Patronage and collecting
Recent papers in Patronage and collecting
La quarta esposizione del ciclo “Brera mai vista” (Milano, Pinacoteca di Brera, sala XXXIV, ottobre - dicembre 2002) ha presentato alcuni dei 61 bellissimi studi ad olio su carta del pittore milanese Francesco Londonio, entrati a far... more
AVVERTENZA: Sulla base della normativa in materia di diritti d’autore, oltre che di una norma etica fondamentale, non è concesso utilizzare questo testo illustrato in qualsiasi forma – copia, citazione, riassunto etc. – senza menzionare... more
in «Notizie di pittura raccolte dal Padre Resta». Il carteggio con Giuseppe Ghezzi e altri corrispondenti, a cura di Maria Rosa Pizzoni, Roma, UniversItalia, 2018, pp. 107-128. - Su padre Sebastiano Resta e Leonardo da Vinci si veda... more
Foto: Berlinde de Bruyckere klassanalysen bort. Där har brandts profana humanism ting gemensamt med den kakonstens visuella kamp om på väggarna intill. Berlinde innerligt och sakralt erade manslik (2010) hamnar i fel hörn och lägger sig i... more
Edith Gregor Halpert (1900–70) and her Downtown Gallery are best known for introducing Jacob Lawrence and his now iconic Migration Series (1941) to a crossover audience. Lawrence and his aesthetics appealed intensely to Halpert because,... more
S tudies of sienese patronage during the first half of the fifteenth century generally revolve around institutions rather than private patrons. Usually, this lacuna is justified by the claim that in a strictly Republican regime no citizen... more
NB: Full paper available at Researchgate
Published paper from the Società Italiana delle Storiche inaugural international conference, Dipartmento di Discipline Storiche, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Rimini 8-10 June, 1995.
Published paper from the Società Italiana delle Storiche inaugural international conference, Dipartmento di Discipline Storiche, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Rimini 8-10 June, 1995.
The thesis presents an interdisciplinary research on the corporate instrumentalization of art, as well as on the formation of art historical narratives regarding art in corporate context. The first chapter gives an overview of the history... more
Original English version of an essay about the Jorge M. Pérez collection of contemporary art for a catalogue of the collection.
Die Leidenschaft und der Sozialcharakter des Sammlers sind, um es mit Walter Benjamin zu sagen, nicht mehr diejenigen des Kindes. Das bürgerliche Stadthaus als Ort “fremder”, durch Erwerb und Auswahl angeeigneter Kunstobjekte bietet eine... more
Guglielmo Achille Cavellini (Brescia 1914 - 1990) costituì una delle più importanti collezioni italiane d'arte contemporanea; continuamente aggiornata ad iniziare dagli anni Cinquanta, dalle tendenze astratte europee fino alla New York... more
This paper explores First Lady and Art Patron Jacqueline Kennedy's historic and scholarly restoration of the White House – an act that is considered her greatest legacy during her husband's short-lived presidency. Mrs. Kennedy's... more
From the book "Rome through my eyes" by Claudia Viggiani (Palombi editore, Roma)
[SLO] Zaključna seminarska naloga se ukvarja z motivom Poslednje sodbe v staronizozemskem slikarstvu, osredotoča pa se na naročnike in najrazličnejše povode, ki so botrovali njihovi izbiri umetnikov in ikonografskega programa. Motiv... more
Here more Chapters from "The Art Fair Age"
Chapter 4: On collecting and collector´s motivations
Chapter 5: On branding and a model for an art portfolio and a set of diversification categories
Chapter 4: On collecting and collector´s motivations
Chapter 5: On branding and a model for an art portfolio and a set of diversification categories
This article examines the Domine, Quo Vadis? painting by Annibale Carracci (1560–1609) that hangs in the National Gallery, London. Painted between 1601–1602, the panel depicts the apocryphal encounter between Christ and St Peter on the... more
accompanying catalogue (Jordan 1985), the first study of Spanish still life in English, incorporated new archival research that challenged previous assumptions of humbleness and asceticism, placing Spanish still life in the context of the... more
Catalogue entry for: Un Allemand à la cour de Louis XIV De Dürer à Van Dyck, la collection nordique d’Everhard Jabach, cat. exp. Paris (Musée du Louvre) du 20 Juin 2013 au 16 Septembre 2013, cat. 58, pp. 186-187.
The works of the impressionist painter Ivan Grohar (1867−1911) are among the greatest masterpieces of Slovenian art and are important landmarks of Slovenian painting. Thee fact that some of his most re-nowned paintings, displayed today in... more
Otta vioVannini, 1635 'Lorenzo de' Medici among the artists in the sculpture garden' Palazzo Pitti, Florence The purpose of this essay is to assess Lorenzo de Medici's role as a patron of the arts during the time that he ruled over the... more
Reflections on the art market and cultural value in the light of Leonardo Da Vinci’s "Salvator Mundi", recently sold at auction. This reading explores materialist and capitalist issues alongside the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of... more
Wool, silk, silver and gilt silver threads;
Princeton 2008, chapters: intro, 1, 2
(Chinese translation: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2019).
(Chinese translation: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2019).
This essay examines some key themes in Chinese landscape painting through ink paintings by important artists in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, collected by Singapore-based collector Yeap Lam Yang.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In May 1936 the steamship Sorrento sailed into the port of Piraeus, Greece. Aboard were sixteen crates with 452 items of Chinese pottery, destined to join another 341 already on display at the Benaki Museum in Athens. Over the past nine... more
[rec.:] Silber und Gold, Augsburger Goldschmiedekunst für die Höfe Europas
The paper makes inquiries into the ‘Russian period’ (1965-1972) of prof. Franco Miele (1924-1983), who was a painter, art critic and art dealer. The paper sheds light on his work as a Russian art dealer and on his relationships with Paul... more
Entry catalogue for San Martino al Cimino, painting on two faces. New lights on this commission.
Il presente volume contiene gli atti del convegno tenutosi a Trento e a Rovereto il 3 e il 4 maggio 2013, curato da Stefano Ferrari e organizzato dalla Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche e dall'Accademia Roveretana degli... more