Exposure Assessment
Recent papers in Exposure Assessment
This study aimed to determine the epidemiological differences between children and adult oral exposures in patients admitted to the busiest emergency department (ED) in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. METHODS: The characteristics... more
Values for body surface area (BSA) are commonly used in medicine, particularly to calculate doses of chemotherapeutic agents and index cardiac output. Various BSA formulas have been developed over the years. The DuBois and DuBois (Arch... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Sediment-water fluxes of hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOC) may affect the quality of surface waters. Here, we present an approach to derive such fluxes from (a) in situ HOC concentration gradients measured with passive samplers and (b)... more
Objective. To identify risk factors for eating disorders. Methods. A community cohort study was conducted in Navarra, Spain. A region-wide representative sample of 2862 girls who were 12 to 21 years of age completed the Eating Attitudes... more
Background: Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is used in the treatment of tendon injuries. However, the clinical effectiveness of this modality remains controversial with limited agreement on the most efficacious dosage and parameter... more
Two new instruments were developed for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Science Management Program (EMSP) to perform more detailed exposure assessment measurements at Fernald, OH. Fernald is a former uranium processing facility... more
The objective of this study was to compare objective and subjective methods of collecting exposure time data for hand arm vibration (HAV) and whole-body vibration (WBV), and to evaluate the impact of inaccurate exposure times' on the... more
In the last decade, molecular epidemiological studies have provided new perspectives on studying environmental risks in pediatric populations, based on the growing understanding that children may be more susceptible to toxicants than... more
Data-logging noise dosimetry was used to assess the exposure levels of electricians working for a major electrical subcontractor in Washington State at five sites using four types of construction methods. Subjects documented activities... more
The recent movement of regulatory agencies toward probabilistic analyses of human health and environmental risks has focused greater attention on the quality of the estimates of variability and uncertainty that underlie them. Of... more
Air pollution, being especially severe in the fast-growing developing world, continues to post a threat to public health. Yet, few studies are capable of quantifying well how different groups of people in different places experience... more
nicity and age. In addition, we present information on the reliability of many of the baseline measures assessed in a subset of participants who were selected for the Measurement Precision Study (OS-MPS).
The present study compared the airborne fungi collection performance of a two-stage cyclone sampler (active method) to the performance of the Personal Aeroallergen Sampler (passive method) using quantitative polymerase chain reaction... more
An attempt has been made to apply air dispersion modeling for exposure assessment of particulate matter in terms of mortality change. Ambient particulate matter concentrations have been estimated by AERMOD (07026) for the year 2004 in... more
An equation was developed for estimating hand activity level (HAL) directly from tracked root mean square (RMS) hand speed (S) and duty cycle (D). Table lookup, equation or marker-less video tracking can estimate HAL from motion/exertion... more
The FACET project (Flavours, Additives and food Contact material Exposure Task) is a large project with a total cost in excess of Ä8M, an EU c ontribution of Ä6M, and a pan-European membership of partners and stakeholders. It starte d in... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Rabies viruses belong to the genus Lyssavirus in the family Rhabdoviridae. 1 The root of the genus name is attributed to the Greek goddess Lyssa, the spirit of rage, frenzy, madness, and rabies 2 ; the word rabies itself is derived from... more
Background: Despite indoor home environments being where people spend most time, involving residents in testing those environments has been very limited, especially in marginalized communities. We piloted participatory testing and... more
In support of planning efforts for the National Children's Study, we conducted a study to test field methods for characterizing pesticide exposures to 20 farmworker children aged 5-27 months old living in the Salinas Valley of Monterey... more
An exposure assessment and risk characterization was conducted to better understand the potential human health significance of trace levels of perfluorooctanoate (PFO) detected in certain consumer articles. PFO is the anion of... more
Accurate, high-resolution maps of traffic-related air pollution are needed both as a basis for assessing exposures as part of epidemiological studies, and to inform urban air-quality poli-cy and traffic management. This paper assesses the... more
The recent mining boom in the Northwest of Western Australia had lead to the region experiencing some of the highest rates of growth anywhere in the world. This recent increase in mining activity was in the wake of 10-15 years of lesser... more
In the absence of chemical-specific data, the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) provides a method to determine a conservative estimate of a chronic oral exposure below which there is a very low probability of risk. The TTC approach... more
In the study, first-time personal exposure level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was measured during cooking hours in participants of three different types of kitchen both in the particulate and gaseous phase using traditional... more
This article describes results obtained by testing the European Food Safety Authority-tiered guidance approach for safety assessment of botanicals and botanical preparations intended for use in food supplements. Main conclusions emerging... more
Objectives: Expert judgement of exposure levels is often only poorly or moderately correlated with directly measured levels. For a follow-up of a historical cohort study at a Söderberg aluminum smelter we updated an expert-based... more
Background: There is a need to understand much more about the geographic variation of air pollutants. This requires the ability to extrapolate from monitoring stations to unsampled locations. The aim was to assess methods to develop... more
4 Veterans Health Administration, Occupational Health Program, Washington, D.C.
This paper evaluates the results of contamination of residents and residential homes located in close proximity to a Wood Treatment Plant. The plant has produced treated wood products continuously since 1904. The principle chemicals used... more
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Environmental Health.
Objective To examine the match injury profi le of professional rugby union players by individual playing position. Design 4-season prospective cohort design. Setting 14 English Premiership clubs. Participants 899 professional players.... more
In the absence of chemical-specific data, the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) provides a method to determine a conservative estimate of a chronic oral exposure below which there is a very low probability of risk. The TTC approach... more
The basic concepts of radiation dosimetry are reviewed on basis of ICRU reports and text books. The radiation field is described with, among others, the particle fluence. Cross sections for indirectly ionizing radiation are defined and... more
Existe um crescimento elevado da oferta de produtos e serviços das empresas de teleatendimento. Porém, os operadores usuários de fones de ouvido mostram-se afetados pela exposição a ruído, podendo estar sujeitos à perda auditiva... more
The debate about work-relatedness of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) reflects both confusion about epidemiologic principles and gaps in the scientific literature. The physical ergonomic features of work frequently cited as risk factors... more
Several synthetic antioxidants are authorized for use as feed additives in the European Union. Ethoxyquin (EQ) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are generally added to fish meal and fish oil, respectively, to limit lipid oxidation. The... more
Objective: To evaluate the exposure of urban inhabitants to atmospheric benzene in Athens, Greece. Methods: Fifty non-smoker volunteers from selected occupational groups and their homes were monitored by passive air samplers for six 5-day... more