Textile Conservation
Recent papers in Textile Conservation
Der folgende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den Paramentenbestand des Domes zu Salzburg. Auf den andauernden Gebrauch der Paramente während der Liturgie und daraus entstehende Schäden sowie erforderliche Pflegemaßnahmen wird ebenso... more
The objective of the thesis was to conserve and restore a violet chasuble owned by the congregation of Kallio, which is located in central Helsinki in Finland. Two other targets of the study were to research the conservation ethics that... more
Textile objects were inadequately stored in an overstuffed wardrobe in the sacristy. First, the objects were inspected and photographed. A short condition report was generated for each object. The objects were then neatly stored in a... more
"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more
An interview between Sarah Scaturro and Sanem Odabasi about sustainable fashion, preservation, fashion and textile conservation, mending, and one's relationship to their clothes.
This chapter examines the integral role that conservation plays within fashion curation.
Πτυχιακή εργασία που εκπονήθηκε στο Τ.Ε.Ι. Αθήνας το 2012, με στόχο τη μελέτη και συντήρηση 8 πάνινων κουκλών με παραδοσιακές φορεσιές της Φλώρινας. Η μελέτη ξεκινά με τον προσδιορισμό του ιστορικού πλαισίου κατασκευής των... more
The appearance of textiles, which by common perception is their main attribute, is shaped by many different factors, such as the raw material, ornamentation and structure, both as an external form and a manner of connecting fibers and... more
Roman and Arabic textiles recovered archaeologically from Tell el Amarna and Quseir Al-Qadim in Egypt were examined using standard textile examination methods, optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Environmental Scanning... more
Fanny Van Cleven, Jeroen Reyniers en Anton Ervynck (red.), Met maagdelijke blik. De reliekenschat van Herkenrode doorgelicht, Scientia Artis, 17, Brussel, 2019. De reliekenschat van de cisterciënzerinnenabdij van Herkenrode wordt... more
The conservation field designates professionals preserving fashion artifacts as textile conserva-tors owing to the prevalence of fibers found in clothing. However, if one switches from a materials-based conservation approach to a... more
Ecclesiastical textiles play an important role for art history and our understanding of the history of Katholizism in Europe. They reflect the tradition, power and influence which Christianity had on Europe – even building up European... more
The Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments is part of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, and is the main body responsible for the conservation of cultural heritage in Greece. Apart from some museums, all of them in... more
The Acton Collection consists of more than 5000 objects that include many fine art objects in addition to the furnishings and artifacts that belonged to the Acton family and were used by them during the twentieth century. In 1994, the... more
Tesis para obtener el grado de restauradora de bienes muebles. Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Occidente. Directores de tesis: Martha Inés Sandoval Villegas y Diego Iván Quintero Balbás Sinodales: Martha Inés Sandoval Villegas,... more
A startling number of fashionable garments from the 1960s to the present day in the collection of the Costume Institute, Metropolitan Museum of Art, have deteriorated rapidly and irreversibly once accessioned into the collection, even... more
Taking the Modern with the Traditional: Introducing the Challenges of Acrylic Emulsion Painted Banners Textile Conservator, People’s History Museum, Manchester Introduction The People’s History Museum (PHM) holds a large collection of... more
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografi e.
CAMERA ROLLING, SPEED…AND ACTION: EXHIBITING THE CONSERVATION OF BANNERS THROUGH FILM The Textile Conservation Studio (TCS) based at the People’s History Museum in Manchester, United Kingdom has been a centre for the conservation of... more
Con el objetivo de facilitar el entendimiento en el trabajo y fomentar el respeto hacia las responsabilidades de los distintos profesionales implicados con este tipo de colecciones, la autora, partiendo de una breve presentación acerca de... more
"This contribution discusses the analytical techniques and documentation methods, used by textile conservators, in the Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments, for the needs of the conservation projects undertaken by... more
Among the Christian orthodox vestments used to dress clerics, in the most important of the orthodox religion ceremonies, there are three textiles used from Byzantine times until today, as symbols and integral parts of the sacerdotal... more
Dating archaeological textiles based solely on visual qualities can produce uncertain results. While much can be determined by examining weave structure, fibers and decorative motifs, the general dearth of extant examples for comperanda,... more
Lascaux 360HV/498HV and Vinamul 3252 were brushed onto dry silk crépeline substrate in various ratios. The main areas of concern was the silk covering the brim which had split and weakened around the outer edge due to varying tension and... more
A lo largo del siglo XX, la indumentaria histórica y contemporánea ha ido adquiriendo tal importancia en el mundo del arte y la cultura que, en los últimos años, hemos podido ser espectadores de la formación de grandes colecciones, de la... more
Conserving textiles as a phenomenon can be traced back to the beginning of civilization. Also it is interesting to note that the practice is evident at various echelons. In some instances it is conservation of textile on the whole, where... more
The contribution of this thesis to the existing field of tiraz textile studies is that it has tried to overcome the existing rift between historians and textile specialists, in approaching the subject in a more unified way, which takes... more
– The Whalley Abbey vestments are known to be one of only two surviving sets of pre-Reformation High Mass vestments which were conserved in the UK in the 1980s and early 1990s. The Whalley Abbey altar frontal is associated with the... more
La tunica frammentaria di epoca bizantina (inv. S. 17490) è stata rinvenuta in Egitto, probabilmente nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento. Venne donata dal Museo Egizio del Cairo al Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino tra il 1888 e il... more
Nell'ambito di un importante intervento di ristrutturazione e recupero edilizio dell'edificio che era sede del Seminario Arcivescovile sono stati inseriti diversi progetti di conservazione e restauro relativi alla collezione di opere... more
Chapter about textile finds from the hallstatt period settlement Most na Soči - analysis and conservation treatment, written together with Kostajnšek, K., Tolar, T. & Pajagič Bregar, G.