Fine Arts
Recent papers in Fine Arts
In this innovative and lavishly illustrated study, John Harvey examines the visual expression of religious and spiritual concepts in Nonconformist Wales. He discusses his subject within a broad cultural context which includes fine art,... more
Ever since William Henry Fox Talbot used his plaster replica of the Bust of Patroclus (from 1842) as a model for the photographic invention he was developing, photography has had a long and entwined relationship with sculpture. It was not... more
Rhythm lies in the movement of the universe. Consequently, it lies in the nature of humans. Artists try hard to pick up the different rhythms expressed, as the ancient Egyptian artists felt this hidden pulse of nature and recorded... more
Impreso en España-Unión Europea © de la edición, Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza © de los textos y fotografía, sus autores La Diputación Provincia de Zaragoza no se identifica ni responsabiliza de los juicios ni de las opiniones... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Let us begin at the end-the end of the world as we know it. Or to be more precise, with a vision of that end. In the year 3978 an astronaut who has escaped from his simian captors encounters a familiar structure in an unexpected... more
İnsanın kişiliğini genetik özelliklerine ek olarak doğası, tarihi, kültürü özetle topyekûn çevresinin oluşturduğu/biçimlendirdiği varsayılmaktadır. Bu belirleyici/biçimlendirici etmenler sanatçının sanatçı kişiliğini de belirleyerek... more
Özet: Bu çalışm anın amacı; K üreselleşen dünyada Türk sanatının konumunu değerlendirmek, kültür, gelenek, evrensellik kavram ları ile Türk plastik sanatların konum unu ortaya koymaktır. G ünüm üzde sanatın m erkezi, sadece batı değildir.... more
Bien que représentant un cas particulier, le Livre d'Echantillons Fol Est 489 constitue un bon exemple de la manière dont un recueil à destination d'un homme de l'art était composé au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Éléments pratiques et... more
Jale Erzen is known by the International Association for Aesthetics community mostly as a researcher in aesthetics, art historian and an active member of the com- munity. Very few know that she has another identity: painter. I know her... more
Cultural examinations focusing on the spheres of the Fine Arts and popular media forms – within sociology, gender studies and cultural studies – have primarily focused on how gender roles affect the ability to fully participate in all... more
This research which aims to find out the factors that motivate students with hearing impairment to use PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), a product of mobile technology, in instructional activities, interactions with their peers and... more
This text supplements section 55 of my book The Changing Social Economy of Art, Are the Arts becoming less Exclusive? It is published on THE SERIOUSNESS OF ART BRINGS ALONG INTELLECTUALIZATION, ARTISTIC DISTANCING AND... more
Essay published together with the artist's book presented at his exhibition João Penalva at Trondheim Kunstmuseum in 2014. The text refers to his works Sleeping men (installation, 2014), Museum of Stands, Yuteval (installation, 2012),... more
We understand committing to a full two weeks can be difficult but don't let this stop you, we are happy to work with you so you can participate. Phone 0412 810 745
RESUMEN La relación interna entre filosofía, literatura y arte permite examinar con propiedad qué significan la pluralidad y complejidad en los usos de la razón. Posibilita la aproximación a esos usos y figuras desde un ángulo... more
When Giambattista Tiepolo, in his painting 'Triumph of Zephyr and Flora', gave Zephyr dragonfly-like wings with eyespots, was he inspired by pure imagination or did he have an insect he had previously seen in mind: the rare and... more
7. bis 9. April 2017, Schwabenakademie Irsee, Klosterring 4, 87660 Irsee Die Tagung kann auf der Grundlage der in den letzten Jahren, etwa im Zusammenhang mit diversen Tagungen und Ausstellungen der sogenannten Lutherdekade stehenden... more
Esztétikai gondolkodás a felvilágosodás korában (1650-1800): Az ízlésesztétika paradigmája, Budapest: Gondolat, 2013. 210-258. A 18. század elején történik meg az áttörés a francia kultúrában is. Ekkor lép fel néhány olyan gondolkodó,... more
John Berger writes that ‘The Cubists created a system by which they could reveal visually the interlocking of phenomena’. (Berger, 1965, p.59) It ‘created the possibility in art of revealing processes instead of static states of being’... more
In a place like the Caribbean, we cannot take the agency of portraiture for granted in the aftermath of a much longer history of topographical and anthro-pological representations. .. In the pictorial domain, we are still anthropological,... more
Stampa Pesci Pesce Polpo - colore scuro Xilografia policroma a 40 colori (anno del cinghiale 1995) Tirature: 2 con colori e carte diverse Tecniche impiegate in uso nel periodo EDO in Giappone: Nishiki-E Dipinti broccato, termine con... more
فلسفۀ هنر، ترجمه: نیلوفر آقاابراهیمی، انتشارات تمدن علمی: 1397؛ چاپ دوم: 1398
Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more
This is a book review on ''Miniature Armene /Armenian Miniature Paintings. Introduction by Rev. P. M. Djanashian, Texte is revised, adapted, updated by P. N. Der-Nersessian, San Lazzaro, Venezia, 1990.
This visually appealing resource presents milestones in children’s artistic development in early adolescence using youth-centered behaviors that include: “I am thinking” (cognitive development). “I am growing” (physical development). “I... more
Discovered during a media-archaeological investigation into optical illusions, trick photography and discarded memorabilia, the photo-multigraph technique opened the door to an enchanted world of cloned appearances orbiting in a... more
For many people, travelling, moving and encountering new places is part of living in the modern world. Being on the move has greatly influenced artists for whom travelling has become both a subject and a means of making their work. This... more
A very brief review of what is in store for higher education and what academics can do about it.
South Africa’s educational landscape is scarred with economic and educational inequalities. South African tertiary education today has to deal with a variety of challenges including the lack of funding, both on the student’s side and on... more
Challenges and storytelling are mutually exclusive because challenges are tasks with short breath, perspective and horizons for easy entertainment, while storytelling comes with wide horizons, long breath, holistic vision, deep contents,... more
This article explores the cultural association of modality in relation to Japanese art. It identifies the modality configurations between a set of Superflat images by Takashi Murakami and a set of Edo era images by three seventeenth and... more
When attempting to draw a ball of a specified color either from an urn containing 50 red balls and 50 black balls or from an urn containing an unknown ratio of 100 red and black balls, a majority of decision makers prefer the known-risk... more
The rise of pictograms in the 1960s is usually associated with the Olympic games (Tokyo 1964, Mexico City 1968, München 1972 or world exhibitions (Montréal 1967). It is often suggested that the designers of the symbols for these events,... more
Ricordi, (Recuerdos) es en primer lugar, una investigación que se desarrolla alrededor del deseo personal de hablar de mis inquietudes, basadas en un fuerte sentimiento melancólico y de incertidumbre. Estas inquietudes se fomentan a... more
The article explores the problem of interrelating the conceptual foundations of the semiotic-interactive graphic design environment with the system ‟art – design – engineering”. A model which representing the system and each of the... more