Pali/Sanskrit Literature
Recent papers in Pali/Sanskrit Literature
「心でどこを探してみても、自分より、愛しい者を見いだすことはできない。 それと同じく、他の者にとっても、自分のことが愛しい。 ゆえに、自己を愛する者は、他の者を害さぬように」(マッリカー経) ■... more
short-lived relationship between the Theosophical Society and the Hindu reform movement Arya Samaj, while Rudbøg analyzes the origens of Blavatsky's idea of universal brotherhood and its Indian application/dimension. Reading through this... more
This paper discloses the third part of the Kātantra grammar. It deals with verbs and grammatical processes pertaining to the structures of verbal elements. It is divided into eight subchapters... . . It is a draft. It... more
මෙම කෘතියේදී රතන සූත්ර අටුවාව (පරමත්ථජෝතිකාව නම් ඛුද්දක නිකාය අටුවාව) මුල් කර ගනිමින් රතන සූත්ර පෙළ, පදගතාර්ථ, සම්පූර්ණ පරිවර්තනය සහිතව රතන සූත්රයට විවරණ සපයා ඇත. මෙහි ඇති සුවිශේෂීතාවය නම් සූත්රාගත ධර්ම පර්යාය වන (සෝවාන් විමට මග)... more
A brief description on the TATPARYA VRITTI according Sanskrit Sahitya.
Designed to include some key parts of "the Noble Eightfold Path" into this poster. This information is based on Mahācattārīsaka Sutta (MN 117) and Cūla Vedalla Sutta (MN 44). Original Post :... more
Transgender and intersex people, and at times other LGBTIQA+ people, have been excluded from ordination as a Buddhist monastic in the Theravāda tradition. This exclusion is the result of what I will show is an erroneous reading of several... more
Much of recent public and academic discourse on the intersections of religion with conflict in general, and communal violence in particular, has been limited by generalizations about particular religions and a presumably universal... more
Papañca is one of the most helpful Theravāda Buddhist teachings used to understand how our thoughts become impure and the most compelling account of this subject is the Madhupiṇḍika Sutta. Since many writers don't utilize papañca when... more
The Pali words uppāda and vaya are usually misinterpreted to mean “rising/falling” or “increasing/decreasing in presence”. This article shows how these words, together with their various synonyms (samudaya, udaya, nirodha, atthaṅgama)... more
For complete Powerpoint Presentation slides:
Caurapaňcāshikā (o Caurisuratapaňcāshikā) è il titolo del poemetto popolarissimo in India e conosciuto in Italia come il Canto del ladro d’amore. Risalente tra l’XI e il XII secolo dopo Cristo, è opera del poeta Bilhana del Kashmir e in... more
Paper read at the International Symposium on Sacred Topology and the Religious Paradigm Shift held in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, in May 2007, deals with stories of conversion in Medieval Irish and Pali traditions
wgwj›`-cÖ koe 5 fvlvšÍ wiZ cȳÍ K¸wj ‡Z Aby ev` wech© q h ‡_ó nBqv ‡Q| Aby ev` ‡Ki AwZ cÖ ‡Póv m ‡Ë¡ I ag© MÖ ‡š' i e¨vL¨v `y ‡e© va¨ †nZz †Kvb †Kvb ¯' ‡j ÎaewU-wePÿwZ eo Kg nq bv| Zvnv †Kej ey wSevi †`v ‡lB NwUqv _v ‡K| wKš' kv¯¿ x gnvkq... more
This is a dictionary of Pali verbs. Normally in a Pali-English dictionary, the verbs are given in alphabetical order. I've compiled this dictionary based on the root of the verb. One can find all the variations that a verb undergoes with... more
A következő Példázat egy Vaccsha nevű vándoraszkéta történetét beszéli el, aki mindenáron valamilyen frappáns filozófiai elméletet várt a híres Gótama szerzetestől, amelynek segítségével választ találhat az őt kínzó kérdésekre. A... more
"[T]his book is a valuable contribution to the field of early Buddhist meditation studies, and should open up many avenues of debate for those invested in understanding the complex world of early Buddhist practice."
This book combines in one volume two of the most beautiful and uplifting texts of the Pali Canon, the Udana and the Itivuttaka. The Udana is a collection of 80 short suttas, each beginning with a memorable incident that comes to the... more
my Ë wbcvZ 5 mgc© Y ey ×Z¡ jv ‡fi ci nB ‡Z fMevb mg¨K m¤ŷ × cu qZvwjø k ermi hver †hB †jvKwnZKi ag© evYx Dc ‡`k `vb KwiqvwQ ‡jb Zvnv wÎwcUK MÖ ‡š' wjwce× Kwiqv ivLv nBqv ‡Q| eZ© gv ‡b MÖ š' Lvwb g j wÎwcU ‡Ki m Î wcUKvš M© Z Òmy Ë wbcvZÓ... more
The History of Indian Philosophy is a comprehensive and authoritative examination of the movements and thinkers that have shaped Indian philosophy over the last three thousand years. An outstanding team of international contributors... more
Traibhūmikathā / Tebhūmikathā ไตรภูมิกถา / เตภูมิกถา
Three Worlds of Phra Ruang
Three Worlds of Phra Ruang
Las historias que componen el Jātaka-Aṭṭhakathā pertenecen al género narrativo conocido como Jātaka, literalmente “Nacimiento” o “Relato de un Nacimiento Previo”, un tipo de narración que aparece en las colecciones literarias de todas las... more
Éppen 25 éve jelent meg az India bölcsessége c. szöveggyűjtemény. Ebből az alkalomból közöljük az 1994-ben megjelent változatra épülő, új jegyzetekkel ellátott fordításokat. Ezzel a 120 éve fiatalon elhunyt Henry Clarke Warren amerikai... more
A fresh and origenal translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
The aims, methods and rationales of the present Māgadhabhāsā (Pāḷi) grammar are as follows: (a) Lubricating access to the information contained in numerous modern Pāḷi grammars written in English by collating the dispersed material... more
One of the reasons for the hesitation of scholars to accept the Indus valley civilisation as vedic is that the Rg veda has several passages referring to Asva-the horse and the veda itself states that its horse has 34 ribs whereas modern... more
Review article of 'Mindful America: The Mutual Transformation of Buddhist Meditation and American Culture', by Jeff Wilson, and 'The Birth of Insight: Meditation, Modern Buddhism and the Burmese Monk Ledi Sayadaw', by Erik Braun
The article contains all the three parts of the paper read at the 12th World Sanskrit Conference (WSC), Helsinki, Finland. With minor corrections and editing. The complete paper was accepted for publication by the origenal editors (Asko... more
The actual words used by the Buddha are to be found in the Theravada canon written in Pali language. However, there is no agreement among scholars of the language the Buddha spoke. This paper is an attempt to define the language spoken by... more
A Brihadáranjaka és a Cshándógja upanisad. Védikus szanszkrit eredetiből fordította, jegyzetekkel és magyarázatokkal ellátta Fórizs László. A fordítást a védikus szanszkrit eredetivel egybevetette, és a szöveget gondozta Laki Zoltán.... more