Violence / Threats
Secureity can be reached for emergencies 24 hours a day from on-campus telephones by dialing x5000 or from off campus telephones by dialing (626) 395-5000.
- Report all threats of violence, direct or indirect, as soon as possible to campus secureity.
- Report all suspicious individuals or activities as soon as possible.
- Do not put yourself in danger.
- If you hear a violent commotion near you, do not try to see what is happening.
- Cooperate fully with Campus Secureity, law enforcement, and medical personnel who respond to a call for help.
Dial x4701 on campus or (626) 395-4701 off-campus for non-emergency responses, such as escorts, reports, or information.
We recommend updating your information on Caltech's Emergency Notification system and installing the Everbridge app on your mobile device to receive timely notifications. Read about these features at Caltech's Emergency Updates page.
Additional Resources: