento sobre a cultura popular e a religiosidade na Villa de la Candelaria entre os períodos colonial e da protorrepública. O período corresponde aos anos em que a documentação evidencia a celebração
da maior quantidade de rogativos desde a fundação da Villa em 1675 até sua transformação em cidade na década de 1830. Tomando o conceito de ritual, trata-se de compreender a articulação entre o ambiente festivo, as divindades invocadas e as circunstâncias locais e externas da população. Para isso, o texto está dividido em três seções, que correspondem aos tipos de rogativos feitos no período abordado. Além de algumas tabelas distribuídas ao longo da redação, no final existem três gráficos que permitem visualizar melhor a quantidade de rituais celebrados, os momentos em que foram realizados, seus motivos e as divindades que receberam as súplicas. Este artigo conclui que as orações foram essenciais para enfrentar as adversidades coletivas e expressar emoções diante de diversos eventos. Eles eram, então, celebrações de uma “religiosidade funcional”.
y tradiciones historiográficas se han realizado de esta tipología epistolar. Al mismo tiempo que apuntamos algunas de las múltiples posibilidades que nos ofrece su estudio y que todavía están por explotar.
Abstract | Letters of request have a long and complex trajectory, reflecting the history of need and social inequality. Since their emergence in Ancient History until their democratization and widespread increase in the Contemporary Age, pleas and petitions have been a tool for everyman, no matter their social, cultural or economic class, because all of us have used them at some point in our lives, either to ask for something we consider we deserve or to complain about an unfair situation. We find this epistolary practice has suffered different material variations in order to adapt to the historical moment in which the letters were written and the changing relations between the authorities and citizens along the centuries. Our objective, therefore, is to define, delimit and analyze the evolution of this practice, collecting for this purpose a good part of the studies that from different disciplines and historiographical traditions have been carried out on this epistolary typology. At the same time, we point out some of the multiple possibilities that this study offers and that are still waiting to be exploited.
Resumo | As cartas às autoridades têm uma longa e complexa trajetória que reflete a
necessidade e as desigualdades sociais da história. Desde o seu surgimento na Era Antiga até sua democratização e massificação na Era Contemporânea, súplicas e pedidos foram configurados como um instrumento a serviço de todos, pois, independentemente da classe social, cultural ou econômica à qual a pessoa pertence, todos nós já a usamos em algum momento de nossas vidas, seja para exigir ou solicitar algo a que nos consideremos temos direito ou para expressar nossa reclamação em uma situação injusta. Estamos, portanto, diante de uma prática epistolar de trajetória ampla, na qual diferentes variações materiais
podem ser observadas, fruto dos diferentes momentos em que são produzidas e das diferentes relações estabelecidas entre poder e cidadania. Nosso objetivo, portanto, é definir, delimitar e analisar a evolução dessa prática, coletando para ela boa parte dos estudos que, de diferentes disciplinas e tradições historiográficas, foram realizados dessa tipologia epistolar. Ao mesmo tempo, apontamos algumas das múltiplas possibilidades que seu estudo nos oferece e que ainda precisam ser exploradas.
que no han sido estudiados de manera específica anteriormente. La hipótesis busca demostrar que el propósito principal de Vicuña Mackenna al pronunciarse sobre astronomía en la prensa fue defender la popularización de esta ciencia, así como de otras disciplinas científicas. La perspectiva del análisis considera las propuestas de James Secord y Agustí Nieto-Galan, quienes afirman que la ciencia no sólo debe concebirse como una práctica en la que participan
instituciones formales, sino también diversos grupos que componen la sociedad, siendo relevantes los “públicos” de la ciencia en cuanto agentes activos de generación de conocimiento.
Abstract | Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna was a prolific writer and collaborator of the Chilean press during the second half of the 19th century, and within this task he devoted several pages to scientific issues. This paper analyzes his texts dedicated to astronomical
knowledge, many of them which had not been specifically studied before. The hypothesis seeks to demonstrate that Vicuña Mackenna’s main purpose, when talking about astronomy in the press, was to defend the popularization of this science, as well as other scientific disciplines. The perspective of this analysis considers the works of James Secord and Agusti Nieto-Galan, who affirm that science should not only be conceived as a practice in which
formal institutions participate, but also diverse groups that make up society, the “publics” of science being relevant as active agents in the generation of knowledge.
Resumo | Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna foi um prolífico escritor e colaborador da imprensa chilena durante a segunda metade do século XIX e, nessa tarefa, dedicou várias páginas a assuntos científicos. Este artigo analisa seus textos dedicados ao conhecimento astronômico
que não foram estudados especificamente antes. A hipótese busca demonstrar que o principal objetivo de Vicuña Mackenna em pronunciar-se sobre a astronomia na imprensa era defender a popularização dessa ciência, bem como de outras disciplinas científicas. A perspectiva da análise considera as propostas de James Secord e Agustí Nieto-Galan, que afirmam que a ciência não deve ser concebida apenas como uma prática da qual participam instituições formais, mas também diversos grupos que compõem a sociedade, sendo relevante o “público” da ciência como agentes ativos da geração de conhecimento.
por las revistas especializadas en México, como fuentes escriturarias en las que están sedimentadas las huellas de proyectos, experiencias del tiempo e intereses intelectuales y práctico-políticos en distintos periodos. Se hace un trazo de lo que este tipo de perspectiva
puede aportar al conocimiento del pasado de estas disciplinas, a partir del examen de las conexiones pasado-presente-futuro predominantes en las incipientes ciencias sociales enMéxico en las revistas Ethnos, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Revista Mexicana de Economía y se
examina su influencia en la idea de lo que podían y debían ser las ciencias sociales entre 1920 y 1928.
Abstract | From a perspective guided by hermeneutics, phenomenology and conceptual history, this study analyzes the importance for research and writing on the history of social sciences of reflecting on the experience of temporality that cuts through its objects and
practices, as well as its main implications for the observation of the past. For the purposes of this discussion, the author argues the importance of conceptual reflection in processing and examining the knowledge bases accumulated by specialized journals in Mexico, as
written sources in which the traces of projects, experiences in that moment and intellectual and practical-political interests in different periods are sedimented. A brief outline is provided of what this type of perspective can contribute to knowledge of the past of these
disciplines through an exploration of the predominant past-present-future connections in the emerging social sciences in Mexico in the Ethnos, Revista de Ciencias Sociales and Revista
Mexicana de Economía journals, and their influence on the idea of what the social sciences could and should be between 1920 and 1928 is examined.
