Human Sexuality
Recent papers in Human Sexuality
Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos sobre sexualidad humana que tienen los estudiantes del sexto año de medicina en dos universidades de la ciudad de Chiclayo en el año 2015. Material y Método; Estudio observacional, prospectivo,... more
Infantylizm parafiliczny należy do parafilii (zaburzeń preferencji seksualnych). Jednostka doświadcza pobudzenia seksualnego w wyniku obserwacji lub wykonywania czynności z okresu dzieciństwa odgrywanych przez dorosłe osoby, lub poprzez... more
Distress about a sexual problem is a necessary part of diagnosing female sexual dysfunction. It is an important way to distinguish between a sexual problem and normal sexual variation and has implications for treatment seeking, motivation... more
Parafilie wiążą się z podnieceniem seksualnym wywołanym u jednostki w przypadku wystąpienia określonych obiektów lub sytuacji, które nie są przedmiotem normatywnej stymulacji seksualnej. Ostatnie wydanie klasyfikacji zaburzeń... more
""Breaking new ground in the understanding of sexuality's complex relationship to colonialism, When Sex Threatened the State illuminates the attempts at regulating prostitution in colonial Nigeria. As Saheed Aderinto shows, British... more
In 1966, before breast implants were widely available or popular, Jack Feather patented a "spring type breast developer." He made millions of dollars promising women that they could change their bodies and increase their sex appeal.
This article explores a holistic vision of human sexuality by contrasting it to the prevailing trend of “cognicentrism” in sexological studies. To this end the authors propose that a novel understanding of sexuality as a creative force of... more
This work critically analyses Plato's views on human sexuality as expressed in his dialogues, especially the 'Symposium', 'Republic' and 'Laws'. 'Eros' is the love of the good and the beautiful, and homosexuality and heterosexuality are... more
Badania nad seksualnością człowieka przez ostatnie dziesięciolecia koncentrują się na patologicznej sferze tych zachowań. Jednym z nowszych podejść, które znajduje zastosowanie w badaniu nad seksualnością człowieka jest psychologia... more
Manual del sexo escrito por Koka Pundit en el siglos XI ó XII por encargo de un rey llamado Venudutta. El Ratirahsya explora todas las cuestiones sexuales y la mejor manera de potenciarlas y llevarlas a cabo, además de proporcionar... more
Objective A study was carried out to determine the variables presented in given categories of pornographic material. The reason for the analysis was an attempt to determine the most important objects for given types of pornographic... more
The book Sex at Dawn was published in 2010 and quickly became a best-seller, receiving kudos from well-known personages such as sex advice columnist Dan Savage, and primatologist Frans de Waal (Savage calling it the -most important book... more
"Introduction. Traditionally, sexual desire is understood to occur spontaneously, but more recent models propose that desire responds to sexual stimuli. Aims. To experimentally assess whether sexual stimuli increased sexual desire; to... more
In the past decade, HCI has become increasingly preoccupied with the deeply subjective qualities of interaction: experience, embodiment, pleasure, intimacy, and so on, an agenda sometimes grouped under the heading of "thirdwave HCI."... more
A description of an educational approach towards dealing with nocturnal emission, essentially predicated on a philosophy of ignoring the matter and focusing on other issues.
The teachings about homosexuality in various religions differ, so they cannot specify therapeutic goals regarding sexual orientation. The psychological consensus-opinion emerges as a valid alternative-if it is recognized as spiritual.... more
Badania empiryczne dotyczące transseksualizmu w Polsce i na świecie należą do rzadkości. Szczególnie zaznacza się brak danych naukowych o charakterystykach psychologicznych, które powinny zostać zbadane również w kontekście stresu... more
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students’ sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in... more
Analyzed features of modern youth attitudes about sexuality, their psychological roots. Considered the basic factors of sexual attitudes. Marked changes that have occurred in relation to sexuality. Keywords: sexuality, attitude,... more
VINTO, COCHABAMBA JUNIO 2011 INTRODUCCIÓN Analizando el tema asignado, buscamos demostrar la sexualidad que es un don Dios dado al ser humano tanto para relacionamiento marital de una manera normal, cuanto para procreación de la raza... more
human sexuality revolves around expressing the interrelationship of people’s biological, psychological and social-cultural characteristics. To bring a deep and diverse definition of human sexuality, three different dimensions of human... more
Transgendered and transexual individuals greatly disturb most God-fearing Christians, who believe that everything other than 'conventional' marital sex is a mortal sin. The ancient Hawaiians were not as tightly strung, in their graceful... more
Opisano szczegółowo kilka rodzajów parafilii, które są znane opinii publicznej. Zainteresowanie badaniem seksualności człowieka skutkuje odkrywaniem nowych rodzajów parafilii. Wiele nowoopisanych rodzajów parafilii nie posiada znacznego... more
Sexuality is an important area of clients’ lives yet it is often neglected, both in the consulting room and in training. This book examines issues of sexuality in a positive and affirming light and considers how sexuality-related issues... more
The commemoration of 500 th year of protestant reformation in the year 2017 is not only a call of mere remembrance of the event of reformation but a call to participate in the process of reformation of church embracing our own grassroots,... more
Ignorance of one's sexuality is dangerous to any society. Sex has being a very interest topic since the creation of mankind. We are all by-products of this very important creation of God. Speaking about it, helps us understand the... more
The literature on pubic hair removal (PHR) practices primarily focuses on women in Western societies and attributes recent increases in PHR to product marketing, pornography, and pop culture. Here, we explore PHR and retention practices... more
Race, Class, and Gender is an interdisciplinary course that touches on the fields of sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, science, literature, media, and art to introduce students to the study of identity in American society.... more
This is a story of eugenics – how pornographers (and their close kin, promotors and marketers) exploited the topic in the 1930s, and how in the process they undermined the puritanical authority of both America’s moral censors and its... more
Italo Calvino, il famoso scrittore sanremese, cresciuto nel nord d'Italia lontano dai volcani del sud, è spesso avvicinato simbolicamente più al frigorifero che non alla caldaia. I suoi racconti e romanzi sono definiti come asessuali,... more
Prior research has documented shifts in sexual orientation identity, attractions, and partnering behavior over time and social context, commonly referred to as sexual fluidity (Diamond, 2008). Social contextual factors may include... more
This is a chapter from the 2014 book, dedicated to the evolutionary interaction between humans and predators. Chapter discusses social importance of sex in animal kingdom and ancient and contemporary human societies.