History Of London
Recent papers in History Of London
- ENGLISH BELOW - Avec Blow up, Antonioni prolonge sa recherche d’un cinéma atmosphérique : les variations lumineuses et sonores, les effets d’instabilité – des personnages, de la caméra – et de décentrement engendrent des ambiances... more
30 square meters of soil fertilizer: is that our very final destination? Compost – from the Latin com-positus, “to place together” – or decayed organic material, commonly prepared by decomposing plant, food waste, recycling organic... more
The London Basin lacks any high quality building stones, and this has always posed a problem for local builders. From the Roman period, Kentish Ragstone (a Cretaceous sandstone) was imported from the south-east of England for the... more
The impending collapse of Waterloo Bridge (built 1811–1817) in 1923 led to wide-ranging debate among professional and political elites about the need for preserving or replacing the bridge and about London's inadequate river crossings in... more
Nel 1832 il parlamento inglese approva una legge che incentiva la costruzione di cimiteri privati nella periferia di Londra. Tra il 1833 e il 1841 vengono inaugurati sette nuovi campi santi. Questa straordinaria azione di politica... more
London is home to many magnificent and historic buildings. During the nineteenth century it hosted more diplomatic missions than any other capital. One of these was the Ottoman mission. The modernizing Ottoman Empire established its first... more
Hamlet is Shakespeare's most sustained engagement with the place of remembering in English culture. 1 It is not just Hamlet's memories, but specifically the way he describes the process and experience of remembering, that make his remarks... more
This chapter explores the origens and development of Australian public relations practices and practitioners and the nomenclature used to describe them in the period spanning second half of the 19 th century to the start of World War II.... more
The four bronze lions at the base of Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square, London have been a must see for tourists to the capital since they were installed in the late 1860s. Named ‘the Landseer Lions’ after their designer, (Sir Edwin... more
Fire ecology is a field dedicated to studying the roles and impacts of fire on various ecosystems. Wildfires, whether naturally occurring or ignited by human activity, are a driving force in shaping landscapes, influencing species... more
This paper analyzes the ambivalent relationship between Baudelaire and its hometown, source of inspiration for major poems or texts and object of horror and difficulties due to the erratic existence of the author in a city under... more
Bien plus vieux que nos Etats, les centres décisionnels des empires financiers et les bourses ont su se métamorphoser en se portant là où ils avaient décidé d’écrire l’histoire. En se déplaçant de Babylone à la City de Londres, en passant... more
ABSTRACTFollowing the Paris Commune of 1871, around 3,500 Communard refugees and their families arrived in Britain, with the majority settling in the capital. This article is an exploration of these exiled Communards within the geography... more
Culture is a vital influencer in fashion. In retrospect, the sociocultural shifts have explicated that native clothing lost its encounter to zeitgeists. Industrialisation and digital exposure made the fashion industry trend-driven towards... more
Historians generally attribute the title of first municipal proto-zoning ordinance in the United States to a restriction on the locations of Chinese Laundries from Modesto, California, in 1885. Yet, a similar location restriction on... more
- by Paul Stangl
The expression Post tenebras lux is emblazoned on the main building of the University of Geneva in which the symposium took place that laid the groundwork for this volume. This Latin phrase translates as «Light after darkness». It stems... more
D. Carlos de Simón Pontero planteó un proyecto de navegación de los ríos Tajo, Guadiela, Manzanares y Jarama entre 1753 y 1757. Para llevar a cabo la navegación fluvial que había de abastecer a la Corte, eligió la figura de la Compañía... more
Writing in Urban History in the spring of 1991, Peter Borsay considered how the gap between the ‘popular presentations of the urban past’ produced by the growing heritage industry and ‘the booming academic study of urban history’ might be... more
The aim of this study is to estimate the minimum prevalence of intestinal parasites in the population of Roman London through analysis of pelvic sediment from 29 third-to fourthcentury burials from the 1989 excavations of the western... more
Examination of trans writer Mary Diana Dods (1790-1830) vis-a-vis their Biblical retellings
Efforts to settle British ex-servicemen in Canada prior to 1914formed a significant precedent for the large-scale, state-supported empire soldier settlement schemes after World War I. Initially designed to bolster colonial defence and... more
This piece foregrounds the critical role of historical knowledge in animating and determining contemporary strategies to resist institutional racism and militarised policing. Modern (neo)liberal myths about the post-racial and non-martial... more
This project explores how London’s varied football spaces may empower communities to forge a sense of “home” in the city. It investigates the specific ways in which this sense of “home” may manifest across different football spaces and... more
The "Look First" feature is pre-eminently visual, encouraging viewers to engage with art objects in new ways through BAS's digital platform. "Looking for the Longitude" will be published as a sequence over 12 days to coincide with the... more
In 1992 Chicago will be the site of a centennial celebration of America\u27s discovery. As in 1892, Chicago will host a World\u27s Columbian Exposition dedicated to the theme of discovery
En 1884 la casa comercial y de banca Batlle Hermanos y Compañía decía contar con corresponsales en 329 plazas para girar letras sobre España. Se domicilia en calle Real nº 37, Manila, Filipinas. También operaba en la Corte. En Cavite,... more
Despite their potential, nursery stock catalogs have been overlooked in previous ethnobotanical studies. Here, this gap is addressed by surveying nursery-based plant knowledge cultivated within the historic British Loddiges nursery... more
This paper describes features of secular buildings, mostly houses, shops, and warehouses, standing in the City of London in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; buildings in some cases constructed after the Great Fire of... more
This paper describes features of secular buildings, mostly houses, shops, and warehouses, standing in the City of London in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; buildings in some cases constructed after the Great Fire of... more
When it comes to luxury menswear, few brands can match the prestige and quality of Kiton and Cesare Attolini. These Italian powerhouses have been crafting some of the world's finest suits for decades, earning a reputation for... more
The complex microcosm of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that live on and within the human body is known as our microbiome. As part of that microbiome, we will discuss the evidence for parasites in crusaders who travelled to the... more
Many of the older gardens characteristic of the Jacobean Court lapsed into decay following sequestration by Parliament. It would not have been possible for the state of gardening to continue at the restoration of Charles II from where it... more
There are traditions in the writing of history. The examination of the works of aestheticians and poets has been a strong theme in garden history since the 1920s, but the parallel tradition of writing from the viewpoint of the gardener... more
La ciudad de Buenos Aires se modifi có cualitativa y cuantitativamente desde mediados del siglo XIX debido al ingreso de inmigrantes expulsados por la transformación económica europea. Estos hombres y mujeres, para poder incorporarse y... more
An introduction to the mint of London in the later Roman empire