Sociology of Social Sciences
Recent papers in Sociology of Social Sciences
This paper presents results from a collaborative research project investigating European scholars from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) who acted as public intellectuals during the 2014 European Parliament (EP) election campaign.... more
What is the nature and extent of historical awareness in the development discourse? Does the development discourse learn from history, including its own? Set in the contexts of aging development institutions and a changing geopolitical... more
Increasingly, a range of 'things' (e.g. infrastructure, data, knowledge, bodies, etc.) are configured and/or reconfigured as assets, or capitalized property. Accumulation strategies have changed as a result of this assetization process,... more
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
L'article étudie deux « classiques » de la théorie des partis : LaPalombara & Weiner (eds), Political Parties and Political Development, 1966 ; et Lipset & Rokkan (eds), Party Systems and Voter Alignments, 1967. Combinant analyse de... more
Is there a causal relationship between the accessions of the neighbor countries Slovenia and Austria to the European Union on the formation and development of sociology as a scientific discipline? This study in a comparative perspective... more
This paper argues that, in order to take place, space and scale more seriously in the study of our discipline, we have to complement the pervasive understanding of geography as a tradition of thought or an extended conversation with an... more
In light of recent discussions of cognitive and ethical dilemmas related to International Relations (IR) scholarship, this paper proposes to engage the “problem of values” in IR as a composite question whose cognitive treatment requires... more
This thesis is an ethnography of an anticapitalist and antimilitarist Coalition working in Quebec City, the Coalition Guerre à la guerre, and aims to address the following questions: How did these people become anticapitalist activists,... more
This paper proposes a relational and critical sociological perspective on discourse analysis, in particular on so-called “Critical Discourse Analysis” (CDA). The main argument of this paper is that CDA has not yet been able to turn its... more
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
Przedmiotem refleksji w artykule są uwarunkowania wpływające na pojawienie się we współczesnej sztuce nurtu artistic research. Celem rozważań jest zaproponowanie nowych ram konceptualnych, pozwalających przyglądać się współczesnym... more
In this article, I discuss the fact that doing “anthropology at home” involves the same core anthropological methodology as undertaking research abroad. This implies that while doing anthropology at home may have some advantages... more
The literature on the development of Mexican social sciences during the twentieth century has rarely considered universities as part of the state. If we do, then universities are characterized by traits similar to those of the state, such... more
With the rise to authority of the social sciences after World War II, the division of knowledge between science and the humanities has gradually lost relevance and the differentiation of three, instead of two, cultures is now widely... more
This paper discusses the role of privileged research objects (‘model systems’) in producing patterns in transnational knowledge production. In its approach it follows Bourdieu's call to focus on contexts of production and forces internal... more
We investigated how sociology and the role of the sociologist have been represented in a selection of introductory sociology textbooks. These textbooks date back to the beginning of the twentieth century up until now and have been... more
Il volume propone una prospettiva di indagine sul processo di europeizzazione delle scienze sociali fondata su una “triangolazione” tra le prospettive sociologiche relative ai processi culturali e comunicativi, alla formazione delle idee... more
Knowledge is increasingly thought of as a common good. This is exhibited in the fact that many central economies are moving towards economic paradigms where knowledge plays a fundamental role. This paper explores the confluence between... more
Одной из современных тенденций развития науки является распространение исследовательских, образовательных, коммуникативных практик, нарушающих сложившиеся дисциплинарные границы. Не всякая научно-исследовательская деятельность, выходящая... more
The research monograph examines the question of whether the process of European integration in research funding has led to new forms of oligarchization and elite-formation in the European Research Area. Based on a study of the European... more
"Sadly, Gerd Baumann passed away in January 2014. This paper aims to briefly delineate his personal and intellectual trajectory, from his early years in Germany, throughout his period in Great Britain, to his last years in Amsterdam. It... more
In the concluding remarks, the editors reflect upon lacunae and implications of the chapters presented before. We discuss the legitimacy of choosing nation states as levels of analysis, the problem of international cooperation in the SSH... more
In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to assess the development and organization of the International Relations (IR) discipline through a three-tier comparative sociological research... more
An outline of the approach of the four years-collaborative research project International Cooperation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (INTERCO-SSH) from which the book has emanated. The focus is on the changing institutional... more
Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis, this article presents a systematic comparison of differences in the institutional success of sociology in 25 European countries during the academic expansion from 1945 until the late 1960s.... more
Although the social sciences have been shaped by the rise of the modern nation state, until recently they have been confronted with deep transformations that European societies undergo nowadays. Moreover, they themselves are remarkably... more
This paper presents results from a collaborative research project investigating European scholars from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) who acted as public intellectuals during the 2014 European Parliament (EP) election campaign.... more
The purpose of this chapter is to investigate, largely in abstracto, the epistemic stance of the group of knowledge producers commonly—if imprecisely—known as the Hungarian reform economists. These thinkers won international acclaim... more
Barnes and Sheppard (2009) assume that an anti-monist and anti-reductionist economic geography is desirable and that this desirability is so obvious that no argument needs to be advanced in its support. This commentary challenges this... more
This article develops a revisionist history of postwar European sociology through the mid-1960s, arguing that colonial research represented a crucial part of the renascent academic discipline after 1945, especially in Britain, France, and... more