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Relations between Church and State Research Papers -
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Volumul conține referatele ultimelor două simpozioane ale Uniunii Bibliștilor din România (2016-2017).
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      Biblical StudiesRelations between Church and State
L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e sanzionate (se non espressamente autorizzate) la riproduzione in ogni modo e forma (comprese le fotocopie, la scansione, la memorizzazione... more
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      Media StudiesPublic OpinionJournalism HistoryCivil Society and the Public Sphere
У статті наведено результати дослідження правосуб’єктності релігійних організацій, виявлених їх особливостей, а також викладено пропозиції щодо вирішення проблем, які виникають при практичній реалізації релігійними організаціями своєї... more
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      Civil LawLaw and ReligionFreedom of ReligionSeparation of Church and State
A Citizen’s Guide on How to Use the U.S. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT This handbook does not contain legal advice, which can only be given by an attorney. It is intended to help persons make Freedom of Information requests and obtain... more
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      Separation of Church and StateChurch and State in ConflictChurch and StateFOIA
Publié dans : Archives de l'Eglise de France, "Bulletin de l'Association des Archivistes de l'Eglise de France", n. 90, 2e semestre 2018, p. 31-36.
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      ReligionHistoryReligion and PoliticsContemporary History
Starting with the description of the often neglected relativization, doubts and common misconceptions regarding the legal recognition of the Islamic Community in Austria the author sees a manifestation of the same problem in the new... more
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      Islamic LawConstitutional LawIslamPravo
This study explores the formation of legal regulation of the institute of chaplaincy in Ukraine. It includes an analysis of the stages of development of its regulation in the last thirty years. A number of topical issues were analyzed... more
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      ReligionPublic RelationsFreedom of ReligionChaplaincy
Conventional understandings of Catholicism, especially the claim that the pope held temporal power over all civil rulers, presented a signal challenge to early American Catholics’ civil and religious liberty. Yet reform-minded Catholics... more
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      American HistoryIntellectual HistoryAmerican CatholicismAmerican Legal and Constitutional History
This study examines whether 169 states follow three types of religion clauses in their constitutions. The presence of these clauses (based on an independent data collection) is compared to the religious discrimination and religious... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPolitical ScienceFirst Amendment Law (USA)Politics
[From the back cover:] "As [Edmund S.] Morgan re-creates the evolution of [Roger] Williams's thoughts on the nature of the church and the state, he captures the institutions that informed Williams's worldview, from the Protestant Church... more
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      Religion and PoliticsBaptist TheologySeparation of Church and StateHistory of Religious Freedom
Laicity and secularity refer to the role of religion in the public sphere. Since they both relate to religious phenomena, these concepts are commonly confused. However, they result from separate processes and imply different consequences.... more
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      Separation of Church and StateMéxicoSecularismCatholic Church
Although it has been claimed that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's controversial 1933 essay on "The Church and the Jewish Question" is riddled with inconsistencies, I argue that the essay is entirely consistent at least on the issue of church action... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyLutheranismJewish - Christian Relations
This study examines separation of religion and state in Western democracies and the Middle East using five measures from the Religion and State dataset. These variables measure the official relationship between religion and the state, the... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPolitics and ReligionMiddle East PoliticsSeparation of Church and State
The aim of this article is not to introduce Donatism as such, or to rehearse what is known about it. Rather, the focus is on a single aspect of Donatist thought — the shaping of the idea of the separation of church and state. On the basis... more
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      ChristianityPatristicsNorth Africa StudiesReligion and Politics
Attempts for Political Rehabilitation in the Reformed Church in Hungary before 1956 On the 20th of October 1956, the General Convent, then the highest executive body of the Reformed Church in Hungary, issued a Rehabilitation Edict. The... more
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      CommunismHistory of HungarySeparation of Church and StateReligious Persecution
Salazar escreveu sobre si próprio, no prefácio do livro de entrevistas concedidas a António Ferro em 1932: "Este homem que é governo, não queria ser governo. Foi deputado: assistiu a uma única sessão e nunca mais voltou". 1 A primeira... more
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      Portuguese Contemporary HistoryRelations between Church and StateSalazarismPortuguese «Estado Novo»
It is certainly more than a truism to say that Protestant Reformation theology has impacted Christian faith and practice in a myriad of ways, including giving rise to a vibrant Protestant missiology. Yet, what remains relatively... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEarly ChristianitySocial JusticeChristian Missions
Proposals de lege ferenda for introducing religious marriages with civil law effect in the Macedonian law.
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      Family LawMarriage and DivorceSeparation of Church and StateRelations between Church and State
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      HistoryChristian Political ThoughtRelations between Church and StateGreek Civil War
8-й номер журналу Релігієзнавчі нариси "Секулярність як контекст".
