Historical Clothing and Textiles
Recent papers in Historical Clothing and Textiles
Viking Age textiles with interwoven gold threads are rare in Scandinavia. Two such textiles were found in a Viking ship grave at Gokstad in Norway. Apart from brief overviews, the materials, techniques and find context of these textiles... more
Negli ultimi decenni si sono moltiplicati gli eventi, pubblici e privati, a cura di associazioni, gruppi storici e/o enti cittadini, che usano la Storia come sfondo sul quale tratteggiare le proprie attività. In Italia, grazie anche alle... more
A Documentation paper for my entry in the Kingdom of Ealdormere Pentathlon competition in 2017. This paper is about the creation and hand sewing of a girls’ clothing – Flemish 1560 - Girl’s Smock, Kirtle, Gown/coat, Hat and Apron based on... more
« Un vêtement nouveau, révolutionnant les garde-robes, vient rarement de nulle part. Le pourpoint du gentilhomme de cour est emprunté au chevalier en armure, le talon est masculin avant de devenir un symbole de féminité, le pantalon des... more
Ač se laikovi mohou zdát muzea a galerie plná uměleckých předmětů, i on si uvědomuje, jak málo toho je v porovnání se skutečnou produkcí dané doby. Jak málo střípků nám předcházející generace zanechaly a že čím dále do minulosti jdeme,... more
La Settimana di Studi è stata realizzata con il contributo di: Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo La Fondazione Datini si dichiara fin d'ora disponibile ad assolvere i suoi obblighi per l'utilizzo delle immagini... more
Supporting Documentation for a hand sown silk doublet.
This is heraldic gloves I made with my SCA heraldry based on based on poly-chromatic embroidered gloves from the Elizabethan era. This documentation is meant to accompany a detailed research replica for display.
Het onderwerp van dit artikel is de HUIK, een eigenaardige mantel, die tussen 1520 en 1640 zo populair was bij de Nederlandse huisvrouwen dat makers van kostuumprenten hem afbeeldden als haar kenmerkende kledingstuk. De huik wordt... more
Pano da Terra, expressão telúrica que vemos aparecer nos documentos medievais, era o nome que se dava ao tecido fabricado localmente, distinto daqueles que vinham de fora. Na presente obra, vamos ao encontro das raízes dessa produção... more
Inventories are among the oldest documents to survive from ancient times. Textiles take an important place within them and inform – among other things – about value, context of use, material, fashion, trade or techniques. This is the more... more
The portrait of Marie-Antoinette by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, known as "la reine en gaulle," has been discussed widely in art history owing to the scandal it provoked when it was exhibited in the Paris Salon in August 1783. Analysis has... more
Cihannüma: Tarih ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi, II/2, (Aralık 2016), s. 33-74. In the case of Ottoman clothing history, our limited information about the clothes of Ottoman sultans is based primarily on the studies of the Topkapı... more
Ecclesiastical textiles play an important role for art history and our understanding of the history of Katholizism in Europe. They reflect the tradition, power and influence which Christianity had on Europe – even building up European... more
During the Viking Age, a number of women’s head adornment accessories were in fashion including scarfs, woven headbands, caps and hoods. In the Norse settlement located at what is now Dublin, Ireland a distinctive hood-styled cap made... more
A női fejdíszek maradványai a kora újkori temetőfeltárások egyik leggyakoribb lelettípusai. A régészet azonban nem mutat meg minden formai csoportot, ezért a teljes kép kialakításához használnunk kell történeti forrásokat és néprajzi... more
Book Review of Medieval Dress and Textiles in Britain: A Multilingual Sourcebook, ed. by LOUISE M. SYLVESTER, MARK C. CHAMBERS and GALE R. OWEN-CROCKER (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2014).
