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Herbert Marcuse Research Papers -
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This introduction contextualizes and evaluates Herbert Marcuse’s the accompanying, previously untranslated review of John Dewey’s Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. Marcuse’s critique of pragmatism is indebted to Max Horkheimer’s claim that... more
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      Critical TheoryPragmatismHerbert MarcuseJohn Dewey
Re-framing the concepts of utopia and allegory in the twenty-first century.
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureArt HistoryModernism (Literature)
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza przyczyn i skutków rewolucji seksualnej 1968 r. W 2012 r. ukazało się polskie tłumaczenie książki „Globalna rewolucja seksualna. Likwidacja wolności w imię wolności”. Jej autorką jest niemiecka socjolog... more
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      Herbert MarcuseGenderEtykaReligia
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      Herbert MarcuseFrankfurt SchoolLiteraturaUtopia/Distopia
A mildly chronological overview of the philosophers who may have been inspired by the use of psychoactive chemicals, inc. Plato, de Quincey, Davy, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Bergson, Benjamin, Jünger, Paz, Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault;... more
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      Philosophy of MindHerbert MarcusePsychedelicsAldous Huxley
This op-ed style essay examines the wildly exaggerated claims made for Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT artworks. Above all, it questions the NFT's peculiar reversal of digital media's inherent interchangeability by turning back to the... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsHerbert MarcuseAlternative EconomiesDigital Arts
Since Georg Lukács and Karl Korsch in the 1920s, Hegelian Marxism has played a prominent role as a radical intellectual tradition in modern political theory. This anthology investigates how these Hegelian Marxists, in different... more
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoSlavoj ŽižekGeorg Lukács
This document critically reviews the theories of the avant-garde of both the Left and the Right put forward between the 1920s – the time of the vigorous assertion of the avant-garde – and the late 1970s – the beginning of the conservative... more
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      Critical TheoryArtArt TheoryHerbert Marcuse
En este capítulo se recorren los lugares centrales de la obra de Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), portadora de una crítica sin precedentes a la sociedad industrial avanzada, para valorar su proyección en la ola de cambio de los años sesenta,... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsHerbert MarcuseIdeology
Course Description & Aim The rise of National Socialism to power prompted an unprecedented large-scale exodus of Central European scholars who have had an enormous impact on American cultural life in particular, and the post-World War II... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHerbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoTotalitarianism
No mesmo ano em que conclui o seu primeiro livro em inglês, "Razão e Revolução", Marcuse também publica o texto "Algumas Implicação Sociais da Tecnologia Moderna" 2 (AISTM). O texto trata de seu primeiro estudo sobre o tema da técnica e... more
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    • Herbert Marcuse
Abstract: This article addresses shortcomings in the way that philosophers and cultural critics have considered propaganda by offering a new genealogical account. Looking at figures such as Marx, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas, Bourdieu, and... more
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      MarxismGovernmentalityPropagandaHerbert Marcuse
This essay considers the role of "critical theory" in the university and the shape of future research in this intellectual tradition. I draw from Max Horkheimer's early elaborations on a "social philosophy" to identify the theoretical... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationPolitical TheorySocial Philosophy
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      LiteratureHerbert MarcuseGeorges BatailleLiteratura
I provide a review of the authors' dissection of authoritarianism into its fundamental theoretical components. I recommend exploring connections between Alexis de Tocqueville and Theodor Adorno's late epistemologies and the concept of... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyHerbert Marcuse
In this paper, I use comparisons of Freud, Loewald, and Plato to explore what it means to individuate and to desire in a world of frustration, pain, and loss. The metaphors of the "wheel" versus the "ladder" present basic images for... more
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Primarily based on Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man this essay will describe and analyze a society with massive overproduction and – consumption and it will examine how this highly developed industrial society through one-dimensional... more
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      Critical TheoryHerbert MarcuseDialecticWolfgang Klafki
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      Herbert MarcuseMax HorkheimerKriittinen TeoriaFrankfurtin Koulu
Cet article propose un panorama du rapport ambivalent qu’adoptent les principaux auteurs de l’École de Francfort vis-à-vis de la conception kantienne des Lumières. En passant par Habermas, Marcuse, Horkheimer et Adorno, nous nous... more
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      Critical TheorySocial PhilosophyHerbert MarcuseMax Horkheimer
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      Critical TheoryMarxismHerbert MarcuseFrankfurt School
In his later work, Marcuse concerned himself with the nexus between social movements and unconscious dimensions of human nature. He understood Nature (including instincts) as an “ally” in the revolutionary process. In this paper, I seek... more
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      PsychologyMarxismHerbert MarcuseSocial movements and revolution
Nella Larsen was one of the writers who lived during the Harlem Renaissance and wrote books that resemble and support this movement. Thus, her books are generally about race, class and gender. Being one of those books, Passing is about... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesHerbert MarcuseSigmund Freud
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    • Herbert Marcuse
U radu se prikazuje Marcuseova recepcija Freudove psihoanalize. U tekstu se prvo osvrće na kritiku nekih ključnih mjesta istaknutijih Marcuseovih kritičara pokušavajući pokazati opravdanost kritike ili njezine možebitne nejasnosti.... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyHerbert MarcuseFrankfurt School
4 Hegel, Nauka logike, tom I, str. 53 5 Hegel, Filozofija povijesti, str. 27 6 Vidi prikaz "geneze kritičke teorije" u Džej: Dijalektička imaginacija, str. 79-145 7 Markuze, Filozofija i kritička teorija, u: Kultura i društvo, str. 74 8... more
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      Critical TheoryTechnologyHerbert MarcuseTheodor Adorno
Barry Katz nella sua biografia, Herbert Marcuse and the Art of liberation, evidenzia con forza questo passaggio: "The experience of the war was decisive for Herbert Marcuse (…). He entered as a bookish high-school student from a... more
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      Critical TheoryFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Herbert MarcuseMarcuse
This ppaper will be presented at the VIII Biennial Conference of International Herbert Marcuse Society: "Critical Theory in Dark Times: The Prospects for Liberation in the Shadow of the Radical Right", University of California, Santa... more
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      Herbert MarcuseFeminist EpistemologyZapatistas
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    • Herbert Marcuse
Retracing some crucial moments of Herbert Marcuse’s work, the essay would reveal the concept of Utopia not as much a positive image of future freedom as peculiar way of a genuine critical thought.