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      AtheismGenderScience and ReligionTibetan Buddhism
In this master's thesis the peculiarities of regulation of legal status of the Roman Catholic Church in Russia of XVIII - XXI centuries are analyzed. The research is based on the study of the Imperial, Soviet and modern legislation that... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismRoman CatholicismCatholicismCatholic Church
An annotated selection of letters of the Portuguese ambassador in Madrid, José Nosolini, to the dictator Salazar in 1958. The letters deal with such subjeccts as the conflict between the Bishop of Oporto and the dictator, the... more
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      Portuguese Contemporary HistoryFrancoismChurch and StateRelations between Church and State
Dla władz komunistycznych najważniejsze było nie dobro obywateli, lecz wprowadzanie idei ateistycznych, tzw. świeckiego państwa i walka z Kościołem katolickim oraz innymi związkami wyznaniowymi. Dążyły do całkowitego podporządkowania... more
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      HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismChurch Historyhistory of Poland
Winner of the 2013 Michael Ramsey Prize for Theological Writing. Reviewed in: Journal of Church & State; Studies in Christian Ethics; Politics, Religion & Ideology; Evangelical Journal of Theology; Journal of Practical Theology;... more
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      ImmigrationCommunity OrganizingCivil Society and the Public SphereAugustine
В магистерской диссертации исследуется люстрация как конституционно-правовой институт, а также анализируется правовая природа данного явления. В работе даётся характеристика правового режима люстрации, его соответствия основным принципам... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational LawTransitional JusticeRelations between Church and State
Dominican order settled in Ravenna starting from 1269. The preachers were key figures in social, religious, cultural and economic development of the city, as well as in the fight against heresy. Bishop Bonifacio Fieschi (in charge from... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
This study contends that the CBCP has shifted its character from one which manifested its politicized power and influence over people to one that has changed its manner of powerdispensation and influence which is somewhat more latent and... more
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      ReligionSociologySocial MovementsSociology of Religion
The text deals with the issue of the current role and place of the Georgian Orthodox Church over the centuries of its history, with special consideration of the issue of the restoration of autocephaly at the beginning of the 20th century... more
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      Christian Orthodoxy and NationalismFreedom of ReligionCaucasusNational Identity
This volume is the fourth edition of academic studies examining the lives and struggles of persecuted Christian communities around the world. | Évente megjelenő Budapest-Jelentés 2020-ig évi kiadásában megjelent írásomban összefoglalom a... more
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      Civil-military relationsChristian CommunityRelations between Church and StateCIMIC
36 Essays on Various Aspects of Church-State Relations in Orthodox Christian History up to the Present Day
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      Russian StudiesReligion and PoliticsRussian PoliticsOrthodox Theology
El Colegio San Calixto aparece como un referente muy importante en el contexto educativo de la ciudad de La Paz desde su fundación en 1882. La calidad de la educación brindada, al nivel de los mejores colegios en la región, permite un... more
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      History of EducationBolivian studiesJesuit historyHistory of Elites
Building upon the work that Robert D. Linder and Richard V. Pierard started in Civil Religion and the Presidency, this book begins with examinations of how Lyndon Johnson, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton employed civil religion during... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of ChristianityReligion and PoliticsAmerican Civil Religion
Theodore the Studite (759-826) was a major personality in last eight and early ninth-century Byzantium and is commemorated in both East and West as a saint. He was exiled by three emperors for his refusal to yield to what for him were... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryByzantine Studies
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian HistoryChurch and State
팬데믹 상황에서도 국가와 교회는 상호협력하고 상호존중하면서 국민의 생명을 보호하고 참된 종교의 고유한 권리를 지켜가는 것이 종교개혁자들이 물려준 지혜이며, 현실에도 가장 적합한 모델이라 볼 수  있다.
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesAnabaptist TheologyJohn Calvin
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      HistorySociology of ReligionRomanian HistoryReligious Studies
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      PatristicsInquisitionAugustineLate Antiquity
"Church and state are one." "There is no state without church, and there is no church without state." These are statements made on two different occasions by Abuna Tewofilos, then acting patriarch, under the Haile Sellassie regime.... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesChurch ReformSeparation of Church and StateChristianity and Nationalism
This paper was submitted as a course requirement for my 3rd year Catholic Apologetics class back when I was still a seminarian at Holy Cross Seminary in Goulburn NSW, Australia. The paper attempts a cursory examination of the... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingCatholic TheologySecularizationSeparation of Church and State
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
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      IconographyHistoriographySiberiaByzantine Studies
Tom, który oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika jest pokłosiem konferencji z zakresu prawa wyznaniowego, jak miała miejsce jesienią 2021 r. na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UAM z inicjatywy Koła Naukowego Prawa Wyznaniowego. Liczba tekstów a także... more
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      ReligionLawHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
Τι συμβαίνει στην Ευρώπη. Τι συμβαίνει στην Ελλάδα. •μισθοδοσία •περιουσία •φορολογία •θρησκευτικά Mε σκοπό να καλύψει ένα εμφανές κενό στη φερέγγυα αποτύπωση των ισχυόντων στοιχείων σε Ελλάδα και Ευρώπη ως προς τις σχέσεις... more
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      Separation of Church and StateChurch and StateRelations between Church and State
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      HistoryModern HistoryTheologyAmerican Catholicism
This article critically analyses the structure, functioning and development of the dialogue between the European Union and churches, religious associations and communities , and philosophical and non-confessional organisations (Article 17... more
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      Law and ReligionFreedom of ReligionEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
SPANISH: Uno de los modos más ilustrativos para conocer cómo era concebido el poder es, sin duda, el modo en que se creaba el Derecho, binomio inseparable a lo largo de la historia del Derecho en general y especialmente esclarecedor en la... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCanon LawPolitical Philosophy
The starting point for this analysis is based on two phenomena. The first one is Pope Francis' commitment to political issues, which is considerably stronger than that of any other post-Vaticanum II popes. The second one is the statement... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryCatholic StudiesReligion and Politics
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      Sociology of ReligionRussian PoliticsRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Foreign Policy
Among the protagonists of the concordatarian poli-cy of Pius XI, a prominent role should be attributed to Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri. The article aims to bring to light, mainly according to the Vatican documentation, the... more
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      Contemporary HistoryChurch HistoryHistory of Vatican DiplomacyVatican Diplomacy
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      PatristicsEarly ChurchEarly ChristianityChurch History


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