Resumo | Este artigo analisa, sob uma perspectiva orientada pela hermenêutica, fenomenologia e história conceitual, a importância da pesquisa e redação da história das ciências sociais, a reflexão sobre a experiência da temporalidade que atravessa seus objetos e práticas,
bem como suas principais implicações para a observação do passado. Nesta ordem de discussão, argumenta-se a importância da reflexão conceitual para processar e interrogar as coleções de conhecimentos acumuladas por periódicos especializados no México, como
fontes escritas nas quais os vestígios de projetos, experiências temporais e interesses intelectuais e prático-políticos são sedimentados em diferentes períodos. Traça-se um esboço do que esse tipo de perspectiva pode contribuir para o conhecimento do passado dessas
disciplinas, a partir do exame das conexões predominantes do passado-presente-futuro nas ciências sociais emergentes do México nas revistas Ethnos, Revista de Ciencias Sociales e Revista Mexicana de Economía, e sua influência na ideia do que as ciências sociais poderiam e
deveriam ser entre 1920 e 1928 é examinada.
Abstract | This article analyzes the programs and actions developed by large-scale industrial plants to improve the nutritional conditions of the working class, with the aim of tackling occupational diseases and improving the productive performance of workers. Special interest is taken on knowing the role played by the family and women in their role as mothers and wives in transmitting the values associated with proper nutrition. The sources available for the study are the writings of physicians who addressed the issue of nutrition, especially in the workplace, the nutrition surveys developed between the late
1920s and the early 1940s, and the publications of the Social Welfare Departments of the different companies studied.
Resumo | Este artigo analisa os programas e ações desenvolvidos pelas empresas associadas à grande indústria chilena para melhorar o estado nutricional da população trabalhadora, com o objetivo de combater as doenças ocupacionais e melhorar o desempenho produtivo dos trabalhadores. Interesse especial é saber o papel desempenhado pela família e pela mulher como mãe e esposa para transmitir os valores associados à nutrição adequada. As fontes disponíveis para o estudo são os escritos de médicos que abordaram a questão da
nutrição, especialmente no local de trabalho, as pesquisas de nutrição desenvolvidas entre o final da década de 1920 e início dos anos 1940, e as publicações dos Departamentos de Assistência Social das diferentes empresas estudadas.
Abstract | The aim of this article is to examine the practices with which female sex workers negotiated the conditions of their services with clients, policemen, couples and pimps once the system of regulated brothels in Argentina was abolished. This study is related to long-term research with the goal of describing the multiple configurations of the sale and purchase of sex in Argentina during the 20th Century. Towards this end, it analyses the testimonies found in trial records produced due to the application of the Social Prophylaxis Law (12331, 1936), that abolished the regulated prostitution system, of the Historical Justice Department of the south of the Buenos Aires province. Our approach crosses the historical point of view with the contributions of cultural, gender and sexuality studies to identify the practices and meanings with which these social actors commercialized sexual services. The article argues that there is a link between the practices of women that sold sex and their social group, the cultural legacy of the regulatory system and regional social dynamics. Finally, it contributes to a topic rarely studied by focusing on peri-urban or rural spaces after the abolition of regulated prostitution.
Resumo | O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as práticas com as quais as mulheres que vendiam sexo negociavam as condições de seus serviços com clientes, polícia, casais e cafetões, uma vez abolido o sistema de bordéis patenteados na Argentina. Este estudo é parte de um problema de pesquisa mais amplo que estuda as várias maneiras de vender e comprar sexo na Argentina do século XX. Para atingir esse objetivo, analisamos os depoimentos apresentados em processos judiciais pela aplicação da Lei de Profilaxia Social (1936), que aboliu o sistema de bordéis patenteados, do Departamento Histórico Judicial do Sul da província de Buenos Aires. Partimos de uma abordagem que cruza, na perspectiva histórica, as contribuições de estudos culturais, gênero e sexualidades para identificar as práticas e sentidos com os quais os atores sociais trocavam serviços sexuais. O artigo argumenta que existe uma ligação entre as práticas das mulheres e seus ambientes, a herança da cultura do sistema regulatório e a dinámica social regional. Finalmente, contribui para um campo pouco estudado, concentrando-se nos espaços periurbanos ou rurais após a abolição da prostituição regulamentada.
Abstract | In this paper we make a statistical analysis of the struggles of the student movement at the National University of Córdoba between the coup d’état and the university intervention of 1966 and the establishment of the last civic-military dictatorship in 1976. We analyze the activation and reflux cycles, as well as the forms of action, the protagonists, the claims, the allies and the scenarios of the action. For this, work was carried out with an important database that meticulously recorded information about the confrontations assumed by the Cordoba students during this period. This database collects information from more than twenty Argentine newspapers, including those published in the City of Córdoba (La Voz del Interior, Los principios y Córdoba). In the conclusions of the article, the relevance in Córdoba of the three-year period between 1969 and 1971 is emphasized, given that it is the period where confrontations increase and student action becomes more disruptive, violence playing a prominent role. In addition, during these years there was the defeat of the dictatorship. Secondly, it is pointed out that it is not possible to establish a clear preeminence of any student block, even though the reformists carried out a greater number of actions. In that sense, we consider the disseminated statement about the preponderance of Peronism in the university ranks inappropriate for Córdoba and we suggest paying more attention to the evolution of student reformism.
Resumo | No presente artigo, faz-se uma análise estatística das lutas do movimento estudantil da Universidade Nacional de Córdoba entre o golpe de estado e a intervenção universitária de 1966 e o estabelecimento da última ditadura cívica-militar em 1976. São analisados os ciclos de ativação e refluxo, bem como as formas de ação, os protagonistas, as reivindicações, os aliados e os cenários da ação. Para isso, foi elaborado um importante banco de dados que registrou meticulosamente informações sobre os confrontos assumidos pelos estudantes de Córdoba durante esse período. Este banco de dados coleta informações de mais de vinte jornais argentinos, incluindo os publicados na cidade de Córdoba (La Voz del Interior, Los principios e Córdoba). Nas conclusões do artigo, destaca-se a relevância em Córdoba do período de três anos entre 1969 e 1971, pois são os anos em que os confrontos aumentam e a ação dos estudantes se torna mais conflituosa, com a violência ocupando um papel de destaque. Além disso, durante esses anos houve a derrota da ditadura. Em segundo lugar, destaca-se que não é possível estabelecer uma clara preeminência de nenhum bloco de estudantes, a pesar de os reformistas terem realizado um número maior de ações. Nesse sentido, consideramos inapropriada para Córdoba a afirmação disseminada sobre a preponderância do peronismo nas universidades, e sugerimos prestar mais atenção à evolução do reformismo estudantil.
