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Historia et ius" è una rivista internazionale in formato digitale, liberamente accessibile (open access) dedicata agli studi di storia giuridica di età medievale, moderna e contemporanea. Nata per iniziativa di alcuni studiosi italiani, la rivista si avvale della collaborazione di storici del diritto di vari Paesi europei i quali, insieme con i promotori, compongono la redazione.
in "Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche", 2018
"Natural fathers between civil courts and foundling hospitals (Milan, 1816- 1880)". The essay highlights that the social outcomes of the interaction between the rules of the Habsburg civil code (1811), which admitted judicial presumption of natural paternity, and the secrecy imposed by the government to the Milanese foundling hospital, were similar to those that occurred after the introduction of the Italian civil code (1865), which forbade judicial father research. According to the sources, in Milan, under the Habsburg law, the difficulty and uncertainty of outcome of the proceedings encouraged natural mothers to deliver children anonymously at foundling hospital, as well as it happened after the Italian unification. However, different and spontaneous paternal initiatives, tolerated or admitted by the two codes and by the rules of Milanese foundling hospital, were possible. Overall, the essay confirms that in Nineteenth century, both before and after Italy unification, many natural fathers – probably the majority -- had the power to choose whether, how and when to be present in the lives of their children
ADRItalia, 2021
Il giudice conciliatore fu istituito nel Regno d'Italia nel 1865 ed a fine '800 gestiva il 70% di tutte le controversie. Presente in ogni Comune, faceva parte dell'ordinamento giudiziario, ma era elettivo; determinante non era la preparazione tecnico giuridica, ma l'autorevolezza presso la comunità; e tale prassi continuò anche dopo la prima guerra mondiale. La lunghezza interminabile delle controversie giudiziali, in Italia, non è appannaggio solo del XX e XXI secolo. Una disputa relativa agli usi civici, tra gli abitanti di due comuni limitrofi in Abruzzo, Ovindoli e Celano, già in essere nel 1810, nel 1912 non era ancora conclusa.
Rivista Terra di Lavoro, Anno XI, n. 1, Aprile 2016, pp. 121-132.
La produzione artistica di Postiglione si è spesso incrociata con le esigenze decorative del governo borbonico, poco interessato alle novità che si andavano diffondendo nel panorama nazionale; così il pittore, qualitativamente tra i primi nel contesto artistico locale, diventa punto di riferimento della famiglia reale e specialmente di Ferdinando II. Lo spoglio di alcuni documenti d'archivio ha permesso di ricostruire la storia di opere mai associate prima al suo nome.
Didattica della Storia, 2024
L’articolo propone risorse e idee per realizzare un laboratorio di storia dedicato alla Sardegna giudicale tra XI e XII secolo, nelle Scuole secondarie di secondo grado. Oltre alla pianificazione delle attività, vengono riportate alcune fonti per affrontare il tema da una prospettiva laboratoriale. - The article proposes resources and ideas for creating a history laboratory dedicated to Giudicale Sardinia between the 11th and 12th centuries, in secondary schools. In addition to planning the activities, the text contains some sources to be analyze during the laboratory.
Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos, 2011
Etica della ragione.La filosofia dell'uomo tra nichilismo e confronto interculturale, 1999
This volume has been published in 2000 by Jaca Book under the title Ethics of Reason. La filosofia dell'uomo nell'epoca del nichilismo e del confronto interculturale (The Philosophy of Man in the Age of Nihilism and Intercultural Confrontation) and is now long out of print. I gladly republish it online because, for the most part, I still recognize myself in what was written. The book had required considerable work and had been prepared by many years of study at a time when I had the opportunity to study intensively and continuously. It benefited from the encounter that took place for me in those years between the continental tradition (with particular attention, in addition to the classics, to twentieth-century Christian thought of Thomasian and Augustinian inspiration) and contemporary Anglo-American philosophy. Exceeding 350 printed pages and dealing with various themes, albeit interrelated, and much metaphysics, it was certainly not a work suited to the new cultural trends. I have subsequently deepened and modified individual aspects in other publications, but the overall itinerary in the volume remains valid for me. Even the title is for me still valid, although today I would prefer Ethics of Rationality. The challenges of nihilism and interculturalism (to which the subtitle refers) remain valid, albeit in new forms, even if they are generally talked about less than they once were and take on new configurations. But the fact that something is talked about less or should be talked about less does not mean that the problem does not exist or has been philosophically overcome. To these can be added other challenges such as the ecological issue or the application of technology to mankind with biotechnology, challenges that have long been present in our culture. Some in-depth examinations of individual anthropological and ethical themes as well as philosophy of religion can be found in the volume L'uomo. Lineamenti di antropologia filosofica (Rubbettino 2013) and in the essays collected in the two volumes entitled L'esperienza integrale. Philosophy of Man, Morals and Religion (Orthotes 2016). In particular, the themes of Virtue ethics and Natural law have been re-proposed and explored in more recent essays (some of which are present in this collection). Certain themes such as those present in the central chapter precisely on the Ethics of Reason (where ample space is devoted to John Henry Newman) and other more exquisitely metaphysical ones such as those present in Chapter IV devoted to the classical transcendentals (ens, unum, verum, bonum, etc.) are only to be found in this volume. The volume, in fact, defends a realist conception of rationality that is inspired by Thomas Aquinas' conception of being, taken up with an existential accentuation, and which opposes the rationalist, immanentist and scientist turn of part of modern thought that according to many 20th century authors (such as Heidegger, but also Gilson and Fabro) would logically lead to nihilism. For this realist accentuation, too, it seems to me useful to republish the volume online. I therefore republish it with a few minor modifications and a few caveats. The overall itinerary of the volume was recently reproposed in a more summary and fragmentary form in the volume Etica del filosofare. Frammenti ironici, Il Melangolo 2020 and in my afterword to Virtù, legge e fioritura umana. Essays in honour of Angelo Campodonico, Mimesis 2022. First of all, in the new text that I am reproposing here, I have changed the term integrity (principio d'integrità) to integralità (principle of wholeness), which in the Italian language seems to me to be more in keeping with what is meant, even if it is more used and abused especially in the past decades in certain contexts. This was the reason why I had avoided using it. The last two chapters, concerning the theme of God, would deserve revision, although I agree with the general structure. Perhaps today I would always stress the centrality of theological personalism (the great contemporary alternative between theism and evolutionary Spinozism), but in a more relational key and open to Trinitarian theology. Angelo Campodonico
«Memorie Valdarnesi», 177 (2011), serie IX, fascicolo I, tomo I, pp. 145-254
L'edizione cartacea di questo saggio è apparsa sul periodico «Memorie Valdarnesi», anno 177 (2011), serie IX, fascicolo I, tomo I, pp. 145-254. L'impaginazione della presente edizione non corrisponde a quella cartacea. Ringraziamo l'Accademia Valdarnese del Poggio per aver autorizzato la sua pubblicazione in formato digitale.
Estratto dello studio sulla guerra di potere fra gruppi e fazioni opposte, in un paese del Molise durante il Ventennio fascista, pubblicato sull'Almanacco del Molise 2010.
A document discovered in the Archivio di Stato of Milan sheds new light on the vicissitudes occurred to two German merchants, arrested in 1493 and charged with having struck fake coins in their house in Capiago, a small village 8 km South of Como. The analysis of the transcriptions of the petition addressed by the merchants to the Duke of Milan, and of the inventory of their personal belongings distrained by the ducal officers, raise several doubts about the actual issue of coins. In fact, the objects found in their habitation prove to be more consistent with an alchemist’s laboratory rather than with an illegal mint. Un documento rinvenuto presso l’Archivio di Stato di Milano ha consentito di ricostruire le vicende giudiziarie di due mercanti tedeschi, arrestati nel 1493 con l’accusa di aver coniato monete false presso la loro abitazione di Capiago, un piccolo paese otto chilometri a sud di Como. L’analisi delle suppliche indirizzate dai due uomini al duca di Milano e dell’inventario degli oggetti sequestrati dagli ufficiali ducali solleva diversi dubbi circa l’effettiva produzione di monete. I materiali rinvenuti nella dimora dei mercanti fanno sospettare che il loro fosse un laboratorio di alchimia piuttosto che una zecca clandestina.
Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, 2023
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2024
Ajuntament de Figueres, 2019
Psicología del Deporte. Más allá del límite, 2024
Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan …, 2012
Multidisciplinary journal of Horseed International University, 2024
Paediatrics & Child Health, 2018
American Journal of Otolaryngology, 1998
American Journal of Pathology, 2014
journal of the college of basic education, 2019
Theory and Criticism of Literature and Arts, 2025
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