Recent papers in Transculturation
Uma revisão das proposições do crítico uruguaio Ángel Rama sobre a "cidade letrada" e a "transculturação", ponderando a primeira com os desdobramentos da segunda, no que toca ao fenômeno do barroco latino-americano. Essa análise é... more
La siguiente ponencia es una reflexión que nace de mis años de estudiante de Pedagogía en Historia y mi contacto con estudiantes Mapuche dentro de la carrera. ¿Cambia la mentalidad de los estudiantes Mapuche luego de ingresar a la... more
Esta propuesta utilizará como punto de partida el concepto de transculturación de Fernando Ortiz (1987) para centrarnos en un caso específico como lo es el Jazz Argentino (Corti, 2015), a través de la presentación de algunos ejemplos en... more
A memory box, or a keepsake box, is associated with romantic fiction and childhood culture. It has often been a wooden chest, made for storing mementos. As cultural artefacts memory boxes have their own long history; they can be... more
Al reflexionar sobre las categorías de período y región para el análisis de la producción literaria y cultura! de Latinoamérica, nos enfrentamos con una paradoja. Por un lado, la teorización y la reflexión sobre estas categorías por... more
This paper seeks to explore how the religious movement Yiguandao (“Way of Pervading Unity”) is building a transnational and transcultural network through its global missionary work. Building on ethnographic data from fieldwork conducted... more
This article analyses Tertius Kapp's play Rooiland (2013) from the perspective of mythology and transculturation. The play takes place in an unspecified South African prison during an immanent gang war within its walls and relies heavily... more
Paper present to ILASSA 29 Student Conference on Latin America, February, 5 – 7, 2009. University of Texas at Austin, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies Documents, Latin American Network Information Center. Selected... more
En este trabajo se analiza el relato «El sueño del pongo» en relación al concepto de transculturación que Ángel Rama inserta en los estudios literarios para explicar ciertas particularidades de las narrativas latinoamericanas.
Este artículo analiza el papel que ha jugado la teoría de la transculturación en los campos de las ciencias sociales y de los estudios humanísticos referidos a América Latina. El texto realiza un resumido recuento de las distintas etapas... more
This essay explores the relationship(s) between English and Spanish in the novel Raining Backwards (1988) by Cuban American Roberto G. Fernández. While the many linked plots and characters suggest many protagonists, this study... more
KEYWORDS Southarabian art – Indian art – Globalization – Transcultural – Indian Ocean trade – Trade network ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the spread of Indian elements in Southarabian art. A new artistic language arose in South Arabia... more
Adult third culture kids (ATCKs) have spent significant portions of their developmental years in cultures other than their parents’ own. After living a highly mobile lifestyle, they often spend adult years living in a culture related to... more
Le réunionnais, langue créole de l'océan indien, aurait-il pu contribuer au développement du tayo, langue créole parlée par les Kanak de Saint-Louis ? Afin de répondre à cette question, Karin Speedy expose un épisode de l'histoire... more
Die Dissertation „Transkulturelle Musikprozesse in Oberbayern“ untersucht die Mehrfachzuordnung von Musikstücken zu Orts- und Stilkategorien anhand von Fallstudien und zwar sowohl aus Perspektive von Musiker_innen und Komponist_innen als... more
25 ] ¡¿Qué, qué?!-Transculturación and Tato Laviera's Spanglish poetics STEPHANIE ÁLVAREZ MARTÍNEZ In this article, I begin with a brief synopsis of Laviera's four poetry collections, followed by a detailed analysis of selected poems from... more
A finales de la década de los 20, la intrusión neocolonial de los Estados Unidos dentro de América Latina era ya innegable, y la combatividad orgullosa preconizada por autores como Rubén Darío y José Enrique Rodó al terminar la guerra... more
“Negotiating Peace and Faith. Jesuit Mediators in the Inter-Polity Relations between Christians and Muslims in the 17th-Century Philippines,” in: Philippiniana Sacra 66.168 (May-August, 2021) (, open access)... more
neue Folge begründet von Irnst Holzinger und Änton Legner
Abstract of the chapter ‘Prehistory’ / from 'Germans & the Discourse of Emancipation in the Americas: A Metadata project' by Vladimir Alexander Smith-Mesa Dedicated to my sisters in Venezuela: Luisa, Smirna, Sneima & Yurinska "Goethe told... more
Samba con s: a case of transculturation between Brazil and Argentina was proposed to investigate the presence of a Brazilian cultural manifestation in Argentina: roda de samba. The rhythm, which was born with the first generation of... more
Adopting a transcultural perspective, the present paper explores the cultural mediation processes involved in the practice of self-translation among those bilingual authors who write in translingual mode-that is, who write in a language... more
This dissertation redresses the colonial invisibility of the ‘Indian’ through the study of an exceptional archaeological context in northeast Cuba: the site of El Chorro de Maíta. Excavated between 1986 and 1988, it reports the only... more
In the main works dedicated to the study of the historical links between Cuba and Eastern Europe, the predominant perspective has been the political context. Little has been said about the personal contacts between intellectuals and... more
The analysis of two collections of hybrid prints of Chinese subjects published in Paris on the eve of the French Revolution by the French engraver Isidore-Stanislas Helman reveals that they were the result of a series of cross-cultural... more
La pareja formada por Ángel Rama y Marta Traba ha sido uno de los equipos intelectuales más célebres y polémicos del campo latinoamericano de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Casi al mismo tiempo, ambos enuncian un par de conceptos... more
Pottery is a key material of the ancient Indian Ocean trade network and its study provides an understanding of transcultural interactions. This study demonstrates that a reassessment from a multidisciplinary point of view offers new and... more
This article delineates some of the historical characteristics of medieval Iberia that make postcolonial studies especially appealing for a renovation of this multi‐disciplinary field, and it suggests specific openings for future research... more
This article discusses musical styles on Réunion Island as a way of representing local tradition and Creole culture and identity. My central aim is to show how different cultural actors use music traditions to position themselves within a... more
Le fonds d’archives Jean-Rene Brutsch, loge au Defap a Paris, a inspire la presente etude portant sur la transculturation en contexte missionnaire au Cameroun. L’analyse de ce concept conduit a croiser et a renouveler les regards sur les... more
Тетяна Свербілова ДИСКУРС ТРАНСКУЛЬТУРАЦІЇ ТА КУЛЬТУРНОЇ ГІБРИДНОСТІ В СИСТЕМІ ПОСТКОЛОНІАЛЬНИХ СТУДІЙ ЯК ПРЕДМЕТ ЛІТЕРАТУРНОЇ КОМПАРАТИВІСТИКИ В розділі у теоретичному аспекті розглядаються методології постколоніальних студій з погляду... more
Entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960, os artistas Dimitri Ismailovitch e Maria Margarida Soutello, ambos de origem europeia e imigrados ao Brasil, produziram juntos uma série de obras representando figuras negras e versando sobre temáticas... more
Resumen: Este artículo analiza cómo la representación de la guerra interna peruana que hace Santiago Roncagliolo en Abril rojo (2007) es traducida al francés, al inglés y al portugués brasileño. La ambigüedad de este conflicto pasa en el... more
This article draws on the relation between Pos-colonial Studies, Brazilian linguistic formation and the visibility of Brazilian Portuguese in the globalized world. Considering the process of construction of Brazilian society and language,... more
Different points of view (editorial) Musicology is different around the world. On the curved and bumpy surface of the earth, there is no actual center except as a play of power. Every location has a different perspective. But these... more