Recent papers in Napster
Este artículo aborda el desarrollo de la industria discográfica digital en lo referente a Napster y iTunes, dos plataformas que cambiaron para siempre la forma de distribución de contenidos fonográficos.
La presente tesina en formato de ensayo tendrá como objeto de estudio el proceso de convergencia en la industria fonográfica y la entrada del actor Spotify en la Argentina, con el foco puesto en la sustentabilidad de la actividad musical... more
Online music distribution has been changing since Napster first appeared in 1999, and it certainly caused several impacts on musical production, distribution, consumption and sharing dynamics, particularly among those subcultures that are... more
Este artículo describe el impacto que la tecnología digital tuvo en la industria discográfica internacional desde me- diados de los años noventa hasta el presente. De manera que en este trabajo se abordan los cambios en las formas de... more
"Bu makale; BigChampagne ve onun Napster'la ilişkisini vaka incelemesi olarak kullanıp dosya paylaşım yazılımının görünüşü, yapısı ve işlevinin ekonomik bir tehdit olarak topluluğun metaya dönüşmesine nasıl yardım ettiğini ve korsanlığın... more
2014 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the release of the peer-to-peer application Napster. Developed by a student, Shawn Fanning, with the help of his friend Shawn Parker and uncle John Fanning, Napster established music downloading as... more
As the ball dropped on 1999, is it any wonder that No Doubt played, “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” by R.E.M. live on MTV? Any discussion of the Nineties—and its pinnacle moment, Y2K—requires a discussion of both the cover and... more
Online music distribution has been changing since Napster first appeared in 1999, and it certainly caused several impacts on musical production, distribution, consumption and sharing dynamics, particularly among those subcultures that are... more
This article proposes a series of copyright reforms to pave the way for digital library projects like Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive, and Google Print, which promise to make much of the world's knowledge easily searchable and... more
EJ746605 - File Sharing, Napster, and Institutional Responses: Educative, Developmental, or Responsive Policy?.
The growing pains of the internet and information technology are the focus of two documentaries at this year's SXSW: TPB-AFK (The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard), and Downloaded. Their legal battles have forced society at large to... more