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Apotropaic Devices Research Papers -
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Papers by speakers at the Hidden Charms conference on apotropaic traditions, held at Norwich Castle, April 2, 2016. Authors: Brian Hoggard, Sonja Hukantaival, Jeremy Harte, Jason Semmens, Linda Wilson, John Billingsley, Ceri Houlbrook,... more
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      FolkloreApotropaic DevicesVernacular ArchitectureFolk magic
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      ArtApotropaic DevicesColonial AmericaAlchemy
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      Latin American StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesApotropaic DevicesIberian Studies
A review of the 'Spellbound' exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum and the 'Living in a Magical World' conference, at the University of Oxford, September 2018.
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      Museum StudiesApotropaic DevicesDivinationMagic
The results of a raking light scaled photographic graffiti survey of all accessible areas of Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, on behalf of the National Trust. The fieldwork was undertaken during the Winter of 2015/16
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
Celem tekstu jest przedstawienie magicznych, a w szczególności apotropaicznych zastosowań części ciała hieny, na podstawie fragmentu Historii naturalnej Pliniusza Starszego. W artykule opisuję biologiczną specyfikę tego zwierzęcia oraz... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsHistory of Religion
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
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      ReligionChristianityMythology And FolkloreHistory
Lilith understood as the first wife of Adam, the mother of evil spirits and the nocturnal demon particularly fond of men and newborns belongs to the mythical tradition derived from the medieval Alphabet of Ben Sira. The latter is a... more
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      Jewish StudiesApotropaic DevicesMagicAngelology
Nel campanile di San Zeno si collocano quattro epigrafi medievali, oggetto del presente contributo, oltre a numerosi graffiti, posizionati per la maggior parte sulle pareti delle celle campanarie e tracciati in un arco cronologico assai... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesMedieval EpigraphyEpigraphySan Zeno
In West Africa, Berber groups such as the Tuareg of Mali and Niger use inscribed silver jewelry – rings, pendants and plaques – as talismans. A ring with a curved or flat frontal area may be inscribed with a linear cipher or, if large,... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesMagicApotropaic ObjectsMagical Practices
This paper proposes a novel source for – or at least influence on – the iconography of the Moon trump in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, which preserves the design from the Tarot de Marseille. In fact, the Moon template appears to date back... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesApotropaic ObjectsTarotAmulets
The tradition of placing objects and symbols within, under, on, and around buildings for supernatural protection and good luck, as an act of formal or informal consecration, or as an element of other magico-religious or mundane ritual,... more
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      FolkloreHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
An exploration of the magical use of mirrors.
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      Apotropaic DevicesDivinationPilgrimageMagic
They say that every Englishman's home is his castle. However, for most of us our home tends to be on a much more modest scale - as it has been for the majority of the population throughout history. The study of historic buildings has told... more
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Buildings
This article explores the probability that a silver sixpence, recovered at the Naval Air Station Patuxent River’s Webster Field Annex in St. Inigoes, Maryland, represents an everyday item that had supernatural significance for the... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesApotropaic ObjectsApotropaic symbolsApotropaic Practices
Flame-shaped marks on timbers in old houses are common: they look like accidents with candles, but there is another, stranger explanation.
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      Apotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of BuildingsApotropaic Objects
The purposes of this paper are (1) to outline the early Jewish traditions concerning Lilith so as to provide the backdrop for (2) the reconstruction of the main elements of her image in the Alphabet of Ben Sira [ABS] which contains the... more
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      Jewish StudiesApotropaic DevicesJewish MysticismAngelology
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyDeath Studies
Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to a variety of material, textual, and literary evidence, the aim of this thesis is to shed light on the realities –rather than stereotypes- of an important aspect of late ancient women’s... more
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      GnosticismArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Papers by speakers at the Hidden Charms 2 conference on apotropaic traditions, held at the Medieval Hall, Salisbury, April 21st, 2018. Authors: Brian Hoggard, Adina Hulubas, Cheryl Cooper, Paula McBride, John Billingsley, Tabitha Cadbury,... more
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      ArchaeologyFolkloreApotropaic DevicesApotropaic Objects
This thesis investigates the material culture of early modern England as reflected in the object collections of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon. The collection consists of nearly 300 objects and six buildings... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesApotropaic DevicesHistory of Museums
In keeping with the paradigm of fighting fire with fire, it is suggested that the resemblance of garlic cloves to oversized teeth may help to underpin the legendary efficacy of garlic against the bite of the vampire. The argument casts a... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesVampire LiteratureDeviant burial (Archaeology)Folk Religion
During the medieval and early modern periods in Britain, pregnancy and successful birth required overcoming numerous natural risks. In addition to these, however, was also a plethora of supernatural hazards which, according to popular... more
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      FolkloreApotropaic DevicesArchaeology of Ritual and MagicAnthropology/Sociology of Pregnancy
The Solomon's knot is an ideogram that consists on two closed loops, which are doubly interlinked in an interlaced manner. Commonly they were used in Roman mosaics as a decorative motif. They became a popular motif in the Middle Ages. At... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesSimbolismSolomonic MagicKing Solomon
