Viking Age Archaeology
Recent papers in Viking Age Archaeology
risch nicht überlieferte Differenzierungen zwischen ihnen herausgearbeitet und eine klarere Datierung gewonnen werden. Die Untersuchung dieser Burganlagen erweist sich insbesondere deshalb als wichtig, um die in den historischen Quellen... more
introduction When the existence of different socio-political areas and regional identities in the Baltic Sea region is discussed, one should remember that people did not live their lives in isolation. People, then as now, had social... more
Viking Age textiles with interwoven gold threads are rare in Scandinavia. Two such textiles were found in a Viking ship grave at Gokstad in Norway. Apart from brief overviews, the materials, techniques and find context of these textiles... more
Analysis of the textile fragments found in grave ACQ at Køstrup, Funen in Denmark, with a proposal of a possible reconstruction of the apron dress (smokkr) and decoration.
The Drakkar was the Viking war ship, the Dromon that of the Byzantine world. The Vikings and Byzantines collided, cooperated, fought for and against each other. Since the Dromon (and other galleys in the Med) was rowed standing up,... more
Since the early days of archaeology, Viking-Age burials and burial customs have attracted much attention. Evocative tales of warriors and their deeds preserved in Old Norse poetry and sagas, and recorded in the historical chronicles of... more
The paper compares and contrasts Kaupang and Dublin as two early Viking Age towns. While the importance of Kaupang as a permanent settlement and active trading partner throughout the Scandinavian trade network has only just begun to be... more
Extensive supplementary information about archaeological contexts of all sampled individuals, plus procedures, data quality assessments etc
In 2017 a throne-amulet made from bone, once retrieved from the diggings of harbour excavation 1979/80 in Hedeby, was committed to the Wikinger Museum Haithabu. It constitutes the second specimen known from the site and fits well into the... more
Late Iron Age boat rituals and ritual boats The most famous ship burials in Norway are found at Oseberg and Gokstad. Beside the magnificent ships, the rich grave goods of all kinds have made these burials important sources to increase... more
The political structure of Scandinavian society underwent radical change between AD 500 and 1350. Through analyses of c. 170,000 sites of single graves and cemeteries, 1,700 hillforts, and 130 royal sites and manors, this article... more
This thesis focuses on the concept of female warriors during the Viking age. I list seven cases from different parts of the Norse world where women have been buried with weapons and compare these archaeological sources with written... more
Eski İskandinav belgeleri Türkler ile İskandinav toplumlarının benzerliklerini gün yüzüne çıkarır. Bu belgeler oldukça önemli etnik ve kültürel öğeleri içinde barındırır. Ayrıca dil olarak birbirine benzeşmede görülür. Sonuçta coğrafya... more
The Bodleian Libraries’ c. 1400 manuscript, MS Douce 390, is comprised of folios containing artistic renderings and portolan charts. Folio 8r illustrates the Atlantic Ocean west of the Portugal and Spain. The cartographer/illustrator... more
Our aim with this paper was to discuss two possible Viking Age and Early medieval wooden hall buildings from Viklem at Ørlandet in relation to the Scandinavian Viking Age halls. To do this we analysed the buildings from Viklem to see to... more
is putting the spot on the among Viking-Age artefacts collectors ever thrilling, amusing and tantalizing question when shown an artefact they cannot address: 'Is It Real ?'
Universitetet i Oslo gjennomfører for tiden nye utgravninger på Kaupang, og mye ny informasjon om denne tidligurbane bosetningen fra den sene 700-tallet og 800tallet vil bli tilgjengelig i årene som kommer.' Kaupang står helt sentralt i... more
Lenore Fischer worked as research assistant on the creation of these resources for schools. They are available for downloading at
Populär artikel om tolkningen av inskriften på Rökstenen (Ög 136) i Östergötland.
This paper was presented as a public lecture in October 2019 and formed the basis for an article in the church's local parish magazine as well as a copy kept in the church for visitors to engage with.
N. V. Lopatin Walls and towers of ancient Izborsk. Izborsk is one of the most beautiful places of Northwest Russia. The main attraction of Izborsk is the fortress of the 14th–15th centuries, well preserved to our days. However, there is... more
This small (4.72” diameter) map is part of the combined Ptolemaic system planisphere illustrated on the frontispiece of the 16th century MS. Ashmole 1789 manuscript, a holding of the Bodleian Libraries. This manuscript, commonly... more
Scandinavian women are regularly depicted as warriors, or shieldmaidens, fighting both in international raids and in defending their homes in the popular television series Vikings. But is this portrayal likely to be accurate? Following an... more
First promotional coloring page for the upcoming Viking Coloring Book.
An international conference bringing together geneticists, historians and archaeologists for an open exchange about the possibilities, limitations and risks of the emerging new discipline "Genetic History" (the use of DNA as a historical... more
A tapeçaria no mundo medieval, consistiu em um dos mais importantes elementos de registros históricos das sociedades daquele período, muitas continham eventos marcantes, celebrações e até mesmo de cunho religioso, na Escandinávia naquele... more
This article deals with the inscription on a rune-stone fragment discovered in 1985 at Igelsta in Östertälje parish in Södermanland, which according to the author commemorates a man named Øygrīmʀ. This name is very rare and is previously... more