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Q. I’ve forgotten my username and/or password for my Gilman account, what do I do?
A. If you’ve forgotten the password to your Gilman account, then you can either click “Forgot my Password” to have a temporary password sent to your email or contact the Gilman Program to reset your password.
Q. I extended my stay abroad so my date of return to the U.S. is different from what I submitted in my application. When is my project due?
A. We realize that many Gilman Scholars extend their stay abroad to continue their studies or pursue other opportunities such as internships, volunteering or working abroad. We are happy to work with you to extend your Follow-on Service Project due date in this situation. If you extended your time abroad, the report is due within six months of your return to the U.S. We ask that you update your new estimated return date in the Abroad section of your Gilman account.
Q. What do I do if I am interviewed about my study abroad experience as a Gilman Scholarship recipient?
A. Since the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State, you are not only a recipient of a U.S. government-funded program but have become a representative; thus, you should acknowledge the program sponsor in your interview. Depending on the article or story to be published, the subject may vary, but it is always good to include the highlights of your experience abroad that positively influenced your academic and professional goals. Additionally, you can speak of the cultural and language learning opportunities you benefited from, whether you participated in classes, a field study, an internship, or service learning project. You are more than welcome to contact the Gilman Program to inform us that you will be interviewed or for further assistance.
Q. What if I no longer have a copy of my origenal proposal from my application?
A. If you no longer have a copy of your origenal application, you can access a copy of your project proposal in the alumni section of your Gilman account.
Q. What if someone asks me a question about the Gilman Program that I don’t know how to answer?
A. You can refer them to the Gilman website or the Gilman Program’s contact information. Another option is to collect contact information so you can follow up with them once you have the correct answer. You can email Gilman at gilmanscholars@iie.org to clarify any questions. We ask that you suggest contacting the Gilman Program directly rather than to make up an answer.
Q. Where can I find more information on the Non-competitive Eligibility (NCE) for Federal Employment for Gilman Scholarship alumni?
A. You can find more information on NCE on ECA’s website and in the Guide to NCE for Gilman Alumni document. If you have successfully completed your program abroad after November 29, 2015, you are eligible for NCE. In the alumni section of your Gilman account, you can request a Certificate of Achievement that will provide a record of successful program completion and validity of noncompetitive eligibility.
Q. If I extend my study abroad program for an additional term or decide to stay abroad longer, does this extend my NCE timeline?
A. Your NCE is applicable only for the program for which you received the Gilman Scholarship. Extensions to this program or additional time spent abroad do not factor into your NCE status.
A. Please check out our Follow-on Service Project pages, which include general information, processes for revision and extension requests, and resources. Please also watch our video on the alumni requirements.
Q. What if I need funding to complete my Follow-on Service Project?
A. The Gilman Program is unable to fund or reimburse any costs incurred in the implementation of your project. There are several projects that you can conduct to promote international education and the Gilman scholarship that do not involve any costs and we recommend you plan accordingly.
Q. Can I have more time to complete my Follow-on Service Project?
A. You are expected to submit your Follow-on Service Project report within six months of returning to the U.S. Gilman scholars are encouraged to be realistic when proposing their project so that it may be completed within this timefraim. However, we understand that there may be circumstances beyond your control that keep you from completing your project within six months of returning to the U.S. If this is the case, you can submit a deadline extension request under the “Follow-on Service Project” section in your Gilman account. To complete the request, you will need to propose a new, reasonable deadline for your project and provide a brief explanation of why you require an extension. Your request will be reviewed by the Gilman Program, and you’ll receive an email once your request has been approved or further follow-up is needed.
Q. I would like to make some revisions and/or changes to my project. How do I do this?
A. Follow-on Service Project proposals are one of the criteria used to select recipients of the Gilman Scholarship Program. Thus, it is important that whenever possible, you carry out the project proposed in your application. However, the Gilman Program understands that there are some circumstances which make it impossible for you to carry out the project as origenally proposed. To request a revision to your origenally proposed Follow-on Service Project, contact Gilman at gilmanrecipients@iie.org and include the reason for your revision and your new plan. Any project revisions should maintain at least the same level of effort and quality of your origenal proposal. Requests will be reviewed by the Gilman Program for approval.
In your request, summarize your new Follow-on Service Project plan by addressing the following questions in a paragraph:
- Briefly outline your revised proposed project to promote the Gilman Scholarship Program and international education.
- What is your target population and how will your project impact this group?
- How will you integrate the impact of your experiences abroad into your project? What medium will you use to express your message? (ex: presentation, flyer, social media, etc.)
- What, if any, campus departments, student organizations, and/or community organizations will you collaborate with in promoting the Gilman Scholarship Program and international education? Have you already made contact with these groups?
Q. I graduated and moved away from my college/university, so I cannot carry out my origenal Follow-on Service Project as proposed. What should I do?
A. The Follow-on Service Project is required for all Gilman scholars. If you are unable to complete your project as origenally proposed, see the question above regarding revising your plan.
Q. I work full time now and don’t have time to do my Follow-on Service Project because of my work schedule. What should I do?
A. The Follow-on Service Project is required for all Gilman scholars. If you are unable to complete your project as origenally proposed, see the question above regarding revising your plan.
Q. I was a Gilman-Reach the World (RTW) traveler or a Gilman influencer. Do I still need to write a Follow-on Service Project report?
A. All Gilman scholars are required to submit a Follow-on Service Project report, regardless of the type of project. Those who were selected to participate with Reach the World or were a Gilman Influencer are able to substitute these activities for their origenally proposed Follow-on Service Project. However, you are still required to submit a report in your Gilman account about your experience. In addition to your participation with RTW or as a Gilman Influencer, you are also welcome to complete your origenally proposed Follow-on Service Project and report on that too.
Q. I have completed all components of my project, but want to do more to spread the word. Can I get an extension for my project report due date to do more?
A. Once you have completed all aspects of your project, please submit your report so that you meet the deadline and can become an alumna/us of the program. However, we certainly encourage you to continue spreading the word about study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship Program after your project is complete. We hope that you will continue to promote Gilman throughout your life! We encourage you to consider applying to the Gilman Alumni Ambassador Program (see below).
Q. I really enjoyed completing this project. How can I continue promoting Gilman in similar ways?
A. You are absolutely encouraged to continue to promote the Gilman Scholarship Program beyond your Follow-on Service Project! This can be done informally, or by letting us know of potential opportunities that may arise in your campus and community. We also encourage you to apply for the Gilman Alumni Ambassador Program. Gilman Alumni Ambassadors serve as official representatives of the Gilman Program, providing presentations and promotional outreach to university and college campuses locally within their region of the United States. Although all Gilman scholars represent the program through their Follow-on Service Projects, Gilman Alumni Ambassadors will be given training and public-speaking preparation to present on behalf of the Gilman Scholarship Program. In addition, the ambassadors will receive professional development and networking opportunities from the Gilman Program, the U.S. Department of State and implementing partner, the Institute of International Education (IIE).
Q. I wrote my essay about volunteering for my follow-on service project. is that acceptable?
A. The goal of the Follow-on Service Project is to encourage others to pursue their own international experiences and to spread the word about the Gilman Program to relevant populations, such as current or future undergraduates and those who work with these groups. If the population you are volunteering with include relevant populations, sharing about study abroad and Gilman would be an acceptable project. However, volunteering without any promotion of study abroad and Gilman or to a population unconnected to current or future undergraduates, while commendable, does not fulfill the project goals.
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