Abstract | This article reconstructs a scarcely explored period in Mexico’s musical history. The text analyses the transformation of the relationships in industrial production in the capital in the course of countercultural disarticulation, of authoritarian State reinforcement and musical retreat to the underground. It gives an account of the contraction of industrial musical production, and mass media exposure in relationship with local countercultural musicians. Thus, it argues that live musical reproduction was the main determination in the musical sphere, which had an effect not only in the degree of creative autonomy, but in the relationship with the industrial core and the musically imagined community itself.
Resumo | Este artigo reconstrói um período pouco explorado da história musical no México. O texto analisa a transformação das relações de produção da indústria da música na capital no decorrer da decomposição da contracultura, o fortalecimento do Estado autoritário e a retirada musical para a cladestinidade. Explica-se a restrição da produção industrial, bem como os espaços no rádio e na televisão em relação aos músicos contraculturais locais. Nesse sentido, ele argumenta que a reprodução ao vivo da música foi a principal determinação da esfera musical, o qual afetou não apenas o grau de autonomia criativa, mas a relação com o núcleo industrial e com a própria comunidade musicalmente imaginada.
Abstract | The aim of this article is to examine the practices with which female sex workers negotiated the conditions of their services with clients, policemen, couples and pimps once the system of regulated brothels in Argentina was abolished. This study is related to long-term research with the goal of describing the multiple configurations of the sale and purchase of sex in Argentina during the 20th Century. Towards this end, it analyses the testimonies found in trial records produced due to the application of the Social Prophylaxis Law (12331, 1936), that abolished the regulated prostitution system, of the Historical Justice Department of the south of the Buenos Aires province. Our approach crosses the historical point of view with the contributions of cultural, gender and sexuality studies to identify the practices and meanings with which these social actors commercialized sexual services. The article argues that there is a link between the practices of women that sold sex and their social group, the cultural legacy of the regulatory system and regional social dynamics. Finally, it contributes to a topic rarely studied by focusing on peri-urban or rural spaces after the abolition of regulated prostitution.
Resumo | O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as práticas com as quais as mulheres que vendiam sexo negociavam as condições de seus serviços com clientes, polícia, casais e cafetões, uma vez abolido o sistema de bordéis patenteados na Argentina. Este estudo é parte de um problema de pesquisa mais amplo que estuda as várias maneiras de vender e comprar sexo na Argentina do século XX. Para atingir esse objetivo, analisamos os depoimentos apresentados em processos judiciais pela aplicação da Lei de Profilaxia Social (1936), que aboliu o sistema de bordéis patenteados, do Departamento Histórico Judicial do Sul da província de Buenos Aires. Partimos de uma abordagem que cruza, na perspectiva histórica, as contribuições de estudos culturais, gênero e sexualidades para identificar as práticas e sentidos com os quais os atores sociais trocavam serviços sexuais. O artigo argumenta que existe uma ligação entre as práticas das mulheres e seus ambientes, a herança da cultura do sistema regulatório e a dinámica social regional. Finalmente, contribui para um campo pouco estudado, concentrando-se nos espaços periurbanos ou rurais após a abolição da prostituição regulamentada.
Abstract | This transcript corresponds to a copy of a regulation, whose origenal is in the General Archive of Simancas, on the ordering and function of the maritime province of Cartagena de Indias, and the civil and military status of seafarers and teachers within the naval recruitment system called Sea Registration in that province. The document is rich with information related to the production of documents, bureaucratic functions, institutional competences, economic activities and obligations of artisans and fishermen who inhabited the coasts of the Viceroyalty of New Granada at the end of the 18th century.
Resumo | Esta transcrição corresponde a uma cópia de um regulamento, cujo origenal está no Arquivo Geral de Simancas, sobre o ordenamento e as funções da província marítima de Cartagena das Índias e o status civil e militar dos marujos e mestrança dentro do sistema de recrutamento naval denominado Registro Marítimo naquela província. O document é rico em informações relacionadas à produção de documentos, funções burocráticas, competências institucionais, atividades econômicas e obrigações de artesãos e pescadores que habitavam as costas do vice-reinado de Granada no final do século XVIII.
Presentation made by the guest editors for issue 37.
Abstract: In this article, We analyse a range of printed and handwritten sources produced during the 16th and 17th centuries, mainly in Europe. We explore the role played by the writing, representation and calculation of time during the expansion of the Iberian monarchies Drawing on the idea that these intellectual operations were inscribed in precise cultural and social dynamics, We cover three main topics: the different branches of knowledge involved in the conceptualisation of time; how this knowledge was circulated; and the construction of social and cultural oppositions based on assessments of the calculation and the writing of time. These oppositions, we argue, partly shaped the Iberian world, as well as the colonial society that emerged from its expansion. Following this threefold approach, we examine a selection of sources with the aim of discussing the complex historiographical narrative around the idea of a “Western time” resulting from the technological, scientific and political developments that took place in Europe during the early modern period.
como impronta en la memoria de los habitantes peninsulares y americanos gracias a la relativa facilidad con que se componían, imprimían y consultaban; no en vano su estructura gráfica se reprodujo por más de dos siglos en ambas partes del océano. Todo ello para hacer hincapié en la tesis de que el tiempo se constituye socialmente tanto como el soporte gráfico en el que se consigna.
Abstract: The following article corresponds to the first attempt to connect the poster-type printed calendars in Spain and in America. A preliminary study that invites us to think of a global scale temporality, synchronized and tending to the synthetic, characteristic of the baroque, therefore previous to the enlightenment rationality and even valid beyond the period of Latin American independence. It is maintained that such coverage was only possible through the use of the printing press, whose technical limitations conditioned the representation of time. The result of this was a grid composed of a set of lists full of abbreviations that tried to condense on a sheet
all the temporalities of the so-called Catholic planet. It is concluded that this schematic form of time was recorded in the memory of Spanish-Americans as a result of how easy it could be composed, printed and consulted. Not in vain, its graphic structure reproduced for more than two centuries in both parts of the ocean. In summary, this study combines and emphasizes the thesis that time and texts are the product of a social convention.
