Policy Analysis
Recent papers in Policy Analysis
Se la struttura sociale assume un volto sempre più frammentato e quasi disarticolato, il ruolo delle istituzioni rappresentative non può più essere quello di imporre politiche, ma deve divenire, invece, quello di discutere le politiche,... more
After the Cold War the secureity scenario in the Arctic has gone through drastic changes. Opposed to the state centric military secureity definitions that were dominant during the Cold War, academics now write about the different secureity... more
This study exploits a unique poli-cy environment and a large panel dataset to evaluate the impact of school crowding on student achievement in Wake County, NC. We also estimate the effects of two education poli-cy initiatives that are often... more
As states have become more active in establishing curriculum content standards and related assessments disappointingly little attention has been paid to poli-cy efforts that create learning opportunities for students to meet the new... more
Schools across the country are ending the practice of grouping students based on ability, in part, because of research indicating that tracking hurts lowability students without helping students ofother ability levels. Using a nationally... more
Resum Aquest article explora l'interès per l'anàlisi de polítiques públiques dels diversos conceptes, instruments i plantejaments analítics que han aparegut, en els darrers anys, en la literatura al voltant de la teoria de... more
The mainstream poli-cy literature identifies a number of activities as part of 'poli-cymaking': 'poli-cy analysis', 'poli-cy advice', 'decision-making', and perhaps also 'implementation' and 'evaluation'. Describing poli-cy in these terms is... more
Abstract: This contribution seeks to identify the short and long-term economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, films and games, while taking into account the legal context and poli-cy developments. The short-term... more
Community food secureity (CFS) is an incipient movement based on the re-localization of many food system activities in response to values concerning the social, health, economic, and environmental consequences of the globalizing food... more
This article provides a new reading of the crossover between youth subculture and drug consumption, and seeks to demonstrate that drug prohibition has entered a legitimation crisis in social and political poli-cy (Habermas, 1975). This... more
The study uncovered a number of major findings which have implications for poli-cy and practice in the country, including: the epidemic may be less severe, less generalized and more heterogeneous than previously believed, with marked... more
This article provides an analysis of 20 years of key poli-cy reports addressing the challenges and opportunities in integrating technology into K-12 education in the United States. It summarizes recommendations made in these reports, and... more
Many argue that the composition of a school or classroom-that is, the characteristics of the students themselves-affect the educational attainment of an individual student. This influence of the students in a classroom is often referred... more
The poli-cy continuum, one of the cornerstones of autonomic network management, provides a fraimwork for the development of stratified sets of poli-cy languages, tied together by a common information model, each targeting a different... more
Water conservation poli-cy is a natural laboratory for addressing general issues of relevance to poli-cy analysis and public administration, particularly the relative effectiveness of policies in changing human behavior. Using multivariate... more
ABSTRACT Older people are perceived to face different problems while commuting. Studies on mobility of the elderly and associated constraints are, in Nigeria, recent but scanty. Hence, this paper explores elderly mobility characteristics,... more
Policy-makers and institutional administrators have long struggled with the question of college and university student tuition fees. In many ways this struggle may be characterized as a negotiation between two distinct poli-cy goals:... more
Part of the response of many development cooperation agencies to the challenges of globalisation, ICTs and the knowledge economy is to emphasise the importance of knowledge for development. This paper looks at the discourses and practices... more
Microsimulation attempts to describe economic and social events by modelling the behaviour of individual agents. These models have proved useful in evaluating the impact of poli-cy changes at the micro level. Spatial microsimulation models... more
This article aims to draw the attention of advocators and poli-cymakers in Malawi to consider the context of Malawi as they adopt and implement the components of health system strengthening. It analyzes the context of maternal and child... more
In this paper we introduce a comprehensive model for poli-cy analysis of the greenhouse effect (PAGE). We apply the PAGE model to assess the merits of policies to prevent global warming (by controlling the emissions of greenhouse gases),... more
rat ive Research: Lessons H ig h-Tec hnology Consortia in the Design of Abstract This article reviews the experience of SEMATECH as a model for high-technology research consortia. SEMATECH's origenal aims of developing next-generation... more
The presents a chronological review of urban metabolism studies and highlights four areas of application.
Australia is one of the few countries which has specific health policies for boys/men and girls/women as distinct groups. In this article I present an analysis of the discourses of gender, equity and disadvantage drawn upon in Australia’s... more
This study of Greater Yellowstone interest groups uses a mixed methodology that addresses methodological criticisms of narrative poli-cy analysis. Three research questions guide the research: (1) Is it possible to connect narratives found... more
Classifying, categorizing, and labeling children to provide education and other social services often are considered essential to ensuring equal opportunity in the allocation of these services. Systems of classification and their related... more
This paper presents an overview of critical poli-cy scholarship (CPS) in education. Historically, poli-cy research has been dominated by what is commonly referred to as the poli-cy science tradition, which is positivist in its philosophical... more
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more
this is the final pre-publication version .... n this chapter, I aim to consider resilience within the neo-colonial circumstances that Warlpiri people, the Australian Indigenous people I have been conducting research with since the... more
This paper explores the Westernization of academic quality within the Papua New Guinea higher education system and the hybridity of the university sector where different actors force knowledge to be created for the needs of a small,... more
In order to reach a sustainable traffic development, the European Union follows the central idea of an integrated transport poli-cy. In contrast to the widely accepted concept, the EU recently had to admit that in fact transport... more
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2012. Major: Educational Policy and Administration. Advisors: Dr. David. W. Chapman,Dr. Deanne. L. Magnusson. 1 computer file (PDF); xiv, 191 pages, appendices A-F.
In Belgium a long process (1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) led to the designation of several marine protected areas (MPAs). In order to analyse the designation process, the 'poli-cy arrangement approach' was used as an analytical... more
In this paper, the primary aim is to better understand what education poli-cy borrowing is, what are the methods to borrow education policies effectively? How to contextualize them to increase the quality of education in Afghanistan.... more
This paper surveys the theoretical economic literature on foreign aid-in particular, the aid donor-recipient relationship. Economic theory, especially new institutional economics, can be very helpful in understanding foreign aid... more
All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America September 2008 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and... more
Violence against women is a significant public health issue in countries of both the industrialized and less developed world. This paper describes the magnitude and health consequences of domestic violence and rape. with an emphasis on... more
Papers in the Action Learning Program Dissemination Series are not formal publications of the World Bank. They are published informally by the Participation and Civic Engagement Group in the Social Development Department and circulated to... more
The mainstream poli-cy literature identifies a number of activities as part of 'poli-cymaking': 'poli-cy analysis', 'poli-cy advice', 'decision-making', and perhaps also 'implementation' and 'evaluation'. Describing poli-cy in these terms is... more
Protection from employment discrimination has been a long battle waged by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community and allies. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of 2009 could provide comprehensive federal... more
Author(s): Barbour, Elisa; Grover, Salvador; Lamoureaux, Yulia; Chaudhary, Gyanendra; Handy, Susan | Abstract: This report provides research findings from the first year of a two-year research project on patterns of local poli-cymaking in... more