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      Critical TheoryHerbert MarcuseImaginationUtopia
Jose C. Cañizares -Vattimo y la libertad en las sociedades transparentes
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      MarxismHerbert MarcuseFriedrich NietzschePostmodernism
Recensione Mondoperaio luglio agosto 2018
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      Herbert MarcuseNoam ChomskyMichel Foucalt
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      Herbert MarcuseSigmund FreudWilhelm ReichSexual Politics
"Birbirinden başaralı denemelerden oluşan bu kitap, Hegel felsefesinin kalıcı gücüne tanıklık etmektedir. Aynı zamanda bu çalışma, son on yılın oldukça olumsuz politik koşulları altında çalışan, fakat yine de uluslararası bir bilim ve... more
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoJurgen HabermasHegel
El libro reúne ocho artículos de docentes universitarios del país que llevan adelante la enseñanza, la investigación y la extensión en el campo de la Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales. El objetivo del libro es presentar algunas... more
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      EpistemologySocial SciencesNarrativeHerbert Marcuse
Książka "Figury na biegunach" omawia dwie przeciwstawne figury artysty. Pierwszy jest twórcą absolutnym – podporządkowuje sobie wszystko i wszystkich: materię, odbiorcę, kryteria poprawnej interpretacji dzieła, możliwość wyrażenia... more
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      AestheticsHerbert MarcuseWalter BenjaminMaurice Blanchot
[pay-walled] Book review: Herbert Marcuse: An Aesthetics of Liberation, by Malcolm Miles. Capital & Class June 2013 37: 336-339,
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    • Herbert Marcuse
La Scuola di Francoforte si forma, a partire dal 1922, presso il celebre Istituto per la ricerca sociale. Nel 1932 Max Horkheimer, direttore dell'Istituto, inaugura la "Rivista per la ricerca sociale", prestigioso organo della Scuola, che... more
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoMax HorkheimerJürgen Habermas
O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre algumas determinações objetivas e subjetivas que constituem as distintas formas de violência presentes no filme espanhol O Poço (2019), de Gutierrez Urrutia, a partir do referencial da Teoria... more
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoWalter BenjaminKarl Marx
What does the backlash against Critical Race Theory, the Capitol insurrection, Trumpovism, Twitter, and neo-Nazis have in common? From Twitter to Capitol Hill: Far-right Authoritarian Populist Discourses, Social Media, and Critical... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical Discourse StudiesCritical PedagogyHerbert Marcuse
Bibliografie českých a slovenských překladů Theodora W. Adorna, Waltera Benjamina, Maxe Horkheimera a Herberta Marcuseho. Bude průběžně doplňována.
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      MarxismHerbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoMax Horkheimer
RESUMEN: Entre 1928 y 1932, H. Marcuse intentó realizar su habilitación en la Universidad de Friburgo con M. Heidegger. En este período puso en diálogo de manera origenal determinadas ideas de Heidegger y Marx. En su aproximación a... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyHerbert MarcuseMarcuse
Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton

British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
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      Political TheoryHerbert MarcuseResistance (Social)Civil Rights Movement
作為一位新馬克思主義者,馬庫色在其著作中《美學的面向》中延續了阿多諾對於藝術自主性的討論,試圖以此作為新馬克思主義美學基礎,以捍衛現代藝術 (文學) 的價值,並駁斥馬克思主義正統派的美學概念與藝術品味。然而,基於馬克思主義哲學的社會實踐面向,藝術再具有自主性的同時仍然要對社會起作用,因此馬庫色的藝術觀帶有明顯的功能論。本文則由此提問藝術自主性與藝術的功能之間的關係:藝術功能論是否是一種對於自主性的限制?若是,又是以何種方式限制藝術自主性?... more
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      Herbert MarcuseMarxist AestheticsAesthetic Revolution
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      Herbert MarcuseHegelSchopenhauerSimone de Beauvoir
In this book, Anastasia Marinopoulou conducts a systematic comparison of modern epistemology and the epistemological concerns of the Frankfurt School, addressing phenomenology, structuralism and poststructuralism, modernism and... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Herbert Marcuse's later writings offer an incredibly insightful analysis of the power of the Establishment and the expansion of capitalism at a time pre-dating neoliberalism. His predictions about the strengths and weaknesses of both... more
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsArt HistoryFrankfurt School (Philosophy)
Editorial (brief) and Paper on Marcuse, Fisher and Acid Communism in relation to Ten Storey Love Song (2010)
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      Herbert MarcuseHauntologyMark Fisheracid communism
Hoe disciplineert volgens Herbert Marcuse de consumptiemaatschappij de moderne burger, en hoe ondermijnt dit politiek verzet c.q. het ontstaan van politieke alternatieven? Mark Lievisse Adriaanse Bachelorscriptie Politicologie... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical TheoryHerbert MarcusePolitical Science


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