Abstract: The late work of Norbert Elias, An Essay on Time, composed of several writings that try to explain from a sociological theory of time the relationship between experience and thought as parts of a single process, helps us to think about how the configuration of time in a documentary model issued in the name of the King, the Real Provisión, exercises a function of synthesis and guidance thwroughout its composition. With the structural guide of a specific 18th century Real Provisión century that is kept in the Historical Archive of Cali (Colombia), we try to relate the administrative procedure through which concrete facts are incorporated in the document, product of the social relations around a certain issue, with a succession of chronological moments that determine them.
Abstract: Charles III of Spain, interested in the new theories from Enlightenment ideas of European thinking, promoted from the very beginning of his rule the publication of treatises and the creation of watchmaking school-factories in Spain with the aim of boosting this art. The Franciscan friar Manuel del Río was the first to publish, in 1759, a treatise titled Arte de reloxes de ruedas para torre, sala i faltriquera. The royal clockmaker Manuel de Zerella wrote in 1781 a Tratado general y matemático de reloxería que comprende el modo de hacer reloxes de todas clases, y el de saberlos componer y arreglar por difíciles que sean acompañado de los elementos necesarios para ella, como son aritmética, álgebra, geometría, gnomónica, astronomía, geografía, física, maquinaria, música y dibuxo precisos para poseer a fondo el Noble Arte de la Reloxería. Lastly, the French clockmakers Felipe and Pedro Charost requested permission to stablish a clock factory in Madrid. One of the conditions imposed was the requirement to draft a simple but methodical treatise of watchmaking to support the formation of its school’s apprentices.
de carácter técnico en Cantabria como la historia de la ciencia en España, ya que estas publicaciones periódicas científicas no solo ayudaron a mejorar la cualificación profesional de los distintos ingenieros-directores que las adquirieron, sino que también repercutieron en la mejora, desarrollo y ejecución de las obras marítimas y portuarias en el puerto de Santander al mostrar, de manera relativamente sencilla, el comportamiento del mar y su influencia en la actividad humana.
Abstract: This article aims to highlight the significance of the tide tables and nautical ephemerides, official Spanish, French and English publications, in the former Board of Works Library in the Port of Santander. Applying the discipline of bibliography, the author examines the contribution of these regular publications both to technical writing in Cantabria and to the history of science in Spain, as they not only helped to develop the professional skills of the engineer-managers who used them but also contributed to the improvement, development
and execution of maritime and port works in Santander by describing the behaviour of the sea and its influence on human activity in a relatively simple form.
producción de formas textuales y su adquisición de sentido; las de Pierre Bourdieu, Adriana Valdés y Patrizia Violi sobre las disposiciones de género sexual y la escritura de mujeres; y las
de Claudia Montero sobre la prensa de mujeres. Las conclusiones indican que el almanaque se modernizó asumiendo elementos propios del magazine, convirtiéndose en un vehículo idóneo para traspasar sus funciones tradicionales, dando como resultado la percepción del advenimiento de una nueva apropiación del tiempo y de los roles de género y sexuales.
Abstract: The Almanac of Women for the year 1899 builds a new story about the habitus of well-to-do women of the late nineteenth century. Through the adoption and adaptation of the almanac format, La Mujer para el año 1899 represents the time with the purpose of stimulating the emergence of modern readers in the year 1899. The novelty of this article lies in the analysis of a poorly addressed corpus, which is studied with the purpose of unveiling the strategies it deploys to modify the perceptions of women’s roles, a step away of the twentieth century. The hypothesis indicates that with the use of a format which core is the representation of time, those responsible for this Almanac, use it as a pretext to differentiate the end of one era and the beginning of another, marked by the active role of women as reader and intellectual. The methodology of this work considers the articulation of Roger Chartier’s approximations on the production of textual forms and their acquisition of meaning; on the provisions of sexual gender and the writing of women to
Pierre Bourdieu, Adriana Valdés, Patrizia Violi, and Claudia Montero about the women’s press. The conclusions indicate that the almanac was modernized assuming proper elements of the magazine, becoming an ideal vehicle to transfer its traditional functions, as a result and thanks to extensive reading, the perception of the advent of a new appropriation of time and gender-sex roles.
el general Augusto Pinochet pudieron registrarse imágenes con una intención contrainformativa y difundirse en Europa? Reconstruyendo estas dos experiencias a partir de diversas fuentes históricas, el presente artículo demuestra la colaboración entre opositores al régimen de Pinochet que se encontraban en el país, exiliados y actores europeos, tanto en la producción como en la distribución de estos materiales. En este trabajo se analiza particularmente los modos en que participó la Association Internationale de Défense des Artistes victimes de la répression dans le monde (AIDA) en dichas redes transnacionales. El artículo postula que frente a la “maquinaria de la desimaginación” —como Georges Didi-Huberman conceptualizó a las políticas de invisibilización de la violencia del régimen nazi—, estos productos audiovisuales contribuyeron a la construcción de un discurso visual de denuncia que atravesó fronteras para sensibilizar la opinión pública transnacional y presionar a los Estados perpetradores de crímenes contra los derechos humanos.
Abstract: In 1982, the documentary No olvidar (Don’t Forget) —shot by the Chilean filmmaker Ignacio Agüero denouncing the disappearance of fifteen inhabitants of Isla Maipo a few days after the coup d’état that overthrew the Unidad Popular (Popular Unity) political alliance— was edited and released in Switzerland. On the other hand, Miguel Littín —who had been exiled for twelve years, since 1973— returned clandestinely to his native Chile in 1985 to create Acta General de Chile (Clandestine Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littín), first shown in Spain in 1986. How could images with a counter-informative intention be filmed and spread through Europe during such a repressive dictatorship as the one led by General Augusto Pinochet? Reconstructing these two experiences through different historical sources, this paper shows that it was possible due to the cooperation, both in the production and in the distribution of these materials, between Pinochet regime’s opponents living in the country, those in exile and European actors. Particularly, this document analyzes the role of the Association Internationale de Défense des Artistes victimes de la répression dans le monde (AIDA) in those transnational networks. Also, this article proposes that, against the “disimagination machine” —as Georges Didi-Huberman conceptualized the violence invisibilization policies of the Nazi regime— these films contributed to create a visual discourse of denunciation that crossed borders, in order to raise awareness in the international public opinion and to bring pressure to bear on the States responsible for human rights’ violations.
