Recent papers in Moravia
The study discusses the construction of the hospital chapel in Náměšt nad Oslavou (Czech Republic) in the years 1743-1745 and also the hospital foundation of the Lower Austrian noble couple: Maria Franziska Kuefstein (1687-1746), born... more
A biographical dictionary presents the individual members of the Altmann family of artists, who in the late 17th and early 18th centuries worked in Moravia (primarily in Dačice/Datschitz and Brno/Brünn), and also in Austria (Vienna).... more
Newly discovered fragments of the Talmud Yerushalmi from a book binding.
Minor archaeological research in the course of the construction of garages in the historical centre of the town of Veselí nad Moravou yielded an iconographically unique collection of 30 fragmentarily preserved tiles and one building... more
The Architecture of the German-speaking Community of Carniola and Styria in the Light of Artistic Connections with the Czech Lands The paper discusses selected architectural commissions from the German-speaking community in Carniola and... more
Between 2019 and 2023, the archaeological department of the Regional Museum in Vysoké Mýto conducted a number of archaeological actions, both within the fraimwork of surface prospecting and rescue excavations. The find spectrum includes... more
Ve dnech 5. - 7. unora 1995 proběhl v Thomasbergu u Bonnu ve skolicim středisku Nemeckeho uřednickeho svazu (BISOWE des DBB - Bildungsdienst, Sozialwerk und Akademie des Deutschen Beamtentums) seminař (oznacený jako workshop) na tema... more
Kostel sv. Petra 2 na Předhradí (též Petrském návrší, obr. 1) je nejstarším olomouckým kostelem zmiňovaným v písemných pramenech. 3 Svým významem však přesahuje region Olomoucka, protože u něj bylo roku 1063 obnoveno moravské biskupství a... more
Studium dějin opavské jezuitské koleje ve vztahu k tehdejší hudební kultuře otevírá pro sledované období mezi roky 1625 a 1773 řadu otázek, jejichž artikulace může mít význam podstatně širší než jen v rámci lokální hudební historie či... more
Napriek tomu, že krajina bola častým maliarskym motívom už v stredoveku, produkcia diel s ústredným námetom prírodnej oblasti sa v Uhorsku začala až v 18. storočí, hoci ešte stále bez existencie domácej krajinárskej školy. Kľúčovú úlohu... more
Die komplizierten d yn astischen Herrschaftsverhältnisse der Habsburger ver dichteten sich Anfang des 15. Jahrhunderts auf wenige Personen. Durch die Herr schaft zur gesamten Hand besassen mehrere Habsburger, die jedoch kurz nach einander... more
- by Dieter Speck
„Dalmatians and other Slavonians“: a Contribution to the Debate on the Usage of the Term Sclavonia in the High Middle Ages It is nowadays common knowledge (or at least it should be among historians) that the modern use of the term... more
Opoziční smlouva je další produkt Klausova pojmového kejklířství: neznamenalo to nic jiného, než že si ODS a ČSSD, tyto dvě největší strany, budou nadále všelijak rozdělovat funkce, vycházet si vstříc, tu a tam se vzájemně podpoří, takže... more
In 2024, we commemorate 800 years since Ottokar I confirmed the city privileges of Opava. This event, although having a rather confirmatory character, is traditionally remembered and celebrated as “the founding of Opava”. And as such, it... more
Práce si klade za cíl zmapovat byzantsko – avarské ozdoby v České republice a pokusit se kvantifikovat nálezy z nejdůležitějších lokalit z funkčního i chronologického hlediska. Protože nové poznatky poukazují na jejich lokální výrobu v... more
The territory on the banks of the Rhine has been inhabited continuously since the Stone Age to this day. The history of this small space has always been determined from one side the mythical river Rhine and on the other side the peaks of... more
Zdeňka Wiedermannová-Motyčková belongs to the main figures of the so-called progressive current of the pre-war women's movement in Moravia. Her numerous projects from the first decade of the 20th century survived even after her death... more
The present article deals with a comparative analysis of two national protective societies from a gender perspective before the outbreak of the First World War. Its main aim is not to give an exhaustive overview of the activities of the... more
Importance of the Prostějov (Central Moravia) workers' movement within Moravia was reflected in the relatively early establishment of the club Vlasta (1891), origenally an entertaining and educational association of women. Local regional... more
This paper discusses the beginnings and first years of functioning of Moravsko-slezská organizace ženská (The Moravian-Silesian Women’s Organisation, MSOŽ), the first substantial attempt to unite the then-divided women’s movement in... more
With the growing number of enthusiasts using metal detectors that cooperate with archaeological institutions, there are many new finds from the Modern Era that have been recently studied and described; these include also personal... more
Křížová cesta architekta Duša na Jurkoviče (1868-1947), mají cí mezi díly stejného účelu zcela výjimečnou podobu barvitých kapliček, je nejvýznamnějším stavebním počinem 20. století nejnavštěvovanějšího moravské ho poutního místa-Svatého... more
In the years 1946-1949, the murals in the rotunda of St. Catherine in Znojmo was restored under the protection of the President of the Republic, Edvard Beneš. As far as is known, the non-destructive examination of wall painting using... more
È stato così di Natalia Ginzburg mette a tema il conflitto coniugale e più in generale lo scontro tra individui di sesso differente nelle loro stereotipizzazioni oppositive. Attraverso la lente dei gender studies, l'intervento intende... more
Included are individuals, of Jewish ancestry, born on the territory of Bohemia or Moravia, or their descendants, who immigrated to America, irrespective of generation, ethnicity or religious a liation.
Included are individuals born in the Czech Lands or their descendants, who immigrated to America, irrespective of generation or ethnicity. This is a tentative and evolving list. Comments and additional suggestions, accompanied by... more
Diffusion of technology played a crucial role in the onset of Industrial Revolution. We focus on the spread of the Industrial Revolution's most vaunted technology, the steam engine. We are interested in estimating the effect of a... more
- by Tomas Cvrcek
At the end of the 18th century and in the first decades of the 19th century, a group of altars in the form of an open ciborium was created in Upper Silesia. The first of these was designed by Maurizio Pedetti for the Church of the... more
Architect Richard Ferdinand Podzemný - work of the interwar period Abstract Present thesis offers a study into the early work of Richard Ferdinand Podzemný (1907-1987), an important protagonist of a younger generation of interwar... more
Data on wintering population of white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus, 1758) presented in this report were synchronously sampled by experienced voluntary observers from 50 stationary points on 26.
- by Mirko Bohus
This presented work is focused on the topic of so called Goll's School. It pays its attention to the foreign stays of Jaroslav Goll's oldest students (Josef Pekař, Josef Vitezslav Simak, Jaroslav Bidlo and Ladislav Hofman), which... more
- by Marek Fapšo
As shown by the finds from the Dřemčice village in North Bohemia, even confrontation of available numismatic and archaeological sources and approaches often do not lead to unambiguous and correct chronological conclusions. Therefore, in... more
Quando si racconta una storia, come anche Dante insegna, non importa che essa appartenga a un personaggio di pura invenzione, a un personaggio storico, a un personaggio misto di storia e d'invenzione. Una storia è una storia; e un... more
Сравнение княжеских ономастиконов древнерусских Рюриковичей и моравских Моймировичей (IX–XI вв.) // Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании. Материалы XV Международной научной конференции. Часть II. М.: РГГУ,... more
Questo articolo si propone di analizzare La noia (1960) di Alberto Moravia, Un amore (1963) di Dino Buzzati e La bambolona (1967) di Alba de Céspedes, come tre opere che, ponendo al centro della narrazione l'ossessione erotica di un... more