Structural Anthropology
Recent papers in Structural Anthropology
В статье на основе кейса обряда исламского экзорцизма рукъя рассматривается гипотеза о легитимности использования методов традиционной медицины в терапии по-граничных состояний (на примере наблюдения и дешифровки сеанса лечения в Центре... more
The Slender Man first started on the Something Awful forum threads in 2009, where many users all jointly contributed to the creation of a tall monster who appears to be wearing a suit. He is known for making children disappear and causing... more
andré strauss resumo O debate acerca do tabu do incesto tem sido amplamente discutido até mesmo antes da fundação da antropologia como disciplina. Porém, foi nessa área do conhecimento que o tema adquiriu atenção acentuada, em especial... more
Özet Mit, bir bilim olarak sosyal teorinin ortaya çıkışından bu yana, onun temel konularından biri olagelmiştir. Özellikle ilkel toplumların içinde bulundukları özgül durum ve antik mitoloji metinlerinin varlığı, ilk dönem sosyal... more
Considering the postmodern theoretical context of Maxine Sheets-Johnstone's corporeal turn and la pensée paysagère ("landscaping thought") in Augustin Berque, the myth of Pandora's box is defined here as the self-image of landscape... more
An application of Van Gennep's tripartite model for rites of passage to the Bible. Includes exhaustive treatment of the ROP model, as well as application to the uber-narrative in the Bible, specific books of the Bible, and individual... more
ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ: Σε τούτο το άρθρο, το οποίο αναφέρεται στα δύο πρώτα κεφάλαια των «Θλιβερών Τροπικών», επιχειρείται η παρουσίαση των βιωματικών τρόπων με τους οποίους ο Κλωντ Λεβί-Στρως συσχετίστηκε με την πρακτική της εθνογραφίας. Μέσα από τα... more
Descriptions of magic and sorcery in exotic societies provided by early anthropologists at the beginning of the 20th century generated the attention of psychologists and psychoanalysts. The most famous among them, Sigmund Freud,... more
Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro presents an ambitious philosophical project to bridge the conceptual space between anthropology and philosophy. It is a project that seeks to use ethnographic data to inform and... more
This paper will discuss the article “effectiveness of symbols” from the book Structural Anthropology by Claude Lévi-Strauss. In this article Lévi-Strauss argues that he found a primitive counterpart of a psychoanalytic intervention. He... more
Power has its principle not so much in a person as in a certain concerted distribution of bodies, surfaces, lights, gazes; in an arrangement whose internal mechanisms produce the relation in which individuals are caught up.
An excerpt from my forthcoming book The Way of the Gods: Polytheism(s) Around the World, based on the course "Introduction to Polytheism" I taught with INDICA Courses in 2021.
Reliefs of figures on Göbekli Tepe pillar D43, are spaced in a universally standard peripheral sequence according to some of their typological attributes, and with their eyes on a standard axial grid. The same archetypal structure is... more
Página 1 de 4 'Símbolo' e 'eficácia simbólica' em Lévi-Strauss -Carlos Robalo (CRIA/ISCTE-IUL) "Os símbolos são mais reais do que aquilo que simbolizam, o que significa e determina o conteúdo dos significados" -Lévi-Strauss, Introdução,... more
Il s'agit d'un travail de M2 rendu pour valider le cours de master "Approches anthropologiques" donné par Julien Bonhomme à l'ENS Ulm en 2016-2017. Ce texte consiste en un compte rendu du livre "Repenser l'anthropologie" de Edmund Leach,... more
Buildings say much more about us that we ever knew. Structural analysis reveals the universal repertoire in our subconscious behaviour. The structure also says more about culture and nature than we ever knew, but had glimpsed in nature.... more
Per info sull'acquisto del volume scrivere a "Sono due essenzialmente le ragioni che hanno ispirato la nascita di questo incontro: la prima è connessa alla sede che lo accoglie, il Museo Preistorico Etnografico “Luigi... more
PONGO A SU DISPOSICIÓN 50 DESCARGAS GRATUITAS EN: The long shared history and traditions of Spain and Mexico have given rise to similar stereotypes and folkloric figures. These... more
Claude Lévi-Strauss Anthropologie structurale zéro Edité et préfacé par Vincent Debaene Marqués par l'expérience de l'exil, les textes de ce volume témoignent d'un moment à la fois biographique et historique au cours duquel, comme... more
Research in English for Legal Purposes (ELP) has expanded in the past 30 years, in parallel with the increasing attractiveness of transnational legal education. The present paper aims at observing how ELP research has dealt with the issue... more
An experiment of the Structural CF (Canonical Formula) VS NF (Narrative Formula).
Mathematical anthropology has as its raison d’être formally expressing models, ideas, and concepts developed by anthropologists so as to extend our understanding of human societies. When addressing cultural systems, the mathematical... more
Archetypal and spatial analysis of several rock paintings in the Matobo range near Bulawayo in Zimbabwe, are among the 500 rock artworks, visual artefacts and ‘fine’ artworks worldwide that revealed the subconscious structure of visual... more
This paper engages Lévi-Strauss’ notion of implicit myth with data drawn from extensive ethnographic fieldwork in Shimla. Shimla is located in the Indian Himalayas and today exists in an obvious relationship with its past, when it was... more
and sorcery Streszczenie: Relacje łączące antropologię kulturową Claudeʼa Lévi-Straussa z psychoanalizą Jacquesa Lacana nie doczekały się do tej pory w literaturze antropologicznej właściwej krytyki. Tymczasem opublikowane w 1949 prace... more
An extract from Furter, Edmond 2016: Stoneprint, the human code in art, buildings and cities (Four Equators Media, 368 pages, 130 illustrations, ISBN 978-0-620-69862-7). At Great Zimbabwe, the king’s hilltop labyrinth of dry stone-walled... more
At first glance, mathematical representation of cultural constructs is an oxymoron for those who consider culture to express primarily the humanistic side of what it means to be human and thus to have little to do with the scientific,... more
The goal of the paper is to show how the generative logic approach to kinship terminology structures sheds light on the basis for the skewing that characterizes the Crow-Omaha terminologies. The generative logic of the Omaha terminology... more
This article examines how women getting by in Kampala, take up registers of gender and sexuality in a contemporary hybrid democratic-authoritarian state with compulsory heterosexuality. Sections 145-146 of Uganda's fourth Constitution... more
Religion, magic, ritual, myth, emblematic systems and art, all subconsciously express the same archetypal structure in different media. Identical visual ‘episodes’ and ‘grammar’ appear in apparently different cultures, and apparently... more
Azfar Moin's The Millennial Sovereign: Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam prompts a consideration not only of the histories of Islam and early modern connected histories of Central and South Asia, but also of current debates about... more
Incontro interdisciplinare all'Università di Macerata.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Structural anthropology puzzles even the most persistent reader. Despite Levi-Strauss's regular explications, fundamental questions remain unanswered. In response, an exegetical industry has grown up around Levi-Strauss, partly to aid the... more
Colonizers usually transfer their cultural styling to subjects, as demonstrated in names and the styling of myths, rituals, fashion, art, architecture and language. However all colonized people already had similar cultural media, with... more
Definition of the Gift: Structural approach about the diachronic and the synchronic functions in the mythical thought !
Il est difficile de comprendre la religion grecque, parce que nous ne partageons pas le même Dasein, la même expérience de l'être ou la même âme. La fureur, l'emportement, la fulgurance et la démence même, font partie des attributs... more