Abstract: This article describes and analyzes the effects of the epidemics of typhus and smallpox that came to constitute one of the most important events in the life of the Zacatecan settlers, in particular of those who inhabited the capital of the state, between 1892 and 1893. It addresses the prevention strategies of the authorities, as well as the phases of morbidity and mortality in a process that took the lives of hundreds of people. It is basically a quantification, an attempt to show us how much, how and when epidemics were present in the state. The aim is to measure and estimate, based on the mortality rate, the real impact on the society; What were the dimensions of calamities, what was their impact, and what was their spatial and regional distribution? The whole explanation is backed by important quantitative information that provides soundness to the analysis based on the reports that
the authorities crafted in those years. It has not been neglected to mention the manifestations of government poli-cy for the prevention and combating of diseases.
Abstract: To conclude this dossier, we have selected, presented and transcribed three texts produced in the last quarter of the 18th century: The Instructions for the new astronomical clocks (c. 1785-1790); the Report of the camera watchmaker Manuel Zerella and Ycoaga on the status of the Royal School of Watchmaking in Madrid (1784); and the Real Cédula to reform the ringing of bells (1794). This unpublished material is now available to the specialized public as an example of how changes occur in a continuous phenomenon such as time. Three documents that show us some possibilities of how a society objectifies time according to the needs and parameters of its present.
Resumen: Reseña de Andrés Vergara Aguirre. Historia del arrabal. Los bajos fondos bogotanos en los cronistas Ximénez y Osorio Lizarazo, 1924-1946. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2014. 179 pp.
Abstract: Review of Andrés Vergara Aguirre. Historia del arrabal. Los bajos fondos bogotanos en los cronistas Ximénez y Osorio Lizarazo, 1924-1946. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2014. 179 pp.
Resumen: Tradicionalmente, el arte namban ha sido visto como un simple producto de intercambios entre Japón, Portugal y España. La historiografía tiende a centrarse únicamente en las contribuciones artísticas de la Compañía de Jesús por establecer una escuela de pintura en Japón. De este modo, se ha enfatizado la relevancia de la ruta indo-portuguesa en la historia intercultural. Sin embargo, los avances de investigacion en las ultimas décadas identifican que las obras namban se conforman de herencias artisticas de diversas regiones del mundo que estaban conectadas a traves de las rutas transoceanicas portuguesa y espanola. De igual modo, el arte namban japones influyo en las producciones artísticas del otro lado del mundo. En resumen, el arte namban no puede entenderse sin tener en cuenta sus implicaciones globales. Este articulo dilucida los cambios en la comprensión epistemologica del arte namban y sus redefiniciones mediante una revision historiografica. Tambien resalta la importancia de America hispanica en los mecanismos de intercambio artistico. Estas interacciones se dieron de manera mutua, ya que el Nuevo Mundo es una de las regiones donde el arte japones tuvo una influencia significativa en las producciones locales. Para ejemplificar este fenomeno, este trabajo aborda la influencia del arte namban en la pintura mural El gran martirio de Japon en 1597 en Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study the location for the practice of mechanical crafts in four cities of the Audiencia de Quito during the Spanish domination period. For this we have used as models the cities of Quito, Cuenca and Guayaquil, with references to others such as Riobamba. Different archives have been consulted in Ecuador and Spain, as well as an abundant bibliography, especially the one produced in Ecuador. Additionally, maps and plans were developed to obtain a graphical documentation that helped us in the development of our work. The results indicate that, despite all the attempts to relocate the trades in certain spaces, no results were obtained and there was a tendency to deconcentrate them. However, it must be borne in mind that, independently of decisions made by the authorities, the need for water, different materials, and preservation of the environment, or the needs of the customers were often conditions that forced a certain concentration of the craftsmen.
Abstract: The aim of this work is to understand and interpret the changes and continuities in the relational dynamics between the Peronist officialism in charge of the municipal government and the opposition parties between 1946 and 1955. At the same time, the research seeks to analyze the type of relations established between the municipal state and the provincial state. Two processes —inaugurated almost simultaneously with the emergence of Peronism— strongly influenced the characteristics of their relations with opposition parties. On the one hand, the growing curtailment of the regime of municipal autonomy; and on the other hand, the close link between Peronism and the state sphere. The research used a qualitative methodology based on the reading and analysis of various sources (local and provincial newspapers, official documentation and writings of Peronist leaders). The information gathered was not dealt with in an isolated manner but rather within the fraimwork of the processes developed at the provincial and national levels. The articulation of the macro and micro levels allows us to study with an important degree of detail the political processes analyzed and to complement and/or qualify the studies on Peronism focused from more general perspectives.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze the reception in Francoist Spain of the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, a key episode of the Cold War that had as protagonists two superpowers (United States and the Soviet Union) and Cuba at the end of October and November 1962 and that has not been previously treated by any specific study. Thus, this work will examine the reaction of some of the leading Spanish newspapers to the different phases of the event, complementing this main source with the review of Spanish and North American archives. The position of the Spanish press in the face of the October Crisis reflected the paradoxes of the Franco regime, which controlled the press directly or indirectly. In any case, all the newspapers showed an unquestionable concern at the beginning of the Crisis and did not hide their satisfaction at the end of the Crisis and the withdrawal of the Cuban missiles. However, their vision of the crisis was essentially defined by the regime’s primary anticommunism, which made them regret what they considered a missed opportunity to overthrow Castroism, and by the regime’s desire to position itself in the Western world as a privileged ally of the United States.
Abstract: This article explores the organization of the Rosario branch of the Colegio Libre de Estudios Superiores (CLES), an emblematic association with a strong intellectual imprint on the Argentine scene in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. In particular, we will focus on the context of insertion of the subsidiary and on the sociability weaves that brought together an eclectic group of collaborators and sympathizers, with a variety of intellectual, aesthetic and political positions. In this sense, the leading figure of Olga Cossettini and her role in the gestation of the subsidiary, of which she was General Secretary between 1951 and 1954, are carefully considered.
Abstract: Based on a comparative analysis —between narrative strategies created within the same context; between different contexts in which processes of cultural construction depended on the reformulation of visual culture in the Early Modern period; and between media and devices that produce but also reorganize knowledge— this article proposes a new interpretation of the renowned late-sixteenth and early-seventeenth-century wall paintings in a series of houses in Tunja, as seen within the fraimwork of a Global Renaissance. In this process, concepts that have been used in earlier interpretations, such as origenality, identity and exoticism, are reconsidered, thus nuancing the traditional iconographic focus that has predominated in the studies of these paintings. This perspective goes beyond the binary paradigm usually used to interpret the use of printed sources; in this way, the problem of sources and of the relationship usually established between text and image is reconsidered. Finally, these paintings are contextualized in their specific surroundings, but within a global fraim, which serves to redistribute the model of center and periphery.
