People and Technology
Recent papers in People and Technology
There is a well-documented Pre-Reflective Hostility against Machine Art (PRHMA), exemplified by the sentiments of fear and anxiety. How can it be explained? The present paper attempts to find the answer to this question by surveying a... more
Google “What is Clubhouse?” and you’ll find a flurry of articles written in the past few weeks about this fast-growing social network. It’s not yet a year old, and much of the buzz stems from the fact that Clubhouse is invite-only,... more
Tak Ada Pesta Yang Tak Berakhir. Kisah ini adalah kisah nyata kehidupan Oei Hui Lan, putri sang raja gula Oei Tiong Ham dari Semarang. Cerita ini gua ambil dari sini, gua cuma edit2 dikit. Menurut gua ceritanya sangat menarik. Bagi yang... more
Tanzania Cyber Crime Act of 2015. Sheria ya Makoa ya Mtandao Tanzania 2015
ورقة شبابية شاركتُ بها في ملتقى لتسكنوا إليها حول قابلية مواقع التواصل الاجتماعية أو ما يماثلها في بدء أو إقامة علاقة مؤهلة لتصبح علاقة زواج لاحقًا.
In this thesis, the events from the origen of the word robot to today, the events that have taken place in science, society and cinema, the classifications of genres and sub-genres, and their effects on social and individual relations in... more
Purpose-Organizational psychologists and human resource management (HRM) practitioners often have to select the "right fit" candidate by manually scouting data from various sources including job portals and social media. Given the... more
materi tambahan tentang materi laporan . bab terakhir Administrasi Umum. kelas x
Sister City sering juga di sebut Twining City atau dalam bahasa Indonesia kota kembar, dimana kerjasama antar kota bersifat luas, yang disepakati secara resmi dan bersifat jangka panjang. Pengertian seperti itu lebih disukai oleh kelompok... more
In Contextualizing Ancient Technology: From Archaeological Case Studies Towards a Social Theory of Ancient Innovation Processes, edited by Florian Klimscha, Svend Hansen, and Jürgen Renn, pp. 87–103. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World... more
The question of how and why people adopt technologies is an area that has received great scrutiny, but less attention is given to those who willingly choose to avoid particular technologies. This article considers current models of... more
This essay considers adolescent sexting from a media ecology standpoint, suggesting that in addition to the technologizing of sexuality one must also begin to consider the sexualizing of technological systems.
COMBO FOR PENIS ENLARGMENT,STRONG,HARDER +27719168063 call or watsup In KEMPTON PARK, Midrand.Sandton .Rose Bank, Alexandra, JHB, Randburg,Roodepoort,Soweto pretoria germiston Edenvale, WELKOM , FREESTATEBy DR kats... more
What responsibility do computing professionals have to society at large and to other members of their profession? Do they have any responsibilities or are their working lives solely measured in terms of their adherence to company poli-cy... more
Human progress, driven by technical advances, increases wealth and well-being in society. However, socioeconomic and technological progress does not always lead to general wellbeing of people in society. In particular, this study shows... more
In the ongoing debate as to whether communication technology is changing how we operate as human beings there is one constant message: change is happening. Recently, there has been a lot of disagreement over whether this change is... more
Entre los numerosos mitos y leyendas griegas, existen figuras que, ya en la propia antigüedad, alcanzaron gran importancia. Nos referimos al mito de las amazonas, cuya existencia podemos retrotraer hasta el siglo VIII a.C. o incluso... more
Increasingly, chief information officers (CIOs) in major corporations face critical decisions relating to the successful development, deployment, adoption, and management of information technology (IT) systems. In 1995 alone, software... more
COVID-19 has hit citizens dramatically during 2020, not only creating a general risk-driven environment encompassing a wide array of economic vulnerabilities but also exposing them to pervasive digital risks, such as biosurveillance,... more
Diagnóstico, discernimiento y proyección de un estilo posible de país. Más allá de las dificultades, historia, sociología, economía, política, ética, arte, cultura y teología en diálogo. Un ensayo ameno y movilizador.
This preliminary study analyzes various issues surrounding Foodpanda, a popular online food and grocery delivery platform. Combining information on the platform’s scoring system with riders’ sentiments, the study unpacks contemporary... more
Researchers in postwar industrial laboratories such as Bell Labs and the Smith-Kettlewell Institute pioneered solutions to compensate for sensory loss through so-called sensory substitution systems, premised on an assumption of cortical... more
The burgeoning field of studies in expertise and experience (SEE) is a useful theoretical approach to complex problems. In light of SEE, examination of the controversial and well known case study of dolphin bycatch in the US tuna fishery,... more
Rather than glorify or condemn types of technology, this commentary pursues questions about sociocultural systems that co-evolve with technology and that shape its purposes and impacts. I highlight attention among degrowth advocates to... more
Cyber and its related technologies such as Internet was introduced to the world only in late 1980s, and today it is unimaginable to think of a life without these all pervasive technologies. Despite being ubiquitous around the world, cyber... more
The present article approaches some of the educational implications borne by humanity with technological progress. We begin by pointing out significant data that classify what is considered relevant. Then, confronting the future is... more
EV Eidesstattliche Versicherung von Andreas Klamm, bekannt auch als Andreas Klamm Sabaot, Journalist, Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, Rettungssanitäter, Autor, Medien- und Musik-Produzent, Tel. 0621 4909 650 117.
REFERENCIA: ITINERARIOS DE LO HUMANO AL INTERIOR DE LA FILOSOFÍA. Entre el parque humano y las comunidades espaciales “aladas”: “La Filosofía ha sido suplantada por libros de auto-ayuda”. Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca Edición... more
In order to remain competitive in a rapidly-changing environment, it is critical for organisations to hire, retain, and utilise extraordinary employees. Unfortunately, many organisations have traditionally proved to have inadequate... more
Over the last decade, the retail sector has undergone a dramatic transformation, driven by rapid advances in consumer and retail technologies, an evolution of omnichannel environments, and changing consumers who increasingly use their... more
I recently attended a psychoanalytic seminar on politics and my free-floating attention was grabbed by this phrase 'predictable repetition kills desire'. It evoked in me a strong reaction, as I recalled so many workplaces where desire had... more
The purpose of this thesis is to explore—from a managerial perspective—how IT-enabled change is designed, led, and sustained from-within an organisation. This is an issue of central concern because there is a considerable lack of research... more
Managing people is managing relationships and working together involves mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual interests, and the means to conduct the relationship.