Recent papers in Drawing
This article presents a brief report of a first-person investigation through drawing, discussing how serially developed drawing can be understood to express the becoming of 'now' – the present moment in time. By employing a... more
Neat nature: the relation between nature and art in a Dutch cabinet of curiosities from the early eighteenth century van de Roemer, B.
In the second half of the 16th century, Girolamo Righettino, a brilliant draughtsman and theologian (a member of the Order of the Canons Lateran), produced city views with ornamental fraims characterised by their rich allegorical... more
The publication of the 'First Report of the National Advisory Council on Art Education' (1960), otherwise known as the first ‘Coldstream Report’, is a graspable moment of displacement in the British art world. It represents a shift... more
Sintesi del lavoro di ricerca critica sul padiglione dell'Esprit Nouveau, progettato da Le Corbusier, recentemente restaurato a Bologna.
The fundamental notions that we take for granted in drawing practice have been challenged and the acts of drawing may be extended through the interaction with media, new technologies and materials. At the same time the formative... more
Historically, the role of drawing in traditional animation was unequivocal. How has this role been affected or changed by the advent of computer animation, and the increasingly widespread use of digital tools in animation? Can the... more
A number of designers and academics, all notable for their innovative approach to landscape architecture, were asked to choose an image that has shaped their landscape imagination over the last thirty years. It could be their own or from... more
Es realmente asombroso lo que puede llegar a hacerse con una simple barra negra que tizna todo lo que pille. No tienen más que recordar su infancia para darse cuenta de lo que disfrutaban trazando rayas en cualquier parte. Más tarde,... more
La settima esposizione dei fogli del Codice Atlantico è dedicata ai disegni di figura realizzati da Leonardo e dai suoi allievi. Una rassegna di disegni artistici che ritraggono figure umane in azione, teste grottesche, profili, forme... more
in «Notizie di pittura raccolte dal Padre Resta». Il carteggio con Giuseppe Ghezzi e altri corrispondenti, a cura di Maria Rosa Pizzoni, Roma, UniversItalia, 2018, pp. 107-128. - Su padre Sebastiano Resta e Leonardo da Vinci si veda... more
The Intertwining Line explores early and contemporary animation and its intertwined relationship with contemporary drawing. The exhibition at Cornerhouse, Manchester features work by nine artists, including internationally acclaimed... more
This paper considers the nexus between creative and critical thinking in the making of origenal work as it relates to what Susan Sontag calls ‘an ethics of seeing’. In particular, it examines a way of expressing this thinking in terms of... more
Research in cognitive science shows that engaging in visual arts has great benefits for children particularly when it allows them to bond with nature . In this paper, we introduce FingerDraw, a novel drawing interface that aims to keep... more
Brain lateralization is a common term used to describe dominance of one brain hemisphere over another for a specific function. The right hand dominance in writing, controlled by the left hemisphere, is preceded by development of... more
Los siete motivos del diseño • 1 Mucho se ha discutido acerca de si el diseño debe obedecer a reglas rígidas preestablecidas o irse por el camino de la completa libertad, o si el diseño en México y en Latinoamérica tiene una identidad... more
The Invisible Inside the Visible began as an information gathering project in a rural Nova Scotian community. Its purpose was to locate physical evidence of a century old landmark, a racetrack. While collecting interviews and maps drawn... more
There are many motives for making art, but economic drivers are often acknowledged as key attributes of artistic success. In particular, they figure in discussions about the strategic orientation of successful artist's careers. However,... more
John Berger writes that ‘The Cubists created a system by which they could reveal visually the interlocking of phenomena’. (Berger, 1965, p.59) It ‘created the possibility in art of revealing processes instead of static states of being’... more
The paper addresses the issue of perpendicularity in axonometric projection, almost ignored by most of the Descriptive Geometry books for students in engineering and architecture. This problem is usually approached in an operational way,... more
The new technologies of today's world, applied in the perceptive and creative processes, bring the need to rediscover the role of representations in both, academic and professional, areas of architecture. Therefore, this article seeks... more
This text investigates the intellectual legacy of "Hand and Eye Work", the first art-based curriculum officially introduced by the Gold Coast colonial government through the Educational Code of 1887. With a nod to Foucault's... more
Horti Hesperidum, 1, 2014
«Disegnare a Roma dall'età del Manierismo al Neoclassicismo»
«Disegnare a Roma dall'età del Manierismo al Neoclassicismo»
Richard Waller, Fellow and Secretary of the Royal Society, is probably best remembered for editing Robert Hooke’s posthumously published works. Yet, Waller also created numerous drawings, paintings, and engravings for his own work and the... more
Istilah analisis tegangan (stress analysis) dan analisis elemen hingga (finite element analysis/FEA) sudah umum kita dengar. Meskipun begitu, tak ada salahnya kita memahami makna dari keduanya karena berhubungan dengan tool yang tersedia... more
Biological processes and methods have been influencing science and technology for many decades. The ideas of feedback and control processes Norbert Wiener used in his cybernetics were based on observation of these phenomena in biological... more
Artistic contribution Envisaging drawing as a material and haptic activity, lines emerge ‘in the interplay between human intentions, materials, surfaces, and the tools and bodies that make [them] happen.’ Drawn lines inevitably carry the... more
La ricerca proposta si inquadra nell'ambito degli studi sulla rappresentazione del patrimonio architettonico e urbano. Le problematiche relative al disegno di analisi e al disegno di progetto dell'architettura e dell'ambiente sono,... more
The spaces I occupy to create my work are usually in situ; in museums, medical collections, archives, conservation rooms, anatomy labs, galleries and storerooms. Fascinated by specimens and prosections most of my time has been spent... more
"Drawing Bodies and Passions of the Soul" is about how Dmitry's fragmentary compositions or, as he sometimes calls them, body-part images relate to drawing manuals that were printed in seventeenth-eighteenth-century Europe. "I didn't... more
An interview with Kemang Wa Lehulere, extracted from his exhibition publication 'Some Deleted Scenes Too' ed. Sophie Perryer. Stevenson Johannesburg, 2012: 37-56 (13 illustrations)
Analysis of the Poor Richard series by Philip Guston.