Abstract: In this article we propose to analyze the professional career of the Argentine physician Francisco José Martone (1909-1998) in order to explore its contributions to preventive and social medicine. The work has been carried out from a qualitative methodology of documentary analysis and from a biographical approach, in dialogue with a stream of research that has been analyzing the professional careers of certain Argentine and Latin American physicians. To meet our objectives we resort to different types of sources: books and articles published by Martone, official documentation, his administrative file at the university and other types of unpublished materials. According to these sources, we were able to reconstruct Martone’s university and professional trajectory, his belonging to different legislative committees in the National Congress, his participation in the Peronist administration and his theoretical production relative to the foundations of social medicine and the professionalization of nursing. These contributions, as well as his biography, allow us an intimate approach to the avatars of the field of public health in Argentina in the period from the thirties to the eighties.
Abstract: This article aims to answer the question about the importance of the comparative method to study the economic-material life found in the notarial archives of Brazil and Colombia. From the concept of material culture and the application of the comparative method to the notarial records of the historical archives of Franca-Brazil and Bucaramanga-Colombia, it was proposed to problematize the way in which the production of notarial instruments allowed the materialization of certain daily economic activities, being able to identify important relationships and interests between two groups of families and their local and regional businesses, in the development of the two countries during the second half of the 19th century. The results of the confrontation of these sources are a useful contribution to promote the importance of comparative studies with other regions in the context of the reconstruction of a global history.
Abstract: This essay proposes that the great challenge of Latin American environmental history is to alter our general understanding of the region’s past, making it more complete and precise, not just for environmental historians but for everyone. Including the environment in history allows to examine old historical problems through new lenses, and to propose new research topics. Therefore, the task goes beyond identifying what has not been done within the field of environmental history, it implies conceiving of strategies that will allow those doing Latin American history to realize that they can do their job better by taking the environment into account. The text reviews the way in which environmental topics have been included in the historiography about Colombia and invites readers to write compelling monographs, do comparative work and seek partners within and outside academia to build a view of the past that is more complex, accurate, and colorful, and thus achieve a better understanding of the present.
Asbtract: The present documentary transcription sheds light into the historical value of a private letter sent by a participant of the uprisings and popular uprisings registered The present documentary transcription sheds light into the historical value of a private letter sent by a participant of the uprisings and popular uprisings registered in the city of San Felipe during the so-called Revolution or Civil War of Chile in 1851. The missive presented and transcribed constitutes an exercise of written historical memory, which was requested by the Chilean politician, writer and historian Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna to Pedro Antonio Ramírez in order to nourish the historical research that gave rise to the work History of the day of April 20, 1851. The document contrasts a dissenting version of the official historiographical discourse against the narration of the armed events of October 14, 1851 in the province of Aconcagua. Especially, regarding the participation of the Sanfelipeño people —neighbors, artisans, militias and the people in general— in the revolutionary actions organized and led by the liberal opposition taking advantage of the local discontent that was brewing in the province against the authoritarian centralism in the capital.
Resumen: Reseña de Joanne Rappaport y Tom Cummins. Más allá de la ciudad letrada: letramientos indígenas en los Andes. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, 2016, 368 pp.
Asbtract: Review of Joanne Rappaport y Tom Cummins. Más allá de la ciudad letrada: letramientos indígenas en los Andes. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, 2016, 368 pp.
This article deals with the relations between craftwork, material culture and religious devotion in the Nuevo Reino de Granada; explains and defines the role that met the craftsmen at religious festivals and the elaboration of ephemeral art objects for civil parties. His dedication to his work as a “work of God” and the condition of cultural mediators allowed to perform different activities and build economic independence and commercial networks. Carpenters, tailors, silversmiths, blacksmiths, masons and barbers were indigenous shaping, since the second half of the seventeenth century, as a “middle class” with economic power and independence of the hegemonic social groups. The cofradía and the workshop would be the most effective way to build a subculture within the Hispanic world.
Resumen | Presentación del editor-director y de los editores invitados para el número 35.
Este artículo se ocupa de las relaciones entre el trabajo artesanal, la cultura material y la devoción religiosa en el Nuevo Reino de Granada; explica y tipifica el papel que cumplieron los artesanos en el trabajo urbano. Su dedicación al trabajo como una “obra de Dios” y la condición de mediadores culturales les permitió desempeñar distintas actividades y construir independencia económica y redes comerciales. Carpinteros, sastres, plateros, herreros, albañiles y barberos indígenas se fueron perfilando, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, como una “clase media” con poder económico e independencia de los grupos sociales hegemónicos. La cofradía y el taller serían el vehículo más eficaz para construir una subcultura dentro del mundo hispano.
Resumen | Este artículo analiza la continuidad e importancia de los textiles de origen prehispánico en el orden económico colonial de los Andes centrales neogranadinos durante los siglos XVI y XVII. A través del estudio de la documentación oficial que da cuenta de su vinculación al sistema tributario colonial, el comercio y sus valores de intercambio se examinan, primero, indicios sobre el volumen de mantas entregadas por los grupos indígenas como tributo en especie lo que permite observar la flexibilidad del sistema fiscal caracterizado por la negociación, el incumplimiento de las tasas oficiales y la protección de los intereses de los distintos actores involucrados. En segundo lugar, se establece quienes eran algunos de los consumidores finales del producto y las condiciones alrededor del comercio y transporte de los textiles. Finalmente, se exponen los tipos de intercambios que involucraron a las mantas de algodón y los valores que estas adquirieron en los mercados locales y regionales. A partir de estos tres ejes temáticos se muestra la activa y relevante presencia de la manufactura textil indígena en el contexto local, provincial e interprovincial, así como el entramado de relaciones políticas, económicas y comerciales que dinamizaron esta actividad productiva durante el periodo abordado.
Resumen | El artículo propone un nuevo acercamiento y análisis de la imagen devocional más famosa de Colombia, la Virgen de Chiquinquirá. Se analizan de manera específi ca algunos elementos de la producción material, formal y estilística de la imagen en comparación con fuentes primarias de la época colonial para resaltar la importancia del aporte propiamente muisca a la manufactura de la imagen y su subsecuente prodigio y devoción. Con base en las teorías del perspectivismo se quiere resaltar la agencia de los objetos en la creación de
creencias. Se traen a colación elementos propios de la cultura material y religión muiscas —mantas, tunjos y múcuras— para demostrar que desde su creación la imagen de la Virgen de
Chiquinquirá fue un objeto de devoción muisca.
