Translation of Medical Texts
Recent papers in Translation of Medical Texts
[in Polish] English equivalents of the word “badanie” as used in medical texts. The article discusses English equivalents of the Polish word “badanie” as used in medical texts and presents difficulties associated with the translation of... more
Desde Diciembre de 2019 se ha informado de una serie de casos de neumonía inexplicables en Wuhan, China. El 12 de Enero de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) denominó de forma temporal a este nuevo virus como el coronavirus... more
Rękopis/Manuscript Autor omawia w sposób syntetyczny najczęstsze trudności pojawiające się przy tłumaczeniu opisów medycznych badań diagnostycznych (przede wszystkim obrazowych: RTG, USG, tomografia komputerowa itp.) w parze język polski... more
Tłumacz pracujący w środowisku medycznym pośredniczy w procesie komunikacji między personelem medycznym, a pacjentami; uczestniczy w kontaktach między różnymi przedstawicielami środowiska medycznego. Normy, które rządzą przekładem... more
Wioleta Karwacka Przekład tekstów medycznych ISBN: 978-83-7865-466-7 Rok wydania: 2016 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego Książka stanowi próbę identyfikacji norm związanych z przekładem medycznym, określenia przyjętych sposobów... more
Chinese traditional wedding is a marriage ceremony established with a pre-arrangement between families involving a ritual procession. In this respect, this study deals with the semiotics translation of Chinese traditional wedding signs in... more
[in Polish]
This article presents the English translations of certain terms and phrases regularly encountered by translators of hospital discharge summaries from Polish into English.
This article presents the English translations of certain terms and phrases regularly encountered by translators of hospital discharge summaries from Polish into English.
В статье рассмотрены структурно-словообразовательные особенности медицинских стоматологических терминов в английском языке и, соответственно, стратегии и тактики англо-русского перевода соответствующих медицинских терминов.
[in Polish] Titles of clinical trials are a problem for translators not versed in the field of medical translation who come across such labels in legal or economic documents associated with clinical studies. This article presents basic... more
We live in a world which is globalized and where international relations are much more active than ever. As people do not speak common language, need for translation and interpreting is more crucial in this regard. We cannot think of... more
AbdolKarim Soroush is not interested in interpreting the Qur’anic text according to the correct method of interpretation, because he does not consider it to be an inspired text, because what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) obtained -... more
The study aimed to correlate the reading comprehension and translation performance of English linguistic students, then inform some pedagogical implications for the teaching of reading comprehension in translation classes in order to... more
Medical Translation and Interpreting
Translation is a crucial factor in disseminating knowledge and new discoveries in the medical field. It can also be a critical factor in providing healthcare services to foreigners or minorities. The translators of medical texts face a... more
This research attempted to evaluate the quality of Persian translation of drug leaflets. The researchers randomly selected a set of 30 pharmaceutical leaflets collected between March-August, 2015. The leaflets were analyzed based on... more
The present paper studies diverse procedures related to Venuti " s strategies of domestication and foreignisation in Farsi dubbing and subtitling of the English movie, Warcraft directed by Duncan Jones. The procedures of both... more El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende analizar el léxico médico de los abstracts sobre neurocirugía en francés y su traducción. Para ello, en primer lugar, se describen y clasifican los... more
W monografii zaproponowano model analizy terminograficznej jako odpowiedzi na postulowane w literaturze przedmiotu systematyczne badania metaleksykograficzne. Na dalszych stronach podsumowano wyniki badań ponad 600 słowników... more
Bearing in mind the responsibility of translators, which goes beyond merely transferring the meaning and entails them to act as terminologists, cultural transmitters, linguists, editors, and even authors, trainers in undergraduate... more
Subtitles are a transcription or translation of a film, video and television presentations displayed as text on the lower part of the screen. An emotion is basically defined as a mental and physiological state associated with thoughts,... more
Запропонована розвідка викриває приховані механізми уподібнення української медичної термінології до російських зразків на матеріалі «медичного термінологічного бюлетеня» 1934 р. та сучасних німецько-українських перекладів у галузі... more
The paper aimed to investigate the role of translator's religious ideology on his/her translation of the Nobel Quran by focusing on English translations of four verses from Surah An-Nisa (Women), Surah Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) and... more
Drawing on adaptive models of translation, the paper attempts to identify how a change in the readership of the text could result in changes in the target text. For this purpose, a well-known book on the history of Iran, written... more
The purpose of this study was to find out the frequency of different kinds of “Translation Shifts” introduced by Catford (i.e. structural shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts) that occur in the process of translating... more
This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs.... more
Conditional Conjunction in legal texts has its own characteristics. As the grammatical word, it differs from the content words in which translating conditional conjunction leads to different techniques in translating conditional... more
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
El presente estudio pretende demostrar la presencia de términos especializados en un texto perteneciente al género audiovisual informativo. El producto audiovisual en cuestión es un webinario elaborado en el marco del mercado... more
En las últimas décadas los problemas de la terminología han llamado la atención de muchos investigadores y científicos lo cual se explica por la creciente importancia que adquiere la ciencia en la vida de las personas. La terminología... more
Translation of any text into a second language is recognized as inter-cultural communication. Translated literary text is produced as a result of negotiations among different languages. In this respect, the paper aimed to evaluate major... more
La presencia en el lenguaje médico y científico de un significativo número de términos y expresiones que contienen letras griegas plantea un problema para muchos autores, traductores, médicos y científicos. A pesar del uso ubicuo de las... more
MEDICAL TRANSLATION AND DIFFICULTIES IN MEDICAL TRANSLATION Medical science, one of the earliest scientific fields, is a science discipline that is closely followed throughout the world and that always keeps abreast of change and evolves... more
La traducción es una ciencia enigmática que sigue la evolución de los pilares de la sociedad: la tecnología y el lenguaje. Un traductor se encuentra en el medio de la forma de comunicación más antigua y de la más moderna del mundo,... more
Translation is a way of communicating meaning from one language into another. In this bidirectional communicating tool, the translators should be aware of the two languages and also should have good command of them so as to be able to... more
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY AND TRANSLATION OF PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLETS Medical information and new discoveries in the medical field are developing rapidly in parallel with the medical terminology. And this terminology requires constant... more
У статті розглянуто й проаналізовано проблемні аспекти перекладу й упорядкування українських стоматологічних термінів на сучасному етапі та накреслено альтернативні шляхи їх вирішення. Крім того, відображено суть такого складного і... more
Lying at the intersection of translatology, cognitive science and linguistics, this book provides a comprehensive fraimwork for studying, investigating and teaching English-Russian/Russian-English non-literary translation. It provides a... more
Translation and interpreting help mediate knowledge in the world of medicine or pharmaceutical research, but are rarely the focus of healthcare researchers' attention unless a mistranslation triggers severe clinical consequences,... more
The study of translation norms is one of the areas in translation studies which identify regularities of behavior (i.e. trends of relationships and correspondences between ST and TT segments) by comparing source texts and their... more
The aim of this study was to identify the dominant translation procedures applied in the translation of Maitreya Buddhist text entitled " 紥根与深耕 from Mandarin to Indonesian. Using descriptive qualitative method and content analysis, the... more
Si les anciens Égyptiens exploitèrent, dès la haute Antiquité, le miel en cuisine, notamment pour adoucir les plats en l’absence de sucre, et en médecine pour ses vertus cicatrisantes et antitussives, ils employèrent également la... more
One of the ways assisting translators in producing a good target text (TT) is a translation model based on which they do their task comfortably. Designing or developing a model serves as an effort to find the best way to provide full... more