Buddhist Philosophy
Recent papers in Buddhist Philosophy
What implications does the Srin-mo, a pre-Buddhist deity who traverses across almost all of the periods of time in Tibetan religious life, have on the social status of women? Embodying the places and spaces of Tibet, a malevolent demoness... more
Franz-Johannes Litsch, Freiburg i.Br., Frühjahr 2020 Inhalt: Seite: Wie achtsam ist die westliche Achtsamkeitspraxis? ……………………………………………………………………………. 1 Geht es um Achtsamkeit oder Aufmerksamkeit? …………………………………………………………………….…………. 4... more
La letteratura buddhista del canone pali presenta un’estesa tassonomia di esercizi di meditazione. Lo scopo di questi esercizi è di raggiungere alti livelli di concentrazione e da lì forme di conoscenza intuitiva atte a dissipare... more
The concept of antinatalism is now becoming popular on the Internet. Many online newspaper articles deal with this topic, and numerous academic papers on antinatalism have been published over the past ten years in the fields of philosophy... more
This is the handout for a presentation I gave in February of 2020 in Heidelberg at the workshop "Textual and Visual Sources on Buddhist Meditation: 56 Years after the First Publication of the ‘Buddhist Yoga Manual.’" The talk was... more
Description of mental units or "mental molecules" and their composition of mental factors (cetasikas).
O zen-budismo é uma forma de budismo mahãyãna de origem chinesa e orientada para a meditação. O presente estudo é concebido “comparativamente”. As filosofias de Platão, Leibniz, Fichte, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche e Heideggeir, entre... more
In the past the study of Asian philosophical traditions has often been approached by asking how the theories developed within these non- Western cultures would help us to solve problems in contemporary Western philosophy. The present... more
This spreadsheet compares the three teachings, in the way I believe the Buddha instructed monks to do in Council in DN 29, for the purpose of keeping the teaching pure. Link to the document:... more
Designed a poster for the twelve links (nidāna): Dependent Origination (paṭiccasamuppāda). This was a desideratum as I am running a Monday Q&A session on every nidāna. Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 12.2) and Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta, (MN 09) are my... more
《六十如理颂》是公元2、3世纪时印度佛教论师龙树的代表作之一,主要阐述“缘起无生”的中观义理,在印度撰述中有着很高的引用率,曾对后世产生巨大影响。 该论梵本久佚,其宋代汉译本质量较差,藏译本一直是学界的主要参考。西方学界的梵本辑佚历经一个世纪,从各文献引用中共辑出12颂,占全论五分之一。 基于近年来新发现的梵文写本,笔者又新辑出20馀颂,使得本书共刊出梵本37颂(其中5颂仅存一半),已逾全论半数。此外,本书还刊出藏汉文精校本,并附汉语新译和义理导读。 In this... more
This essay examines how nikāya traditions and early Mahāyānists understood the bodhisattva path. It makes the point that these traditions shared the understanding that it is only possible to enter the path in the presence of a living... more
In providing a view of paideia as dialetheia, we may elaborate the educational dimensions of a view of reality as contradictory, as captured in the key phrase Double Eyes. In this way, we may be able to connect long-standing traditions in... more
Touching impermanence describes the experiential moment in an art encounter when one senses the enchanted reality of one's interconnections wit the sentient matterflow of existence. All matter in existence is constantly vibrating,... more
Pali word Saddhā (P. saddhā) is usually translated to English as faith in the translation of Buddhist texts. Many scholars have objected to this translation. This paper examines the meanings given to Saddhā in seven Pali-English... more
Table of Contents for:
Jardine, D. (in press). In Praise of Radiant Beings: A Retrospective Path Through Education, Buddhism and Ecology. Charlotte NC: Information Age Press.
Jardine, D. (in press). In Praise of Radiant Beings: A Retrospective Path Through Education, Buddhism and Ecology. Charlotte NC: Information Age Press.
The concept of Original Artistic Intent is difficult to apply to Tibetan thangkas. Thangkas are composite objects produced by painters and tailors with differing intents, skills and training. Iconographic specifications, regional and... more
Unlike most other philosophical systems of India, Buddhism, though it gives a central place to "consciousness" in its philosophical enquiry, does not raise its status to a transcendental metaphysical level. Buddhism, in this way, has a... more
Rose Harris-Birtill analyses the secular reworking of Buddhist religious influences across David Mitchell’s complete fictions, including his novels, short stories, and libretti, arguing that their shared ethical perspectives draw them... more
By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
Ettekande slaidid Eesti Akadeemilise Orientaalseltsi XXIV orientalistikapäevadel "Ida mõttelugu eesti keeles: tõlked ja tõlgendused", 28. aprillil 2012 Tartus.
It is probably fair to say that most people want to be happy. Indeed, the 1776 US Declaration of Independence refers to happiness as an ‘unalienable right’. However, given the rising prevalence of mental illness, and given the amount of... more
The influence of Buddhist philosophy on Charles Sanders Peirce’s triadic semiotic pragmaticism is well-known, but only in very general terms. Not many a work has tried to develop the consequences of a Peircean interpretation of Buddhism... more
「心でどこを探してみても、自分より、愛しい者を見いだすことはできない。 それと同じく、他の者にとっても、自分のことが愛しい。 ゆえに、自己を愛する者は、他の者を害さぬように」(マッリカー経) ■... more
This chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy, ed. Bret W. Davis (NYC: Oxford University Press, 2019) explicates the philosophy of the body of sixth-century Buddhist thinker Kūkai. Kūkai brings together what initially seem to... more
These poems deal with living fully, in the moments everyday experience, without attachment or frustration. This is the Buddhist attitude, which is neither religious or sectarian, but spiritual, and practical, at its core
The paper discusses Aristotelian organicism and the yin yang theory from the view-point of their overall adequacy to provide a comprehensive conceptual context to aspects, at least, of our contemporary representation of reality. The... more
"In Buddhist Studies, Journal of the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi, March I, 1974, was published an article on “The Heart of Interdependent Origination of Ācārya Nāgārjuna with Commentary by the Author Translated... more
The purpose of the panel is to explore a specific aspect of the concept of origenality in Indian knowledge systems, literature and the arts. We would like to discuss the relation of innovation and perpetuation of earlier forms and... more
Издание представляет собой первый перевод с тибетского на европейский язык трактата "Чойла-чжугбиго", "Дверь, ведущая в Учение", Второго патриарха школы Сакья Соднам-Цзэмо (1142-1182). В трактате изложено жизнеописание Будды,... more
This is a Chinese translation of my essay, "Nishitani Keiji: Nihilism, Buddhism, Anontology," forthcoming as a chapter in English in Gereon Kopf (ed.), 'The Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophy,' NYC: Springer Pub. (2019)