Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Business management
santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama elektroninės muzikos įrašų parduotuvės veiklos tobulinimo problema, atsižvelgiant į informacinių ir vartotojų poreikių pokyčius. Tuo tikslu straipsnyje analizuojami teoriniai elektroninių paslaugų... more
As time‐varying volatility has found applications in roughly all time series modelling in economics, it largely draws attention in the areas of financial markets. This study also examines the characteristics of conditional volatility in... more
The article considers the provision of decision support opportunities for unemployed people who are seeking for selfemployment and opening a new business. The purpose of this paper is to consider the application of decision support system... more
Although the large body of literature suggests that trust is a prerequisite for knowledge sharing, the understanding of mediational pathways remains limited. The paper fills the gap by combining two separate streams in knowledge sharing,... more
By examining social marketing this articles has featured a step-by step approach for residential behavioural change towards sustainable energy transition. Specifically, this article considers the value-based approach instead of rational... more
Despite the rising recognition and a growing body of literature on sustainability issues in the military, no comprehensive and systematic review on the topic has been published yet. Accordingly, the aim of this paper was to deconstruct... more
The purpose of civil-military cooperation is to exchange resources and information to effectively manage different types of disasters. In this regard, civil-military cooperation in disaster preparedness should increase coherence in the... more
The article analyzes the generational (age cohorts) effect on subjective wellbeing at work. The main aim is to reveal generational differences that lead to subjective wellbeing at work and possible discrepancies between the generations.... more
Compulsory basic military training is characterized not only by being challenging but also by being stressful. Assuming a high frequency of perceived stress events as a negative outcome of training, this article provides evidence on how... more
Carl von Clausewitz (Karlas Klauzevicas) gimė 1780 metais birželio 1 d. Burge (prie Magdeburgo). 1793 m. būdamas keturiolikmečiu jaunuoliu dalyvauja Reino kampanijoje kovodamas prieš revoliucinę Prancūziją. 1806 m. dalyvauja kare prieš... more
The article considers the provision of decision support opportunities for unemployed people who are seeking for selfemployment and opening a new business. The purpose of this paper is to consider the application of decision support system... more
Majority of researches have investigated boundaryless career from individual's perspectives. Hence, boundaryless career is perceived as an individual agency. Meanwhile, only limited number of studies adopted different approach towards... more
This paper seeks to contribute to the discussion devoted to entrepreneurship of a specific profession group-early retired servicemen. The aim of the paper is to provide a composition of existing practices of entrepreneurship skills... more
The study is based on comparative theoretical research into the concepts of corporate social and environmental responsibilities. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are responsive to the stakeholders’ needs. Therefore, environmental business... more
The purpose of this study is to explore how pro-environmental energy behavior is manifested at a military unit and what behavioral change factors can enhance such behavior. The military unit represents an organization dominated by an... more
This study aimed to analyse the association between endogenous hair steroid hormones as reliable biological indicators of an individual’s stress level and the social environmental factors experienced during military training that are... more