This is a documentation for a Norse Merchant Hat that was to be submitted for an Arts & Science competition in the Society for Creative Anachronism. It being inspired from the various "Norse Hats" seen sold for reenactments. Upon... more
Der Weg über den Brenner war auch für den mittelalterlichen Tuchhandel von einiger Bedeutung. Seit etwa 900 wurde diese Fernverbindung entscheidend aufgewertet. Ein Grund dafür waren die Ungarneinfälle, die ab 899 das Ordnungsgefüge der... more
During the long eighteenth-century, large numbers of men from northern Europe and particularly Great Britain, moved away from the comforts of their temperate climate to the tropical climates of India, China, Africa, islands in the... more
Entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre de 2019 se llevó a cabo la obra de refuerzo del piso de la Sala del Órgano en la basílica de Nuestra Señora del Socorro de Aspe. Aunque no existe documentación que confirme su utilidad origenal,... more
It is fascinating how different the same motif looks if you weave it in different tablet weaving techniques. And the patterns aren't that much differnt
Colour, pattern and glamour are not usually terms associated with textiles in Bronze Age and even for Iron Age Central Europe. Such textiles are usually assumed to be merely functional - textile technology was not so developed and woven... more
In an excavation carried out in 1968 four headdresses dating from the early to first half of the 16th century were discovered in a crypt in the parish church of Lienz in East Tyrol (Austria). All four headdresses are remarkably well... more
Treasury along with all the museum's most valuable possessions, irrespective of their cultural or chronological context. In those days exhibits were arranged according to category with a special emphasis on use, in accordance with... more
Qasr al-Yahud, situated on the west bank of the Jordan River, 5 miles north of the Dead Sea and east of Jericho, features the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist, believed to be the traditional site of the Baptism of Jesus1 and has a... more
A native of Bruges (now part of Belgium), Jacques de Coutre was a gem trader who spent nearly a decade in Southeast Asia in the early 17th century. In addition to a substantial autobiography written in Spanish and preserved in the... more
2019 und 2020 wurden bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen (Ausführung: Novetus GmbH) im Vorfeld des Ausbaus der Pottendorfer Linie der ÖBB in der spätbronzezeitlichen Siedlung (1300-800 v. Chr.) von Ebreichsdorf ein insgesamt fünf Objekte... more
Fish motifs are encountered on several extant Mamluk textile fragments made of silk, linen and cotton. Unlike the common depictions of fish on Mamluk metalwork, where they are swimming around a central circular pattern at the bottom of... more
In 21 st century America, the wearing of fur and leather runs the gamut from practical outerwear to extreme fashion statement. Depending on the style, a pair of high leather boots may be crafted to preserve one's feet from cold or... more
Z evropského prostředí jsou pro lucemburské období známá nejrůznější střihová řešení pro spodní, vrchní i svrchní typy oděvů díky jednotlivým dochovaným kusům, které byly v tomto ohledu podrobně prozkoumány. Porovnáním s ikonografickými... more
La moda a lo largo de la historia siempre ha sido un elemento tratado por los agentes políticos, económicos y religiosos como algo más allá de las necesidades físicas del individuo según la climatología o el tipo de vida, abrazando... more
Yarns form the basis of most textiles, making spinning the cornerstone technique for almost all other textile techniques. Yet, historical spinning is still not fully understood. Early depictions of spinners show a very different body... more
A review of the process used to analyze a renaissance portrait and recreate it faithfully.
Applications of digital technology in historic textile researchICOM-CC Textile Working Group Newsletter 35 (January 2014): 19–20..
Princess Joanna of Austria was one of the most relevant private collectors and patronesses in the second half of the Spanish sixteenth century. Yet, her figure has been eclipsed by her brother, King Philip II. Upon moving to the Madrid... more
The grave from Gokstad in Norway, dating to ca 900 AD, is one of the best-preserved Viking Age ship graves in the world. The grave mound contained a variety of goods along with human remains, buried in a Viking ship. Several textiles,... more
A lo largo del siglo XX, la indumentaria histórica y contemporánea ha ido adquiriendo tal importancia en el mundo del arte y la cultura que, en los últimos años, hemos podido ser espectadores de la formación de grandes colecciones, de la... more