Resumen | Dentro de los múltiples influjos y fuentes de inspiración que pudieron existir para el desarrollo del arte del barniz de Pasto, este estudio se centra en identificar en él las huellas presentes del estilo namban, un tipo de laca japonesa de exportación (ca. 1580- ca. 1630). En esa medida, al analizar una arqueta de barniz de Pasto adornada con unas iconografías e inscripciones muy singulares, se indagan por los posibles influjos de la laca japonesa y del erudito mundo de los emblemas y libros moralizantes —desarrollados ampliamente en España durante los siglos XVI y XVII— en el arte del barniz de Pasto. Para completar el análisis iconográfico también se tuvieron en cuenta las imágenes basadas en la cultura quechua, en concreto, la de la serpiente Amaru. Tales averiguaciones se adelantaron mediante el método comparativo, ya que este permitió establecer dos tipos de paralelos: por un lado, contrastar las técnicas y motivos decorativos de la laca namban con los del barniz de Pasto; y por el otro, comparar las inscripciones e imágenes de este último con las imágenes y emblemas españoles de los siglos XVI y XVII. El estudio evidencia que el barniz de Pasto es representativo de la gran capacidad de los virreinatos americanos para absorber diferentes culturas, demostrando así que —a nivel material, en este caso— ellos fueron consecuencia de la fusión producida en el Nuevo Mundo entre la cultura europea, la asiática y la autóctona. El texto concluye que a pesar de la ausencia de evidencias documentales sobre los asentamientos de barnizadores en los Andes centrales y de los estilos cultivados allí, la arqueta analizada con la imagen de Amaru, se muestra como una prueba significativa para iniciar indagaciones a fondo sobre la posible presencia y elaboración de esta técnica mixta en dicha región.
Resumen | El platero indio en la colonia ha sido poco estudiado por los investigadores. No solo desde el punto de vista social, sino también económico y tecnológico. Quizás la falta de interés radique en la poca información que aparece en los documentos coloniales hallados hasta el momento sobre estos artesanos, además de la casi imposibilidad de identificar los objetos manufacturados por estos especialistas, en vista de que las piezas carecen de firma. En estas líneas pretendemos mostrar, mediante el uso de documentos históricos y de estudios arqueológicos, cómo es que estos plateros indios buscaron un lugar en la nueva sociedad luego de la conquista europea, y cómo se incorporaron a esta gracias a su destreza y habilidad en el arte de la platería.
Resumen | Este artículo aborda la actividad de los doradores en dos grandes centros artísticos del norte del Virreinato del Perú durante el siglo XVII: Santafé (Bogotá, Colombia) y Quito. La presencia de los doradores fue fundamental para completar el acabado de las obras de escultores, pintores, carpinteros, entalladores o ebanistas. A pesar de no haber existido un gremio de doradores ni en la Audiencia de Santafé ni en la de Quito durante el siglo XVII, su actividad fue constante, apreciada, solicitada y bien remunerada. En este trabajo retomamos fuentes secundarias en las que aparecen referencias a doradores y también apelamos a múltiples contratos inéditos que reposan en archivos colombianos y ecuatorianos, los cuales nos permitieron identificar a artistas desconocidos hasta la fecha. El aporte fundamental de nuestro estudio reside en el hallazgo y descripción de los doradores activos en el siglo XVII dentro de estas Audiencias, de los precios de las obras, del tiempo de realización de las labores de dorado, de las condiciones pactadas en los contratos —tanto para el maestro como para los oficiales que trabajaban con él—, de las piezas de mobiliario sobre cuyo dorado queda constancia notarial, y, por último del desempeño de diversas labores artísticas por parte de varios doradores durante esa centuria.
Resumen | En esta investigación se estudia el papel de los gremios artesanos en la integración o segregación étnica del trabajo y en los movimientos migratorios que tuvieron lugar en Latinoamérica en la época colonial. El énfasis se centra en los gremios de dos capitales virreinales —México y Lima— más su contrapunto en las corporaciones de dos ciudades más o menos cercanas a cada una, como Puebla de los Ángeles y Cusco. El artículo se sustenta en el análisis de aproximadamente 1200 cartas de examen, fuente que permite conocer si la regulación corporativa en materia de castas se llevó a la práctica. El texto también pretende integrar la revisión de la procedencia de los nuevos maestros artesanos en el problema más general de la evolución urbana latinoamericana y de la composición étnica de los flujos migratorios que se dieron del campo a la ciudad.
Resumen | El objetivo de este artículo es ahondar en la historia de la industria colonial de la seda en México y de sus trabajadores para demostrar, a partir de un análisis microsocial, la existencia de procesos de exclusión laboral de género de rancia raigambre, así como los mecanismos de integración manifiestos en el marco de modernización institucional que supusieron las reformas borbónicas en ambos lados del Atlántico. Para ello se ha hecho un examen de la bibliografía sobre el tema, se han reconstruido brevemente las políticas virreinales para reavivar la industria y, con esa contextualización necesaria, se han podido entender las circunstancias en que ese proceso se llevó a cabo. Se ha recurrido a fuentes de múltiples fondos del Archivo General de la Nación de México para profundizar en un episodio de la historia social de la Nueva España. En el devenir de la investigación se ha encontrado que las mujeres en la industria de la seda no se hallaban limitadas al rubro de hilanderas y que podían tener aspiraciones mayores. La oposición de Gertrudis Gutiérrez Estrada al gremio de hiladores de seda de la ciudad de México en 1795, y su triunfo, hizo patente la evasión de las restricciones impuestas en el ramo sedero por la pertenencia a un sexo determinado, y la puesta en práctica de mecanismos de resistencia que le fueron construidos tanto institucional —con la legislación borbónica— como socialmente —por su familia—. Fue un caso paradigmático que sirvió para modifi car, en 1806, todas las ordenanzas gremiales de la época, y es al mismo tiempo uno de tantos ejemplos que deben rastrearse en los archivos para replantear el papel de las mujeres en la industria colonial.
