Radical Reformation
Recent papers in Radical Reformation
La diffusione dell’Utopia di Thomas More coincide con momenti di straordinaria tensione politica e sociale. La sua fortuna editoriale, col favorire un’ampia circolazione delle idee dell’autore anche negli ambienti vicini alla Riforma... more
La diffusione dell’Utopia di Thomas More coincide con momenti di straordinaria tensione politica e sociale. La sua fortuna editoriale, col favorire un’ampia circolazione delle idee dell’autore anche negli ambienti vicini alla Riforma... more
La traduzione italiana completa degli scritti e delle lettere di una delle figure principali degli anni aurorali della Riforma non necessita alcuna giustificazione. Essa giunge in un momento di rinnovato interesse nei confronti degli... more
This study offers a new perspective on the question of how the Upper German Anabaptist traditions of the 16th and 17th centuries became part of the Mennonite denominational family. In modern scholarship, it is a commonly accepted usage to... more
Analisi storico-letteraria della monografia di Mario Biagioni sulla figura di Francesco Pucci e su di un'opera significativa nel contesto della Riforma radicale, l'Informatione della Religione christiana.
Sciences Po, Master Théorie politique Université Paris-Sorbonne, Master Histoire moderne L'histoire, affirme-t-on souvent, est écrite par les vainqueurs. C'est particulièrement le cas pour l'histoire de la Réforme. Alors que le personnage... more
Gegenstand der Untersuchung, mit der Karin Förster 2017 an der Universität Oldenburg promoviert wurde, ist eine spannende Episode der Evolution der melchioritischen Bewegung im norddeutsch-niederländischen Raum nach dem Fall der... more
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In Baptist histories, English preacher Matthew Caffyn (1628-1714), thanks to his unorthodox Christology, is regularly identified as a theological deviant, and one working under the influence of ‘eighteenth-century rationalism’ or other... more
“Martyrs and Nicodemites Both? Spiritualistic and Rationalistic Currents within the Dutch Anabaptist Tradition – David Joris, Sebastian Castellio, and Pieter Jansz Twisck 1535–1648,” in: Sebastian Castellio zwischen Humanismus und... more
Today we do not know we are lost in many good sounding religious involvements that have a counteracting effect on the commands of God given in the New Testament. That which was written in earlier times not only was given for instruction... more
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
This article takes its point of departure from Marshall McLuhan's The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Elizabeth L. Eisenstein's The Printing Press as an Agent of Change (1979). The purpose, however, is not a detailed historical critique of... more
Lo studio della Riforma in Slesia è stato fino ad oggi appannaggio di una scuola interpretativa che ha sede oltreoceano, in Pennsylvania, soprattutto in relazione agli eventi di cui è stata teatro in seguito alla vittoria del luteranesimo... more
Marvin Jones (ed.), Investigating the Magisterial Reformation and Its Radical Contenders. Contemporary Evangelicals on Reformation Research: from Lutheranism and Zwinglianism to Anabaptism and Baptism [Celebrating 500 Years since the... more
*** In 2023 I have updated the entry to include a pre-publication version of my essay. *** For a further sample from the text, including an excerpt by Hartmut Lehmann, see the attached link or go to the publisher's website (look for the... more
In this article, a comparison is drawn between the hermeneutical strategies of the radical and magisterial branches of the Reformation. The author detects the peculiarities of the hermeneutical principles and ways of understanding the... more
In this thesis, I examine both how theology is conceptualized and how it is embodied in performance. Focusing on the Hutterites, an Old Order Christian communal group, I explore the interplay between history and tradition on the one hand... more
Freedom of religion generally resonates in the collective mind as a prized legacy of the European Enlightenment alongside most individual liberties and modern values. This assumption, however, is flawed as it tends to downplay centuries... more
Thomas Müntzer was one of the most controversial figures of the dawning years of the Reformation in Germany and an important figurehead in the 1525 German Peasants’ War in Thuringia and Saxony (Bloch 1969; Gritsch 2006; La Rocca 1988;... more
Nel corso del Cinquecento le controversie teologiche costituirono spesso il terreno di incontro tra le idee: un caso emblematico è quello di Fausto Socini, una delle figure di maggiore rilievo tra gli esuli italiani che lasciarono la loro... more
Dit boekt brengt zeven opstellen samen over diverse aspecten van de Reformatie. Luc de Grauwe bespreekt leven en werk van Martin Luther, met speciale aandacht voor de manier waarop Luthers Bijbelvertaling de Duitse standaardtaal heeft... more
Introduction · The word ‘Socinianism’ defines a religious movement born in Poland in the second half of the sixteenth century and then spread to West Europe countries in the seventeenth century. Its founder was the Italian exile Faustus... more
Das Problem an der derzeitigen communis opinio, wonach die Schweizer Brüder mit den Schleitheimer Artikeln von 1527 auf der Bühne der Geschichte erscheinen, ist, dass weder in den Schleitheimer Artikeln von 1527 noch – soweit bekannt – in... more
Hunted by the inquisition ever since the 1550s, the Greek-Italian Antitrinitarian theologian, Jacobus Palaeologus, was executed in Rome in 1585. The prolific author, most of whose works remained unprinted, spent an adventurous life... more
How many have heard of Pilgrim's Progress? Now you can read "the rest of the story" of what inspired it. The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, by Jan Amos Comenius, is a remarkable book. Especially, the new English... more
Introduction to the Theological Studies Global Church History Historical Theology I Rationale: This course is an investigation of the main theological issues, theologians, and religious movements from late Middle Ages to the 17 th... more
Oswald Glait and the restauration of Sabbath keeping during the Protestant Reformation.
Scholarship continues to identify the Enlightenment with secularization, despite the theological tenor of much of the movement's canonical literature. This article proposes an explanation for such a dissonance, before addressing the... more
An refutation of claims that Abraham Ortelius was a member of the Family of Love and an alternative account of his religious outlook.
hütrôl való ének, és egy prédikáció, melynek témája a heti pihenônap, a szombat. Tolnai István írására ismerhetünk a kódex második felében, az ô tollából származik a kódex énekanyagának nagy része, köztük fôként Bogáti zsoltárai és néhány... more
Jacobus Palaeologus (c.1520s-1585), born to Greek-Italian parents on the island of Chios, was one of the most prolific writers and most radical thinkers of 16th century Antitrinitarianism. Based on two papers presented at the 3rd and 4th... more
This study aims to provide a detailed intellectual analysis of Theologia Deutsch, an anonymous work of ‘German mysticism’ dating to the turn of the 15 th century which had a fundamental impacted on the development of theological and... more
In Italy there seems to exist a sympathetic interest in the Radical Reformation, not only among academic historians, but also in public discourse, and especially among readers affiliated with the evangelical minority churches. In the... more
“This thoughtful book by Ismail Kurun builds upon earlier investigations of the religious foundations of modern social and political life. Kurun focuses in particular upon the theological and largely Protestant origens of liberalism. We... more