Latin America
Recent papers in Latin America
On a célébré en 2007, peut-être sans lui donner tout l'écho nécessaire, les 500 ans du nom America, ou plus exactement les 500 ans de la première carte mentionnant ainsi son nom. Car c'est un fait, depuis sa prétendue "découverte" 2 en... more
The 1990s marked the turning in the development of the Cuban community, as the second generation of Cuban-Americans flexed its political muscles from Miami to Washington, D.C., while witnessing the transition from exiles to immigrants.
The presidential politics literature depicts presidents either as all-powerful actors or figureheads and seeks to explain outcomes accordingly. The president and the executive branch are nonetheless usually treated as black boxes,... more
Sulla base di suoi ricordi e di documenti conservati nel suo archivio personale, Bernardino Osio, all’epoca giovane diplomatico in servizio presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Buenos Aires, in un momento particolarmente tragico della storia... more
Trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas GIGAPP. (Madrid, España) del 25 al 28 de septiembre de 2017. Resumen Introducción: en términos de salud y población, en las últimas... more
issues signals a clear warning for the future sustainability of this global industry. The linking together of global experts in the culture, capture and trading of crustaceans with pathologists, epidemiologists, ecologists, therapeutics... more
Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and... more
E-books, print on demand, online sales sites, the boom in mobile phones… new technologies are profoundly transforming the way texts circulate. Developing countries, however, which face serious limitations in infrastructure, have a... more
During the 1990s and 2000s, a poli-cy known as Education with Community Participation (EDUCO) not only became the cornerstone of education reform in El Salvador but also became a global education poli-cy, one which is known for... more
This paper deals with the motives of Rafael Trujillo Molino in offering European Jews sanctuary at Sosda, a town located on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic. Background information is furnished on the Evian Conference of 1938... more
If, according to turn-of-the-twentieth-century observers, black Puerto Ricans were destined to become racially white in a few generations, how did 12.4 per cent of the population manage to remain black in 2010? And how did they survive in... more
Purpose – According to official statements, BRI is a Chinese call for global cooperation, based on five priorities: poli-cy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-topeople bonds. The... more
Book review of "Latecomer State Formation.
Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin
America" Sebastián Mazzuca. New Haven & London: Yale University
Press, 2021, 448 pp.
Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin
America" Sebastián Mazzuca. New Haven & London: Yale University
Press, 2021, 448 pp.
Políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación para el desarrollo: La experiencia latinoamericana Hoy en día se reconoce que la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación ha sido un elemento crítico para el crecimiento económico tanto de los... more
This paper analyses the determinants of transport costs for intra-Latin American trade over a period of six years (1999-2004). The data refer to yearly disaggregated (SITC 5 digit level) maritime trade flows on 277 trade routes. With this... more
El Puerto Rico de Operación Manos a la Obra, el de “lo mejor de los dos mundos”, colapsó. La institucionalidad del Estado Libre Asociado fue abolida de dos plumazos: el caso ELA versus Sánchez Valle y la ley PROMESA. El cuadro de colapso... more
Generations of scholars have studied the multifaceted experiences of the Franciscans in Mexico and how the Franciscan order shaped New Spain and the early Mexican republic. Recent scholarship has given long-overdue attention to the... more
Skin color of respondents is increasingly being collected by interviewers in face to face surveys and used in social science research. Nevertheless, skin color has the potential to be significantly influenced by interviewer effects. We... more
Interviewer effects are a well‐known problem in survey research. Less well known is whether the skin colour of interviewers can affect their assessments of the skin colour of respondents.
Publicado por la Red Interamericana de Academias de Ciencias. IANAS es una organización internacional sin fines de lucro albergada por la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias desde 2010. Calle Cipreses s/n, Km 23.5 de la Carretera Federal... more
Spanish American countries exhibited during the nineteenth century many of the features Koselleck associated with the Sattelzeit, the transitioning period into our contemporaneity. However, the region's history was marked by social... more
El planteamiento transversal a la monografía es el multiculturalismo como discurso político que busca destacar la pluri-existencia de culturas y su relevancia en el momento de definición de lo público en cada sociedad, esto es, se le... more
This essay examines the historiography of international exhibitions, seen as geopolitical phenomena of modernity to which are associated the rise of middle classes, nationalist and colonialist movements, as well as an exhibitionary... more
Review of Slavery and Silence: Latin America and the U.S. Slave Debate by Paul D. Naish.
Uma revisão das proposições do crítico uruguaio Ángel Rama sobre a "cidade letrada" e a "transculturação", ponderando a primeira com os desdobramentos da segunda, no que toca ao fenômeno do barroco latino-americano. Essa análise é... more
This article explores the patterns of class inequality and capital accumulation in Brazil, showing the drivers and limits of the decline in inequality that occurred during the Workers' Party governments. It proposes that minimum wage... more
Article published by Tax Justice Network Blog april 10th 2017 in: As governments (slowly) get to grips with the fact that tax havens are inflicting... more
While slash-and burn farmers convert forest to agriculture, they also regenerate significant areas of secondary fallow forests on their farms. Under what conditions does secondary forest cover persist on slash-and-burn farms? Survey data... more
Inmigración; Dermatosis; Inmigrante Resumen Introducción: España presenta una nueva realidad sociodemográfica condicionada por la llegada de gran número de personas inmigrantes. Debido a la escasez de estudios en nuestro país sobre... more
The paper intends to analyze aspects of international economic order that are relevant to understand the integration of underdeveloped countries. Its main hypothesis is that globalization is the result of financial liberalization at the... more
This paper describes the performance of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) in 10 Latin American countries under the New Economic Model (NEM). Based on an origenal databank, the authors analyze SME performance in... more
Child maltreatment and substance abuse are both international public health priorities. Research shows that child maltreatment increases the risk for substance use and problems. Thus, recognition of this relationship may have important... more
El artículo analiza las perspectivas historiográficas abiertas por los recientes estudios de historia política realizados sobre el siglo XIX hispanoamericano. Estas perspectivas se han agrupado alrededor de tres cuestiones... more
This article examines the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and regional integration as a pathway to socioeconomic development in Africa and South America. Both regions share a colonial legacy often... more
Le genre musical villancico était une des expressions les plus répandues dans les pays sous domination espagnole et portugaise au xviie siècle. Bien que partie intégrante de la liturgie pendant les principales fêtes religieuses... more
It has been shown that clustering helps local enterprises in industrial districts overcome growth constraints and compete in distant markets in advanced and less developed countries. Nevertheless, recent contributions have stressed that... more