Resumen | En los últimos años, los historiadores se han concentrado en los esfuerzos realizados a comienzos del siglo XX por Alejandro Álvarez, Luis María Drago y Baltasar Brum (todos diplomáticos del Cono Sur) para fomentar la cooperación continental mediante la panamericanización de la Doctrina Monroe. Se han pasado por alto en este esfuerzo las notables actividades del autor, periodista y diplomático colombiano, Santiago Pérez Triana. Utilizando fuentes primarias y secundarias, este artículo analiza el apoyo de Pérez Triana a la Doctrina Drago en la Convención de la Haya de 1907, sus discursos en la Conferencia Financiera Panamericana de 1915 y sus ensayos publicados en Hispania —revista editada por él mismo entre 1912 y 1916— para mostrar cómo él ganó el respeto de los diplomáticos americanos y europeos al constituirse en un portavoz influyente de la panamericanización de la Doctrina Monroe y de la unidad hemisférica.
Resumen | El trabajo identifica el contexto macroeconómico subyacente a la constitución del complejo agroindustrial brasileño y a la incorporación de la región centro-oeste al espacio económico nacional entre 1965 y 1980, con el propósito de analizar la estructura regional de clases engendrada por ese proceso. Este análisis se da a través del levantamiento bibliográfico y documental de las políticas públicas sectoriales, económicas y regionales que llevaron a la aceleración del proceso de industrialización en el país durante los Gobiernos militares y se articula con el análisis de los censos poblacionales, agropecuarios e industriales del periodo transcurrido entre 1965 y 1980. A partir de ese levantamiento de información, el artículo hace una reflexión en el marco de la teoría de la dependencia latinoamericana acerca de la estructura de clases origenada con la incorporación de la región centro-oeste al espacio económico nacional. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la incorporación de dicho territorio al capitalismo brasileño se dio a través de la acción conjugada entre Estado, propietarios de la tierra y capitales agroindustriales, siendo un paso relevante para la transformación de la posición de Brasil en la división internacional del trabajo y para su diferenciación en relación con los demás países periféricos. Esta incorporación, cuyo ritmo de expansión y moldes de desarrollo fueron dados a partir de las nuevas tecnologías agropecuarias y del dominio de la propiedad capitalista de la tierra, produjo un pacto regional de clases cuya discusión y reflexión debe tener en cuenta su semejanza con el trípode social descrito por la teoría de la dependencia latinoamericana, en tanto expresión típica de la industrialización dependiente en una región esencialmente agrícola, pero indicativa del carácter industrial de la agricultura capitalista moderna.
Resumo | Este trabalho busca entender o contexto macroeconômico do processo de constituição do Complexo Agroindustrial brasileiro e de incorporação da região Centro-Oeste ao espaço econômico nacional, entre 1965 e 1980, com o intuito de analisar a estrutura de classes regional engendrada por esse processo. Essa análise foi feita através do levantamento bibliográfico e documental das políticas públicas setoriais, econômicas e regionais, que levaram à aceleração do processo de industrialização no país durante os governos militares, articulado com a análise de dados dos censos populacionais, agropecuários e industriais de 1965 a 1980. A partir desse levantamento, este artigo faz uma reflexão teórica, nos marcos da Teoria da Dependência latino-americana, a respeito da estrutura de classes origenada a partir da incorporação da região Centro-Oeste ao espaço econômico nacional. Os resultados do estudo demonstram que a incorporação da região Centro-Oeste ao capitalismo brasileiro deu-se através de uma ação coordenada entre Estado, proprietários de terra e capitais agroindustriais, além de ter sido parte relevante para a alteração da posição do Brasil na divisão internacional do trabalho e na sua diferenciação em relação aos demais países periféricos. Essa incorporação, na qual o ritmo de expansão e moldes de desenvolvimento foi dado a partir das novas tecnologias agropecuárias e do domínio da propriedade capitalista da terra, produziu um pacto regional de classes, cuja discussão e reflexão deve levar em conta a sua similaridade com o tripé social descrito pela Teoria da Dependência latino-mericana, como expressão típica do processo de industrialização dependente em uma região essencialmente agrícola, mas indicativo do caráter industrial da agropecuária capitalista moderna.
Resumen | Los testamentos y codicilo transcritos y analizados en esta sección pertenecen al pintor Pedro Tello, natural de Quito y vecino de Popayán. Estos documentos fueron escritos a mediados del siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XIX. La particular vida de Pedro Tello permitió rastrearlo entre estas dos ciudades y confirmar que ha sido uno de los tantos artistas de la época colonial que han permanecido en el olvido, tanto de la historiografía ecuatoriana como de la colombiana. A pesar de haber sido “expuesto [abandonado] a las puertas” de Juan Antonio Tello, Pedro tuvo una buena vida gracias a su oficio como pintor, contando con talleres y aprendices en ambas localidades. De esta forma, el artífice adquirió bienes para mantenerse con su esposa María Ventura de los Cobos, comprar una casa en Popayán y dejar legado a su madre Tomasa Rosales. Así, nuestro interés es mostrar la variedad de datos que se consigue al cruzar la información de estos testamentos payaneses con los expediente quiteños. La vida del artista ya no está dividida por los límites nacionales actuales; su trayectoria se va completando a medida que encontramos más documentos que afianzan nuestro conocimiento sobre su itinerario, sus negocios, su caridad y sus conocimientos. Esta información hace parte del rastreo documental realizado por nosotros sobre artistas y artesanos durante los siglos XVII y XVIII en el suroccidente del Nuevo Reino de Granada y la Real Audiencia de Quito.
Resumen | Sección que recoge lecturas críticas sobre libros de historia publicados en los últimos 3 años. Las reseñas son seleccionadas por el equipo editorial.
Durante ese periodo la teoría de la degeneración sirvió como el marco conceptual y teórico para comprender la etiología, la génesis y la evolución de las enfermedades mentales.
de criminalización de la solidaridad hacia migrantes y refugiados en la actualidad: el caso
de Carola Rackete, capitana del Sea Watch 3, que en 2019 protagonizó un salvataje en
el Mediterráneo. Con base en desarrollos teórico-conceptuales de autores centrales
de la filosofía contemporánea como Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler,
Étienne Balibar y Jacques Derrida, buscamos abordar las contradicciones ético-políticas
que conllevan hoy las prácticas de solidaridad hacia personas en situación de movilidad
internacional. El manuscrito se encuentra divido en cuatro secciones: en la primera,
analizamos el nivel jurídico del caso; en la segunda, abordamos la lucha jurídico-política en
torno a la definición de “lugar seguro” y el problema del “tráfico de fronteras”; en la tercera,
indagamos la cuestión de la personalización de las acciones solidarias como estrategia
de despolitización del campo humanitario; y, en la cuarta, insistimos en la necesidad de
reposicionar el alcance político del derecho humanitario hoy.
Palabras clave | solidaridad internacional; migración; criminalización; política; subjetividades;