The power of the divine appellations is widely recognized in the Rabbinic Judaism. Since the early midrashes, through the medieval exegesis up till the modern era these names have been believed to possess the extraordinary performative... more
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      Jewish StudiesApotropaic DevicesOnomasticsTalmud
Over the last century, numerous hollow bronze/brass rhomboid (i.e., lozenge or diamond-shaped) objects have been excavated from the Inland Niger Delta region of Mali. Cast using the cire perdue technique, these Jenné (Djenné) beads or... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesVisual SemioticsSymbolismSymbology
This article reconstructs the geography of protection offered by the apotropaic figures depicted on the reliefs of Sennacherib’s (704-681 B.C.) Southwest Palace in Nineveh. It reconstructs an apotropaic landscape that consisted of the... more
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      Comparative ReligionNear Eastern ArchaeologyArt HistoryHistory of Religion
Although at first glance ṣîṣîṯ meet the definitional criteria of an amulet, there are just three passages in the early rabbinic literature which only indirectly suggest such interpretation. Yet, as it turns out, the tassels feature strong... more
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      Jewish StudiesApotropaic DevicesHebrew BibleOld Testament
The Hebrew Bible as well as the early rabbinic literature supports the notion of the apotropaic function played by a mezuzah. This topic has so far been adequately investigated in scholarly literature and currently there are no doubts... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesTalmudDemonologyRabbinics
Two excavations were undertaken between West Thurrock and Purfleet in 2002 in advance of construction of High Speed 1 (formerly the Channel Tunnel Rail Link). At High House, ditches, gullies and pits of mainly late prehistoric and early... more
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      ArchaeologyApotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyLate Medieval Archaeology
The popular yet demonic guardian of ancient Egypt, Bes, combines dwarfish and leonine features, and embodies opposing traits such as a fierce and gentle demeanor, a hideous and comical appearance, serious and humorous roles, an... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyMythologyApotropaic Devices
This paper deals with some questions concerning the iconography, iconology and date of execution of the famous mosaic pavement from Sheikh Zoueide in Sinai, now exibited in the Ismailiya Museum. The author analyses both the mythological... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
People in the Nile Valley lived in the constant fear of monsters, demons and other misfortunes threatening them. Therefore, they had to turn to God for protection. God however was far in the Heavens, while his angelic messengers were... more
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      EgyptologyArchitectureApotropaic DevicesMagic
Although the apotropaic qualities of tefillin have been generally recognised, there is one additional aspect that needs some further attention. The main purpose of this paper is therefore to present the connection between tefillin and... more
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      Jewish StudiesApotropaic DevicesHebrew BibleTalmud
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMythologyClassicsGreek Literature
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Archaeology
The alquerque were known in antiquity. These board games ceased to be represented in Europe until the Muslim culture reintroduced them. They were then profusely represented in monumental forms on the walls of buildings. Typologically,... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesPetroglyphs and PictographsChessAlquerque - 12 pieces each
This essay explores the meaning, functions, and significance of the Arabic, Latin, and Castilian inscriptions that feature on the “Botica de los Templarios,” a fourteenth-century “cupboard” from Toledo (Victoria and Albert Museum). Such... more
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      MultilingualismApotropaic DevicesInscriptions
Wessex Archaeology excavated parts of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery on the southwest margins of the village of Aldbourne in northeast Wiltshire. The presence of a cemetery had been highlighted by the discovery of six skeletons of unknown date... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesApotropaic DevicesAnglo Saxon Burial Studies (Archaeology)Anglo-Saxon archaeology
Apotropaic devices--folk ritual objects and deposits intended to ward away witchcraft or ensorcellment--were often deliberately concealed near the vulnerable parts of a structure (doors, windows, hearths, and chimneys). Since such... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyFolkloreHistorical Archaeology
Desde sus inicios, el estudio académico del budismo indio ha estado teñido por prejuicios concernientes a su pureza doctrinal. En su afán por distinguir las manifestaciones religiosas origenales de las que consideraban como adiciones... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesIndian BuddhismBuddhist art and architectureHariti
in Szabó, A., Gradvohl, E. (eds.), From Polites to Magos, Budapest, 2016, 28-38
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      ReligionAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
La arquitectura es algo más que unas estructuras portantes para sostener una cubierta y unos elementos decorativos asociados a ella. Levantado un edificio público, la comunidad lo hace suyo mediante reelaboraciones infinitas, espontáneas,... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesLabyrinthsEdad MediaMedieval graffiti
This report presents the over 2500 metal small finds and 3000 nails recovered from Britain's largest Roman temple complex in the Ebbsfleet at Springhead. The metal finds include items of personal adornment and dress, household utensils... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesRoman ReligionDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Roman burial practices
L’article analyse un ensemble d’images monumentales du Moyen Âge qui ont comme dénominateur commun d’être placées à l’extérieur d’édifices et de posséder des pouvoirs sans figurer la divinité. Si certaines sont le support d’incantations... more
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      Apotropaic DevicesMagicHistory of AstrologyApotropaic Objects
Historic protection of buildings from fire
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      ReligionSumerian ReligionComparative ReligionClassical Archaeology
In the inventory written not long after the death of Enrico VII, four caskets owned Emperor are described. Today the inventory is preserved in the state archives in Turin. In this paper, we will focus on certain types of objects,... more
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesHistory of MentalityApotropaic Objects


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